View Full Version : 6-09 Moose LEH

06-23-2018, 04:28 PM
I got an LEH draw in 6-09 for bullwinkle this fall, sept 10-24

Ive never been in that area, only around smithers landing on Babine when i was a kid

Basiclly im fishing for any and all info, im going to be working in sask all summer, and taking enough time off to get packed up and drag my trailer up there and hopefully have boots on the ground 2-3 days before it opens to try and figure things out

Any and all info would be gladly appreciated

Thanks for your time

feel free to pm me

Not lookin for gps coordinates, ive tried with zero success in 8-11/21 and 3-12 during the GOS unicorn immy bull season

not lookin for a trophy, im hunting for meat primarily

Wild one
06-23-2018, 04:39 PM
Numbers are down but one of the better southern 6 units

lots of logging traffic have a radio. I know some truck drivers will scare you on purpose if you’re not calling

06-23-2018, 07:55 PM
Could be warm temps, have your figuring done before you pull the trigger

06-23-2018, 09:18 PM
Sent you a pm

06-24-2018, 12:27 PM
Even if you are calling half those inbred wagon pullers wont move over...

kinda reminds me of a joke i heard along time ago from one of the guys on my crew as we watched a 3rd party driver back his truck into a shack on location
”Why do righands bang strippers?..... Cause the world needs truck drivers”

Id really prefer to not have to resort to cutblock cruising to try and fill my LEH tag especially in northern B.C
I mean yea im Metis... But im not THAT native...

I’m far from an experianced moose hunter, ive primarily focused on Deer and Bear

as far as meat care, i was concidering buying a deep freeze to toss in the box of the truck and run it off a gen should temps be un favorable, worst case ontario...

basiclly be based out of my camper, try to cover as much ground as possible glassing mornings and evenings, maybe do some fishing and hopefully come back with a story

Wild one
06-24-2018, 04:05 PM
I was going to wait till I got home from work in a few days and PM you some info on the area but Some of my inbred wagon puller hunting partners will probably be too tight lipped

Good luck

06-24-2018, 04:54 PM
oh snap!!!

06-24-2018, 05:19 PM
Puts in for a draw in a area he knows nothing about. Asks locals for help then disses the locals. Hmmm. I guess this wagon puller won't he moving my 80,000kg load to the side to favor your camper. Nope

Congratulations on the draw. I have the same one.

06-24-2018, 05:26 PM
S.W.A.T. rules the road -- no movin to the side for this wagon puller --
6-09 is the best

06-24-2018, 05:45 PM
Funny, some of the first people I talk to about “where the moose are” are wagon pullers. More then once, they’ve stopped to help me on the side of the road for various reasons. Not to mention that other then hunters, they are our eyes and ears in the back country, a lot of illegal activity is reported via wagon pullers. Their a pretty tight group of people, the kind that are better on your good side.

06-24-2018, 05:52 PM
That time of year can be tough, pre rut with the leaves still on trees, moose widely dispersed, warm. Calling can still work tho....

06-24-2018, 06:04 PM
I work in the bush for a few months a year. So not a regular, like in my early days. If i don’t get my truck pulled over and let the guy hauling know, I feel like an ass. If your working, its your road, if your working and hauling, it’s always your road. Heard a story from a guy hauling out of Quesnel. Some hunters left their truck in the middle of the FSR - doors open. He took off one door and radioed an empty who was kind enough to remove the other door. Voila! Hands free air conditioning! I’m gonna be hunting in the same MU later in the season (no LEH). Should be fun! Good luck. Hope you leave a bull or two.

06-24-2018, 06:51 PM
Oh god, i pissed off the internet

i love how i threw two stabs in there so everyone got equally offended, but nothing was said about the native comment

come on guys, relax

Im not new to the FSR traffic

I grew up in B.C. im not a flat lander

Actually im amazed theres enough room for some of you guys AND the set of balls it takes to ride a 90,000lb missile down some some of these roads... Let alone in the winter

06-24-2018, 07:39 PM
Your LEH is perfect timing for moose in there, Pre Rut City. 6-09 moose - ohhh yeee yah hahahahaha
-- You could fart and draw a bull in, you nailed a top notch tag --
Jel -- Just watch out for S.W.A. T. he ain't movin over Rover

06-24-2018, 08:19 PM
Puts in for a draw in a area he knows nothing about. Asks locals for help then disses the locals. Hmmm. I guess this wagon puller won't he moving my 80,000kg load to the side to favor your camper. Nope

Congratulations on the draw. I have the same one.

Lol ... well put.

wtf is wrong with people that continue to put in for stupid draws in places they dont know anything about? Like, doesn't he research the area BEFORE he decides whether he even wanna apply there? Or do you just see good odds and apply?

Dont you know internet advice is all smoke and lies anyways?. Lol.

06-24-2018, 08:43 PM
flame away

Not my fault theres no humour on here anymore

touchy skin on the internet, guess its all in the wording

must be pissed off u didnt get a draw or what?

youve never takin a gamble?

try a new spot?
ask a few questions, even if they lead to nowhere

get out there and giver your best shot and try?

thought thats what everyone did eventually

2 months to stare at maps, ask, look, do a couple road trips

and im not doing my research?

i know 3-12 like the back of my hand, gave up trying to get a draw

picked up the skull from a 40” bull ive watched for 5 years lastyear that someone decided to shoot in the neck, bury it under some leftover twigs and bits in the middle of a cut block and leave it to rot

Sorry i dont meet your approval oh wise one

Some of you need to get out of the bush once and awhile and see the world

06-24-2018, 08:46 PM
I thought Rad was being quite civil. A logger I know calls truckers the SCUM OF THE EARTH

06-24-2018, 09:09 PM
Oh Ohhhhh what's happening?
Let's not start a feud now, your pick-up is a lot smaller then a Logging truck!
Jel -- S.W.A.T. owns the road -- Warning - Keep way over to your side almost off the road -- Especially on blind corners with over hang --
--------------------one more thing -- don't leave truck on the road when you jump out and run into bush with doors opened --

06-24-2018, 09:45 PM
Not an easy tag to fill. Pre Rut. Ill PM you a couple spots. Id plan on hunting the last 8 days of your tag. Wouldnt bother with the first week personally. You could be in 20° weather. And I live here! The last 5 days you MIGHT get frost and get a bull coming in. Definatly not a slam dunk. PM you when I have time.

06-24-2018, 10:19 PM
All I'm saying is it doesn't hurt, whatsoever, to do some research on an area BEFORE you apply! You're doing yourself a disservice by waiting to get a tag before you research.

It's a full year between draws. Lots of time to prep for the following year and gather info

06-25-2018, 01:51 AM
The odds are good because it's a tougher draw. It is most definitely pre-rut and given the time of year most people have other things going on like settling back into fall routines.

06-25-2018, 07:05 AM
Im just pumped on a moose draw after trying for 16years and your calling me an idiot

whatever man, i got a reason to go check out some new country

i clearly could care less what yall think, im happy as a clam knowing i have 2 weeks to work my ass off and atleast TRY for something ive yet to do

too each there own, i didnt cancel a si gle tag lastyear, got 2 deer the year before

Im out there, learning

thats what hunting is, put the effort and the time in and hopefully end up with some meat

im not chasing a number in a book so piss off with your negative nancy act

06-25-2018, 07:13 AM
- Hey Rad, your a hunter, I think you do some walkin when you hunt, you got energy, eh your still young also.
Glad you got your dream tag, and now, your dream can come true- hey, the best to you and yours this season.
Jel - Rad -

06-25-2018, 07:32 AM
Oh god, i pissed off the internet

i love how i threw two stabs in there so everyone got equally offended, but nothing was said about the native comment

come on guys, relax

Im not new to the FSR traffic

I grew up in B.C. im not a flat lander

Actually im amazed theres enough room for some of you guys AND the set of balls it takes to ride a 90,000lb missile down some some of these roads... Let alone in the winter

About the native thing. Make sure to get permission from the local band. Don't want to be caught in someone's territory

Wild one
06-25-2018, 08:35 AM
Don’t care that you put in for an area you have never been. Nothing wrong with that in my opinion as long as you go hunt

Don’t care you got drawn in 609 I don’t apply there. Actually was drawn for moose where I applied

Don’t care about your comments either really

In the end I also seen no reason to help you I owe you nothing and see a reason why I should. Often I choose to but in this case no

Not mad not jealous just see no reason to help you

Still wish you good luck