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03-01-2018, 08:49 PM
Just another attack on what we love, take a moment if you wouldn't mind.


03-01-2018, 09:20 PM
Just another attack on what we love, take a moment if you wouldn't mind.


Done! Gotta love how these polls are always phrased with implied outcomes / conclusions.

03-01-2018, 09:20 PM
How’s about deal with seals instead

03-01-2018, 09:38 PM
That is like having a poll that asks....

"Should semi-automatic firearms be allowed to be carried in a motor vehicle in the lower mainland?"

Then, when most of us answer "yes" (because we all know that there are many hunters who live on VI and Vancouver, and will have a rifle (like a 10/22) with them when they head on their interior hunt) the "result" of the poll will be....

"The majority of legal hunters believe that guns, including those similar to ones that are used in the majority of mass shooting in the US, should be allowed in cars, even in the crime-ridden areas like Surrey and Abbotsford".

I don't mean to hijack the thread, but I'm just getting tired of these "surveys" that funnel results to a pre-determined end.

03-01-2018, 09:40 PM
Thank God 75% of the people who took this poll aren't completely ignorant..

Foxton Gundogs
03-01-2018, 09:45 PM
Wait till the granola munchers get on it, it can change in a big hurry.

03-01-2018, 09:50 PM
The true meaning of ‘begging the question’.

03-01-2018, 09:50 PM
How’s about deal with seals instead

You mean actually manage wildlife? Never!!

Johnny G1
03-01-2018, 09:59 PM
If its anything to do with any BC News the hugger's will find a way to change it in Vancouver, orcas and seals have to go if there is gonna be any fish left in BC water's.

03-01-2018, 11:59 PM
That is like having a poll that asks....

"Should semi-automatic firearms be allowed to be carried in a motor vehicle in the lower mainland?"

Then, when most of us answer "yes" (because we all know that there are many hunters who live on VI and Vancouver, and will have a rifle (like a 10/22) with them when they head on their interior hunt) the "result" of the poll will be....

"The majority of legal hunters believe that guns, including those similar to ones that are used in the majority of mass shooting in the US, should be allowed in cars, even in the crime-ridden areas like Surrey and Abbotsford".

I don't mean to hijack the thread, but I'm just getting tired of these "surveys" that funnel results to a pre-determined end.

The grizzly bear polls were also ridiculous, ie:

Do you support banning grizzly bear hunting?

Yes: The slaughter and carnage of innocent bears, just peacefully sleeping in their dens while they are murdered in cold blood for thrills by trophy hunters is unacceptable

No: uhh duhh huntin be like fun and it's like oohh soo profitable and stuff... it's a super thrill

Forget "loaded polls" ... CTV Montreal never answered to several thousand votes getting added to the "Guns should be banned in all major cities" poll a month or two ago. Flipped from 70% opposed to banning guns in urban areas to 70% for it in the last few minutes of voting. Screenshots, evidence, silence.

And then there's the recent polls that concluded roughly half of Canadians WANT an extra tax on their meat because eating meat is unhealthy and inhumane (no mention of the fact PETA was sending it's flock to these polls from their international forums)

These kind of "polls" were actually the nail in the coffin for the grizzly hunt, putting INTERNATIONAL "social acceptance" (from radical extremist groups) over science. The NDP set up an email address, grizzly.bear@gov.bc.ca or something to that extent, looking for "feedback". Their justification to completely ban the hunt was based on them receiving something like 4000 emails for banning it and 1000 against banning it. Meanwhile, all of these international anti-hunting, pro-vegan groups and I think even the SPCA designed web-based email template pages on their websites, so international visitors could just fill in their email address and click send with a pre-defined email template... and this was spun as the wishes of people in BC. There was absolutely 0 validation that people sending feedback were actually from BC (forget the fact basing wildlife policy on social acceptance is ridiculous anyway) ... Weaver is aware of this, but notice not even a peep out of him calling foul? Nope.

That is our unbiased Canadian media and politicians for you... CBC, Global, Province, Vancouver Sun, etc. One must acknowledge news is no longer news but rather social engineering. Anyone who does not acknowledge that is the one wearing a tinfoil hat.

Mad yet? Good!!

03-02-2018, 09:48 AM
I'm currently on the no stance. How does sport fishing affect orcas? Aren't boats suppose to stay a minimum distance from them?

I think freighter traffic and commercial fishing would have a lot more impact than sport fishermen. Until I see a scientific report (not online news headline), I'm voting no.

Bugle M In
03-02-2018, 10:59 AM
Sportfishing should be the one thing protected over all other forms of fishing in the region, even over FN rights to continue.
Just like the past sockeye run....everyone except them had to stop.
Conservation first!, and due to those low returns, they should have been banned as well.
Anyways, I voted...so done!

03-02-2018, 11:12 AM
A SEAL CULL is greatly ...... A MUST ! I'd live to take any of these decision makers out for a day fishing on the Chuck any where from Renfrew to Downtown Vancouver. It's sickening. If we are lucky enough to actually hook into a Salmon, 50% or more are then attacked by Seals or Sea lions ....... That's right the Dump Bears of the sea follow us all day long, then take the easy prey off our lines. It's completely out of control. And it's got worse every year for the last thirty. SEALS NEED TO BE CULLED ! They wait near river mouths, migration routes and completely desimate our Salmon Stocks.
We as recreational anglers speed thousands and thousands of dollars annually in and around our communities, from boats and gear to trucks, fuel, accomodation etc etc ....... We Are the LARGEST contributors to the resource and economy yet again we get restricted or shut down. It's irresponsible of DFO and the governments past and present for their lack of management .

Whale Watching boats from numerous locations, chase, follow, harass our Orcas almost year round ...... Yet they claim to not be an issue , oh really? As the operations all share locations of these Whale sightings, they encircle the Orcas from all sides, then leap ahead and await their next breach, so their tourists can get that picture, that sighting ........ The company sells another seat ...... How much money do they put back into Salmon enhancement, the main food of the Orca?

Our ur officials keep tuning an eye to the real issues, the over population of SEALS and the endless NETS in and ACROSS the rivers by FN, even when runs are low, many FN continue to fish....... With no repercussion...... With those that do continue to fish even when advised of a runs sensitivity.......... Nothing happens to those that continue to pound away on what's left? Its completely irresponsible, how pathetic to not see the future or lack there of.

03-02-2018, 11:32 AM
I agree with most that the seal population has to be managed but didn't Washington state just really curtail Atlantic salmon farming? It's time to do it in B.C. as well. How about they do their farming on land where their effluent won't reach tidal water to infect Pacific Salmon and ground fish.

03-02-2018, 11:40 AM
Voted and our side is doing good. Will anybody listen?

Bugle M In
03-02-2018, 11:46 AM
A SEAL CULL is greatly ...... A MUST ! I'd live to take any of these decision makers out for a day fishing on the Chuck any where from Renfrew to Downtown Vancouver. It's sickening. If we are lucky enough to actually hook into a Salmon, 50% or more are then attacked by Seals or Sea lions ....... That's right the Dump Bears of the sea follow us all day long, then take the easy prey off our lines. It's completely out of control. And it's got worse every year for the last thirty. SEALS NEED TO BE CULLED ! They wait near river mouths, migration routes and completely desimate our Salmon Stocks.
We as recreational anglers speed thousands and thousands of dollars annually in and around our communities, from boats and gear to trucks, fuel, accomodation etc etc ....... We Are the LARGEST contributors to the resource and economy yet again we get restricted or shut down. It's irresponsible of DFO and the governments past and present for their lack of management .

Whale Watching boats from numerous locations, chase, follow, harass our Orcas almost year round ...... Yet they claim to not be an issue , oh really? As the operations all share locations of these Whale sightings, they encircle the Orcas from all sides, then leap ahead and await their next breach, so their tourists can get that picture, that sighting ........ The company sells another seat ...... How much money do they put back into Salmon enhancement, the main food of the Orca?

Our ur officials keep tuning an eye to the real issues, the over population of SEALS and the endless NETS in and ACROSS the rivers by FN, even when runs are low, many FN continue to fish....... With no repercussion...... With those that do continue to fish even when advised of a runs sensitivity.......... Nothing happens to those that continue to pound away on what's left? Its completely irresponsible, how pathetic to not see the future or lack there of.

You pretty stated it "bang on".
The way I look at it, a "sport fisherman" can only hook one fish at a time, and can target the specific species that can be take or release the one's that need to go back.
The should be the last activity that should be restricted if there are conservation concerns.
Wouldn't surprise me if people start seeing "white sharks" one day soon around here!:shock:

Is anyone listening....
yup...but in one ear and out the other!....like everything else.

03-02-2018, 11:47 AM
I agree with most that the seal population has to be managed

Many years ago there was a $6/ nose for seals and it wasn't easy to find them and you very seldom seen them pulled up on the shore. Now it seem like there are seals pulled out on every rock pile.
A lot more sea lions than we use to see too. And they all eat fish.

03-02-2018, 02:12 PM
I think freighter traffic and commercial fishing would have a lot more impact than sport fishermen. Until I see a scientific report (not online news headline), I'm voting no.

I did vote in their poll. And of course NO!
Won't make a hill of beans of difference beyond a little "feel good" for those about to take the hit unfortunately.

FYI: Area G Troll has taken a 50% hit in their TAC since 2009.
Want to guess just who picked up the slack?
The Recreational Sector has exceeded the entire troll fleet's catch for many years now.
Difference being that the trollers target on US origin stocks (over 90%) and are timed to avoid the Fraser stocks of springs. Whereas the sport fleet operates full season, and has been WELL documented of being exponentially higher in their impacts upon Fraser spring stocks (you know, the ones these darling whales prefer for vittles).

You may want to have a little boo at the FN harvest these days, which although not documented is rather well recognized as surpassing any other.
Well... besides Sea Lions & Seals that is... :roll:

It is my understanding that DFO Pacific well understands what should be done, but their hands are tied by the Bleeding Hearts that run them (and this country) of late. Sad but True...


03-02-2018, 02:15 PM
We really need some 'resident' Transients. :wink:

03-02-2018, 02:49 PM
I did vote in their poll. And of course NO!
Won't make a hill of beans of difference beyond a little "feel good" for those about to take the hit unfortunately.

FYI: Area G Troll has taken a 50% hit in their TAC since 2009.
Want to guess just who picked up the slack?
The Recreational Sector has exceeded the entire troll fleet's catch for many years now.
Difference being that the trollers target on US origin stocks (over 90%) and are timed to avoid the Fraser stocks of springs. Whereas the sport fleet operates full season, and has been WELL documented of being exponentially higher in their impacts upon Fraser spring stocks (you know, the ones these darling whales prefer for vittles).

You may want to have a little boo at the FN harvest these days, which although not documented is rather well recognized as surpassing any other.
Well... besides Sea Lions & Seals that is... :roll:

It is my understanding that DFO Pacific well understands what should be done, but their hands are tied by the Bleeding Hearts that run them (and this country) of late. Sad but True...


You got that right Nog.

It is very popular to bring in the "Them Nasty Commercial Fishermen" Boogey Man into any salmon conversation discussion when everyone should know that there is no commercial fishery on Fraser River springs.

Reminds me of a dinner party I attended a couple weeks ago.

Talking about fish someone asked why the price of halibut was so high in the stores.

The hostess immediately spouted the words "Overfishing." And she claims to be Harvard educated.

I just about told her to F O.

The halibut fishery has been very rationally jointly managed by the IPHC since 1923.

Then I had to explain how the privatization of the quotas had turned the quotas in the commodity rather than the fish they represent.

The current cost for purchasing halibut quota for example is $135 per pound. The cost of leasing halibut quota varies widely, with fees ranging from $9.50 per pound to $7.50 last year. Some quota holders lease out at a lower rate, sometimes 50 percent of landed value.

Landed value was over $10.50 at the start then dropped as US halibut was dumped on the market, with the price of fish to fishermen going below initial lease prices.

So in some cases at the start of the season guys were paying $9.50 a pound to a quota owner who stayed home while they fished halibut for $1.00 a bound.

VI Blacktails
03-02-2018, 03:41 PM
I have fished a lot and I never have caught a orca ha ha ha

03-02-2018, 03:48 PM
No is crushing the minute yes vote.

Bugle M In
03-02-2018, 04:20 PM
You got that right Nog.

It is very popular to bring in the "Them Nasty Commercial Fishermen" Boogey Man into any salmon conversation discussion when everyone should know that there is no commercial fishery on Fraser River springs.

Reminds me of a dinner party I attended a couple weeks ago.

Talking about fish someone asked why the price of halibut was so high in the stores.

The hostess immediately spouted the words "Overfishing." And she claims to be Harvard educated.

I just about told her to F O.

The halibut fishery has been very rationally jointly managed by the IPHC since 1923.

Then I had to explain how the privatization of the quotas had turned the quotas in the commodity rather than the fish they represent.

The current cost for purchasing halibut quota for example is $135 per pound. The cost of leasing halibut quota varies widely, with fees ranging from $9.50 per pound to $7.50 last year. Some quota holders lease out at a lower rate, sometimes 50 percent of landed value.

Landed value was over $10.50 at the start then dropped as US halibut was dumped on the market, with the price of fish to fishermen going below initial lease prices.

So in some cases at the start of the season guys were paying $9.50 a pound to a quota owner who stayed home while they fished halibut for $1.00 a bound.

Just wanted to say for the record, I wasn't against the commercial industry.
I was speaking more about the concerns in "conservation" like the sockeye run, and that the sports guys had to lift hook out, while others got to leave the nets in.
Anyways, as for price.....
We all have to realize that there is a HUGE East Asian market now days, compared to 30+ years ago.
There's only so many fish, and yet many hands with thick wallets competing for it on their dinner table.
Thus the increases....supply and demand.

03-02-2018, 06:06 PM
Done and no is still crushing the poll