View Full Version : Who is bringing the Tomatoes?

03-15-2018, 05:23 PM
I see Weaver is the keynote speaker at the BCWF convention. Who is going to show up and join in the with heckling and tomatoe throwing? I hear there are a bunch of people mad about the loss of the grizzly hunt that have tickets and tomatoes.

338win mag
03-15-2018, 05:27 PM
He is a pretty big target, wait till he turns sideways, go for a head shot.

03-15-2018, 06:57 PM
Should be tar and feathered.....

03-15-2018, 07:11 PM
I don't think that type of behavior would help out our image. Although the idea is very tempting. I can't believe that the bcwf would let him in the building let alone speak. And what amazes me more is he gas the balls to do it.

03-15-2018, 07:14 PM
They are probably paying him too...

03-15-2018, 07:18 PM
Keep your friends close your enemies closer? He's a player albeit a small one for the next little while at least.

03-15-2018, 07:20 PM
They are probably paying him too...

What is the saying "Your conservation dollars hard at work"

03-15-2018, 07:21 PM
Turn away and face the opposite direction. Send him a message!

03-15-2018, 07:22 PM
Keep your friends close your enemies closer? He's a player albeit a small one for the next little while at least.

I'm pretty sure with the new vision that the Fed has, he is much more the Friend than the enemy.

03-15-2018, 07:27 PM
[QUOTE=dana;1992434]What is the saying "Your conservation dollars hard at work"

personal lube complements of the "scarlet apple"for lecture participants.

03-15-2018, 07:31 PM
Wonder how JZ and the Jazzman band are going to introduce Weaver. Jazzy Sax Solo and then just the drums, and JZ and FD share the mic and shout out together, "Everyone put your hands together and give a warm welcome to the.....NEXT PREMIER OF BRITISH COLUMBIA!!!!

03-15-2018, 07:32 PM
unbelievable!! i was for engaging with him until i saw all the blatant lies he has told.. how could the fed have such a snake present. he and his chronies are a major reason the grizzly hunt is gone

03-15-2018, 07:33 PM
[QUOTE=dana;1992434]What is the saying "Your conservation dollars hard at work"

personal lube complements of the "scarlet apple"for lecture participants.

Located right next to the Powder Keg.

03-15-2018, 07:37 PM
unbelievable!! i was for engaging with him until i saw all the blatant lies he has told.. how could the fed have such a snake present. he and his chronies are a major reason the grizzly hunt is gone

Also the reason HBC has so many Antihunter Trolls. Weaver himself was a member here. Probably still is. And who invited him here? Hmmm, could it be the cowboy sax player, Ol' Rusty Trigger???

03-15-2018, 07:42 PM
Hmmm can't possibly conceive what he could say to the hunting community. .cancelling grizzly hunt due to uneducated vote grab versus science...
Didnt see that one ever...wow

Big Lew
03-15-2018, 07:48 PM
Childness? Of course, but everyone should turn around when be begins to speak, and if he keeps
on, then collectively show him a full moon.

Walking Buffalo
03-15-2018, 07:50 PM
"The government said in August it would ban “trophy hunting” of grizzly bears but still allow a “meat hunt,” meaning hunters could still bag a grizzly as long as they harvested the animal’s meat but not its head or hide.

Anti-hunting critics called it a loophole.

“A hunter could still take a photo with a dead bear,” Green party Leader Andrew Weaver pointed out. “In the Instagram age, that’s the most sought-after trophy.”"

https://www.pressreader.com/canada/e...81694025144743 (https://www.pressreader.com/canada/edmonton-journal/20171222/281694025144743)

03-15-2018, 07:53 PM
Hmmm can't possibly conceive what he could say to the hunting community. .cancelling grizzly hunt due to uneducated vote grab versus science...
Didnt see that one ever...wow

This is exactly what I've been trying to get across on this site since Christmas. The Fed is not a hunting org any more. They lean more towards the likes of Weaver and Suzuki than the sportsman. It is time that clubs start pulling their memberships. Is some $hitty quad insurance worth loosing your hunting heritage? And by the way, quads are next on the ban list. Get all the quaders to buy insurance from you and then backdoor them with a pro-environmental ban because quads are evil in the backcountry right? Pretty much what has happened to the Fed, has happened in many so-called conservation orgs. They just got taken over and hunters are left going WTF just happened.

03-15-2018, 08:00 PM
Childness? Of course, but everyone should turn around when be begins to speak, and if he keeps
on, then collectively show him a full moon.

That would be good but from what I understand, there are a bunch of grassroots guys that fully indend on doing heckling and tomatoe root. Wish I could go just to see the drama.

03-15-2018, 08:04 PM
^^^^I agree, I've been saying the same thing, as they don't have a strong enough voice for hunters, and don't promote the North American conservation model enough, don't stand up to the media and the government, and tell them they're wrong...we need a new voice, a voice for hunters, in BC....at least if they were going to try and ban quads in the backcountry, they'd have to ban all dirt bikes etc, so I don't think they'd try anything quite that stupid, but I've been surprised before..

03-15-2018, 08:09 PM
This is the very reason I have stopped supporting the BCWF..

03-15-2018, 08:14 PM
Williams Lake sportsman's pulled the plug ? 2 years ago.
Way to go Steve ?.I'm getting ready for a new quad..so they get outlawed? Yup timing is perfect..not

03-15-2018, 08:22 PM
Lol let's all stand up and throw tomatoes at a member on HBC and show how redneck we are???? Sorry I won't be part of that crowd you get better results from good "verbal truth"..
This Thread should be deleated QUICK and suspensions handed out pronto.
Flame on rednecks :1)

03-15-2018, 08:29 PM
BCWF standing up for what they believe in.
Suzuki on the list for next year.

Bear Chaser
03-15-2018, 08:35 PM
Wow the thought of Weaver speaking makes me want to puke.

03-15-2018, 08:48 PM
My guess and I am just going on a hunch. Weaver is going to break it to us we are going to see a a new and reformed model for our hunting season. Bcwf will use weaver as the fall guy that makes the announcement. And we are going to be spoon fed a completely new set of regs that won't make anything better and definitely won't fix anything. But in the end some will believe the new system will fix everything you just need to give it some time....

03-15-2018, 09:00 PM
Lol let's all stand up and throw tomatoes at a member on HBC and show how redneck we are???? Sorry I won't be part of that crowd you get better results from good "verbal truth"..
This Thread should be deleated QUICK and suspensions handed out pronto.
Flame on rednecks :1)

I guess we can see where your alegance falls then. Say goodbye to your hunting heritage as you applaud the man giving his state of the province address. Hunters are a thing of the past. Let go and embrace the future. Rainbows and Unicorns and Cotton Candy.

Wild one
03-15-2018, 09:03 PM
Weasel sorry Weaver is not there with any good intentions for hunting and the BCWF should not welcome him but it seems they have

03-15-2018, 09:10 PM
Weaver's lies to hunters are well documented.

The BCWF meeting is the perfect place to hold him accountable for all the lies.

03-15-2018, 09:12 PM
This ridiculous asking this clown to speak, it’s like a battered and abused women’s shelter asking Willy Pickton
to address their clients, knowing full well his past deeds.

03-15-2018, 09:15 PM
Re: Who is bringing the Tomatoes?

Weaver's lies to hunters are well documented.

The BCWF meeting is the perfect place to hold him accountable for all the lies.

politics and accountable. Good one!

03-15-2018, 09:16 PM
This ridiculous asking this clown to speak, it’s like a battered and abused women’s shelter asking Willy Pickton
to address their clients, knowing full well his past deeds.

My guess is there will be more surprises than just Weaver being there. Pretty sure Jassmine and her friends all got the invite as well.

03-15-2018, 09:33 PM
My guess and I am just going on a hunch. Weaver is going to break it to us we are going to see a a new and reformed model for our hunting season. Bcwf will use weaver as the fall guy that makes the announcement. And we are going to be spoon fed a completely new set of regs that won't make anything better and definitely won't fix anything. But in the end some will believe the new system will fix everything you just need to give it some time....

This is the most terrifying, and plausible, scenario.

But seriously, can someone from the BCWF comment on why he was chosen as guest speaker? I would email or call myself but after contacting them countless times with questionss about a variety of issues and recieving ZERO replies I have given up.

Bernie O
03-16-2018, 08:48 AM
This is an opportunity to show him that hunters are not all rednecks but civilized people. A chance to point out his wrongs and show him the error of his ways. You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Even though I don't agree with him he is invited as a guest and we should respect that.

03-16-2018, 08:58 AM
Anybody actually check the agenda for the AGM before they spouted off?

David Schindler, Killam Memorial Chair & Professor of Ecology (Emeritus), Dept
of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton

03-16-2018, 09:21 AM
So Weaver backed out when he heard people were bringing tomatoes? He might have had to go home and cry to mommie that his suit was stained? With the change in speaker, is meat back on the menu or is it still vegan?

03-16-2018, 09:37 AM
Weaver was never the Keynote speaker, but he is a guest speaker which is still not right but I guess FD is good with that! K

03-16-2018, 09:38 AM
Sounds like a Donald Trump "fact" and so many jump on the bandwagon. So sad that more people don't get the facts before they beak off.

03-16-2018, 09:43 AM
So Weaver is still coming???? Or have the tomatoes scared him off???

03-16-2018, 09:43 AM
Sounds like a Donald Trump "fact" and so many jump on the bandwagon. So sad that more people don't get the facts before they beak off.

Yep. And we wonder why the hunting community gets a shitty rap in the media.

03-16-2018, 09:45 AM
Sounds like a Donald Trump "fact" and so many jump on the bandwagon. So sad that more people don't get the facts before they beak off.
Does it really change anything? The fact remains, he showed his true colours in the Griz decision and is not a friend of hunters!!!! K

03-16-2018, 09:53 AM
Yup, the hunters of this province are just a bunch of knuckle draggers who are so archaic that they don't have the refined manners to even know which fork to use when they are served a vegan meal.

03-16-2018, 10:18 AM
Was Weaver on the list as a guest speaker ?

03-16-2018, 10:22 AM

03-16-2018, 10:40 AM
Yep. And we wonder why the hunting community gets a shitty rap in the media.

Deflect deflect deflect.
Why is Weaver speaking at all?
Why is the BCWF inviting somebody who calls hunters barbaric to speak?
Why do you support this?

03-16-2018, 10:40 AM
Was Weaver on the list as a guest speaker ?

He still is......

03-16-2018, 10:56 AM
Weaver isn't the only target for the tomato throwers:

“It is no longer socially acceptable to the vast majority of British Columbians to hunt grizzly bears,” Forests Minister Doug Donaldson said Monday. “That’s the message.”

I agree neither of these individuals are friends of hunters, but fact remains they are in gov't, and I don't fault the BCWF for engaging with gov't...don't like the players but that's the game...they both must know they are walking into the lions den, I'd be personally interested to hear what they are presenting...whether it's all BS again or possibly something constructive, remains to be seen...but the BCWF/hunters need to be engaged with gov't to make the change we want

03-16-2018, 11:04 AM
Deflect deflect deflect.
Why is Weaver speaking at all?
Why is the BCWF inviting somebody who calls hunters barbaric to speak?
Why do you support this?

Why don't you ask the BCWF?

I don't support Weaver at all. You might want to reference my posts on this forum to verify that. And I think Weaver has changed his tune far too many times (audience dependent) to have any credibility at all.

I don't support people that tell lies to grab headlines, either.

03-16-2018, 11:09 AM
He still is......

So the boys still can bring their tomatoes eh? That is great. Sure hope someone videos it. Could go viral on youtube. :) :)

03-16-2018, 11:49 AM
So the boys still can bring their tomatoes eh? That is great. Sure hope someone videos it. Could go viral on youtube. :) :)

I truly hope somebody does throw tomatoes at him.
It would warm my heart to see it.

03-16-2018, 12:12 PM
https://i.imgflip.com/26jc6y.jpg (https://imgflip.com/i/26jc6y)via Imgflip Meme Generator (https://imgflip.com/memegenerator)

03-16-2018, 12:22 PM
Seriously makes you wonder what’s going on inside the BCWF

03-16-2018, 01:26 PM

OK so Weaver's one of over 10 speakers. It will be interesting to see what he looks like on the way out ;)

03-16-2018, 01:31 PM
Lol let's all stand up and throw tomatoes at a member on HBC and show how redneck we are???? Sorry I won't be part of that crowd you get better results from good "verbal truth"..
This Thread should be deleated QUICK and suspensions handed out pronto.
Flame on rednecks :1)

Spy I know you're not from this country and sometimes I'm not even sure what planet but let me explain something.

We as BC hunters across the board are furious that the grizzly hunt was taken away purely by emotion with zero regard for science. Weaver was one of the masterminds of this. He is your man he is not or never will be ours. Capish? You'd be better served spending your time else where you just don't have a clue about hunting issues in this province and you don't fit in here at all, you are a proud supporter of Weaver we are not. Its crystal clear to us where this fraud is coming from and how he BSed us hook line and sinker a few years back and how he will continue to try to stop other hunting in this province.

03-16-2018, 01:42 PM
Spy I know you're not from this country and sometimes I'm not even sure what planet but let me explain something.

We as BC hunters across the board are furious that the grizzly hunt was taken away purely by emotion with zero regard for science. Weaver was one of the masterminds of this. He is your man he is not or never will be ours. Capish? You'd be better served spending your time else where you just don't have a clue about hunting issues in this province and you don't fit in here at all, you are a proud supporter of Weaver we are not. Its crystal clear to us where this fraud is coming from and how he BSed us hook line and sinker a few years back and how he will continue to try to stop other hunting in this province. *Like* Well worded o Salty one !

Island Idiots
03-16-2018, 01:58 PM
I wish I could understand the Feds position on this. If the Fed represents hunters, then in my mind weaver would be the enemy.
If you want to talk to the Enemy then fine, but it should be an exchange of information not him telling us how it is. He should be the one to leave the event with an education, not us.
When are we as a group going to get our act together? The time for a real voice for hunters is long over due.
If we as hunters were properly represented in this province, Dr. Weaver would not come within a 100 miles of an organized group of hunters. He would be running with his horns on his back and tail between his legs.

03-16-2018, 02:04 PM
Spy I know you're not from this country and sometimes I'm not even sure what planet but let me explain something.

We as BC hunters across the board are furious that the grizzly hunt was taken away purely by emotion with zero regard for science. Weaver was one of the masterminds of this. He is your man he is not or never will be ours. Capish? You'd be better served spending your time else where you just don't have a clue about hunting issues in this province and you don't fit in here at all, you are a proud supporter of Weaver we are not. Its crystal clear to us where this fraud is coming from and how he BSed us hook line and sinker a few years back and how he will continue to try to stop other hunting in this province.

Well said. +1

Bugle M In
03-16-2018, 02:22 PM
So, having never been to one of these.
If Weaver is going to be a "guest speaker", is he also "obliged" to be asked questions from the audience?
If so...good.
I know it won't change his tune, it just won't.
But, I'd rather hear the BS from the "horse's mouth" then from the media.
Atleast one can have there say, face to face, and I think there could be many there in attendance, that could give him an "earshot" of how stupid his backward thinking is.
Yes, tempting to throw a few tomato, but, isn't better to come up with some "intelligent" replies instead?
Atleast a room full of hunter's could show him just how wrong he is.

How well are all those "emails" working for you all?
Will it change anything, probably not, but it is a good opportunity to show we are united, and we aren't going away.
I find it hard to believe that this an intent by the BCWF to go to "bed with Weaver".
So maybe some here should "tighten the reigns" a little, see what happens.
If the BCWF wanted to be in cahoots with Weaver, that would be like cutting one's own throat.

I do hope there are some "intelligent" replies from the audience, not just a bunch of "kindergarten answers/replies"..IMO

03-16-2018, 02:45 PM
If they are getting your money in any shape or form...time for a WTF moment.

03-16-2018, 02:50 PM
Forgive me if I'm wrong here....bit i was under the impression that the bcwf executive, directors etc were ELECTED...from the membership and by the membership??? If we the hunters of the province dont like what the fed is doing, we need to elect the people we feel more accurately reflect our stance! How many of the folks who complain about the fed have ever been to an agm to elect the leadership? Or stood for a position themselves? I certainly havent....therefore i feel i have no right to bitch about what they do. Like it or not, the bcwf is the govt recognized "voice of hunters". If you dont like what that voice is saying....step up to the plate.....decisions are made by those who show up.

To be clear...this is not directed at anyone in particular....just an observation from one who has seen the same exact thing over the years in a couple different unions.


03-16-2018, 03:16 PM
It is obvious that some are newly motivated and are attacking/trying to undermine the Fed.
Pretty sad.
Hunters attacking hunters....

Be nice to see the same amount of effort being exuded in lobbying for wildlife at the highest levels.
Too much sandbox shit going on (as always)

03-16-2018, 03:22 PM
Deflect deflect deflect.
Why is Weaver speaking at all?
Why is the BCWF inviting somebody who calls hunters barbaric to speak?
Why do you support this?

It's the BC WILDLIFE Federation, not the BC HUNTER Federation

Weaver is both an elected member of the legislature and a quasi-member of government. Don't you want elected officials that have the power to enact legislation to be at the meeting?

He will be speaking ON THE RECORD and most likely there will be questions from the floor or question from a moderator - don't you want those questions answered?

With how frequently Weaver sticks his foot in his mouth I'm overjoyed that he will be there (wonder what he will say about salmon).

I don't go to a meeting like this just to listen to the Choir parrot back everything I already believe in.


03-16-2018, 03:34 PM
It is obvious that some are newly motivated and are attacking/trying to undermine the Fed.
Pretty sad.
Hunters attacking hunters....

Be nice to see the same amount of effort being exuded in lobbying for wildlife at the highest levels.
Too much sandbox shit going on (as always)

How's that Habitat Habitat Habitat mantra going for you? If you just BELIEVE it will happen. Oh, and pretending to be mad at the 'Anti' and calling them dreadful names builds the Karma for growing more Habitat too ;) and yet, not mad that the real 'Anti' was invited to speak to a so-called hunting org? From the way you pretented to attack Jass, one would think you'd be the first one lining up to throw tomatoes.

03-16-2018, 03:34 PM
It is obvious that some are newly motivated and are attacking/trying to undermine the Fed.
Pretty sad.
Hunters attacking hunters....

Be nice to see the same amount of effort being exuded in lobbying for wildlife at the highest levels.
Too much sandbox shit going on (as always)

Pretty obvious the FED is eating itself....

03-16-2018, 03:38 PM
It is obvious that some are newly motivated and are attacking/trying to undermine the Fed.
Pretty sad.
Hunters attacking hunters....

Be nice to see the same amount of effort being exuded in lobbying for wildlife at the highest levels.
Too much sandbox shit going on (as always)

Thought you weren't a member..least that's what you told me..change your tune.?

03-16-2018, 03:49 PM
It's the BC WILDLIFE Federation, not the BC HUNTER Federation

Weaver is both an elected member of the legislature and a quasi-member of government. Don't you want elected officials that have the power to enact legislation to be at the meeting?

He will be speaking ON THE RECORD and most likely there will be questions from the floor or question from a moderator - don't you want those questions answered?

With how frequently Weaver sticks his foot in his mouth I'm overjoyed that he will be there (wonder what he will say about salmon).

I don't go to a meeting like this just to listen to the Choir parrot back everything I already believe in.

Good post!

03-16-2018, 03:53 PM
Forgive me if I'm wrong here....bit i was under the impression that the bcwf executive, directors etc were ELECTED...from the membership and by the membership??? If we the hunters of the province dont like what the fed is doing, we need to elect the people we feel more accurately reflect our stance! How many of the folks who complain about the fed have ever been to an agm to elect the leadership? Or stood for a position themselves? I certainly havent....therefore i feel i have no right to bitch about what they do. Like it or not, the bcwf is the govt recognized "voice of hunters". If you dont like what that voice is saying....step up to the plate.....decisions are made by those who show up.

To be clear...this is not directed at anyone in particular....just an observation from one who has seen the same exact thing over the years in a couple different unions.


I'll be there. I'm interested in hearing what all the speaker have to say.
How many of you tomatoe throwers are showing up? Anyone?

03-16-2018, 04:00 PM
Willing to bet, Weaver was invited to speak about 'Climate Change' and won't be taking any questions whatsoever regarding hunting. If one was trying to engage government, one would invite an actual Minister to speak, a Minister that actually deals with wildlife issues in their portfolio. Weaver is not a Minister. He is just a dude from a fringe party with 3 seats. No power other than proping up a minority gov't and speaking up for his Green base who are Anti Hunters.

03-16-2018, 04:33 PM
Willing to bet, Weaver was invited to speak about 'Climate Change' and won't be taking any questions whatsoever regarding hunting. If one was trying to engage government, one would invite an actual Minister to speak, a Minister that actually deals with wildlife issues in their portfolio. Weaver is not a Minister. He is just a dude from a fringe party with 3 seats. No power other than proping up a minority gov't and speaking up for his Green base who are Anti Hunters.

Hi Dana

Here is a partial list of speakers invited to attend and speak at the AGM. At the time of your original post, only Andrew Weaver had sent in his bio to be posted.


Minister Donaldson is one of the other attendees who will be speaking, and taking questions from the floor.

03-16-2018, 04:42 PM
Thought you weren't a member..least that's what you told me..change your tune.?

Nope, not a member.

I am all about putting wildlife first.
I will support anyone helping in that cause regardless of brand.

What I find disconcerting is how the hunting community fights in the sandbox.
I simply pick where I wish to play.

03-16-2018, 04:49 PM
How's that Habitat Habitat Habitat mantra going for you? If you just BELIEVE it will happen. Oh, and pretending to be mad at the 'Anti' and calling them dreadful names builds the Karma for growing more Habitat too ;) and yet, not mad that the real 'Anti' was invited to speak to a so-called hunting org? From the way you pretented to attack Jass, one would think you'd be the first one lining up to throw tomatoes.

I have difficultly understanding your madness at times.
Doubt I ever will.

Politics are a filthy and dirty game.
Unfortunately, it is a necessary game.
Throwing tomatoes in a white shirt seldom works out.

03-16-2018, 04:56 PM
Nope, not a member.

I am all about putting wildlife first.
I will support anyone helping in that cause regardless of brand.

What I find disconcerting is how the hunting community fights in the sandbox.
I simply pick where I wish to play.

i guess you missed where the Fed decided to pit hunter against hunter a few years back on their Anti-Liberal agenda that put us in the mess we currently are in right now eh? That is when they invited Weaver onto this very board. And you are pissed there are 'Anti hunter' members spewing their $hit on this board currently but having Weaver here is a good thing. And now those same people have him speaking at their convention. Where is the new Liberal leader or at least the Liberal critic to give balance? Hmm, the facts are in your face. The Fed are more aligned with the likes of your HBC 'anti' sweetheart than they are with hunter values. This is not a hunter against hunter issue. This is hunters standing up and seeing the 'wolf in sheep's clothing' that has been dividing us all along.

03-16-2018, 05:01 PM
i guess you missed where the Fed decided to pit hunter against hunter a few years back on their Anti-Liberal agenda that put us in the mess we currently are in right now eh? That is when they invited Weaver onto this very board. And you are pissed there are 'Anti hunter' members spewing their $hit on this board currently but having Weaver here is a good thing. And now those same people have him speaking at their convention. Where is the new Liberal leader or at least the Liberal critic to give balance? Hmm, the facts are in your face. The Fed are more aligned with the likes of your HBC 'anti' sweetheart than they are with hunter values. This is not a hunter against hunter issue. This is hunters standing up and seeing the 'wolf in sheep's clothing' that has been dividing us all along.

x2, very well said.

03-16-2018, 05:07 PM
i guess you missed where the Fed decided to pit hunter against hunter a few years back on their Anti-Liberal agenda that put us in the mess we currently are in right now eh? That is when they invited Weaver onto this very board. And you are pissed there are 'Anti hunter' members spewing their $hit on this board currently but having Weaver here is a good thing. And now those same people have him speaking at their convention. Where is the new Liberal leader or at least the Liberal critic to give balance? Hmm, the facts are in your face. The Fed are more aligned with the likes of your HBC 'anti' sweetheart than they are with hunter values. This is not a hunter against hunter issue. This is hunters standing up and seeing the 'wolf in sheep's clothing' that has been dividing us all along.

I think you need meds dana. and all do respect but that is some crazy shit ^^^ right there.
My anti sweetheart? F*cking hate that tw*t.
Spent some time and effort to figure out who this troll is (many users log on under Jassmine)

There is a wedge within the hunting community, always has been.
Some just like to swing the sledge hammer at it more than others.

You sound more and more like a tribesman than a community leader.

03-16-2018, 05:20 PM
Bottom line is I am a proud Knuckle dragger! And I will not let those city dwelling hypocrites take away a hunting heritage that is near and dear to my heart without a fight. There is no appeasing those that Jassmine associates with. Playing nice gets us nowhere. Hiding gets us nowhere. Being silent gets us nowhere. Sucking up to Weaver is proof that it gets us nowhere. It just kills us faster. The Compassionate Model is on the horizon. Many are currently drinking that coolaid. It will be the death of hunting and the death of wildlife.

03-16-2018, 05:22 PM
Nope, not a member.

I am all about putting wildlife first.
I will support anyone helping in that cause regardless of brand.

What I find disconcerting is how the hunting community fights in the sandbox.
I simply pick where I wish to play.

with all due respect ourea, in this situation we arent fighting. we are saying we are unhappy to have mr weaver as a guest speaker.

I definitely see the value in engaging politicians and advocating for our hunter heritage. however, this individual has shown himself to be quite disingenuous.

He has flip flopped on many crucial issues and even come on here and outright lied. Despite what Mr Weaver may or may not say he is no friend of the hunter/fisher.

03-16-2018, 05:26 PM
with all due respect ourea, in this situation we arent fighting. we are saying we are unhappy to have mr weaver as a guest speaker.

I definitely see the value in engaging politicians and advocating for our hunter heritage. however, this individual has shown himself to be quite disingenuous.

He has flip flopped on many crucial issues and even come on here and outright lied. Despite what Mr Weaver may or may not say he is no friend of the hunter/fisher.

Wouldn't trust the guy as far as I could kick him.
Not my point.

"No Choke"Lord Walsingham
03-16-2018, 05:32 PM
Given that the "fed" has typically been far less effective than a one legged man in an ass kickin' contest at advocating for BC Hunters, which makes sense since it is not an advocacy organization and was created to ease the BC gov't BC Resident Hunter consultation policy de jour) I am not surprised that they'd give a platform to alt-left antis. The entire current system and firearms regime Canada wide (and in BC in particular) is easily abused by antis and set up to do and be so.

This fact constitutes cultural genocide against Canada and BC's fundamental heritage as having been founded and based upon a reliance on firearms ownership, use and Hunting, Trapping and Fishing endeavors along with passions for Freedom and wilderness adventure! This is a horrible blow to the Diversity of Canada and our shared heritage.

03-16-2018, 05:48 PM
Couldn't agree with you more Ourea.

this site has gone for a dump unfortunately by letting the Pure Anti infiltrate to interact in many ways on this site, although walking a fine line with their politically correct bs to keep within site guidelines.

Many of if you are completely blind to it but these ANTIs are doing our heritage and our tradition NO FAVOURS !

Never mind the STUPID decisions many if them are making through EMOTION rather then science......

the antis are driving a wedge ........ Wake the £^#~€%~€%' !! Up people.

Its really to bad ...... because this site used to be about hunters helping hunters, sharing of terrific outdoors experiences some good some bad, great pics by some, good stories by others .......

Thanks Ourea ........

Good job Dana trying to drive that Wedge further ........... Your a beauty.

03-16-2018, 05:50 PM
Couldn't agree with you more Ourea.

this site has gone for a dump unfortunately by letting the Pure Anti infiltrate to interact in many ways on this site, although walking a fine line with their politically correct bs to keep within site guidelines.

Many of if you are completely blind to it but these ANTIs are doing our heritage and our tradition NO FAVOURS !

Never mind the STUPID decisions many if them are making through EMOTION rather then science......

the antis are driving a wedge ........ Wake the £^#~€%~€%' !! Up people.

Its really to bad ...... because this site used to be about hunters helping hunters, sharing of terrific outdoors experiences some good some bad, great pics by some, good stories by others .......

Thanks Ourea ........

Good job Dana trying to drive that Wedge further ........... Your a beauty.

so whatever the fed does it to be taken as gospel? Anyone that disagrees is an anti? Your nuts.

03-16-2018, 05:54 PM
so whatever the fed does it to be taken as gospel? Anyone that disagrees is an anti? Your nuts.

friend of Jazzmine and a number of others now Wentrott........ Good job. Read what you want into my above statement, furthers my view ........ The content of this place has gone for a shat ....... With many aligned with the Anti ........ Keep your flipping eyes open.

03-16-2018, 06:04 PM
Couldn't agree with you more Ourea.

this site has gone for a dump unfortunately by letting the Pure Anti infiltrate to interact in many ways on this site, although walking a fine line with their politically correct bs to keep within site guidelines.

Many of if you are completely blind to it but these ANTIs are doing our heritage and our tradition NO FAVOURS !

Never mind the STUPID decisions many if them are making through EMOTION rather then science......

the antis are driving a wedge ........ Wake the £^#~€%~€%' !! Up people.

Its really to bad ...... because this site used to be about hunters helping hunters, sharing of terrific outdoors experiences some good some bad, great pics by some, good stories by others .......

Thanks Ourea ........

Good job Dana trying to drive that Wedge further ........... Your a beauty.

Ummm, please tell me who drove what wedge???? Seem to remember you were one of the ones attacking fellow resident hunters because they dared to suggest aligning with Weaver and the NDP was akin to sleeping with the devil??? So driving your wedge with tons of good honest resident hunters on this site was somehow justified? It was for the Greater Good was it? And how's that working for you?

03-16-2018, 06:08 PM
friend of Jazzmine and a number of others now Wentrott........ Good job. Read what you want into my above statement, furthers my view ........ The content of this place has gone for a shat ....... With many aligned with the Anti ........ Keep your flipping eyes open.

I’m a friend of jasmine? I can’t really make sense of this last deranged post of yours but if you immediately say I’m connected to the antis simply because I think the bcwf is acting a fool well you just proved my point...

03-16-2018, 07:29 PM
Hi Dana

Here is a partial list of speakers invited to attend and speak at the AGM. At the time of your original post, only Andrew Weaver had sent in his bio to be posted.


Minister Donaldson is one of the other attendees who will be speaking, and taking questions from the floor.

I'm a paying member of the BCWF and have been for many many years.
I've sent emails asking this question and received no responses.
Why is Weaver an invited guest to speak at the agm?
What could he possibly have to offer?
We have already seen his outright lies and two faced politics, he's gone on record to say that resident hunters are 'barbaric'.
If the BCWF is the hunter supporting organization they claim to be why would they want anything to do with Andrew Weaver?

I'm not the only member who feels this way and I know I'm not the only member to have their emails go unanswered, I feel the question is fair and the Fed owes it's members an answer.

03-16-2018, 07:43 PM
Spy I know you're not from this country and sometimes I'm not even sure what planet but let me explain something.

We as BC hunters across the board are furious that the grizzly hunt was taken away purely by emotion with zero regard for science Im just as pissed about the Grizz hunt as every other hunter "across the board" Still Jack all we can do about it but bitch on here. Weaver was one of the masterminds of this​ Ok back that up with some hard evidence,I think it was the NDP idiots in charge that promised pre election to do just that.. Nothing on the Green platform said anything about banning the Grizz Hunt...Weaver did have a Bill to remove all edible parts though, yes that was a stupid bill.... He is your man he is not or never will be ours my Nope wrong not my man but I did speak face to face to him, during our rally In Victoria of "resident Hunters" and when he attended and spoke to hunters at the pre protest get togethers.. Capish?Nope :-) You'd be better served spending your time elsewhere LOL LOL you just don't have a clue about hunting issues OK LOL in this province and you don't fit in here at all Plenty good friends here on HBC :-) & I'm not going anywhere cupcake :-) , you are a proud supporter of Weaver Nope pretty pissed that he has not stuck to his promises like most hunters here we are not.& nor am I Its crystal clear to us where this fraud is coming from and how he BSed us hook line and sinker a few years back and how he will continue to try to stop other hunting in this province.I think calling Weaver on his BS with facts & truth will go allot further then throwing tomatoes, this thread will be used against hunters & sorry I do not agree with assaulting ANYONE with tomatoes..'
.................................................. .

03-16-2018, 07:58 PM
I'm a paying member of the BCWF and have been for many many years.
I've sent emails asking this question and received no responses.
Why is Weaver an invited guest to speak at the agm?
What could be possibly have to offer?
We have already seen his outright lies and two faced politics, he's gone on record to say that resident hunters are 'barbaric'.
If the BCWF is the hunter supporting organization they claim to be why would they want anything to do with Andrew Weaver?

I'm not the only member who feels this way and I know I'm not the only member to have their emails go unanswered, I feel the question is fair and the Fed owes it's members an answer.

I keep hearing they won't respond, as one that is sitting on the fence at the moment it sure doesn't appear they are looking after the interests of hunters.

03-16-2018, 10:15 PM
So who is going to actually put Weaver on the spot? I guess throwing tomatoes will "really" show him how bad ass we are eh? I was there last year, and I can honestly say I was more disappointed in the two people leading the Fed than I have ever been of Weaver. The man at the helm now I have the utmost respect for. I dare any of you to meet him, sit down and talk to him, and claim otherwise. That aside, I feel the same as most about Mr. Weaver. He has shown that he can not be trusted, but, to ignore the politician influence on wildlife management would be down right stupid. So disengage from those that influence political decision by throwing tomatoes, or loudly display our anger in a respectful way to those that make a difference. Which method seems to be a bigger win for hunters? I know its hard to swallow, but inviting those that DO make a difference, whether we agree or not, is always beneficial. Bare minimum, we will walk away with an education and possibly the nail for Weavers coffin. "Mandela looked his enemy in the eye and held him close" Learn..... adapt..... separating ourselves from those that make influential decisions will only bury us further.... do NOT make Weaver a laughing stock at this convention, it will do us FAR more harm than good. Think how the general public would eat up that fodder put out by the media should that happen. "Bunch of rednecks heckle Weaver at BCWF convention"....that will be OUR nail in the coffin