View Full Version : Lots Of Wolf Talk eh ?

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Walking Buffalo
02-19-2018, 10:30 AM
Close to 10 years later. Grizzly hunt taken away. Caribou crashing. Mule deer hunting cut back announced. Steve notices NO ONE doing ANYTHING about the #1 problem - predation blow out.

Here's the shit part, the WORST part and THE part which you ALL need to be aware of.

Region 1 board and president of the VI Trapper Association
An article in the newspaper, a very negative article I might add about Steve's wolf trapping campaign is not going to do trappers and trapping any good. Personally I'm not thrilled about it and don't think many others will be either. Now we, hunters and trappers, will be under the gun again.I will not support this iniative of Steve's and will not encourage others too either!

EMOTIONALLY REACTS to anti propaganda, ( a page STEVE didnt make), throws a licensed hunter, trapper under the bus, doesn't STAND UP, doesnt LEAD, doesn't MAKE A DIFFERENCE, doesnt put forth ANY resolution, ZERO mentions of how to do it better, bows to the anti propaganda....does NOTHING, makes ZERO difference..... makes it clear they are going to try and effing PREVENT ACTION.
And THIS is an example of WHY we are where we are.
WHO is going to rally the troops to make a difference? WHO is going to stand up and represent and fight for us?? WHO?
AGAIN, all I have been doing is motivating licensed trappers and trap line owners to make a difference - THATS IT-.
I am absolutely DISGUSTED. I'm sure this person is a super kind person, stand up citizen and makes a great anti pasta. Is this THE PERSON you guys need representing?? SERIOUS????

Do you all realize how weak we are when a guy living in Pemberton has to rally the ISLAND TRAPPERS?????? WTF is this person doing??

One shit eating post made by effind anti's using false words, statements and a regional director sides WITH THEM? SERIOUS??

Sorry for cutting your post, people here really need to read this several times and apply the concern to hunting in general.

The willingness and active desires by some individuals in hunting/trapping leadership positions to capitulate to anti-hunting efforts has to be recognized and euthanized.

This story is very similar to how Alberta just lost legal spear and atlatl hunting, except for indigenous peoples.

A few of our hunting stakeholder group leaders figured trying to pacify the anti-hunting community would be easy, just sacrifice a small part of ourselves.

Of course this anti-hunting beast greedily ate the offering, but is still hungry for more, they demand another sacrifice.

We will Never pacify this beast through offerings, we will only survive if we kill it.

This means targeting and eliminating those within our ranks that desire to play the sacrifice angle.

You gave enough hints as to who this person is. Figure it out guys, His ideology needs to be culled.

02-19-2018, 10:56 AM
Sorry for cutting your post, people here really need to read this several times and apply the concern to hunting in general.

The willingness and active desires by some individuals in hunting/trapping leadership positions to capitulate to anti-hunting efforts has to be recognized and euthanized.

This story is very similar to how Alberta just lost legal spear and atlatl hunting, except for indigenous peoples.

A few of our hunting stakeholder group leaders figured trying to pacify the anti-hunting community would be easy, just sacrifice a small part of ourselves.

Of course this anti-hunting beast greedily ate the offering, but is still hungry for more, they demand another sacrifice.

We will Never pacify this beast through offerings, we will only survive if we kill it.

This means targeting and eliminating those within our ranks that desire to play the sacrifice angle.

You gave enough hints as to who this person is. Figure it out guys, His ideology needs to be culled.

FINALLY........and BINGO !!!!

02-19-2018, 10:59 AM
Sorry for cutting your post, people here really need to read this several times and apply the concern to hunting in general.

The willingness and active desires by some individuals in hunting/trapping leadership positions to capitulate to anti-hunting efforts has to be recognized and euthanized.

This story is very similar to how Alberta just lost legal spear and atlatl hunting, except for indigenous peoples.

A few of our hunting stakeholder group leaders figured trying to pacify the anti-hunting community would be easy, just sacrifice a small part of ourselves.

Of course this anti-hunting beast greedily ate the offering, but is still hungry for more, they demand another sacrifice.

We will Never pacify this beast through offerings, we will only survive if we kill it.

This means targeting and eliminating those within our ranks that desire to play the sacrifice angle.

You gave enough hints as to who this person is. Figure it out guys, His ideology needs to be culled.

Were you able to find the newspaper article?

Walking Buffalo
02-19-2018, 12:17 PM
Were you able to find the newspaper article?

Which article? Pm if that is appropriate.

02-19-2018, 02:14 PM
Which article? Pm if that is appropriate.

The article Steve was talking about.
I know who he's talking about but I'd like to see the article.
I couldn't find it online.

02-19-2018, 05:06 PM
This may be a dumb question but oh well... is the Vancouver Island Trappers Association a part of the BC Trappers Association? On various forums and google searches I find people referencing VITA in context clearly distinct from the BCTA; But I can't find any actual reference to a stand alone association, contact info or names.

02-19-2018, 07:34 PM
Yes the VITA is a local of the BCTA.

02-19-2018, 08:25 PM
You're correct, but that is not the intent. This is a Research project.

This study may turn out to be a VERY important document in future caribou management decisions.

Why didn't the government just kill the wolves?

Simply, the research will now be focused on how wolves function in a closed system without caribou, only small game, mostly beavers, for prey.

Hmm! You're right, there. It will be a very important case study.

Its amazing that the caribou population plummeted so fast! 600 down to less than 100 in three years. Crazy! All that starting off with 4 wolves.

02-19-2018, 09:51 PM
Yes Greenthumbed makes you say hummmmmm

02-20-2018, 02:45 PM
Region 1 board and president of the VI Trapper Association
An article in the newspaper, a very negative article I might add about Steve's wolf trapping campaign is not going to do trappers and trapping any good. Personally I'm not thrilled about it and don't think many others will be either. Now we, hunters and trappers, will be under the gun again.I will not support this iniative of Steve's and will not encourage others too either!

Is this for real ? The president of the VI Trappers Association is not in support of supporting trappers ? I just don't understand how this can be...since when did hunting and trapping become a dirty little secret we don't want anyone to know about ? Where is the pride, where is the standing up for what you believe in ? And what is this "we" sh$t...say what you will, but don't speak for me, I'm getting really tired of people trying to pass off their personal opinions as "on behalf" of other hunters and trappers ? Damn !!! If we can't stand up and be proud of what we do, how can we ever expect to be respected...if we act ashamed then we will be shamed !


02-20-2018, 07:05 PM
I dont really have time right now but will be going back on the thread and private messaging various people. Your going to be happy. I'll hammer out a few now, if you get it, you can pass it on to trusted friends. We are working on a direct circle of contact with a ' true conservation support list' for direct contact, from there they can tell their true conservationist friends. Will take a bit of time, but we will have everything on this end smooth in short time. Meantime, there is LOTS to do more importantly this time of year. In the meantime, proguide66@yahoo.com. will be making a 'private' FB group shortly as well, again it all takes time and personally, I barely have minutes to spare.
Side note, the island needs some BS straightened out BADLY among people who are supposed to care, I mean what a tragic state in various areas. With how busy I am, if anyone messages me to offer up an island phone number or person I 'should' talk to, PLEASE DO IT YOURSELF. This is the part many are missing. This is supposed to be a group conservation move as well support in every way. thanks for all the support my way, but its YOUR WAY I'm trying to get going.
I even had a freaking person from the island message me on here that I am "looking to get stroked" doing this.....YES IM SERIOUS. Holy F@CK. People like this 'X how many' over there???? Like I said, a MESS. you guys need to rally, straighten out the BS in a rapid way.
OK, I'm back at it. I'll pm a few now, then I have to get back to my own grief.
Later !

02-20-2018, 07:46 PM
Sometimes it seems like this haha ha ha :)


250 Nosler
02-20-2018, 07:48 PM
Thank you Steve for the response.My second donation is in the mail. Keep up the good work

02-20-2018, 07:54 PM
Every month I put money into my RRSP, and TFSA. Since I don’t have the gear and skills yet to trap and help to make a difference. I’m investing in the ones who do, Investing for our future generations.
EMT sent to Steve
EMT sent to trapman

whos next to invest???

(did our money from GoFundMe go through?)

02-20-2018, 08:18 PM
Thank you Scotty and everyone else that has sent money it is great l to get, it really helps out and gives me motivation to try harder to help our problem. My son has a professional day on friday and what better way to spend a father and son day , but out on the line hauling bait and hanging snares. Thanks everyone you are making a difference

02-20-2018, 08:25 PM
Are there any updates on the amount of wolves taken in the last three weeks. I’m sure signs of success would help the donations a lot. Keep up the good work guys with such shitty conditions!

02-20-2018, 08:31 PM
With 8-10,000 wolves in this province, heck of a lot of work to do...

02-20-2018, 08:32 PM
Are there any updates on the amount of wolves taken in the last three weeks. I’m sure signs of success would help the donations a lot. Keep up the good work guys with such shitty conditions!

I am sure pictures of success would go a long way motivating ppl where their money is going. however, we need to be careful about what is posted in open forums as we all know there are alot of eyes on this site!
We do have to be careful with our social license and try to win the non hunting community back! not the antis f*** them

02-20-2018, 08:55 PM
Totally understand, my bad.

02-20-2018, 08:57 PM
Sorry if this has been Answered... but have the "Go fund me" funds been released yet?

02-20-2018, 09:09 PM
For me on the last 3 weeks only 3 yotes and no wolves, but thats normal . Wolves seem to have a pattern on where and when they show up, the one pack on my line which started the year at 8 and is now down to 2 has a 2 to 3 week pattern of hitting the bait. For 2 1/2 weeks only single coyotes Have hit the bait. But last wednesday when we rebated there were a new pack of 9 wolves circling one of the bait piles. I am hopping to tell you of some more successes on the next trip up. A region 2 trapper just left my place with 250 pounds of bait heading up to his line tomorrow, he had wolves near the bait station last time he was up .It is getting handled

02-20-2018, 09:39 PM
I got 2 out in the open on family day. A pup and a mature female.

I'd say there were about 10 in the pack by the tracks. Now 8.

They came down onto the main rd I was driving and I caught up to the middle with the truck.

Bigtime lucky, right place at the right time, but I've played that game in that valley enough now that I'm turning the odds in my favour.

Tricked the second one to turn around and come back with some howling.

02-20-2018, 09:51 PM
Great work Drillbit...as I said before, I am willing to help any trappers in the Peachland/West Kelowna/Kelowna area...I've never trapped before, but I have a good pair of snowshoes, a strong back and a strong will, and a good buddy of mine would love to join as well...I have a busy work schedule, but if the time is feasible any of you lemme know if I can help....they are hard to hunt, and calls ain't working thus far for me..and great work btw you guys Proguide et al....

02-20-2018, 10:06 PM
Gofundme is shut down, send funds direct. Any funds contributed to gofundme went through though, as far as I know. So if you didn't get a refund, it went to the right place.

02-20-2018, 11:10 PM
PM sent trapman. I have bait.

02-21-2018, 12:15 AM
EMT sent Steve. I have cash.

02-21-2018, 01:15 PM
https://scontent.fcxh2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/28276674_2027867770814787_1381299866806343650_n.jp g?oh=67377c7a7d6b2325e0da130607c22680&oe=5B0A616D

Bugle M In
02-21-2018, 02:09 PM
hitting the "Like" button right now...good job!

02-21-2018, 02:10 PM
For anybody interested, among other things, he's the editor in chief of Victoria Animal News. I took this from his LinkedIn account.

Good reply Steve!


02-21-2018, 02:13 PM
Gave the fella the Google treatment==WHOOA this guy is a Paul Watson wanna be eco-terrorist given his chance and surrounded by all the rest of the usual suspects I saw one positive thing that he does support- gardens for communities wonder what happens when Kellie's deer eat at the community garden and the poor overtaxed Victorians have no fresh lettuce? Horseee send cash send cash

Bugle M In
02-21-2018, 02:14 PM
https://scontent.fcxh2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/28276674_2027867770814787_1381299866806343650_n.jp g?oh=67377c7a7d6b2325e0da130607c22680&oe=5B0A616D

where is the exact link for this^^^....want to hit the like button for steve here...but can't find it on this goof's FB page anywhere??

02-21-2018, 02:23 PM

scroll down to feb 14 post...looks like he's blocked Steve from posting

02-21-2018, 02:26 PM
I dont see that comment.

Also at the bottom of Steve's comment, its says "Unable to post comment Try Again"

02-21-2018, 02:28 PM
I only see two comments:


02-21-2018, 02:30 PM
If he's blocked Steve from posting, Steve should get someone else to post that comment for him.

Edit: Looks like that guys has deleted Steve's comments... What a coward

02-21-2018, 02:50 PM
He believes that dogs should be 100% equal in the eyes of the law and not be listed as property. People make no sense.

02-21-2018, 02:58 PM
Awesome response Steve!!

02-21-2018, 04:18 PM
Double post.

02-21-2018, 04:59 PM
Yes you are so right Steele Shot ,I just reposted Steve's reply on Jordan's FB lets see how long it stays up

02-21-2018, 05:06 PM
My post on the matter...

Simply Amazing how detached some city folks are when it comes to understanding the happenings in our hinterlands. At this exact point in time, we have several ENDANGERED Caribou populations, moose are in drastic decline province wide, many deer populations are plummeting rapidly, and the entire overall population of ungulates are in jeopardy. At the same time, wolf populations are higher than they have ever been, and increasing. Anyone with any common sense can recognize this is an entirely unstable situation. No one is calling for the absolute removal of the wolves, but without reducing their numbers, we WILL see those caribou wander off this planet, and the rest drop to dangerously low numbers. How would YOU suggest we deal with these pressing matters?? I await your enlightenment...


02-21-2018, 07:23 PM
Not to long Steve's post is off Jordan's FB page again along with the 4 others that disagreed with him. He is running for Victoria city council, he should fit right in with being a politician if it's not what you want hide it or sweep it under the rug where no one can find it. Not to worry he only received 198 votes last election they should have ran his dog for office might have had a better chance

02-21-2018, 07:39 PM
Deleted & BLOCKED! :icon_frow

See my former post.
Anything in there you can find "personal" or an "attack" please enlighten me.

Typical Coward. Faced with any real questions, they delete delete and DUCK! :roll:


02-21-2018, 07:45 PM
Deleted & BLOCKED! :icon_frow

See my former post.
Anything in there you can find "personal" or an "attack" please enlighten me.

Typical Coward. Faced with any real questions, they delete delete and DUCK! :roll:

Post his email and tel numbers i will pester him all day tomorrow. ;-)

02-21-2018, 08:02 PM
just go to his Facebook page its all there

Foxton Gundogs
02-21-2018, 08:09 PM
Deleted & BLOCKED! :icon_frow

See my former post.
Anything in there you can find "personal" or an "attack" please enlighten me.

Typical Coward. Faced with any real questions, they delete delete and DUCK! :roll:


"Nice" suit though and he dares criticize how other people dress. Sorry just had to.

Steele Shot
02-21-2018, 08:13 PM
Post his email and tel numbers i will pester him all day tomorrow. ;-)

Follow Jordan on Facebook here (https://www.facebook.com/jordanreichertAAEV?pnref=story)
Follow Jordan on Twitter Here (https://twitter.com/criticalanimal)
Phone: 250-216-0562

02-21-2018, 08:16 PM

Holy crap, I cant get any work done. I managed to stay 'in' one full day out of about 40 something so far due to this grief. TODAY 'had to be' a work day - NOPE, got the call and had to go. Wolves literally EVERYWHERE. They are waiting for calves or pets in my friends back 40. Not a deer track anywhere to be seen. Is what it is.... Set till dark, ran out of gear.

02-21-2018, 08:17 PM
PS, haven't seen ONE person out there yet either. NOT ONE. As in NOT A PERSON is out there seeing first hand whats going on ......nobody.

02-21-2018, 08:22 PM
Follow Jordan on Facebook here (https://www.facebook.com/jordanreichertAAEV?pnref=story)
Follow Jordan on Twitter Here (https://twitter.com/criticalanimal)
Phone: 250-216-0562
Awesome thanks ;-)

02-21-2018, 08:26 PM
Awesome thanks ;-) Ask him what he knows about B.C.'s caribou, moose and deer? and ask him WHY THE F NOT when he as nothing to say.

02-21-2018, 08:32 PM
i think Jordan needs his salad tossed by a g bear.

02-21-2018, 09:20 PM
well I had my comments deleted. as well as my link to the Ontario caribou stories. appears he is not interested in facts

02-21-2018, 09:35 PM
The F$&?er deleted my comment too. It wasn’t even personal. Loll
i am gonna call him tomorrow too.

02-21-2018, 09:41 PM
Would love to find out how that call goes

02-21-2018, 09:56 PM
As the saying goes,

"people see what they want to see"

02-21-2018, 10:23 PM
Awesome thanks ;-)

I will not be calling, but watch my FB feed tomorrow just to see what it is I do Buddy... :twisted:


02-23-2018, 05:55 PM
Quick note. In case any of you haven't figured it out yet, I am the WRONG GUY to talk to about hurting anyone's feelings. When a dude throws his full name and face to the world in support of predator control, be assured he more than likely isn't going to cuddle YOU or your sensitive side or anyone else when it comes to getting shit DONE at all costs. Think about it !! Hear me snivel about all the shit online 100% directed at me ? Pfft, not a chance. So you can imagine my attitude when it comes to some snivelling pussy 'hunter' who complains about being 'sensitive' ��, go eff yourself, hoews that ?��. ( who the eff else you want doing this for you ??).
The 100 % reason we are behind and loosing ( not for effing long) is because of worrying about what people think and not standing FIRM and loud - that's it!! Man cuddling has zero room.
Anyway, for all of you hard core supporters, we just ordered a pile of "Bridgers".
( google it, keep it off here). And I'm still pissed I'm not running around the planet right now, I'll get over it.

Onward !!!

02-23-2018, 07:11 PM
Both of these "people" got started with the Deer Safe Victoria and I guess they felt empowered because no one went after them (KC in particular) for their personal attacks. I was the N. Saanich rep on the CRD action committee and she slagged me personally in some of the local rags. Deer Safe even complained to the CRD that I represented a special interest group and should be removed and a rep from DeerSafe be put on the board instead... no hypocrisy there. lol My "crime"? Writing a letter to the Coquitlam council in support of keeping their bow season.

Jordon would film the meetings we had, very ignorantly up close and personal. One evening I took his photo as he filmed me... he was not amused! Demanded to know why I had done that. Really?

People would ask me why I didn't write rebuttal pieces for the personal attacks and I think my son summed it up best when he said ... "hey Dad, that just means you're winning!" Plus it might seem to validate the idea that they were getting to me... I found them amusing with their hair on fire antics.

These entities have a limited and rabid following, and like many of their ilk, are loud, self-serving and feed on their own sense of perverse self-righteous indignation.

So Steve... I guess you're winning. :)


02-23-2018, 07:49 PM
where is the exact link for this^^^....want to hit the like button for steve here...but can't find it on this goof's FB page anywhere??

Lol, I know this guy. (Jordan that is)

02-23-2018, 08:00 PM
Lol, I know this guy. (Jordan that is)
$100 Reward for a picture of him in a restaurant eating a steak, or KFC, or even a hotdog!

02-23-2018, 08:06 PM
$100 Reward for a picture of him in a restaurant eating a steak, or KFC, or even a hotdog!

It’ll never happen. I once tried having a conversation with him about the health benefits of veganism. He seemed unwilling to separate out the moral issues, so it ended our conversation.

02-24-2018, 01:52 PM
Lol, I know this guy. (Jordan that is)

Why the hell am I not even slightly surprised at that? :roll:

This same AssHat who cries (taking lessons from Justine perhaps) about being "polite" and "civil" when posting (then removes those that are btw) is the same Fool that openly attacked Foxy & I at their grizzly rally. Called down the way we dressed, the way we thought, and then termed us Christie's Henchmen (and anyone that knows either of us understands just how far out to lunch that was). In fact, he was so Frothing Mouth RUDE that the organizers felt they simply had to come over and publicly apologize for his "extremely poor behavior", congratulate us for "behaving as proper Gentlemen should" and noting that should be a "lesson for some" (aimed directly at the mouthpiece behind the mike).

I am toying with presenting him with a coordinated attack on his FB page since he banned me, but at the same time do not want to give any traffic aka increased publicity by doing so...
Bit of a conundrum...


02-24-2018, 02:01 PM
I haven’t talked to him in years. To me he seemed like he had a really high opinion of himself- his girlfriend seemed to as well.

02-24-2018, 04:52 PM
Ok...I can’t help it. You mentioned his girlfriend.....just how vegan is she?

02-24-2018, 07:31 PM
Ok...I can’t help it. You mentioned his girlfriend.....just how vegan is she?

I would think she is a vegan too.

Island Idiots
02-24-2018, 07:56 PM
I would think she is a vegan too.

Right over your head. Lol

02-24-2018, 08:16 PM
Ok...I can’t help it. You mentioned his girlfriend.....just how vegan is she?
Bwahaha ... too funny maybe it’s her toothpick

02-26-2018, 03:14 PM
Wolf and yote pile stacking up.......... feeling the 'tired'. Going to be a busy month, onward.


02-27-2018, 12:18 AM
Can you say road trip, heading out to a few new places to help our ungulates with a 100 or so new necktieshttp://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g448/trapman604/IMG_1241_zps63giaza7.jpg?1519714978991&1519714979714&1519714983366&1519715214083

02-27-2018, 07:48 AM
Great work trapman, are you also accepting donations if so pm me you mailing address etc and i will send you a donation, keep up the good work.

Stone Sheep Steve
02-27-2018, 09:16 PM
Good episode of Best of the West this week. Deals with predation on cattle ranches here in BC

02-27-2018, 09:26 PM
Great work guys, like I said, would love to help a trapper out in the reg 8 area, if any of you are in need of two strong backs (me and my motivated hunting partner) lemme know....

02-28-2018, 07:29 AM
Good episode of Best of the West this week. Deals with predation on cattle ranches here in BC

Steve do you know what time and day??

02-28-2018, 08:55 AM
Steve do you know what time and day??

X2 please

02-28-2018, 09:26 AM
Steve do you know what time and day??

Looks like tonight at 11pm. Have the PVR set.

Stone Sheep Steve
02-28-2018, 10:08 AM
Steve do you know what time and day??

Repeats all week. Not sure of the days and times.

Stone Sheep Steve
02-28-2018, 10:12 AM
Good episode of Best of the West this week. Deals with predation on cattle ranches here in BC

It didn't go into depth on the issue but interviewed one rancher. All his cattle are on his property and not out on range land. Lost 40 calves in one summer/fall and a pile of his cows went unbred (140 IIRC)due to being chased around during the breeding season.
That's in a herd of about 700.


02-28-2018, 12:45 PM
Can’t wait to watch it , here is a scary thought. If those 40 calves averaged 80 pounds and it was a average pack of 8 wolves . That’s only 25 to 30 days of food for them

03-01-2018, 12:23 PM
Great work guys, like I said, would love to help a trapper out in the reg 8 area, if any of you are in need of two strong backs (me and my motivated hunting partner) lemme know....

Grab the Foxpro and lay the smack down in the meantime!!!!!! I got tired of waiting and the results are fantastic!

03-02-2018, 07:39 PM
Can anyone help me and little IslandWanderer junior with tips on hunting wolves on the island? Tomorrow we’re headed somewhere tbd on the South Island but will travel anywhere to get a wolf. Likely south of Cowichan or Nitnat

We have an electronic and regular call. We’re planning on using cottontail in distress while either sitting in bushes or using our blind. Any tips at all would be greatly appreciated.

03-02-2018, 07:57 PM
A crow call also works good .... mix it up a bit ... good luck !!

03-02-2018, 08:15 PM
Thanks. I actually have a crow call that I bought when I was a kid 30 + years ago. I’ll try it out. Probably sounds like they’re fighting over a carcass or something.

03-02-2018, 08:21 PM
Exactly... connected with one up in Boston Bar 3-14,basically just was still huntin and calling with lots of breaks sitting down amongst the fir trees .

03-02-2018, 11:15 PM
Grab the Foxpro and lay the smack down in the meantime!!!!!! I got tired of waiting and the results are fantastic!
Have been, my partner and I have only gotten one coyote with it so far, surprisingly....I also bought a distress mouth call, that hasent worked yet, must be my smell lol...

03-03-2018, 08:28 AM
Exactly... connected with one up in Boston Bar 3-14,basically just was still huntin and calling with lots of breaks sitting down amongst the fir trees .

That sounds like a fun way to hunt. I’ve tried blind hunting, and I find it hard to sit in one spot and wait.

Stone Sheep Steve
03-03-2018, 09:34 AM
Have been, my partner and I have only gotten one coyote with it so far, surprisingly....I also bought a distress mouth call, that hasent worked yet, must be my smell lol...

They should be getting more vocal now. Rut is kicking in

03-03-2018, 08:55 PM
A crow call also works good .... mix it up a bit ... good luck !!

Never even thought of that. A bait pile (or even something that looks like a carcass) and a few crow decoys on top of it plus a crow call...wow, I bet that would work like gangbusters. Don't have to try to do the "proper" wolf or coyote call/response even. Get some action going, probably even real crows or ravens may show up, get even more action.

03-03-2018, 09:19 PM
We found tracks today, but no luck with the screaming cottontail call. We saw a big bull elk though which was cool. He casually observed us for a couple of minutes.

03-03-2018, 10:01 PM
Just stepped in the door from a couple days in region 3 With PG66 . Lots of wolf tracks and lots of snares , its going to be great in a week or so

03-03-2018, 10:06 PM
They should be getting more vocal now. Rut is kicking in
Hmm good to know, got me a spot I might just check out next Saturday then..

03-03-2018, 10:13 PM
Great job tapman an Steve, thanks eh

03-03-2018, 10:55 PM
Steve nailed a canine at 520 with his new scope , best thing was lots of blood on the ice none on Steve's face

03-03-2018, 11:12 PM
lots of guys talk 520 but reality goes to guys who shoot lots.

03-03-2018, 11:21 PM
Steve nailed a canine at 520 with his new scope , best thing was lots of blood on the ice none on Steve's face

Ha !!

We had a beer tonight and he told me the new scope worked well. I've been yapping at him for years to replace that f@cker of a scope. I think it even pasted me in the face once when I shot it from them bench, but the safety glasses saved my forehead. :)

03-03-2018, 11:26 PM
I think that old scope gave Steve's face a certain personality ,2 or 3 times it bit him in the last few months. It was a great couple days learned a ton about wolves and snaring

03-08-2018, 07:38 AM
I’m ready to support a trapper; if you decided to do it pls let us know how and where to g fund you or any other trappers that are on board with you! As a father of a young family, and as a new hunter I can’t commit to trapping but I sure as heck am all in for protecting the ungulate population by supporting the trappers!

03-10-2018, 06:44 PM
The gofund me page has been shut down by all the leaf lickers out there! We have been sending money thru EMT and e-mails.

03-10-2018, 11:50 PM
The gofund me page has been shut down by all the leaf lickers out there! We have been sending money thru EMT and e-mails.
That should be against the law, absolutely despicable isn't it how they can shut down a gofundme just because they don't agree with what the trappers are doing...

03-14-2018, 10:14 PM
Well back up to the hot spot tomorrow to check things hope we have some good news for you when we return

03-15-2018, 08:35 PM
^^^good luck up there.....I found a spot in region 8 I'll be hunting wolves when my buddy gets back from his shift up north, he's got the good call.....if your around reg 8 let me know, I've got a great spot to set up traps..they like the thick stuff..

03-16-2018, 12:35 AM
Well it was a long 20 hour day, but a great one . The sun was shining and success was all around us today if you know what I mean. The sheep , deer and moose can sleep a little easier now. What a way to spend your birthday ,thanks Steve and Yogi

250 Nosler
03-17-2018, 04:50 PM
Hey Steve I sent in two donations in jan-feb. They have not cleared my bank. Did you get them or was there a mixup? Let me know.

03-18-2018, 11:05 PM
Wondering where all the wolf photos are or are the "canines" just coyotes.

03-20-2018, 12:11 PM
Wondering where all the wolf photos are or are the "canines" just coyotes.

03-20-2018, 02:11 PM
Wondering where all the wolf photos are or are the "canines" just coyotes.

Proguide66 and Trapman are smart enough to not post pics here for the anti-trolls to feed off. I'm confident the work is getting done.

03-20-2018, 07:46 PM
Wondering where all the wolf photos are or are the "canines" just coyotes. Don't you have any pics to share, thought you caught a few this year with hired guns.

03-20-2018, 07:53 PM
I’ve seen plenty of wolf pics. Just saw one a minute ago of a HUGE one. :)

03-20-2018, 08:09 PM
....Just saw one a minute ago of a HUGE one. :)

Saw one too just a minute ago. Nice one.

03-20-2018, 10:07 PM
Proguide66 and Trapman are smart enough to not post pics here for the anti-trolls to feed off. I'm confident the work is getting done.

I actually do have a few photos but I'm not asking others for money.

The letter I wrote that whognu was kind enough to post for me has been endorsed by several cattle assn's and has been sent to Govt and several Indian Bands for their perusal. Maybe by the time we have a non ignorant group of politicians running this province we will have some support from the groups I mentioned.

I wonder how much support will come from this group? Maybe I should have used more foul language.

03-21-2018, 12:00 AM
I know 3 ranchers personally that had calves hung in forgotten snares in the last 3 years. You want to call me a liar?

Sounds like folklore.
Pics or it didn't happen.

03-21-2018, 06:30 AM
Proguide66 and Trapman are smart enough to not post pics here for the anti-trolls to feed off. I'm confident the work is getting done.

Why would they not post pictures, is there something they are scared of.
If you go read proguides other thread titled Do you know why trappers and hunters are being kept secret any more.
In that thread he says those that try to hide activitys etc are weak and scared, then goes on to say there is not one reason to hide anything and again calls those that do a bunch of names and says they should be punted from what they do.
From what they have said on here sounds like they have started a private site so if true it is kind of hypocritical.

03-21-2018, 08:52 AM
Same people here always seem to be looking for an excuse to say something negative.

Just miserable, I guess ?

03-21-2018, 09:17 AM
From what they have said on here sounds like they have started a private site so if true it is kind of hypocritical.

If you wanna call Facebook "private"....well then yes, I saw a pic yesterday that would meet your criteria.

03-21-2018, 09:21 AM
On bcungulates facebook page, Steve's last count was somewhere around the 45 mark..
People got nothing better to do then Bitch and complain...

03-21-2018, 09:28 AM
Gcreek and LBM why are you here the shit that flows from your keyboards make you sound just like the antis . About a week ago a group of antis started to go after my son who is only 13 and loves his trapping and hunting ,so yes i have cut back on putting up info or pics . The people that have bullied my boy are being delt with. We are making a big difference in the areas we are in , our numbers have climbed a lot and combined we hope to hit 50 success this year Gcreek and LBM don't recall seeing any donations coming in from you ,so just like the antis you sit and criticize but do nothing to fix the problem yourselves. there are a group of people on this site that are receiving pics to show what we have done , but with a the anti activity on this site thats the best we can do at this time. And judy if you really want to go after the one that is doing the trapping its me not my child so leave him alone and try me on for size. Or is it like you say about the wolves ,they only go after the weak

03-21-2018, 09:33 AM
Gcreek and LBM why are you here the shit that flows from your keyboards make you sound just like the antis . About a week ago a group of antis started to go after my son who is only 13 and loves his trapping and hunting ,so yes i have cut back on putting up info or pics . The people that have bullied my boy are being delt with. We are making a big difference in the areas we are in , our numbers have climbed a lot and combined we hope to hit 50 success this year Gcreek and LBM don't recall seeing any donations coming in from you ,so just like the antis you sit and criticize but do nothing to fix the problem yourselves. there are a group of people on this site that are receiving pics to show what we have done , but with a the anti activity on this site thats the best we can do at this time. And judy if you really want to go after the one that is doing the trapping its me not my child so leave him alone and try me on for size. Or is it like you say about the wolves ,they only go after the weak

Going after your son?? That is completely reprehensible.

03-21-2018, 09:43 AM
Going after your son?? That is completely reprehensible.

Yup, completely agree.

03-21-2018, 10:19 AM
thats what they do than share it and share it till it hit someone in their school . I wouldn't talk about Judy's family ,like her brother the doctor in Nanaimo or sister and niece that have a restaurant on the island . Not that i would go after her kids ,but she has none never married never found someone that would but up with her small mine thinking . Oh well we live on and fight with what we can to help the problems we see in front of us , like the over population of wolves . Next year we will be hitting it hard from first day of the season, we have almost 230000 private acres of ranch land (seems like some ranchers like our way of dealing with them ) and 5 to 7 traplines so far going to be a great year for all our ungulates

03-21-2018, 11:19 AM
Great news trap man!!!

03-21-2018, 03:42 PM
Great work thanks

03-21-2018, 04:15 PM
Way to go Trapman, sorry to hear of your son being harassed. Greatly appreciate your efforts and love to read your updates. If individuals want to slander, harass and try and derail this effort then hurt them back where you can. Dont support their business’s,clubs or whatever else they are involved in. Some of these folks need some old school type response but that’s what they want. Make hunters look like the villains. They’re clueless as to what really goes on in the wild and how the balance is way off kilter right now. Its a pretty soft world out there right now with most people clueless how hard predators and winters can be on ungulates. True wilderness is not a zoo or a park and it doesn’t have roads and logged off areas all through it. When you see what goes on in these areas then you get a real sense of where things are at.

03-21-2018, 07:42 PM
thats what they do than share it and share it till it hit someone in their school . I wouldn't talk about Judy's family ,like her brother the doctor in Nanaimo or sister and niece that have a restaurant on the island . Not that i would go after her kids ,but she has none never married never found someone that would but up with her small mine thinking . Oh well we live on and fight with what we can to help the problems we see in front of us , like the over population of wolves . Next year we will be hitting it hard from first day of the season, we have almost 230000 private acres of ranch land (seems like some ranchers like our way of dealing with them ) and 5 to 7 traplines so far going to be a great year for all our ungulates

Same people that get their panties in a knot about bullying are likely the same hypocrites going at your son.

03-21-2018, 10:00 PM
Gcreek and LBM why are you here the shit that flows from your keyboards make you sound just like the antis . About a week ago a group of antis started to go after my son who is only 13 and loves his trapping and hunting ,so yes i have cut back on putting up info or pics . The people that have bullied my boy are being delt with. We are making a big difference in the areas we are in , our numbers have climbed a lot and combined we hope to hit 50 success this year Gcreek and LBM don't recall seeing any donations coming in from you ,so just like the antis you sit and criticize but do nothing to fix the problem yourselves. there are a group of people on this site that are receiving pics to show what we have done , but with a the anti activity on this site thats the best we can do at this time. And judy if you really want to go after the one that is doing the trapping its me not my child so leave him alone and try me on for size. Or is it like you say about the wolves ,they only go after the weak

I won’t be attacking your son sir, let’s get that straight first. We need more youngsters brought up in reality than otherwise. Kudos to you Dad.

I shelled out a bit over $10,000 to have a few wolves removed from my range this winter so won’t be donating to your beer fund either.

I have seen I believe 5 wolves on your posts this winter and one on proguides plus a pile of 4 coyotes ( canines ). Interesting that one person has told me pg has 50 to his own claims and you are saying combined you are almost there........

If you boys are so efficient, why haven’t you signed on to BCCattlemen’s as mitigation’s and collect $750 per wolf for livestock related predation?

I am am not against what you are doing per say, I just don’t care for the bedside manner it has been presented in and leads me to believe a fair amount of bull Shute might be involved.

Ball is in your court to prove me wrong.

Regards, Dave

03-21-2018, 10:17 PM
Dave or should I call you Judy you payed over $10,000 to get rid of a few wolves COME ON , do you think they seen you coming. I believe there is a lot of red tape involved with trapping wolves for the cattlemen's association ,first you must prove it was wolves that has done the damage than you are aloud to trap them. Our way is just go out and trap then, no red tape just permission from trapline owners. Pictures have being passed around on this site by PM to the people that contribute and matter, we have asked the persons that were sent pics to share with people they trust. Sorry I guess you are not one of them

338win mag
03-22-2018, 06:25 AM
When you gave your account of the fire season I had no problem believing your account without pics.
proguide did show at least 1 pic with 3 wolves, I dont need to see pics to see an honorable man, as for Trapman, I have never met the man, but my friend who Traps with Trapman on occasion has the highest of honor, its not a scam.

Too bad they come for your son Trapman, its the nature of people......Schools is where this anti thing starts and the last place for refuge if your a hunter or trapper, keep up the good work boys!

03-22-2018, 06:54 AM
Dave or should I call you Judy you payed over $10,000 to get rid of a few wolves COME ON , do you think they seen you coming. I believe there is a lot of red tape involved with trapping wolves for the cattlemen's association ,first you must prove it was wolves that has done the damage than you are aloud to trap them. Our way is just go out and trap then, no red tape just permission from trapline owners. Pictures have being passed around on this site by PM to the people that contribute and matter, we have asked the persons that were sent pics to share with people they trust. Sorry I guess you are not one of them

It is nearly 400 km one way and $350 a day for Lays to come and deal with trapped wolves and resets. We do the checking. I don't expect them to drive that far for nothing.

Maybe someday when you can effectively remove whole packs someone will hire you.........

Chilcotin Hillbilly doesn't seem to have a problem with the program or removing wolves outside of the program to relieve his hunting territory.

You can call me what you like, I can play childish too.

03-22-2018, 07:02 AM
It is nearly 400 km one way and $350 a day for Lays to come and deal with trapped wolves and resets. We do the checking. I don't expect them to drive that far for nothing.

Maybe someday when you can effectively remove whole packs someone will hire you.........

Chilcotin Hillbilly doesn't seem to have a problem with the program or removing wolves outside of the program to relieve his hunting territory.

You can call me what you like, I can play childish too.
Wow how ****ing old are you???? Un freaking believable I used to respect you not so much anymore you might as well be an anti....

03-22-2018, 07:12 AM
Gcreek and LBM why are you here the shit that flows from your keyboards make you sound just like the antis . About a week ago a group of antis started to go after my son who is only 13 and loves his trapping and hunting ,so yes i have cut back on putting up info or pics . The people that have bullied my boy are being delt with. We are making a big difference in the areas we are in , our numbers have climbed a lot and combined we hope to hit 50 success this year Gcreek and LBM don't recall seeing any donations coming in from you ,so just like the antis you sit and criticize but do nothing to fix the problem yourselves. there are a group of people on this site that are receiving pics to show what we have done , but with a the anti activity on this site thats the best we can do at this time. And judy if you really want to go after the one that is doing the trapping its me not my child so leave him alone and try me on for size. Or is it like you say about the wolves ,they only go after the weak
First sorry to hear what is happening to your son.
Second thanks for being honest in saying pictures etc are being kept hidden or secret.
Third have already said I spend more a year then the numbers proguide posted, I do it
because I want to and don't mind helping others out, Im not trying to make a business out of it,
so no im not going to pay your way as well. I don't have to be paid to help others.

338win mag
03-22-2018, 07:22 AM
First sorry to hear what is happening to your son.
Second thanks for being honest in saying pictures etc are being kept hidden or secret.
Third have already said I spend more a year then the numbers proguide posted, I do it
because I want to and don't mind helping others out, Im not trying to make a business out of it,
so no im not going to pay your way as well. I don't have to be paid to help others.
You must be loaded, no need to be paid to help others?
I am happy to have met you LBM, can you come over to region 3-8 and help me and my hunting buddies out? we got a big wolf problem here.

03-22-2018, 08:12 AM
Wow how ****ing old are you???? Un freaking believable I used to respect you not so much anymore you might as well be an anti....

Maybe you you could explain yourself?

03-22-2018, 08:43 AM
It’s funny that people that didn’t donate a penny to this cause are demanding to be spoon fed pictures for “accountability” to this. Meanwhile those of us that are in the loop have seen the results.

Nobody is forcing anyone to donate or participate. So as I mentioned several times in this thread already, if all you want to do is be negative, you are going to get punted off of HBC.


03-22-2018, 11:40 AM
For the none believers..... Proof is on the pudding that PG and TM are a couple tgat are making a difference out there. Thanks guys for the hard work your doing, oh and yes, thanks for the pics I've received as well. I'm smilen. Good luck as you close out the end of trapping season.

03-22-2018, 12:58 PM
I haven't been on here in a while, too busy. and to be straight up, I have probably 10 X the following on my other social media than here and 99% of the supporters from here are on it.
The amount of miserable f@#$ on here is a bit much to swallow, why expose yourself to the cancerous crap.

Moving along.

Here's a quick report..... ( mine only).
-I'm on the final week of donating 3 full time months to dealing with our canine issue.
- #35 canine of MINE hit the dirt yesterday ( I am 'just' home from being away AGAIN). Well over half are wolves.
- 100% of my photos from HBC are being used in web site blasts from numerous anti hunting groups - again 100% of MY posts on HBC. ( NO, not my social media). Why I am not on here as well.
- I have video and photos of MY own ( and numerous others) progress.
- have kept 6 unrelated very credible people directly informed of progress. (AGAIN, season end will private message supportive people with the goods, the rest can suck my ass).

SO, I could be traveling around the planet ( which was planned) but decided to stay here and do 'this' instead.

WHY not a member of some cattlemen's blah blah?? ram your cattle up your ass. I trap for and care for deer, moose, elk and wild sheep.

WHY not join for the $750 a wolf ? its not about the money
Our movement us about US, meaning the people who care about our deer, elk, moose sheep and caribou.

Side note, if ANYONE on here or anywhere else claims to be some 'hot shot wolf trapper' and calls others who are trying to be good at it a "wanna be" while instead of helping them become better, you are flat out a waste f breathing air in my books

For EVERY true conservation minded person on here who didn't have the time or skills to help but supported? I bow down to YOU ALL. You made such a massive difference its silly. ( and still are). Myself alone saved a VERY conservative 500 plus ungulates for this spring ( probably more like that number plus 75% more). This was enabled by the supporters as well the others success.

Again for EVERY SINGLE one here that tried to discourage us? I would LOVE to flat out just meet up and kick your sorry soggy ass all over the driveway a few minutes - you are little insignificant cancers in our happy active world.

For all you who own traplines and blocked conservation and didnt do ANYTHING?? ( no shortage of you in reg 1), I as well see you as full wastes of flesh. Zero respect for you, zero time - you are as well just another anti, nothing more, nothing less and more a full time cancer to your local ungulate population - period.

Any of you think my words too harsh ?? Go hit the mountains solo a few months, then come online and see how well your language does.
Didn't see ONE effing person out there tending to our game - NOT ONE but the concerned few who rallied and drove hrs and hrs one way just to get there.
NOT ONE. Not one set of boot prints, no nothing - ZERO.

Anyway, haven't got my boots off yet and stink of dead wolf and wolf shit from packing dead wolves.

OH, dont let me leave out the sacks who went 'pussy' due to ME " hurting feelings" and " did not support conservation because of your little feelings......... guess what? IF you thought this was about ME, you never even made it to the parking lot let alone the game ANYONE who 'thought' this was about ME is about half as smart ( an easy example) Trudeau. 100% of you 'representatives' from any conservation club who didn't support or promote the predation control are just plain anti hunters and plain anti conservationists - thats it. OH YA, dont forget, I never saw ONE of you out there ONCE either.
WHY do I get to sling this at you? BECAUSE I EARNED IT..........

Again, all you people who are pro conservation and made a difference, I look way up at everyone of you, way to go !!!!!!

Later ! ( another week to go).

03-22-2018, 01:09 PM
I find it very interesting the moderators allow you to be such a foul mouthed individual on a family site and ban those of us that seek the truth.

I find what you are doing about predators admirable but if it isn't about the money ( as you stated in above post) what is it about?

That is all I want to know.

Your name calling definitely add s to your intellect Mr. Isdahl.

03-22-2018, 01:26 PM

i received your PM threatening to use anti wolf hunting “yuppies” to attack me.

You might want to focus your attention on being more positive rather than attacking others in the hunting trapping and shooting community.

03-22-2018, 01:30 PM
I think PG66 has said numerous times that it isn't about the money but about growing our Ungulates back? Most of us hunt these animals and it is obvious they are not doing well and mainly due to our predator problem - he too is a hunter and is doing this to allow ALL of us to continue to enjoy our ungulate hunting. That's what I've read from him in basically all his comments. No?

03-22-2018, 01:32 PM

i received your PM threatening to use anti wolf hunting “yuppies” to attack me.

You might want to focus your attention on being more positive rather than attacking others in the hunting trapping and shooting community.

You mean this one Clarke?

http://huntingbc.ca/forum/images/shades_of_green/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by gcreek
Wonder how many yuppies that patronize your establishment know you support killing wolves?

Ban me again for nothing but asking questions or telling the truth and it might get out.........


Let's tell the whole truth. We can both be nice here and I will promise not to be foul mouthed like your poster boy.

03-22-2018, 01:34 PM
G creek have you not read the whole thread. From day one this was about bringing everyone together to combat the wolf situation in our province. The money that was donated was spread out too many trappers in the province to help them with trapping materials and gas. The money was to help them offset their expenses, not as an income for trapping wolves. And yes PG can get excited but you just called him and myself scammers and liars what would you expect. So again your last statement makes it sound like you haven’t read the thread , Go back and read it and then tell me what this was all about

03-22-2018, 01:53 PM
You mean this one Clarke?

http://huntingbc.ca/forum/images/shades_of_green/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by gcreek
Wonder how many yuppies that patronize your establishment know you support killing wolves?

Ban me again for nothing but asking questions or telling the truth and it might get out.........


Let's tell the whole truth. We can both be nice here and I will promise not to be foul mouthed like your poster boy.

Yes, that PM, where you threaten to have me attacked for supporting wolf hunting.

Its interesting that you feel it’s acceptable to promote other hunters targeted by anti hunters simply because you don’t get your way on a website.

You sure are making yourself look bad here.

03-22-2018, 02:37 PM
Wow. That escalated farther than it should have.

I spent about six weeks working in Pemberton this winter. Lots of it behind locked gates where otherwise I wouldn’t have knowledge of how few ungulates are there. Especially deer. In that time, I saw one deer in a farmers yard, 3 or 4 different moose, and 3 wolves. We weren’t looking for animals, but those are my observations just from driving to and from work.
Thank you Steve for taking the bull by the horns and doing something about the wolf problem, not only in your area, but in other areas too.

03-22-2018, 02:57 PM
I would also like to thank pg66 and trapman I donated to both of you and I'm grateful that you put the time in to do something I couldn't , just on a side note these areas your trapping are not where I hunt but that's what helping ungulates is all about isn't .

Ride Red
03-22-2018, 03:00 PM
To Steve and other trappers,
The majority of us appreciate every wolf that has been removed from the system. Anyone who believes otherwise has their head jammed too far up their ass to realize the good you guys are doing. Keep piling them up.

03-22-2018, 03:11 PM
Thanks to PG and TM for their efforts! It doesn't matter how much good you do, or how hard you work, but there will always be blamers and complainers out there. Keep up the good work!!!

338win mag
03-22-2018, 05:06 PM
I haven't been on here in a while, too busy. and to be straight up, I have probably 10 X the following on my other social media than here and 99% of the supporters from here are on it.
The amount of miserable f@#$ on here is a bit much to swallow, why expose yourself to the cancerous crap.

Moving along.

Here's a quick report..... ( mine only).
-I'm on the final week of donating 3 full time months to dealing with our canine issue.
- #35 canine of MINE hit the dirt yesterday ( I am 'just' home from being away AGAIN). Well over half are wolves.
- 100% of my photos from HBC are being used in web site blasts from numerous anti hunting groups - again 100% of MY posts on HBC. ( NO, not my social media). Why I am not on here as well.
- I have video and photos of MY own ( and numerous others) progress.
- have kept 6 unrelated very credible people directly informed of progress. (AGAIN, season end will private message supportive people with the goods, the rest can suck my ass).

SO, I could be traveling around the planet ( which was planned) but decided to stay here and do 'this' instead.

WHY not a member of some cattlemen's blah blah?? ram your cattle up your ass. I trap for and care for deer, moose, elk and wild sheep.

WHY not join for the $750 a wolf ? its not about the money F@$K TARD.
Our movement us about US, meaning the people who care about our deer, elk, moose sheep and caribou.

Side note, if ANYONE on here or anywhere else claims to be some 'hot shot wolf trapper' and calls others who are trying to be good at it a "wanna be" while instead of helping them become better, you are flat out a waste f breathing air in my books and you can go F yourself, you are nothing and you are shit - all I have for you.

For EVERY true conservation minded person on here who didn't have the time or skills to help but supported? I bow down to YOU ALL. You made such a massive difference its silly. ( and still are). Myself alone saved a VERY conservative 500 plus ungulates for this spring ( probably more like that number plus 75% more). This was enabled by the supporters as well the others success.

Again for EVERY SINGLE one of the pieces of shit on here that tried to discourage us? I would LOVE to flat out just meet up and kick your sorry soggy ass all over the driveway a few minutes - you are little insignificant cancers in our happy active world. Again, go F@$K your selves.

For all you pieces of shit who own traplines and blocked conservation and didnt do ANYTHING?? ( no shortage of you in reg 1), I as well see you as full wastes of flesh. Zero respect for you, zero time - you are as well just another anti, nothing more, nothing less and more a full time cancer to your local ungulate population - period.

Any of you think my words too harsh ?? Go hit the mountains solo a few months, then come online and see how well your language does.
Didn't see ONE effing person out there tending to our game - NOT ONE but the concerned few who rallied and drove hrs and hrs one way just to get there.
NOT ONE. Not one set of boot prints, no nothing - ZERO.

Anyway, haven't got my boots off yet and stink of dead wolf and wolf shit from packing dead wolves.

OH, dont let me leave out the sacks of shit who went 'pussy' due to ME " hurting feelings" and " did not support conservation because of your little feelings......... guess what ******s ? IF you thought this was about ME, you never even made it to the parking lot let alone the game you losers. ANYONE who 'thought' this was about ME is about half as smart ( an easy example) Trudeau. 100% of you 'representatives' from any conservation club who didn't support or promote the predation control are just plain anti hunters and plain anti conservationists - thats it. OH YA, dont forget, I never saw ONE of you losers out there ONCE either.
WHY do I get to sling this shit at you? BECAUSE I EARNED IT..........

Again, all you people who are pro conservation and made a difference, I look way up at everyone of you, way to go !!!!!!

Later ! ( another week to go).
Thanks proguide66, thank you for saying what I was thinking.

03-22-2018, 05:23 PM
You mean this one Clarke?

http://huntingbc.ca/forum/images/shades_of_green/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by gcreek
Wonder how many yuppies that patronize your establishment know you support killing wolves?

Ban me again for nothing but asking questions or telling the truth and it might get out.........


Let's tell the whole truth. We can both be nice here and I will promise not to be foul mouthed like your poster boy.

Well I guess we've seen your true colours now anyways. :roll:

03-22-2018, 06:14 PM
[QUOTE=gcreek;1994374]You mean this one Clarke?

http://huntingbc.ca/forum/images/shades_of_green/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by gcreek
Wonder how many yuppies that patronize your establishment know you support killing wolves?

Ban me again for nothing but asking questions or telling the truth and it might get out.........

Wolf. Slayer

So let me get this straight, you just threatened to destroy a mans livelihood if he bans you????

03-22-2018, 07:52 PM
G creek have you not read the whole thread. From day one this was about bringing everyone together to combat the wolf situation in our province. The money that was donated was spread out too many trappers in the province to help them with trapping materials and gas. The money was to help them offset their expenses, not as an income for trapping wolves. And yes PG can get excited but you just called him and myself scammers and liars what would you expect. So again your last statement makes it sound like you haven’t read the thread , Go back and read it and then tell me what this was all about

I actually have read most of this thread while I was on my two month holiday.

Again, I admire that you are going after predators. I just don’t understand why you guys use the term “canines”. If it is a damn coyote you’ve shot just say so, don’t leave the impression to many that every dog you kill is a wolf. I employ the best in the business and they haven’t made over 125 in 12 months trapping year round. EVER!

For All it matters, I have killed over 150 wolves in my lifetime, I’m not even going to guess at coyotes but over 750 anyway. I have paid for another 75 plus wolves to be trapped and removed from the gene pool. The last we’re complete packs of 3to 8. Is that not pulling one’s own weight enough to not feel the need to donate to anyone?

There is the opportunity for good “canine” trappers to collect good money in the BCCA program provided you don’t have to travel far. Apparently, your partner feels above this.........

So carry on by all means, just remember, I’m not a city dweller, been there done that with Canines, ( found out I wasn’t good enough) and I wasn’t born yesterday.

All the best.

03-22-2018, 08:00 PM
Paraphrase. It's hard to bullshit a bullshiter

03-22-2018, 08:34 PM
You mean this one Clarke?

http://huntingbc.ca/forum/images/shades_of_green/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by gcreek
Wonder how many yuppies that patronize your establishment know you support killing wolves?

Ban me again for nothing but asking questions or telling the truth and it might get out.........


Let's tell the whole truth. We can both be nice here and I will promise not to be foul mouthed like your poster boy.

WOW, what sad human you must be to threaten a man's business like that.
Just confirms what many of us already knew.

The only reason ranchers like you pay trappers is so you can show that you are making an effort to combat predation when you're standing there with your hand open looking for government compensation for your losses.

Just another cattlemans association member leaching off the taxpayer while ruining crown ungulate range and bad mouthing resident hunters.

Still waiting on those pics of all your dead calves in forgotten wolf snares.


03-22-2018, 08:58 PM
WOW, what sad human you must be to threaten a man's business like that.
Just confirms what many of us already knew.

The only reason ranchers like you pay trappers is so you can show that you are making an effort to combat predation when you're standing there with your hand open looking for government compensation for your losses.

Just another cattlemans association member leaching off the taxpayer while ruining crown ungulate range and bad mouthing resident hunters.

Still waiting on those pics of all your dead calves in forgotten wolf snares.


You are proof that mothers of some eat their young................

#1 They weren't my calves.

#2 They belonged to a mentor of mine.

#3 The snares were left behind by a trapper who was also a known drunk.

#4 The trapper lost his licence for a period of time, I honestly don't recall how many seasons. I'm not about to name names in this concern.

#5 The rancher was not reimbursed for the loss of 3 calves.

#6 I forgot one of my own snares and hung one of my own cows.

#7. All me reasons that I don't support snares of any kind but foot snares.

#8 I never took or had any pictures in my possession. This all happened over 20 years ago. It has likely happened more times than we know.

#9 It isn't challenging to match wits with an unarmed opponent.

What do you do for a living other than take cheap shots at members here?

03-22-2018, 09:01 PM
Paraphrase. It's hard to bullshit a bullshiter

You know one?:grin:

03-22-2018, 09:07 PM
You are proof that mothers of some eat their young................

#1 They weren't my calves.

#2 They belonged to a mentor of mine.

#3 The snares were left behind by a trapper who was also a known drunk.

#4 The trapper lost his licence for a period of time, I honestly don't recall how many seasons. I'm not about to name names in this concern.

#5 The rancher was not reimbursed for the loss of 3 calves.

#6 I forgot one of my own snares and hung one of my own cows.

#7. All me reasons that I don't support snares of any kind but foot snares.

#8 I never took or had any pictures in my possession. This all happened over 20 years ago. It has likely happened more times than we know.

#9 It isn't challenging to match wits with an unarmed opponent.

What do you do for a living other than take cheap shots at members here?

Just as I thought, unfounded folklore.
We're just supposed to take your word for it yet you demand pictures from Steve to prove he's actually killing wolves?

Oh the irony.

I don't want you knowing how I make my living, after seeing the veiled threats you made to Clarke its gin clear that you aren't one to trust.

03-22-2018, 09:16 PM
Hungry mouths a chewing....chewing chewing chewing. Kill those Fing wolves. Go PG66 Go. Get her done.

03-22-2018, 11:37 PM
Some times I just feel sorry for some people. We have one more week , we will be pulling our equipment next Saturday and letting everyone know what your donations did for the ungulates. Next year will be a lot better ,its hard to start half way through a season and get the job done properly when you have previous obligations. But we gave it our best in the time and areas we had and removed 45 to date and still another week. thanks everyone who donated , got behind us and cared in what we were doing all of you made a difference in the upcoming years of hunting ungulates in our province

digger dogger
03-23-2018, 06:08 AM
Good on you guys, I could care less, what part of my donation this year, went where.
Whether it went to traps, snares, restaurant food after a long day, hell hopefully it went to some beer, and a trip to the dispensary for some back pain "medicine ".
Thanks again for stepping up Gents.

03-23-2018, 07:08 AM
This is quite the thread!
Steve & Glen, I’d like to applaud you for trying to get something done.
That said, i do not think I would base any form of wolf management plan off the information that can be pulled up from sites such as Alaska’s “Wolfsong”.
There is better stuff out there.
Steve, I hope your BC medical is up to date, the way you keep telling it that you’re going to fill the parking lot with SOB’s that you’re going to kick in the nuts it’s gonna come in handy.
On a closing note, if anyone on here thinks Dave Brace is any form of a wolf hugging anti they are full of shit right up to their eyeballs.

03-23-2018, 09:12 AM
On a closing note, if anyone on here thinks Dave Brace is any form of a wolf hugging anti they are full of shit right up to their eyeballs.

I see you know Dave too ...

Get the cows in the barn and milk’em.

03-24-2018, 06:25 AM
Wolf takes dog on Vancouver Island

03-24-2018, 10:42 AM

Wolf takes dog on Vancouver Islandlinky no worky, was this recent.

03-24-2018, 11:41 AM
Hunter4life223 and Panhead I think we all know Gcreek is not a wolf hugging anti, his letter that was submitted awhile back was great ,maybe its in the way his thoughts are delivered. I do not personally know Gcreek but spending my younger years growing up in the Chilcotins ,I can see him being a very hard working rancher getting on in his years and being a little stuck in his ways like a lot of use are. When people are attacked, I know thats a harsh word but calling some one a lair ,scammer or a fake takes things to another level which we should not be going and we have all done it sometime in our life .Gcreek you always bring up the money and you cant believe its not about the money. Well I am hear to tell you its not ,point in case. There are 2 main groups that target wolf Trappers with private lines and LPP trappers. I have chosen to trap wolves for myself not for the cattleman's association, my reasons are as follows
1- I can trap anywhere in the province where wolves are having a effect on unguents (permission must be given by trapline owner )
2- we do not have all the red tape involved in trapping wolves as the LPP program does
3- I can try to help mitigate a wolf problem before it becomes a problem
4- I miss the old days of great hunting in our great province
That's why I trap wolves for myself
I could be wrong and I am sure someone will tell me if I am the LPP trappers can not do this
1- A LPP trapper is a business person , there is a problem they have the skill to solve the problem and the get paid for what they do
2- there must be a proven incident between livestock and wolves before the can start trapping

Is there a place for both of us ,hell ya we are both trying to solve the same problem , LPP TRAPPERS PLEASE DON'T TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY the way we are doing it more for growing ungulate so we have more opportunity to hunt and show our kids what hunting is all about . For you it is a buisness to earn money and believe me at 750 per wolf you are not getting rich , I know how much work goes into each wolf my hat is off to you .

In closing I would like to thank everyone for their words of encouragement ,pat's on the back and what was donated to me. This season I received $1250.00 , $200 in gas cards and $50 in timmys cards. and here is were it was spent.
- $200 to my son , 11 trips to the trap line hauling bait (told everyone in his grad 8 class he was a professional wolf trapper because he was paid)
- $668.31 for snaring supplies
- $200 for fuel ( I threw in the other $1800 or so )
- $200 to lease a trapline for the purpose of trapping wolves
- timmy cards while they didn't last long

So we still have $181.69 in the bank for the start of next year
11 wolves divided by $1068.31= $97.11 per wolf
Sure hope you think you got your moneys worth

03-24-2018, 12:47 PM
Hunter4life223 and Panhead I think we all know Gcreek is not a wolf hugging anti, his letter that was submitted awhile back was great ,maybe its in the way his thoughts are delivered. I do not personally know Gcreek but spending my younger years growing up in the Chilcotins ,I can see him being a very hard working rancher getting on in his years and being a little stuck in his ways like a lot of use are. When people are attacked, I know thats a harsh word but calling some one a lair ,scammer or a fake takes things to another level which we should not be going and we have all done it sometime in our life .Gcreek you always bring up the money and you cant believe its not about the money. Well I am hear to tell you its not ,point in case. There are 2 main groups that target wolf Trappers with private lines and LPP trappers. I have chosen to trap wolves for myself not for the cattleman's association, my reasons are as follows
1- I can trap anywhere in the province where wolves are having a effect on unguents (permission must be given by trapline owner )
2- we do not have all the red tape involved in trapping wolves as the LPP program does
3- I can try to help mitigate a wolf problem before it becomes a problem
4- I miss the old days of great hunting in our great province
That's why I trap wolves for myself
I could be wrong and I am sure someone will tell me if I am the LPP trappers can not do this
1- A LPP trapper is a business person , there is a problem they have the skill to solve the problem and the get paid for what they do
2- there must be a proven incident between livestock and wolves before the can start trapping

Is there a place for both of us ,hell ya we are both trying to solve the same problem , LPP TRAPPERS PLEASE DON'T TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY the way we are doing it more for growing ungulate so we have more opportunity to hunt and show our kids what hunting is all about . For you it is a buisness to earn money and believe me at 750 per wolf you are not getting rich , I know how much work goes into each wolf my hat is off to you .

In closing I would like to thank everyone for their words of encouragement ,pat's on the back and what was donated to me. This season I received $1250.00 , $200 in gas cards and $50 in timmys cards. and here is were it was spent.
- $200 to my son , 11 trips to the trap line hauling bait (told everyone in his grad 8 class he was a professional wolf trapper because he was paid)
- $668.31 for snaring supplies
- $200 for fuel ( I threw in the other $1800 or so )
- $200 to lease a trapline for the purpose of trapping wolves
- timmy cards while they didn't last long

So we still have $181.69 in the bank for the start of next year
11 wolves divided by $1068.31= $97.11 per wolf
Sure hope you think you got your moneys worth

hey trapman:

thanks for the summary; covers the waterfront


ps. next year please allocate some of my $$ to a well deserved beer (and hot chocky for the young man)

03-24-2018, 12:54 PM
Does anyone know if the Gofundme money was released??

Ride Red
03-24-2018, 12:55 PM
Does anyone know if the Gofundme money was released??

I’m assuming so as my donation was taken off my card.

03-24-2018, 12:57 PM
I’m assuming so as my donation was taken off my card.

Yeah me too, and I never saw it refunded.

03-24-2018, 01:07 PM
I believe it was but you would have to ask Steve , he is out in the hills again
whognu Steve bought me 2 beer the day we got the triple on his donations

03-24-2018, 01:09 PM
One of the more shocking accusations is that Trapman and PG66 are "trying to make a business out of this" or using the funds "just for beer money"

Both these guys are financially independent. Have you seen Trapmans toys? :) :)

Sometimes you just gotta shake your head at the negative stuff that small minded people dream up about other people.

03-24-2018, 01:12 PM
If there are any trap line owners or people that know owners of trap lines on the site ,I would REALLY like to talk about obtaining permission to use lines for the purpose the fixing our wolf problems

03-24-2018, 05:40 PM
One of the more shocking accusations is that Trapman and PG66 are "trying to make a business out of this" or using the funds "just for beer money"

Both these guys are financially independent. Have you seen Trapmans toys? :) :)

Sometimes you just gotta shake your head at the negative stuff that small minded people dream up about other people.I couldn't imagine what it is costing them in fuel alone to runs traps 3-4hrs away one direction and now it is going to cost even more with higher gas prices. I am only going 45 minutes from my house so far and I am finding that I don't drive by too many gas stations. Saying wolf trapping is profitable is somewhere between walking on water or catching bullets in your teeth.

03-24-2018, 06:35 PM
It’s great to see some posts on this thread got cleaned up.
For a while it was looking like this forum needed an on site shrink.
All joking aside, keep the predator reduction initiative going PG 66 & trapman!
There aren’t many days left in this season but the start of the next one isn’t that far off.
Predator accountability is on the verge of going to a completely new level.
We just need the right drivers at the front of the bus.

03-24-2018, 07:05 PM
Steveo try 6 hours to the farthest line and 2.5 to the closest than get on a sled and do another 3 to 5 hours on it it makes for some very long days. if we but out any snares on the furthest line we spend the night otherwise i leave at 4:45am and return between 12:00 and 1:00 am

03-24-2018, 07:23 PM
The way I see it, if he's gonna pack bait in and Wolf hide out he should have a beer too:smile::smile:

hey trapman:

thanks for the summary; covers the waterfront


ps. next year please allocate some of my $$ to a well deserved beer (and hot chocky for the young man)

Cat catcher
03-30-2018, 09:33 PM
Hey Steve what’s your email address? Saving lots of sheep and moose up here since you inspired me. How many moose does a wolf eat per year?

03-30-2018, 09:44 PM
Hey Steve what’s your email address? Saving lots of sheep and moose up here since you inspired me. How many moose does a wolf eat per year?I don't think there is an accurate answer, if the birds and other scavengers find a kill right away they can clean it up fast forcing the wolves to kill again. When they tie into fawns and calves they would have to kill one or two a day to get enough to sustain themselves and again add birds and scavengers to the equation. I can't make 80 pounds of bait last 5 days around here and I can't make about a pound of beaver meat last 2 days in my marten traps from mice.

Cat catcher
03-30-2018, 09:50 PM
I’m trying to figure out how many sheep and moose I saved this winter. Your right I just found a moose kill from last night and there’s not much left today, lots of birds on it tonight.

06-13-2018, 09:01 PM
Hey new hunter here. About wolves; once a guy shoots one what is he required to do? Harvest the meat? Is the fur worthwhile to keep and/or sell? Or is it also fine to leave the dead wolf to get consumed by nature?

digger dogger
06-14-2018, 07:29 AM
You have to take the cape,at least. (Usable portions)
No killing and walking away.

06-14-2018, 08:13 AM
You have to take the cape,at least. (Usable portions)
No killing and walking away.

We better start saying we eat them or the NDP/Greens will shut them down.

06-14-2018, 08:29 AM
Hey new hunter here. About wolves; once a guy shoots one what is he required to do? Harvest the meat? Is the fur worthwhile to keep and/or sell? Or is it also fine to leave the dead wolf to get consumed by nature?

How's the SFU campus looking this spring?

06-14-2018, 11:57 AM
How's the SFU campus looking this spring?

LOL! Hey c'mon Man! That's not fair. :sad:

I mean it could be U of Vic for all we know... :lol:


06-14-2018, 05:45 PM
How's the SFU campus looking this spring?

Yup....nailed it. First post and this gets drug up. Straight to the ignore list.

06-15-2018, 07:21 PM
False. I’m interested in trapping them even but I’m definitely green in this.

06-15-2018, 08:02 PM
False? Then put up some posts about who you are, hunting, fishing etc. Theres been too many burns on here by first timers asking questions like yours. If you don't then there's room for you on my ignore list as well.

06-16-2018, 05:24 PM
False. I’m interested in trapping them even but I’m definitely green in this.

Weaver Green.

06-16-2018, 05:33 PM
Your profile shows you've been on since my post and no reply to redeem yourself. Tried to be nice but others have called it. TROLL. IGNORE LIST FOR YOU.

06-16-2018, 07:16 PM
Your profile shows you've been on since my post and no reply to redeem yourself. Tried to be nice but others have called it. TROLL. IGNORE LIST FOR YOU.
Why does it matter who the person is or there agenda, they asked a question about legal issues, 1 person answers the question asked the other 6 attack. You only have 24 posts what is the limit to
make you good or bad.

06-16-2018, 07:24 PM
Hey new hunter here. About wolves; once a guy shoots one what is he required to do? Harvest the meat? Is the fur worthwhile to keep and/or sell? Or is it also fine to leave the dead wolf to get consumed by nature?

Depending on where you are when you bag it there's compulsory reporting (regions 1&2) or inspection (region 4)

06-16-2018, 07:42 PM
Thank you for some helpful info. I’m in region two- just found this site and just got my core 3 weeks ago. Looking forward hunting some Blacktails around Squamish but seems pretty slim. I’m following this thread cause I want to do my part to deal with predators. From what I understand wolves aren’t good meat since they eat a lot of garbage? This true?

06-16-2018, 09:08 PM
If you're up in squamish see if you can grab a wobbly pop with proguide66 and pick his brain, i think he's in pemby...but then gain i'm kind of a keyboard jockey myself right now lol

06-16-2018, 09:52 PM
Thank you for some helpful info. I’m in region two- just found this site and just got my core 3 weeks ago. Looking forward hunting some Blacktails around Squamish but seems pretty slim. I’m following this thread cause I want to do my part to deal with predators. From what I understand wolves aren’t good meat since they eat a lot of garbage? This true?

Who did you take your CORE course with, and where? Wolf retention regulations should be covered in the synopsis.

06-17-2018, 06:53 AM
I took my course with Brian Cummings- from now on you guys can pm me if you want to check my credentials since that’s not what this thread is for.

digger dogger
06-17-2018, 07:42 AM
Good on you for barking back, wolves are a touchy subject.
Wolves can carry a very nasty virus, use gloves, when dealing with wolf hides, and I've never heard of anyone eating wolf, but I had a buddy that ate coyote.
Said it was "awful tasting". Coming from a guy that ate a bobcat. (And liked it)

Mule deer are an easier animal to hunt, than blk tails.
I'd go into the interior, and figure out mulies, before u tackle the blk tails.
Good luck, on your adventures.

06-17-2018, 08:03 AM
For first post it stank of an anti fishing for info as most would know wolf meat is not desirable.....gloves for skinning as said. Go get them badtids

06-17-2018, 08:06 AM
I took my course with Brian Cummings- from now on you guys can pm me if you want to check my credentials since that’s not what this thread is for.
Bravo man, don’t take any crap from some of the sour pusses on here. To answer your question about wolf meat being inedible, it’s because they carry some nasty parasites and disease. Hyatid disease comes to mind. Although I’m sure if you cook the meat really well it might become safe.

and I concur with digger dogger about hunting mulies before blacktail, although if you go after blacktails first it’ll make mule deer hunting seem like a walk in the park.

Wild one
06-17-2018, 10:11 AM
Good on you for barking back, wolves are a touchy subject.
Wolves can carry a very nasty virus, use gloves, when dealing with wolf hides, and I've never heard of anyone eating wolf, but I had a buddy that ate coyote.
Said it was "awful tasting". Coming from a guy that ate a bobcat. (And liked it)

Mule deer are an easier animal to hunt, than blk tails.
I'd go into the interior, and figure out mulies, before u tackle the blk tails.
Good luck, on your adventures.

Agree with everything posted about wolf. As for bobcat it tastes good lol

The opinion of mule deer being easier is shared by most but once you figure out blacktail and good locations that can change

Myself I have a higher success rate with blacktail and whitetail then I do with mule deer. I did invest more effort into the first to species then I have mule deer which is most likely the reason

Maybe I am just backwards lol

06-18-2018, 02:21 PM
I Saw a guy eat wolf....several years ago...still alive as far as I know

06-19-2018, 05:23 PM
Fello hunters and trappers, I would love to learn to trap, I enjoy Trapping Inc. on Channel 359! I am also a life-member hunter of the Wild Sheep Society of BC. Personally, I would like to see the sheep society fund a pro wolf trapper for areas up north and where they affect specifically sheep but help all ungulates.
Outfitters in the Kechika years ago reduced wolves with gov't supplied poison and all game numbers came back tremendously!
A guide told me wolverines are terrible also on sheep lambs, makes so much sense. Damn season for Wolverines in region 7 is too late for most sheep hunters.
I am not a director but recommend to apply to the Wild Sheep Society for assistance funding or grant for wolf trapping. The web site is on-line to contact a director.

06-21-2018, 05:31 PM
bchunter if you want to pack some bait and hike through the snow .l'll take you out next season for wolves

06-21-2018, 05:48 PM
Why does it matter because there's been more than one burn from questions like this from one post members. Now that theres some background he's clearly a new hunter and sorry for being a pr...k. Just get a little touchy sometimes.

06-21-2018, 09:19 PM
bchunter if you want to pack some bait and hike through the snow .l'll take you out next season for wolves
Like I said, if your ever around reg 8 I'd love to do my part as well and learn some trapping...not afraid to put on miles on snowshoes...

Bugle M In
06-22-2018, 02:06 PM
I took my course with Brian Cummings- from now on you guys can pm me if you want to check my credentials since that’s not what this thread is for.

Welcome to the community buddy...
Can be a tough crowd at times, but in time they will realize your "legit".
Just so many "trolls" on this site in the past few years that everyone is getting
a little sensitive to "newbs".
Anyways, good luck this season!

Tim Tam Slam
07-31-2019, 04:58 PM
Bumping this thread. Is Pro Guide still on here? Can someone save me from reading through the 70 pages on this?

- Did Steve ever get a go fund me on this? Can we donate still?

07-31-2019, 07:07 PM
The Go Fund Me was shut down and he never answered anyone's questions on where our money went. Essentially he took the money and ran

07-31-2019, 08:09 PM
The Go Fund Me was shut down and he never answered anyone's questions on where our money went. Essentially he took the money and ran
I never had time or the patients to read all these posts but I red into it when it first started. I trap snare and shoot wolves every winter but couldn’t bring myself to ask for someone’s money and promise to produce. What I do think is fair is getting paid for results. There is a lot of us trappers in the northern part of the province (where most of you come to hunt) taking wolves every year, maybe not in the numbers that some others do. Mostly because we all have jobs to support our love of trapping. The go fund me should be divided up to whoever produces, not who promises. Whether it is one wolf or 50 wolves.

07-31-2019, 08:20 PM
PG66 message hasn't changed-

Find your local trapper and help him to target wolves via donation. Get him or her interested in wolf trapping.

07-31-2019, 09:12 PM
“Took the money and ran”
I donated to him, and other trappers.
They / he traps wolves. They do more than I do, or have the time/ skill to do.
He can take my money and do what he wishes, and I trust that he spent it on what he said.
if other trappers came forward asking for help, I’m sure people would help them too.
stop complaining.

digger dogger
07-31-2019, 10:16 PM
“Took the money and ran”
I donated to him, and other trappers.
They / he traps wolves. They do more than I do, or have the time/ skill to do.
He can take my money and do what he wishes, and I trust that he spent it on what he said.
if other trappers came forward asking for help, I’m sure people would help them too.
stop complaining.


07-31-2019, 10:59 PM
Post 660 Trapman outlines where he spent the money he received, if those are interested.

Anybody suggesting that Trapman or PG66 "took the money and ran" or used it for "beer money" is off their rocker.

07-31-2019, 11:27 PM
I'm with you, both stand up guys

338win mag
08-01-2019, 05:37 AM
The only ones who 'took the money and ran" are the Wolf lovers and their "friends" in government.

08-01-2019, 06:21 AM
For christ sakes if more of you people showed up and helped out maybe we would be in a better situation. I personally gave trapman money, not on the go fund me thing sent him a cheque, he sent me back great pictures of where the money went and i will send him some more for the coming season. He is a stand up guy as i am sure Proguide is too!!

08-01-2019, 09:37 AM
I nave never met Proguide.To suggest he took the money and ran is ridiculous. He is the most intelligent ,well spoken hunter out there.

08-01-2019, 10:18 AM
If u follow him on instagram and Facebook, u'll realize the amount of work he does. $50 was nothing compared to the YouTube material he puts out for the antis to see. And he's probably the best person for the antis actually.

Tim Tam Slam
08-01-2019, 11:05 AM
Thanks @Gateholio ! Messaged Steve on insta, hope he’s still doing it. Cheers

08-01-2019, 10:31 PM
Hi Guys Just wanted to say a few things about the money that was sent to Pro guide . It was all spent on trapping wolves or sending supplies to people that trapped wolves (snares). Personally I never received any money from the gofundme but he did pay for accommodations on a few trips to region 3( $268.00), where we took 19 wolves. I know over 1600 snares were mailed out to trappers across bc and I hope they hit many of their targets. For the year you guys are talking about , I took 19 wolves and 15 coyotes . Pro Guide66 I believe took 26 wolves and 18 coyotes. Using the formula that the BC biologist use I was told that those numbers saved over 3800 ungulate in their life time. In the last three years I have spent close to $21,000 of my own money on wolf trapping some things like walking freezer & snares will last me many years but close to $15,000 was on gas, trapping supplies, truck repairs , accommodation, food and many other things that just cost a lot of money. This year my 14 year old son spent every penny he has ever received to buy a trapline for himself and guess what TRAP WOLVES. So if you like hunting ungulate we now have a area of over 2400 square miles that has a very good wolf trapping program being run on it. And who benefits from it ALL THE HUNTERS THAT USE THE AREA not me, It just costs me time and money. So can we talk a little about the people on this site that bitch about everything, you know who you are. You seem to have something negative to say about everything that is going on but I am sure you are the ones that sit on your asses and do nothing, wait till its to late to do anything or hope someone else to do it for you. You are wrecking this site, many great people have left the site because of these so called Hunters, conservationist or outdoors men. If you feel the need to bitch about everything you read on the site maybe it's the wrong site for you to be on. Personally at one time I love logging on to this sit a few times a day , now a few times a month and Pro guide he gave up a long time ago. Just my 2 cents worth.
Thanks and everyone have a great season and be safe out there

338win mag
08-02-2019, 05:56 AM
I think most hunters on the site and hunters at large know that some guys (with 5 posts) have nothing better to do than try to destroy hunting, so they come here to this site and disrupt, put questions into the minds of our youth, and issue's of trust begin to surface.
I/we know that yourself, Trapman, and proguide have had the integrity that some wish to have, and will achieve if they follow your examples....others like those who try defamation as another tool in the drawer...will never achieve because they have been mislead and they believe a lie.
Lots of stand up guys on this site are attacked regularly on this site, you guys have integrity, thank you.

08-02-2019, 06:56 AM
Good job on the wolves guys,
anyone who questioned where the money went is a dork..

08-02-2019, 10:49 PM
I sent cash in support and could care a less what it was spent on....hopefully a few beerz after humping through the snow getting it done.

08-03-2019, 12:23 AM
I never had time or the patients to read all these posts but I red into it when it first started. I trap snare and shoot wolves every winter but couldn’t bring myself to ask for someone’s money and promise to produce. What I do think is fair is getting paid for results. There is a lot of us trappers in the northern part of the province (where most of you come to hunt) taking wolves every year, maybe not in the numbers that some others do. Mostly because we all have jobs to support our love of trapping. The go fund me should be divided up to whoever produces, not who promises. Whether it is one wolf or 50 wolves.
Well last years go fund me got spent by a number of trappers. So I guess you will have to start your own if you want a hunter paid incentive to trap more wolves. But AS I recall you couldn’t bring yourself to ask for someone’s money.

08-03-2019, 07:42 AM
Great work all of you trapping wolves, your helping us all out....if anyone needs a hand trapping or hunting wolves around region 8 or southern region 3, don't hesitate to PM me, I want to learn and do my part...I can provide muscle, and can hump traps and supplies up hills or whatever is needed...

08-04-2019, 08:24 PM
Hi Guys Just wanted to say a few things about the money that was sent to Pro guide . It was all spent on trapping wolves or sending supplies to people that trapped wolves (snares). Personally I never received any money from the gofundme but he did pay for accommodations on a few trips to region 3( $268.00), where we took 19 wolves. I know over 1600 snares were mailed out to trappers across bc and I hope they hit many of their targets. For the year you guys are talking about , I took 19 wolves and 15 coyotes . Pro Guide66 I believe took 26 wolves and 18 coyotes. Using the formula that the BC biologist use I was told that those numbers saved over 3800 ungulate in their life time. In the last three years I have spent close to $21,000 of my own money on wolf trapping some things like walking freezer & snares will last me many years but close to $15,000 was on gas, trapping supplies, truck repairs , accommodation, food and many other things that just cost a lot of money. This year my 14 year old son spent every penny he has ever received to buy a trapline for himself and guess what TRAP WOLVES. So if you like hunting ungulate we now have a area of over 2400 square miles that has a very good wolf trapping program being run on it. And who benefits from it ALL THE HUNTERS THAT USE THE AREA not me, It just costs me time and money. So can we talk a little about the people on this site that bitch about everything, you know who you are. You seem to have something negative to say about everything that is going on but I am sure you are the ones that sit on your asses and do nothing, wait till its to late to do anything or hope someone else to do it for you. You are wrecking this site, many great people have left the site because of these so called Hunters, conservationist or outdoors men. If you feel the need to bitch about everything you read on the site maybe it's the wrong site for you to be on. Personally at one time I love logging on to this sit a few times a day , now a few times a month and Pro guide he gave up a long time ago. Just my 2 cents worth.
Thanks and everyone have a great season and be safe out there
Thanks Trapman for all the work and effort you + you son do on trapping wolfs .