View Full Version : BCWF= AGM Registration

01-16-2018, 04:09 PM
https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/26240555_1628769680524409_8960395304073413532_o.jp g?oh=3b8035776b2094920e1f36292e59f25f&oe=5AF12833

Registration for the BCWF AGM and Convention Spousal and Youth Programs are now up on our website.

Check them out at https://buff.ly/2CSE0zv (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbuff.ly%2F2CSE0zv&h=ATNYuhWhZIXxVwfZzT9y8dyreRVf3rKYWvU3VYMOOa72OdBW FmGcV_ARufi1BZiLlV8zZlMd-GZwBXhC10r95px7X7gl4dN_1fIimnjg0txd4tsAcjxE9g6sEXz iZnx8am0v2Gwn9Y64o4pfaZZqG45BpfmSMwY7atLRbfEU7TQTT WL4NBUgELyDW8QKJhG3L3Cu68Qo0D6CNmL8soGpwgQKVsEu6e_ au3pKebUBcKnhlRzyrhIl)

Don't miss the early bird rates for delegates-register before February 9, 2018!

02-24-2018, 09:04 AM
Who is going to the AGM this year? My Rod and gun club is sending me as a representative. I wouldn't mind meeting some of you in person if you will be attending.

Rob Chipman
02-24-2018, 02:02 PM
I'm going. I'll see you there.