View Full Version : Who killed the grizzly hunt? Infographic

01-27-2018, 12:12 AM
Aah.... Yea.....


Bighorn hunter
01-27-2018, 05:13 AM
What a bunch of crap! Would like to see where the poll groups for the 90 odd % of british columbians who were against the hunt.

Also Clayton Stoner wasn't hunting illegal without a tag. He had drawn one in the leh, but got caught up in the rule of not being a resident because of his job keeping him out of bc for the greater part of 6 months. Just my feeling but if you call bc your home and bc is the only place you buy a hunting licence then you should be exempt from the 6 month rule.

Unfortunate that the liberals hadn't made it mandatory years ago that you had to bring out the meat on grizzlies, likely would still be a hunt of some sort in my opinion

thanks for the link but now I'm just pissed off

01-27-2018, 12:59 PM
We killed the grizzly hunt, send us money.

What a pile of crap.

01-27-2018, 01:20 PM
So, let's see here...

A Foreign National with a Masters in Political Science (and a minor in international relations) repeatedly quotes his own "work" and articles largely produced by the National (& Vancouver version) Observer (who he writes for) supplemented with the odd influx from the likes of Raincoast, Justice for bc grizzlies dot com, the foreign financed Dogwood, Suzuki Foundation, and quotes the recognized biased Insights poll, expects us to swallow his conclusions drawn from that?

Not in this lifetime. :roll:

But, the caveat here is that he is saying EXACTLY what the anti's want him to say, and they folks, will swallow his fantasy hook, line and sinker. :x

This is simply another example of what we are up against...

TRUTH does NOT matter. The Agenda is all that counts.
And this fellow is obviously prepared to do whatever it takes to further that...


01-27-2018, 01:56 PM
That read like it was written by a high school student that was against the grizzly hunt, bias, half truths cherry picked cut up info, and then to basicly take credit for shutting it down...... my goodness. Wonder which anti owns the observer?

What is the real story about the findings of Garth Mowatt? Found that in 1-2 units? Wtf....

01-27-2018, 02:03 PM
We live in a "post-truth" era. The factual content of the news is unreliable, and often driven by an agenda of social engineering. Better to take control of the message ourselves through social media, than to wait in vain for the mainstream media to offer balance in its perspectives.

The fact that the quality of "news" is so poor, and there is apparently little to no vetting of information is worrisome. The implications go far beyond hunting. Socially, we are digging ourselves into a deep hole, with neo-Marxists controlling the universities (whose graduates will be our future leaders), and "progressivists" controlling the media, schools and government.

Honestly, I am genuinely worried about the future of Canada. Nothing less than our own liberty is at stake.

01-27-2018, 07:08 PM
What a pile!

01-27-2018, 07:20 PM
Investigative journalism has never been more WRONG and INCORRECT ! What a Pile of Bear Shit that was ! :mad: RJ

01-27-2018, 07:36 PM
ya know when you start reading about all this corruption going on all around us
one has to ask if this is also part of the corruption.
after reading the 2 articles i was flabbergasted.

01-28-2018, 08:24 PM
Sadly the choice was not scientific, instead a political “forgive me” for continuing the construction of the Site C dam. Im not sayin, I’m just saying...

01-28-2018, 08:39 PM
Sadly the choice was not scientific, instead a political “forgive me” for continuing the construction of the Site C dam. Im not sayin, I’m just saying...

While I believe this to be true the unfortunate reality is that it will be extremely difficult to get a Grizzly hunt back that is based on science and not social license. This empowers the antis and emboldens them to go for more. This is the the thin edge of the wedge and they will be hammering on it.

01-29-2018, 10:05 AM
Fairly one sided article.

01-29-2018, 10:33 AM
I found this quote in the article interesting:

"The main threat facing grizzlies is the destruction of their habitat by industries like oil & gas and forestry. (http://www.bcauditor.com/pubs/2017/independent-audit-grizzly-bear-management)"

1) If that's the case why are these groups targeting hunting then and not the oil & gas industry?
2) If the main threat is the oil & gas industry, do these people opposing the hunt use gas and oil? I so it seems hypocritical to me.

01-29-2018, 10:41 AM
Exactly.....I agree jamfarm, what a load..

01-30-2018, 02:14 AM
I found this quote in the article interesting:

"The main threat facing grizzlies is the destruction of their habitat by industries like oil & gas and forestry. (http://www.bcauditor.com/pubs/2017/independent-audit-grizzly-bear-management)"

1) If that's the case why are these groups targeting hunting then and not the oil & gas industry?
2) If the main threat is the oil & gas industry, do these people opposing the hunt use gas and oil? I so it seems hypocritical to me.

Because we hunters are an easy target !

01-30-2018, 10:04 AM
As the article says, it is habitat destruction and encroachment are the biggest factors affecting grizzlies, not hunting.

01-30-2018, 10:05 AM
I found this quote in the article interesting:

"The main threat facing grizzlies is the destruction of their habitat by industries like oil & gas and forestry. (http://www.bcauditor.com/pubs/2017/independent-audit-grizzly-bear-management)"

1) If that's the case why are these groups targeting hunting then and not the oil & gas industry?
2) If the main threat is the oil & gas industry, do these people opposing the hunt use gas and oil? I so it seems hypocritical to me.

The environmentalists want it all! Stop all hunting, stop all oil and gas. Period. They are painting everything with one brush here.

01-30-2018, 10:19 AM
Outlawing the Grizzly hunt It is definitely not in the best interest of Grizzly Bears.

Evolution has taught Mankind what to do with worthless things especially if the are a thread to Human beings, Livestock or whatever.

Sad but true.


Wild one
01-30-2018, 10:49 AM
Because we hunters are an easy target !

This is 100% true

If Antis target oil and gas they are up against big $ with good lawyers. Then factor in the amount of people relying on this industry that would stand against them

Hunters are low hanging fruit with a weak defence. Then add in the portion of hunters who thought it was OK to sacrifice the grizzly hunt in hopes antis would back off. Well it does not work that way

I was told the best reason hunters should stand and defend all kinds of hunting

If you stand and support even the most controversial form of hunting antis never gain an inch to impact the common forms of hunting because they are too busy fighting to move forward

David Heitsman
03-03-2018, 06:17 PM
In my ill-informed opinion, the You-Tube video of that gut shot boar trying to hold it's footing on the shale and eventually sliding down the snow leaving a trail of red, with the elated hunter giving high fives, playing on a continual basis for a week on my evening news TV set, handed the g-bear decision to us. Posted social media videos and hunting films and TV productions are the galvanizer the anti-hunting groups need to sway the rest of the non-hunting public's opinion
against us. Think about that when you video your next kill shot... and KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!

03-03-2018, 07:25 PM
What ended the grizzly hunt, and what will end all hunting, is vomit such as this.


Hope the link works, and if you can, watch the childish and disgusting cartoon about how we are being studied.

F***ing sickening.

03-03-2018, 08:03 PM
"Pleasure" smiles are greater when hunters pose with dangerous corpses
Consistent with this conclusion, in an earlier study called "Hunting for Trophies: Online Hunting Photographs Reveal Achievement Satisfaction with Large and Dangerous Prey (http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10871209.2015.1046533?journalCode=uhdw20&)," researchers K. R. Child and C. T. Darimont with the Raincoast Conservation Foundation (https://www.raincoast.org/) and Applied Conservation Science Lab (http://www.web.uvic.ca/~darimont/) concluded, "that the odds of true 'pleasure' smiles are greater when hunters pose: (a) with versus without prey, (b) with large versus small prey and, (c) with carnivores versus herbivores (among older men)." They go on to write, "We emerge with a generalizable achievement-oriented hypothesis to propose that the prospect of displaying large and/or dangerous prey at least in part underlies the behavior of many contemporary hunters." All in all, "pleasure smiles" are greater when hunters pose with dangerous corpses. For more details about this study please see "Trophy Hunters' Smiles Show How Much They Like to Kill (https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/animal-emotions/201511/trophy-hunters-smiles-show-how-much-they-kill)."

03-03-2018, 08:16 PM
In my ill-informed opinion, the You-Tube video of that gut shot boar trying to hold it's footing on the shale and eventually sliding down the snow leaving a trail of red, with the elated hunter giving high fives, playing on a continual basis for a week on my evening news TV set, handed the g-bear decision to us. Posted social media videos and hunting films and TV productions are the galvanizer the anti-hunting groups need to sway the rest of the non-hunting public's opinion
against us. Think about that when you video your next kill shot... and KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!

You hit the nail on the head. Inappropriate use of social media, and a Liberal Government pandering to their buddies for political donations is what got us here. Hope we all learn from this, and play a smarter hand in future.

03-03-2018, 08:34 PM
"Pleasure" smiles are greater when hunters pose with dangerous corpses
Consistent with this conclusion, in an earlier study called "Hunting for Trophies: Online Hunting Photographs Reveal Achievement Satisfaction with Large and Dangerous Prey (http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10871209.2015.1046533?journalCode=uhdw20&)," researchers K. R. Child and C. T. Darimont with the Raincoast Conservation Foundation (https://www.raincoast.org/) and Applied Conservation Science Lab (http://www.web.uvic.ca/~darimont/) concluded, "that the odds of true 'pleasure' smiles are greater when hunters pose: (a) with versus without prey, (b) with large versus small prey and, (c) with carnivores versus herbivores (among older men)." They go on to write, "We emerge with a generalizable achievement-oriented hypothesis to propose that the prospect of displaying large and/or dangerous prey at least in part underlies the behavior of many contemporary hunters." All in all, "pleasure smiles" are greater when hunters pose with dangerous corpses. For more details about this study please see "Trophy Hunters' Smiles Show How Much They Like to Kill (https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/animal-emotions/201511/trophy-hunters-smiles-show-how-much-they-kill)."

its shit science..it isn't even science. Truth is posted pictures on the web are mostly chosen to please the viewer. They are picked out of the pile not somthing that is a snapshot in time. Posed you could say and then edited. To gain approval,high fives maybe jealousy. The above is click bait shit.

03-03-2018, 09:26 PM
Grizz hunt can start again if we can chance politics,,,leaders..another is if and when couple hikers is gonna mauled by grizz,,,because bears are gonna lose fear of human...that is gonna chance public opinion again( hope that never happend but i am afraid it will)..

03-05-2018, 10:53 AM
in my ill-informed opinion, the you-tube video of that gut shot boar trying to hold it's footing on the shale and eventually sliding down the snow leaving a trail of red, with the elated hunter giving high fives, playing on a continual basis for a week on my evening news tv set, handed the g-bear decision to us. Posted social media videos and hunting films and tv productions are the galvanizer the anti-hunting groups need to sway the rest of the non-hunting public's opinion
against us. Think about that when you video your next kill shot... And keep it to yourself!
bingo !!!

03-05-2018, 03:19 PM
Anti Hunting is a very big business, it's all about the dollars the can collect, People from the cities trying to put their views on the rest of us based of their emotions and not real science

limit time
03-05-2018, 06:29 PM
People like jassmen ended the hunt ?

03-05-2018, 08:25 PM
Ok i may get my head bitten off for this but....

If eco tours like bear viewing etc had to put back say 5% of what they take (not profit) from the eco tours (whales, bears, etc) direct towards wildlife conservation the same as our hunting tags etc do, would that make it easier to swallow the grizz hunt ban?

For me the ban on the hunt didnt impact me as i didnt hunt for them but i get why so many didnt like the ban. For me it is the fact that all these tours have all these people and are seen as the good guys but so many contribute F*ck All back to what is giving them business, and I believe there is no law requiring them too? (someone more with more knowledge please correct me if i am wrong)
we know habitat destruction is the main reason for the lower numbers not hunting, why are the gov not collecting more money from the people that benefit from it financially to help assist with stop the destruction?

(obv if i have this completely wrong just tell me, I am a new hunter and slowly learning about a lot of things that i didnt know, so just looking in to the situation with fresh green eyes)

03-05-2018, 08:58 PM
Ok i may get my head bitten off for this but....

If eco tours like bear viewing etc had to put back say 5% of what they take (not profit) from the eco tours (whales, bears, etc) direct towards wildlife conservation the same as our hunting tags etc do, would that make it easier to swallow the grizz hunt ban?

For me the ban on the hunt didnt impact me as i didnt hunt for them but i get why so many didnt like the ban. For me it is the fact that all these tours have all these people and are seen as the good guys but so many contribute F*ck All back to what is giving them business, and I believe there is no law requiring them too? (someone more with more knowledge please correct me if i am wrong)
we know habitat destruction is the main reason for the lower numbers not hunting, why are the gov not collecting more money from the people that benefit from it financially to help assist with stop the destruction?

(obv if i have this completely wrong just tell me, I am a new hunter and slowly learning about a lot of things that i didnt know, so just looking in to the situation with fresh green eyes)

The Grizzly hunt ban does impact you even though you don't hunt them.

It was a decision that was based solely on the government (admittedly) deciding that it is "no longer socially acceptable". It had nothing to do with science.

Sooner than you think, powers that be will deem it "no longer socially acceptable" to hunt wolves, deer, rabbits, to own an SKS, posses an auto-loading rifle, a pump action shotgun....

Don't think so? Have a look at Europe, Australia and other places around the world.

As a hunter, it is incumbent on people such as you to defend the rights of all of us, including, and maybe even especially so, those who engage in the perfectly legal and scientifically supported hunts that many of us enjoy.

03-05-2018, 09:15 PM
The Grizzly hunt ban does impact you even though you don't hunt them.

It was a decision that was based solely on the government (admittedly) deciding that it is "no longer socially acceptable". It had nothing to do with science.

Sooner than you think, powers that be will deem it "no longer socially acceptable" to hunt wolves, deer, rabbits, to own an SKS, posses an auto-loading rifle, a pump action shotgun....

Don't think so? Have a look at Europe, Australia and other places around the world.

As a hunter, it is incumbent on people such as you to defend the rights of all of us, including, and maybe even especially so, those who engage in the perfectly legal and scientifically supported hunts that many of us enjoy.

OK that i can not deny and maybe worded it wrongly, but hopefully you see my point i was making about the money coming in from others that want the resource

03-06-2018, 09:48 AM
Sadly the choice was not scientific, instead a political “forgive me” for continuing the construction of the Site C dam. Im not sayin, I’m just saying...

You hit the nail on the head!!! Just a "table scrap" and they ate it up. Now this same guy has gotten us into a potential trade war with Berta...the next potential premier of Alberta(Kenney) is threatening to heavily tax or stop BC gas going to Alberta. The wine trick didn't work but taxing BC natural gas....

03-22-2018, 09:51 AM
90 odd % of british columbians who were against the hunt.

90% of how many people, nobody asked me if I was in favor of the grizzly bear hunt.

03-22-2018, 10:46 AM
90% of how many people, nobody asked me if I was in favor of the grizzly bear hunt.

Registered (bought tags, actively hunting) hunters in BC make up about 3-4% of the population, so even if every hunter was for the hunt, that would be 3-4%, 10% is actually not bad, considering there was significant media around how bad the hunt is (multiple documentaries, poor hunter publicity) and almost nothing for it.

This was an easy win for the antis to sway the in-different general public, especially when the 'for' arguments put forward were relatively weak in comparison.

The best thing hunters can do from this experience is learn from it and use some better tactics when the next battle crops up. but first, getting the gov't to start caring about our wildlife is a cause everyone can agree on, so there should be a big push there.