View Full Version : Recreation Sites by Tumbler Ridge

04-13-2018, 08:17 AM
I haven't hunted this area for about 12 years, we shifted over to Pink Mountain then stayed down south for a while, I've heard of a lot of oil and gas exploration, camps or WHY have changed the landscape in that area, in any case we used to have a great rec site just off the last highway headed to Tumbler just before Dawson Creek just past the farmers fields on the left hand side and went up a steep hill to a huge cleared area... Well in any case I'm not sure if that area has been affected but does anyone know of any rec sites around there, even around a lake or streak where there could be some fishing as well ( Would love walleye but doubt it?), I just looking for a camping spot and I'll deal with finding the hunting areas, any info would be real awesome, PM is fine too... I just don't want to spend the money flying up there for a day, renting a truck to do a pre-scout, but if I have to...
Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

04-14-2018, 06:17 AM
Wow, 155 views and notta? Dont worry about it.

04-14-2018, 07:19 AM
www.sitesandtrailsbc.ca you can search by site name, by zooming around on the map or nearest town.


04-14-2018, 07:33 AM
www.sitesandtrailsbc.ca (http://www.sitesandtrailsbc.ca) you can search by site name, by zooming around on the map or nearest town.


thanks bud!

04-14-2018, 07:43 AM
Lots of back roads around there.