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View Full Version : Coyote..... Interior hot spots now?

01-20-2018, 06:57 PM
Anyone know of some good areas for coyote?
Will be going up to Merritt / Logan Lake area for a few days, early February.
Have successfully hunted Tunkwa lake area for deer, but never tried calling of course during deer season.

01-21-2018, 01:34 AM
Me and a few buddies were there 2nd week of January. We had no luck unfortunately. Lots of yotes down towards savona but all on private land. They are in around the north and west side of tunkwa lake and honestly everywhere else too! If it's snowing check for tracks and get comfy. BRING CHAINS

01-21-2018, 08:35 AM
Lots of open fields in the Merrit area, yotes will be out hunting mice.
Maybe find some cover close to a fenceline and call them out from the edge
They will likely come in along the fence instead of across the wide open, watch your wind.

Wild one
01-21-2018, 09:15 AM
Any ranch land you can get permission on will hold coyotes

Tons of coyote around it’s more of an issue of finding terrain that gives you an advantage

01-21-2018, 09:06 PM
Was up there first week of january. Heard them all night. Snow was thick and hard to walk through without snowshoes. Saw lots of hare tracks too but couldnt connect. Lots of animals in there. Good luck!