View Full Version : Leh deadline extended

05-25-2018, 07:34 PM
Apply early to avoid the last minute rush? After saying technical difficulties caused extension of deadline? Bad workman always blames his tools?Due to government-wide technical difficulties the LEH draw deadline has been extended until 11:59:59 PM on Tuesday, May 29, 2018. This will allow hunters additional opportunity to submit their LEH applications and reduce impact for those who have had difficulty accessing the system in recent days.

The 2018 LEH Fall Draw is open for applications. The closing date has been extended to May 29, 2018. Apply early to avoid the last minute rush.

05-25-2018, 07:47 PM
Don't know if thats going to help...Many guys will be wondering about all the TBD in Region 5 moose applications ...Pretty stupid LEH..Somebody running the shit house and doesnt have a clue ...Guess thats the NDP way of MOOSE MANAGEMENT......Dennis

05-25-2018, 07:54 PM
They haven't collected enough revenue from it yet because it is so poorly designed and hard to use , If your over 30 y's old. I miss the cards!

05-25-2018, 07:59 PM
They haven't collected enough revenue from it yet because it is so poorly designed and hard to use , If your over 30 y's old. I miss the cards!

Hmmm I usually have difficulties with computer anything..both years its been too easy peasy..havnt drawn shyte..maybe I am doing it wrong..lol

05-25-2018, 08:05 PM
Hmmm. I applied for my shared moose on Wednesday (partner was iffy) and had no problems. Just logged in again to make sure it went through. Again no problems. I am sure that some have had trouble but not nearly as much as there was the first year and they refused to extend it. Makes me wonder whats up!

05-25-2018, 08:29 PM
I will just hunt the general season it's not so difficult.
I find it easier to find a 4 point than navigate the computerized system. In fact I think it's easer to post pictures on this site than apply for an leh

05-25-2018, 08:37 PM
I had to phone in and ask about a problem I was having. They answered right away, and gave me a quick and sensible reply. Satisfied here.

05-25-2018, 09:04 PM
The real deal for extension is the noticeable decline in applications.
I think a lot of people are turning their backs on LEH.

05-25-2018, 09:12 PM
J, that just doesn`t sound right

Maybe some old guy can`t get it and quits, but the millennials are all over any e-business and likely there are more new hunters than quitters

05-25-2018, 09:19 PM
J, that just doesn`t sound right

Maybe some old guy can`t get it and quits, but the millennials are all over any e-business and likely there are more new hunters than quitters

People aren’t turning their back to the LEH because of computers, they are turning their back to LEH because of the lack of animals! Last year was the first time in my life I didn’t put in LEH’s. First time my kids didn’t put in as well. People are tired of wasting time, holidays and money to chase something that doesn’t Exist.

05-25-2018, 10:12 PM
Easy enough to follow the odds and tentative permit numbers, no marked decline in the last few years

Likely won't be a decline either as all those hunters that are having a hard time finding meat for the freezer will apply to improve their chances

05-25-2018, 10:17 PM
Doesn't surprise me

05-25-2018, 10:23 PM
Two years in a row I found it painless, applied for LEH, bought all licenses and tags in under 10 minutes for my recliner! Crazy eh, and I'm old! K

05-26-2018, 12:47 AM
Just apply for tags and LEH in advance. Order bear tags in March, apply for LEH first week. I "get" that people think the system should just be reliable, but hey it's 2018 and it is government.

I'm 20 years deep in the hosting/infrastructure industry and whatever they are running the system on is a decade behind the times.

Should be virtualized on auto-scaling. Much more reliable and cheaper vs something wasting resources for most of the year and cant keep up with capacity when there is demand.

Hilarious people think self driving cars is going to be a thing anytime soon :D

338win mag
05-26-2018, 06:35 AM
People aren’t turning their back to the LEH because of computers, they are turning their back to LEH because of the lack of animals! Last year was the first time in my life I didn’t put in LEH’s. First time my kids didn’t put in as well. People are tired of wasting time, holidays and money to chase something that doesn’t Exist.

LOL, thats what I think too, waste of time.

05-26-2018, 08:37 AM
Two years in a row I found it painless, applied for LEH, bought all licenses and tags in under 10 minutes for my recliner! Crazy eh, and I'm old! K

Damn it's hard to argue with you K! I agree 100%, was a breeze for me as well, now I hope that they get out the results ASAP!

05-26-2018, 08:54 AM
Was easy for me, but it was painful getting my Dad to be able to join in on a group hunt.

Their web site kept shitting the bed. Took 3 hours on the phone with them to get it to work.


05-26-2018, 09:08 AM
Don't know if thats going to help...Many guys will be wondering about all the TBD in Region 5 moose applications ...Pretty stupid LEH..Somebody running the shit house and doesnt have a clue ...Guess thats the NDP way of MOOSE MANAGEMENT......Dennis

Probably waiting to see how bad region 5 is going to burn this year which from the looks of things is going to happen

New Bow Hunter
05-26-2018, 10:13 AM
Low LEH response > extend entry time frame > entice more people to enter > Govy wants your hard earned $$$

Who knows what the GOS holds?

05-26-2018, 10:37 AM
Done with no issues. Nice to be able to add my entire group and pay the bill.

05-26-2018, 12:29 PM
F#*#K I wish they'd adopted the Albert system.

New Bow Hunter
05-26-2018, 12:46 PM
F#*#K I wish they'd adopted the Albert system.

I agree. Not sure if it will ever happen!!

05-26-2018, 01:51 PM
I am a license vendor. Our login system is different than BCeID and easier to use. If you're having trouble with buying licenses or LEH from home, head down to your local Government front office or a hunting shop and they can assist.

05-26-2018, 03:18 PM
It's odd how some people have problems and can't get it to work, while others breeze right through. I helped a buddy this year without issue, whereas last year, he got so frustrated he gave up. Now that he watched me do his LEH, he realized he was doing things wrong last year. He figures the instructions could be clearer.
I had my solo and group LEH hunts picked and paid for in 10 minutes.

05-26-2018, 05:49 PM
It's odd how some people have problems and can't get it to work, while others breeze right through. I helped a buddy this year without issue, whereas last year, he got so frustrated he gave up. Now that he watched me do his LEH, he realized he was doing things wrong last year. He figures the instructions could be clearer.
I had my solo and group LEH hunts picked and paid for in 10 minutes.

It depends on volume at that particular time. Generally after LEH opens and the last few days before it ends there are all sorts of problems from connection timeouts, too many connection errors, apparent connectivity issues between their web servers and database servers. Sure some people might have difficulties navigating the site, but as a systems engineer who has worked in the web hosting industry for 20+ years, I know poor infrastructure and capacity problems when I see them.

The only advice I can give until they learn how to spec out proper infrastructure (again, it's 2018 and industry standards generally dictate any site like this should be virtualized, elastic, load balanced and auto-scale based on volume. Anything less is unreliable or inefficient and a waste of taxpayer money as it is cheaper do things properly and only pay for the resources you actually use) is to give yourself lots of time. Plan your shared/group hunts in advance, don't wait for hunting buddies who are stragglers who wait until the last week. Don't expect the system to be fully functional during peek hours or even half the time for the last few days and certainly do not expect the system to be even 2% functional on the last day at which point you will generally get minute long waits followed by a timeout or 500 error between clicks.

05-27-2018, 08:39 AM
The only problem that I had was differentiating between various BCeid's that I hold for other business matters. Once I was able to create a personal one it was like Sh*t through a goose, other than the delay after clicking and waiting the icon spin for a minute each time...

4 point
05-27-2018, 07:05 PM
I find buying licence & tags very easy. BCeID password change as I hadn’t logging in since last year. Change password and off you go. LEH shared hunts have one person do it for everyone instead of inviting them. Much, much easier even with having the other members pay you their share.

05-27-2018, 07:18 PM
I find buying licence & tags very easy. BCeID password change as I hadn’t logging in since last year. Change password and off you go. LEH shared hunts have one person do it for everyone instead of inviting them. Much, much easier even with having the other members pay you their share.

It's definitely easy when the system is functioning. When it's not functioning, even 6 hours at the Service BC counter can't get you a tag.

05-27-2018, 07:23 PM
Had my tags and license paid for in minutes. LEH draws in, passed along my shared hunt/group ID's to the others and it was a breeze. It's not rocket science. One question I do have, when is the actual draw and when do they post the results? That's one thing I haven't been able to find. Thanks in advance.

05-27-2018, 07:31 PM
Had my tags and license paid for in minutes. LEH draws in, passed along my shared hunt/group ID's to the others and it was a breeze. It's not rocket science. One question I do have, when is the actual draw and when do they post the results? That's one thing I haven't been able to find. Thanks in advance.

Most people will have no issues. Mine were a breeze too, but we do need to acknowledge why LEH was extended. The reason is, that in peak times (first day of LEH, last day or two of LEH and when LEH results are out, the system is inaccessible for the most part) ... unfortunately the LEH peak once again prevented people from being able to apply, not only for LEH but for bear tags and what not. I am wise enough to avoid peak times, but we shouldn't excuse the system in the face of those who are less lucky or those who are not technically savvy enough to recognize broken infrastructure and avoid peak times. Having luck or being calculative shouldn't be a factor when ordering a tag from a website. Prior to the online system, nobody had to wait hours across multiple days to purchase a bear tag at the Service BC counter. I have worked in deploying hosting infrastructure for over 20 years and call tell you the system is 100% mickey mouse from an IT perspective and would be flawless and cheaper if done properly.

So yes, for 90% of people, the system is great... but lets not give it a pass and say "hey my stuff was super easy" when guys trying to get a bear tag a couple days before their hunt, both online and at the Service BC counter were out of luck. It needs improvement.

Results come out anywhere from mid June to the first week of July. My guess is June 26th. What is yours? May the odds be in your favor! :)

Here's a post a couple years back from wideopenthrottle with the historic dates... I don't recall the exact date for 2017 though

2016 - Monday June 27th ... login to BCeID (https://j100.gov.bc.ca/) to see your LEH Results
2015 - Wednesday July 8th
2014 - Tuesday July 8th
2013 - Tuesday July 2nd
2012 - Tuesday June 26th
2011 - Wednesday June 15th
2010 - Monday June 14th-

Quesnel Kid
05-27-2018, 08:18 PM
I will just hunt the general season it's not so difficult.
I find it easier to find a 4 point than navigate the computerized system. In fact I think it's easer to post pictures on this site than apply for an leh

Hahaha that funny!!!

05-30-2018, 08:32 AM
Morning of May 30. Still waiting. Am I missing something?

05-30-2018, 09:17 AM
Morning of May 30. Still waiting. Am I missing something?

Yup you now have to wait over a month for some monkeys smoking cigarettes to manually count all the submissions and pull names out of a hat...first rodeo I take it?

05-30-2018, 09:27 AM
Gotcha! Thanks.
Yeah, first time applying for LEH other than the early sheep draw. I forgot about the waiting time. I'm just excited, I guess. I'm out of the country and just check in occasionally.

05-30-2018, 10:44 AM
[QUOTE=HaywoodJablomi;2010840]Had my tags and license paid for in minutes. LEH draws in, passed along my shared hunt/group ID's to the others and it was a breeze. It's not rocket science.

I agree.

The other thing that occurs to me is why do so many people wait until the last f**king minute to apply? Of course things are going to clog up if everyone is doing it at the same time.

05-30-2018, 10:46 AM
Yup you now have to wait over a month for some monkeys smoking cigarettes to manually count all the submissions and pull names out of a hat...first rodeo I take it?

One would think now that it's all computerized the turn around time should be almost instant.

05-30-2018, 11:52 AM
One would think now that it's all computerized the turn around time should be almost instant.

That would be the logical way of thinking..
wonder why it still takes a month?

05-30-2018, 11:55 AM
Tried applying about two weeks ago but had issues with password reset. Kept saying i was giving wrong answer to my security question and I was locked out. Went back a couple of days later, used my old password and it went through right away. WTF???? After that, group shared hunt application went smooth and easy.

05-30-2018, 12:28 PM
No issues logging in. Had to make a couple changes and put in for one more draw yesterday with no issues.

Seems pretty smooth and seamless to myself

05-30-2018, 01:26 PM
One would think now that it's all computerized the turn around time should be almost instant.

Mostly, except for applicants needing manual corrections due to errors and most of the delay might be from the final wildlife allocations not being decided as yet...

05-30-2018, 02:09 PM
One would think now that it's all computerized the turn around time should be almost instant.
That would only apply if competant people implemented a competant program in a competant system. In this province the spirit of exploration and adventure is present and healthy in our government. Why borrow/use a proven system when we can f@ck thing up on our own and try to reinvent the wheel with spikes.

05-30-2018, 02:12 PM
Mostly, except for applicants needing manual corrections due to errors and most of the delay might be from the final wildlife allocations not being decided as yet...

There should be NO "manual corrections due to errors", once you hit the submit button, tough shit, decision final. As to the allocations, they should be finalized before LEH, IMO.

05-30-2018, 02:20 PM
In fact I think it's easer to post pictures on this site than apply for an leh
not a chance on that one!!!!!!...heheheh

The Hermit
05-30-2018, 02:22 PM
That would be the logical way of thinking..
wonder why it still takes a month?

The actual draw takes a few seconds but I think they have to wait on all the regional bios to approve the number of allocations by species based on their latest estimates. Things change from the time they publish the TENTATIVE number of allocations in the synopsis so they need to update some of the draw parameters based on the latest numbers.

Using the system was simple this year. But note that what they actually have isn't a "new" solution... its a twenty year old back end with a new GUI interface stuck on top. Like lipstick on a pig. Bound to be some issues at peak times... the former Liberal government knew this but decided to cheap out on the "new build" to save money. Still cost a shit load ...

05-30-2018, 02:45 PM
There should be NO "manual corrections due to errors", once you hit the submit button, tough shit, decision final. As to the allocations, they should be finalized before LEH, IMO.

You tell em Coop, did you put in at my cabin for moose??

05-30-2018, 06:27 PM
That would only apply if competant people implemented a competant program in a competant system. In this province the spirit of exploration and adventure is present and healthy in our government. Why borrow/use a proven system when we can f@ck thing up on our own and try to reinvent the wheel with spikes.

hahaha....yup. Would have been way too easy. Lets not forget it also took a decade longer for BC to reinvent it with the spikes

05-30-2018, 07:09 PM
You tell em Coop, did you put in at my cabin for moose??

We wanted to but didn't wanna impose.

05-30-2018, 08:17 PM
don't need an extension.. when is the will the draw results be available?