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View Full Version : Moose/Elk In 7-31 End Of September/Start Of October

08-20-2007, 09:44 PM
Sorry For The change But We Just Decided To Switch Were Were Going..it will be 6-4 just out of fort fraser . for moose/deer . all the help is appreciated ..sorry for the change

08-20-2007, 09:55 PM
I just got off the phone with my hunting buddy. His uncle has been up there since opening day and has not heard a gunshot or heard or seen any hunters that have bagged a moose yet! (Its usually a slaughter opening week!) :-(
But as for techniques, try calling!

08-20-2007, 10:26 PM
Pound seismics and sheltered areas first light and at dusk. They dont have to move much this time of year specially if it is cool and moist out. I'm not sure they are rutting quite yet, iv'e seen and heard them rut the first or second week of sept, and respond to calls. Ive never hunted moose in aug up there but ive seen them lally gagging around cutblock edges when we were doing silviculture surveys. Pound the ground and be in the cutblock edges at first light and just before dusk. Moosin.

08-20-2007, 10:34 PM
they best time for the action is the last weekk of sept or the first 10 days of oct. I have seen them chaswe a little earlier, but this seems to be the best time, mind you they are a little stinkier.

08-20-2007, 10:51 PM
Thick country... I noticed with the elk in 31, that they come in really quietly. There's some big bulls (elk) in there, but even the "ol timer's" have trouble with them. A lot of those big bulls work at night. I remember meadows, clearcuts and small landings with no tracks one day totally ripped up with elk activity the next. The odd spots closer to the dam have a little more vocal bulls.

For moose we always had killer luck when the temps dropped on the gas line in the Moberly area. As soon as the wind died down or cold snaps came in, the bull moose would start showing up in open areas.

08-21-2007, 07:56 AM
All good ways listed and I would also find a "lick" and note the action around it, if theres fresh sign, then sit on one, the animals will come just need some patience, or simply find the game trails / fresh track and start walking, you'll usually stumble into something, just hopefully not a grizz!:shock:
Good luck!

08-22-2007, 08:12 PM
BTT .Region/Animal/Time Change. Sorry For the Inconvenience

08-23-2007, 08:08 PM
Good evening

Update in our area. Guys have been out for 6 days in "prime' country for the last few years and put up two cows and 5 deer.
I have been out for 5 morings and evenings at prime time next to the rivers and saw two cows. It has been told to me by the game warden that we took a huge hit on the moose and deer so it may be a year that I pass on a bull.. It will be interesting to see what happens when the rut hits...just to see what bulls there are if any.. Good luck when you guys come up but bring a lunch.. and a photo of what a bull moose looks like.

08-24-2007, 08:08 PM
haha thanks. well we change were we are going. region 6-4 oct,20,

08-24-2007, 10:18 PM
Question was it just the GRAIN FED moose that had a big die off last year or did the moose population in other area get hit bad as well, I have been hearing stories that some guys are getting their moose and other are not but the guys that are getting their moose arent around that farm belt in the southern sections of 7B. This being saod I have heard the moose getting taken this year are younger bulls and not many of the big bulls seem to be around......

08-24-2007, 10:22 PM
travelled 60 kms today checking my wells and not one fresh track across the road. i work in a purty moosey area. finally did find some sign in a cut block.

08-25-2007, 04:58 PM
Drive to Fraser Lake, when you get to the West Fraser Sawmill, turn left onto the Holy Cross FSR. At km 12 the Binta FSR turns off to the right and will take you into 6-4 , towards Binta and Uncha lakes. Plenty of good camp spots. Also check out the Marilla FSR - turns right off the Holy Cross around km 52(?). As soon as you turn on this road you're in 6-4. It will take you all the way to the west end of Ootsa Lake. The rut will be over and they'll be feeding hard trying to fatten up. Find an area with good feed and you'll find moose.

we were it that exact area 2 years ago. seen a huge bull with a cow day before it opened . we were by lucas lake. past chestlatta falls. we went to the saw mill,left and up about 1 hour to hour and a half