View Full Version : Education, Speaking

01-18-2018, 02:26 PM
Ok, here's the deal. Anti hunting groupes have had and still have access to your children and are spreading their propoganda. This is a serious issue.
WE need to do the same- period. Not just schools but public.
Someone or a bunch of us HAS TO organize a quick topic menu, get moving and line up some informative evenings around the south province for starts and NOW.
We can't NOT counter this, this is very serious.
I'll do it. Believe it or not, I can shut the eff bombs up and make rational sense and have zero concerns about speaking with a crowd. This needs to be done. We need to speak to the non hunting, curious population and fill them in.
Presently NO ONE is doing this except the antis.Get it ??.....this is a disaster moving right NOW.
Someond has to get this happening. Figure out a recipe and deliver. I'm up to my nuts with this predation thing but I'd take part in informing a crowd of people along with others if someone takes this on !!

It really needs to be done.

01-18-2018, 03:15 PM
I'm in. In fact I would love to get involved.

How do we proceed? Mainly how do we convince a group of possibly hostile people to sit in front of us and listen?

It should be more of an event than a chat. Maybe a wild game cook up. Invite everyone. Share our meat, stories and try to show people we aren't murdering heathens?

End of the day, I'm interested and I'll gladly talk about my life as a hunter.


01-18-2018, 03:43 PM
My girlfriends 12 year old told me that grizzlies were going extinct. I had to have a long talk and explain how everything works. Something short form that's concise and comprehensive would help.

01-18-2018, 03:52 PM
Great Idea...
I would like to be involved or help out at events.

Wild one
01-18-2018, 04:09 PM
In southern BC this is needed big time. When my kid was in school in southern BC I had to correct myths from teachers regarding wildlife and hunting. Also had my son call out teachers for lying about wildlife and hunting resulting in him being punished till I got involved.

Since moving to northern BC teachers who attempt this are curbed fast. Every time these teachers were originally from the lower mainland

01-18-2018, 04:22 PM
How do you reach this target audience and more importantly entice them to come out?

I'm not going to the Steven Wright show tomorrow because I wasn't even aware he was coming to town. Simply was not coming up on the social media streams that I follow.

How do we spread the word out? How do you convince people to actually come out. You know, the types that only come out if there are also free muffins being handed out.

01-18-2018, 04:47 PM
More or less on topic I've arranged to take some euro's and a couple of hides to my sons grade 1/2 elementary class next week. Go over herbivores , omnivores , carnivores food chain type stuff.Teachers were very receptive to the idea.
Not exactly a large public event but I'm hoping it will go over well and maybe there's enough interest to expand it a bit.
But your absolutely right ..!!! Awareness and public education needs to be ramped up in a big way.

01-18-2018, 04:57 PM
At work today 4 non-hunting coworkers who’d never tried bear ate my pepperoni.

Island Idiots
01-18-2018, 05:00 PM
I would like to see some advertising coming from hunters. I would be glad to help pay for that. Its time to educate the public who we are and what we stand for.
If wildlife management is based on public opinion and that opinion is based on what the public reads from animal rights groups, we are way behind.

I think its time we all put down the gauntlet of infighting. Trappers, Resident Hunters, Guides, Non resident hunters, Fishermen, Women, Kids, Families, need to come together in a fashion that makes our presence known. We need to put a face on who we are. We need to explain how conservation works, and make that connection to family life. To our heritage. We need to let the public know about organic, hormone free naturally raised protein.

These are just some thoughts I have. The other thing we need is to put direct pressure on the government to return to Science based decisions regarding wildlife. Put the science first, and follow thru on what the Biologist recommend. Improve Wildlife Habitat, fund it etc.

We need to fund an organization that can do things politically. We need ads in the Vancouver papers, making a point and selling memberships. We need them in every paper. We need to put a demonstration together at the Legislature, with speakers, feeding the homeless wild food.

We need to share our stories of families, hunting together, Guides roles in managing their areas, conserving for the future and raising and providing for their families. Stories about trappers, and the history of trapping, predator control, etc.
There really is so much we could do politically if we had grouped our resources and began a publicity campaign aimed at getting the publics attention and opening some eyes.


01-18-2018, 05:09 PM
Ok, here's the deal. Anti hunting groupes have had and still have access to your children and are spreading their propoganda. This is a serious issue.
WE need to do the same- period. Not just schools but public.
Someone or a bunch of us HAS TO organize a quick topic menu, get moving and line up some informative evenings around the south province for starts and NOW.
We can't NOT counter this, this is very serious.
I'll do it. Believe it or not, I can shut the eff bombs up and make rational sense and have zero concerns about speaking with a crowd. This needs to be done. We need to speak to the non hunting, curious population and fill them in.
Presently NO ONE is doing this except the antis.Get it ??.....this is a disaster moving right NOW.
Someond has to get this happening. Figure out a recipe and deliver. I'm up to my nuts with this predation thing but I'd take part in informing a crowd of people along with others if someone takes this on !!

It really needs to be done.

So what word are you trying to get out. I talk to non-hunters quit often and can get them to see another side to things , but only takes one act or comment from the wrong hunter and its all for not. Trying to drive it down there throat or in there face doesn't seem to work. Showing another side to things does and being truthful helps also. A lot of what is put out by the non-hunting groups is very biased but so is stuff put out by the hunters. Much of what is said by both groups is just that talk they have never seen it or experienced it they just go by what they have heard. I take out new people every year both new hunters and non hunters, they are quit often surprised the way it is compared to what they have heard.

01-18-2018, 06:01 PM
I've said this before.... we need to get quick little memes and gifs that can be posted to social media.

That is THE battle ground for public opinion.

Is any one on here working in graphic design or marketing?

Funeral Of Hearts
01-18-2018, 08:27 PM
My advice would be to come at it through aboriginal education. There is a large part of the BC curriculum that involves aboriginal cultures. Have an elder come in and talk about hinting, trapping, sustinance etc. Tan some hides, talk about traditional practoces and parallel it to current techniques and issues.

01-18-2018, 10:37 PM


Wolf management=Caribou

No Wolf Management = No caribou

Insert cute little baby bou picture in background

$1000 dollars for a month

01-18-2018, 10:45 PM
Ex 2

Raincoast thinks 13 caribou aren't worth saving

Real Conservationists do.

Support BC hunters and wolf management

Insert baby bou pic.....

Bugle M In
01-18-2018, 11:00 PM
Took my daughter this past fall hunting.
We both took pictures, and then at home, she decided, by herself and her own ambition, to do a presentation on her ipad, which she then asked her teacher to present to her class, which the teacher allowed.
The kids loved it, and have a genuine infatuation to hunting if given the chance.
It also helped that her teacher is FN, and finds the whole topic acceptable.
(Ironically, the teacher is FN, BUT, she is also vegetarian!, but hey, give here credit, she accepts being a vegetarian as a lifestyle choice of her own, and fully supports others to hunt)
Anyways, having hunting in the FN curriculum, is a great idea, and large FN curriculm now exists in our elementary schools.
Best to have children introduced to the enjoyment and benefits that hunting/trapping can bring.
Getting to the adults requires much more work.
Atleast my wife, who is a federal employee, said that there was a news article in the elevator monitor, "saying hunters wanted more money for habitat, and that 100% of out tag money should be placed into a wildlife /habitat fund.
So yes, the public can be informed, and should be.
How, is the hard part.
Definitely local papers should have articles from the local R&G Clubs, and any project that they are doing.
Stuff like that, but, FB and IG and Twitter seem to reach the masses the fastest these days.

01-19-2018, 01:02 AM
Ok, here's the deal. Anti hunting groupes have had and still have access to your children and are spreading their propoganda. This is a serious issue.
WE need to do the same- period. Not just schools but public.
Someone or a bunch of us HAS TO organize a quick topic menu, get moving and line up some informative evenings around the south province for starts and NOW.
We can't NOT counter this, this is very serious.
I'll do it. Believe it or not, I can shut the eff bombs up and make rational sense and have zero concerns about speaking with a crowd. This needs to be done. We need to speak to the non hunting, curious population and fill them in.
Presently NO ONE is doing this except the antis.Get it ??.....this is a disaster moving right NOW.
Someond has to get this happening. Figure out a recipe and deliver. I'm up to my nuts with this predation thing but I'd take part in informing a crowd of people along with others if someone takes this on !!

It really needs to be done.

its a good idea - essential in fact.

best thing to do is develop some sort of comprehensive curriculum. It needs to have purpose and relevancy. Sell it to schools through the curriculum and its attendant benefits.

Ideally the material is targeted at grade specific steps, and logically attached to material already within the system as an adjunct (as opposed to a seperate subject or presented in a one time assembly type deal). Lots of opportunity for successful field trips. If kids come home raving about the lessons, parents will be on side almost no matter what is in them.

Working within FN education is a given. Also very important not to be seen as overly controversial, confrontational or it will be rejected immediately by every human component including students.

Train volunteers on the developed curriculum and put some sort of standards in place to maintain consistency of delivery and some method of assuring adherence. One loose cannon can sink the ship.

After a little preparation by BCWF or the like, reaching out to existing teachers to see what their needs and objections are, then go back and tweak a bit. With some sort of developed system, reaching out to scouts Canada and other large youth groups is also intuitive.

just some thoughts for the brainstorm.

Great Idea, keep up the great work PG!

01-19-2018, 10:07 AM
Or, just get involved with organizations that are already doing something about introducing kids to the outdoors.

Local BCWF clubs partnered with Freshwater Fisheries a couple of weeks ago and held a "How to ice fish" event.

400 people showed up and we ran out of hot dogs.

That's how it's done. Get the kids out there with a fishing rod in their hands and away from the evil eye of a BCTF/socialist/anti-everything teacher, and let the kids experience what it's all about for themselves.

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/26220825_1910252099002593_6280592315587604541_o.jp g?oh=bffdd29aaa72bf30e7bc10906154c603&oe=5AF1D5C2

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/26233044_1910252992335837_4006069826657082851_o.jp g?oh=d8724ba61fb67d0a051eea5f87ba2e3b&oe=5AF2121B

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/26240141_1910252599002543_3099701857968598085_o.jp g?oh=21ca3c78abc46033bf24fabce005f9e3&oe=5AF0117F

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/26678342_1910252569002546_7660508175923939580_o.jp g?oh=68da2658d05e090889f7ab552024adcc&oe=5AFC66A8

https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/26232632_1910251712335965_3850347599839780972_o.jp g?oh=dade802165d8d0a236d692cf5300e30a&oe=5AF51748

Bugle M In
01-19-2018, 11:06 AM
FD, your right that we can take people out like you say, and that's a great thing for sure.
BUT, it's not like that/or that easy for that to happen down in the LM, and especially in the City of Vancouver.
Trust me, I live here, and have gotten to know many families in the area.
Those type of events you speak of, should be promoted for sure, but it won't gain much traction down here.
They do have a curriculum down here on FN/Indigenous people.
And lets face it, and lets put all the other FN stuff aside, but the actual "learning of historic FN Culture" is very much in line with what us resident hunters feel and think about hunting and lifestyle and nature and it's uses etc.
Teaching/Learning about Hunting under that curriculum would be an excellent way to Expose people to the benefits and logic of hunting and it's sustainability.
One thing about children, there not all jaded and messed up about what side of the fence to be on.
They are "open minded", and I honestly believe that any exposure to hunting, and it's history and relevance,
is needed here, as many parents would Never take their children to those events you showed.
It's about the parents down here, and given the choice, most of them would never allow that exposure o happen.
But, in a school curriculum, the children get to decide "how they feel about it".
But having my child exposed to hunting ASAP, was the best thing I did, and I had no problems having the WildTV channel on for her to watch, and then explain etc.

The BCWF may want to consider making something like that a "day trip" for schools and their classrooms.
The Kids around here go to the Hatchery, but that's as far as it goes.
Fishing is a great way for kids to "step into" harvesting ones own food for sure, then introducing hunting.
Just understand, and do pass this onto the BCWF officials, that hunting does need to be introduced to the LM better, and that it is going to be "a hard sell", but it's also the area that gives hunting the hardest time at the Polls.
It wasn't just FN who hunted, so did the settlers here, but that get's about a 2 second discussion in the classroom these days.

01-19-2018, 12:05 PM
Ok, here's the deal. Anti hunting groupes have had and still have access to your children and are spreading their propoganda. This is a serious issue.
WE need to do the same- period. Not just schools but public.
Someone or a bunch of us HAS TO organize a quick topic menu, get moving and line up some informative evenings around the south province for starts and NOW.
We can't NOT counter this, this is very serious.
I'll do it. Believe it or not, I can shut the eff bombs up and make rational sense and have zero concerns about speaking with a crowd. This needs to be done. We need to speak to the non hunting, curious population and fill them in.
Presently NO ONE is doing this except the antis.Get it ??.....this is a disaster moving right NOW.
Someond has to get this happening. Figure out a recipe and deliver. I'm up to my nuts with this predation thing but I'd take part in informing a crowd of people along with others if someone takes this on !!

It really needs to be done.

Good Post. Trying to conceptualize your concerns got me thinking of anumber of issues. Talking with kids makes sense, but I think the biggeraudience (Adults) is the most pressing challenge we face. After all, it is theythat influence their children, and they that vote.

If we, as hunters and conservationists are going to attempta rebuttal to the anti’s rhetoric, a unified front has to be offered. There area number of articulate, logical, experienced people on this site, yourself included,who, would be are best representatives.

In my mind, to produce a convincing case to present to thegeneral public, we need to discuss both common and related concerns, as well asoutcomes.

As I have posted in past and believe in strongly, WildlifeManagement does not live in isolation to itself. If we truly want prolific gamepopulations, we need a healthy environment (habitat). Therefore any discussionincluding wildlife management, must also include political agendas, resourcedevelopment & extraction and population growth / expansion. In shortwildlife needs a healthy ecosystem (habitat). So if a healthy ecosystem is thestarting point, then concessions will need to be made. This is where theconversation gets difficult.

We can’t have resource based jobs and healthy wildlifenumbers without strong government regulation and monitoring of theseactivities. I am not trying to be controversial here, just realistic.

This is a complex, relevant, and timely topic you haveoffered, with lots of intricacies to be considered. Let’s not make the samemistake as the anti’s, and zero in on one small piece of the situation. We as aprovince and as a society, all need to take some ownership for the state of ourwildlife populations. Knowledge is power. Educate the population with facts andnot political agenda.

01-19-2018, 12:26 PM
FD, your right that we can take people out like you say, and that's a great thing for sure.
BUT, it's not like that/or that easy for that to happen down in the LM, and especially in the City of Vancouver.

If you told them they could meet Justin Bieber in Merritt, you'd have 400 people from the LML there in a flash. And then you could take them fishing. ;)

Bugle M In
01-19-2018, 12:39 PM
If you told them they could meet Justin Bieber in Merritt, you'd have 400 people from the LML there in a flash. And then you could take them fishing. ;)

Just make sure it ain't Miley!!
But joking aside, there is some merit in what you say, but who down in the Hollywood land is an avid hunter and is willing to be public about it??
If there are, are they good spokesperson's for hunting? ( I doubt Bieber is what many would consider a good model/spokesperson, in good standing with the general public, let alone making them see that hunting is good).
And would they come up here?, to advocate for hunting, and to take time having such gatherings?
But, it is a good idea to add to the thread.
FYI, my daughters 10, and she thinks Bieber is a Goof!..:mrgreen:

01-19-2018, 12:49 PM
It starts with your own children educate them and they will educate their friends. when you take your kids shooting take their friends along set up 3D targets in your garden and get out the old bow and arrow..
I agree for to long we have taken our hunting heritage for granted.
And please please stop call hunting a "sport" that word was invented by the antis and paints what we do negatively..
"Ah you hunters just kill for the sport!"
Hunting is not a sport its and instinct deep inside of us that provides our family's with organic meat & challenges us in many ways its not all about the kill...

01-19-2018, 12:52 PM
Or, just get involved with organizations that are already doing something about introducing kids to the outdoors.

Local BCWF clubs partnered with Freshwater Fisheries a couple of weeks ago and held a "How to ice fish" event.

400 people showed up and we ran out of hot dogs.

That's how it's done. Get the kids out there with a fishing rod in their hands and away from the evil eye of a BCTF/socialist/anti-everything teacher, and let the kids experience what it's all about for themselves.

The BCWF and local clubs have been doing this for years. I think its time to up our presence and our influence. Use Raincoast tactics to honestly manipulate emotions through education. There are multiple ways to do that...you are partaking in one. Lets get anyone willing out to do more.

01-19-2018, 04:03 PM
Making deer burger last night with my boys.

01-19-2018, 04:47 PM
Making deer burger last night with my boys.

Well done. Share it on your facebook. Encourage conversation.

01-22-2018, 12:19 PM
but who down in the Hollywood land is an avid hunter and is willing to be public about it??
If there are, are they good spokesperson's for hunting?...


01-22-2018, 03:54 PM
If you have a few minutes to spare read this:

If you have an hour and a half to spare listen to this:

It is awesome to see this thread here and there are some great points being made. It should probably be stickied.

As hunters we all need to do a better job of educating non-hunters. Every single one of us can do this every day, but it won't be enough.

We can only reach so many people that way and it will take too long. We need to fight fire with fire on a grand scale using billboards, social media etc. and we will need professional help from marketing and advertising firms on our side of this battle to teach non-educated people about what is really going on: Anti-hunting groups using fake science to promote their agenda, government ignoring science and using wildlife for political gain.

We all know it on here and we can rant and rave about it, but it does no good. We need to get that message out loud and clear to the majority of the population that know no different. We need to prove that we care about wildlife and that we will fight for it.

We have seen on this site very recently that hunters are willing to pay to get stuff done(trapping wolves). We need to do the same thing with this, but on a much larger scale. I mean no disrespect to what Steve has started with the wolf trapping, I think it is fantastic, but none of it will matter if we continue to lose the war with the anti's on the long-term. We need to use the same tactics he did, but it needs to be spread to every hunter and fisher in this province and beyond.

If we don't fund it, who will?

01-22-2018, 04:24 PM
Hmmm some good ideas..however teaming up with FN defeats the purpose when they don't truly believe in wildlife management..they believe in wildlife hunters at night..or wildlife in your private property..or wildlife viewing at the cost of recreational hunting for food purposes..
Teaming up makes the message whatever the FN wants to take it..and whenever..
Start the program..whatever program..those that believe in it will endorse it publically...including FN who endorse the rights of non aboriginal recreational hunters.
Be certain the message can not be steered in unwanted directions....

01-22-2018, 04:42 PM
Hmmm some good ideas..however teaming up with FN defeats the purpose when they don't truly believe in wildlife management..they believe in wildlife hunters at night..or wildlife in your private property..or wildlife viewing at the cost of recreational hunting for food purposes..
Teaming up makes the message whatever the FN wants to take it..and whenever..

It is unfair to lump them all in the same category. There are bad seeds everywhere. Education is crucial.
There are bands that are opposed to grizzly hunting and there are bands that are not.
With the way things work in this country it is essential we have them on our side of the fight.

Start the program..whatever program..those that believe in it will endorse it publically...including FN who endorse the rights of non aboriginal recreational hunters.
Be certain the message can not be steered in unwanted directions....

There is no point trying to convince an Anti of anything, the battle is between us and them over influencing and in our case, truthfully educating the non-hunter. We have facts on our side, but are in the Stone Age when it comes to getting the message out. Anti's are way ahead of us, but we know they are using lies and deceit to the masses. That is crucial.

How is someone going to feel when they find out that the money they have been donating to Raincoast or whomever is not actually doing what they thought it was? We need to get that out.

01-22-2018, 05:07 PM
I teach archery to kids, teens and adults. I always work in hunting while doing it. We keep a large foam bear at the indoor range that I let them shoot towards the end of the night and talk to them as to the correct place to make a good shot. Almost always it has a positive effect towards hunting.

01-23-2018, 02:04 AM
I think education people on the issue, while necessary, isn't the best way to do it... at the start. Think of when you were in school, having a teacher talk to you about something you had no interest in. In one ear out the other...

I think (and its been said here before) that we need to change the general public's perception of hunters. TV shows, movies, and stereotypes have portrayed us in a bad light. We need to change this. The quickest way to reach the most amount of people in this is being active in the community. Particularly large urban hubs. Clean up garbage, help those in need, ect. A lot of this stuff I know a lot of people already do but we need to take pictures and share it with the public. Social media is our friend. Let the public know about all the good stuff we do and are doing instead of quietly doing it in the background. Generate positive buzz around hunting and get people curious about what it REALLY is. Once people view hunting in good light and are curious they'll be far more receptive to sitting down and listening to scientific management. We're not going to educate and inform people all at once. Realistically it will take years of effort, but we have to take the small steps to reach the end goal. Take someone you've talked to hunting about out hunting with you and let them see what its really about. I work in a restaurant and I plan on taking some vegan servers who are pretty anti-hunting out with me to see what its all about and change their minds. Once they see it, even if they decide it is not for them (which they likely will), they will respect it and pass on the positive feelings they have towards it. I know alot of people want to start a program they can put money into and thats good too, its all good! However, what people value even more than money is time; if we're willing to put a few hours a year into positive endeavors like this it will go a long way in motivating people to learn more, which makes educating them easier.

I'm not saying whats been said so far is wrong, everyone has valid ideas and points. This is just my two cents on addressing the issue's at hand

With all that being said, anything around Vancouver I'm in and willing to come out and help for