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01-15-2018, 10:43 PM
looking for who traps tr0330t010 region 3-30 Clinton loon lake!

This is a buddy of mine. PM me I can get you in touch

01-15-2018, 10:43 PM
No, you shouldn't have with out his permission, take it down...

Its NOT hard to Find its for ALL to read in his profile NO BIG secret ! :p RJ

01-15-2018, 11:02 PM
Its NOT hard to Find its for ALL to read in his profile NO BIG secret ! :p RJ

Fair enough, just didnt want him to see an assault from the wolfdown brigade...:wink:

01-15-2018, 11:09 PM
Fair enough, just didnt want to him to see an assault from the wolfdown brigade...:wink:
All good !!
my buis related emails different and I actually kinda like the attacks, gives me great opportunity to really express myself sometimes ��, men need that �� Lol

01-16-2018, 08:25 AM
Any EK trappers on here??

Yes there is but as mentioned earlier you want your help going to the right ones, many would gladly take money etc but that wont change how much they
go out or in how they do it or there effort. there is some that are working on things right now, looking into trapping wolves in/on lines were they are not
right now. Each MU is different in region 4 and has to be treated as such. There can be many lines in one MU.

01-16-2018, 10:39 AM
For jassmine, wolfdown and the likes.

This is what wolves do.
The more wolves the more this happens.
Wolf populations are at record highs and growing.
Ungulate populations are at historic lows and imploding.
Get the math?

While you read this hundreds of animals will be predated (some will be killed by FN) today alone.


Bugle M In
01-16-2018, 11:20 AM
For jassmine, wolfdown and the likes.

This is what wolves do.
The more wolves the more this happens.
Wolf populations are at record highs and growing.
Ungulate populations are at historic lows and imploding.
Get the math?

While you read this hundreds of animals will be predated (some will be killed by FN) today alone.


:p..........................where is Jazzy when you want her???....not.

01-16-2018, 12:16 PM

Take note all, before you start slinging your support $$ around maybe wait a bit and let us get out accurate list made of dedicated predator managers in the appropriate problem areas.
Predator trapping does not pay. Numerous trappers are trapping fur, they love doing it and either do not target predators intentionally OR flat out do not have the skills to be VERY effective ( yet).
We are going to ensure your conservation $$ make a solid difference where it's needed badly. Once we get rolling, we are going to find new recruits with the apropriate energy and enthusiasm and fund their training !! We want these people from all across the province. No more 'just a few' well knowns who can do it. This knowledge needs to be shared - a lot !!
So you know, feverishly working on this day and night non stop - it's coming !!!

the hopper
01-16-2018, 12:21 PM
I’ve never been so excited about dead wolves! Facebooks got me going straight crazy with idiots who only care about predators??? Wtf is wrong with people these days...
interesting side note... 15 years ago I was would have been considered an anti lol! So there’s hope for them yet!
I would put that down to just having no exposure to hunting, although I grew up “hiking and camping in the wilderness” all over the damn place.
cant wait for this to get going!

01-16-2018, 06:40 PM
For jassmine, wolfdown and the likes.

This is what wolves do.
The more wolves the more this happens.
Wolf populations are at record highs and growing.
Ungulate populations are at historic lows and imploding.
Get the math?

While you read this hundreds of animals will be predated (some will be killed by FN) today alone.


needed a bump for the Anti's to see again......

walks with deer
01-16-2018, 07:05 PM
first time i saw this with my own eyes changed my mind 9 years ago. i think my 30-06 is still to hot from that show...proguide anything i can do your in the lead bud...

01-16-2018, 10:09 PM
Well, trying to contain my excitement. Just out of a very good meeting that I am certain will prove to be VERY pivotal to crack open literally thousands of acres for us to perform super and much needed conservation practices.
Huge appreciation to a friend who set it up. Zero opposed, 100% enthusiastic and they have a direct line and push to the top persons needed to change a few items for us.
I as well will be receiving permission for various FN wolf infested lines very quickly.
STOKED!! Will keep all posted.
BC Ungulate Foundation is very real and VERY good !!!

01-16-2018, 10:16 PM
Well, trying to contain my excitement. Just out of a very good meeting that I am certain will prove to be VERY pivotal to crack open literally thousands of acres for us to perform super and much needed conservation practices.
Huge appreciation to a friend who set it up. Zero opposed, 100% enthusiastic and they have a direct line and push to the top persons needed to change a few items for us.
I as well will be receiving permission for various FN wolf infested lines very quickly.
STOKED!! Will keep all posted.
BC Ungulate Foundation is very real and VERY good !!!


Thanks for taking this on. This is exactly what is needed!!!

01-16-2018, 10:22 PM
Great work Proguide.....

01-16-2018, 10:25 PM
!00 more snares http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g448/trapman604/244_zpsl0469gh4.jpg?1516166658101&1516166658601&1516166663121&1516166676747

01-16-2018, 10:27 PM
I sure am likening the look and sound of all this !

01-16-2018, 11:34 PM
is Jassy out huting wolves ? she Better be carefull she don't get Eaten ! :lol: RJ

01-16-2018, 11:37 PM
Thanks for taking this on. This is exactly what is needed!!!
X2 I've been hoping for I don't have the knowledge or expertise but I can help with $$

01-17-2018, 08:12 AM
For jassmine, wolfdown and the likes.

This is what wolves do.
The more wolves the more this happens.
Wolf populations are at record highs and growing.
Ungulate populations are at historic lows and imploding.
Get the math?

While you read this hundreds of animals will be predated (some will be killed by FN) today alone.


Again you and a couple others are the ones engaging with them yet you tell people not to. Interesting wonder what your motive is.
Wolves kill animals I think most realize that, and its usally not very pretty when it happens.
Anti or non hunting groups can post just as many photos of animals still alive with arrows hanging out of them
or jaws or legs shot off or simply just shot and left.
Why keep trying to make them mad or worse then it is. Let pro guide do his thing and see were that goes.

01-17-2018, 08:17 AM

Take note all, before you start slinging your support $$ around maybe wait a bit and let us get out accurate list made of dedicated predator managers in the appropriate problem areas.
Predator trapping does not pay. Numerous trappers are trapping fur, they love doing it and either do not target predators intentionally OR flat out do not have the skills to be VERY effective ( yet).
We are going to ensure your conservation $$ make a solid difference where it's needed badly. Once we get rolling, we are going to find new recruits with the apropriate energy and enthusiasm and fund their training !! We want these people from all across the province. No more 'just a few' well knowns who can do it. This knowledge needs to be shared - a lot !!
So you know, feverishly working on this day and night non stop - it's coming !!!

Waiting to see what you get worked out, know a few young guys here that are very interested and a few semi retired guys that can but more time into it. One just purchased a line
others looking into trapping existing lines that are not targeted for wolves by the line holder.

01-17-2018, 11:23 AM
Heard some interesting insite from an intelligent man last night who is very in tune with the game and natural cycle of the Squamish Valley.
He knew the numbers of moose well and noted the wolf cycle highs and lows were around 8 years ( same time duration I worked them over the first time ( 8 ish ago). He said the moose would go down 30% , wolves would cycle out and leave. Moose came back up, wolves went up and so on.
He noted as well the packs would have around two pups maybe three. Since the introduction of the elk he noted the wolves stay, aren't cycling out and are being seen with 6 new pups a pack. He as well said the moose and deer are Laing for it big time and steadily decreasing.
He figures there is around 10 packs in and out of the valley alone. He also said my findings up over the hill were accurate to fit in with the over spill of wolves from there as well the same timing of the rapid number growth.
SO, our conservation move is welcomed with open arms across the board.

He also agreed we need people going home with happy stories of hunting NOW to assist in creating new hunter and trapper interest.
SO, we getting things rolling way easier now !!
Be good to make hunting good again, get the finger pointing and fighting STOPPED now and create stronger numbers for all outdoors people !!
We can do this. It doesn't take a multi million $ study or a vote or political BS. It is what it is, we know the recipe for higher Ungulates, we know what causes low numbers and have for years.
We got this !!

01-17-2018, 12:38 PM
Heard some interesting insite from an intelligent man last night who is very in tune with the game and natural cycle of the Squamish Valley.
He knew the numbers of moose well and noted the wolf cycle highs and lows were around 8 years ( same time duration I worked them over the first time ( 8 ish ago). He said the moose would go down 30% , wolves would cycle out and leave. Moose came back up, wolves went up and so on.
He noted as well the packs would have around two pups maybe three. Since the introduction of the elk he noted the wolves stay, aren't cycling out and are being seen with 6 new pups a pack. He as well said the moose and deer are Laing for it big time and steadily decreasing.
He figures there is around 10 packs in and out of the valley alone. He also said my findings up over the hill were accurate to fit in with the over spill of wolves from there as well the same timing of the rapid number growth.
SO, our conservation move is welcomed with open arms across the board.

He also agreed we need people going home with happy stories of hunting NOW to assist in creating new hunter and trapper interest.
SO, we getting things rolling way easier now !!
Be good to make hunting good again, get the finger pointing and fighting STOPPED now and create stronger numbers for all outdoors people !!
We can do this. It doesn't take a multi million $ study or a vote or political BS. It is what it is, we know the recipe for higher Ungulates, we know what causes low numbers and have for years.
We got this !!

I agree, ALL hunters are on the same team. We may not always agree on the finer details, but we all want healthy ungulate populations, and reasonable and the effective predator control.

My 11 year old son is starting to hunt with me, and this last fall in over one week of hunting, we saw only 4 does and 1 buck (whitetail). Wolves everywhere ( cats too..we need to address that too). My son was a trooper, but I couldn’t help but wonder how in the hell will he ever want to become a hunter, if days of seeing NOTHING are his experiences??!!

Even the winter range areas this year in my area are devoid of ungulates. No tracks except cats and wolves (what are they eating)??

I guess what I’m saying is that this movement has made me optimistic about the future of quality hunting for the first time in a few years. Finally, an average hunter can finally contribute to a worthy cause, and totally circumvent the apathy and idiocy of government. Good job!

01-17-2018, 01:01 PM
Again you and a couple others are the ones engaging with them yet you tell people not to. Interesting wonder what your motive is.
Wolves kill animals I think most realize that, and its usally not very pretty when it happens.
Anti or non hunting groups can post just as many photos of animals still alive with arrows hanging out of them
or jaws or legs shot off or simply just shot and left.
Why keep trying to make them mad or worse then it is. Let pro guide do his thing and see were that goes.

My motive?
Let those know who have engaged this site, that are here solely to fracture the hunting community, some of us see this shit plain as day. Sad part is most don't .

01-17-2018, 01:34 PM
To the OP (PG66) - excellent post and welcome back!

What is the going price for a fully prepped and ready to wear wolf hide these days?
Helped uncles run trap lines for years in the Yukon, before I left hides were running approx. $400-$1400 depending on size and color.(all trap no shoot)
We did all of our own work and sold as finished products to both furrier and public.
If there are some of us on here who have the skills and knowledge to flesh/tan/prep these wolves fur that are taken by a trapper, could then the proceeds from sale of these furs finance the trappers work in the field to reduce wolf populations.
Anybody else with same said skills willing to make a go of this idea?

01-17-2018, 08:11 PM
Now I have had some more time to chew on some new facts dropped on me, lots is making sense.
It's well known that wolves reproduce accordingly to the game population around them. Knowing this and knowing now the info dropped on me about the wolves reaction to introduced elk to the Squamish Valley, I believe there's something solid here.
The wolves are producing more off spring accordingly with ungulate populations BUT, I believe deer and moose may be easier to kill then elk. This would explain the drastic decline in deer and moose ( here anyway).
A side note, when I helped a guy with his island elk draw west of Seward, I noted I saw zero deer, 1 bear and piss loades of elk. SO, could it not make sense the wolves are reproducing accordingly with the elk herd BUT they are eating the easier to kill deer FIRST ??
I have a feeling THIS is what is going on as it makes total sense !!
Anyway, still, the ultimate recipe to more deer ( and moose) is definitely knocking back the current wolf pop as their reproductive system is reproducing according to the elk pop, NOT the deer. But the deer pop is paying for it.
Thoughts ??

Bugle M In
01-17-2018, 08:23 PM
Now I have had some more time to chew on some new facts dropped on me, lots is making sense.
It's well known that wolves reproduce accordingly to the game population around them. Knowing this and knowing now the info dropped on me about the wolves reaction to introduced elk to the Squamish Valley, I believe there's something solid here.
The wolves are producing more off spring accordingly with ungulate populations BUT, I believe deer and moose may be easier to kill then elk. This would explain the drastic decline in deer and moose ( here anyway).
A side note, when I helped a guy with his island elk draw west of Seward, I noted I saw zero deer, 1 bear and piss loades of elk. SO, could it not make sense the wolves are reproducing accordingly with the elk herd BUT they are eating the easier to kill deer FIRST ??
I have a feeling THIS is what is going on as it makes total sense !!
Anyway, still, the ultimate recipe to more deer ( and moose) is definitely knocking back the current wolf pop as their reproductive system is reproducing according to the elk pop, NOT the deer. But the deer pop is paying for it.
Thoughts ??

Not going to be an authority here, but much of the wolf scat that I have seen in the EK, is either WT's and at other times is Elk.
I think the only reason WT is in the scat more often then not, is because there is more WT's around then Elk.
Even come the winter months, it seems some of the WT's are hanging around, where any of the remaining Elk seem to be moving out of the valley, and they aren't coming back come summer.
Maybe it just depends on each species size of population.
Like Yellowstone, lots of elk, so lots of wolves targeting them there.
Depending where here in the province, what the wolves target I think depends on #'s.
As for wolves following Elk, it's possible.
But, is it just a case of wolves just splitting up, and then seeking out "new territory".
Lots of room down around the LM for them to expand down into that's for sure.

01-17-2018, 08:30 PM
Wolves kill.
More wolves - more ungulates die.
Wolves will eat salmon when they are hungry enough.

More wolves makes for less critters.
Am I crazy or does this simple math not add up?

01-17-2018, 09:06 PM
Wolves kill.
More wolves - more ungulates die.
Wolves will eat salmon when they are hungry enough.

More wolves makes for less critters.
Am I crazy or does this simple math not add up?
Yes but common sense isn't that common anymore

01-17-2018, 09:18 PM
Yes PG 66 I understand what you are saying and believe you are right. Wolf numbers exploding deer and moose are vanishing yet elk numbers are rising. I believe moose and deer are more of a salutary animal,where elk are herd animals (safety in numbers) I have spent a little time in Alaska packing and guiding. Alaska takes their wolves problems a little more seriously than our government and has a much more proactive approach to the problems. I mostly guided moose and Brown bear,on one brown bear hunt we were met be a state biologist. He asked us how many sows we had seen with 2 or more cubs, I cant remember the number but it was very low. He told us that he was doing a wolf count study and one off the ways they determine wolf density was the number off 2 or more cubs per sow and that wolves were the number one killer of brown bear in Alaska.

01-17-2018, 09:30 PM
[QUOTE=Bugle M In;1974633]Not going to be an authority here, but much of the wolf scat that I have seen in the EK, is either WT's and at other times is Elk.
I think the only reason WT is in the scat more often then not, is because there is more WT's around then Elk.
Even come the winter months, it seems some of the WT's are hanging around, where any of the remaining Elk seem to be moving out of the valley, and they aren't coming back come summer.
So how much time are you spending in the EK in the winter and summer months to observe what your saying. Just curious.
Maybe it just depends on each species size of population.
Like Yellowstone, lots of elk, so lots of wolves targeting them there.
Depending where here in the province, what the wolves target I think depends on #'s.
As for wolves following Elk, it's possible.
But, is it just a case of wolves just splitting up, and then seeking out "new territory".
Lots of room down around the LM for them to expand down into that's for sure.

01-17-2018, 09:42 PM
Okay, I'm really confused here, according to FD wolves aren't a threat to Deer, somebody please set me straight! K

Wild one
01-17-2018, 10:06 PM
Okay, I'm really confused here, according to FD wolves aren't a threat to Deer, somebody please set me straight! K

Don’t believe everything FD(not just FD to be fair)tells you and read multiple studies. You will see different results in different studies so look at multiple sources this goes for everything!!

Example I read with the highest level of wolf predation on deer is a study on Northern Vancouver Island showing high wolf predation on BT over 50% if memory is correct (google it yourself to be sure)

To give FD some credit yes there is a study showing 1% predation in Utah I believe

Read enough studies on wolf predation involving deer and you will see levels of wolf predation on deer vary in each area. Some locations low impact some high but each area is different according to available prey.

No matter which study you read wolves have an impact on ungulates species

01-17-2018, 10:25 PM
Wolves are major predators of ungulates over-all. However cougar, grizzly and black bear also play significant roles in predation. Reducing all 4 species concurrently is the ideal

01-17-2018, 10:26 PM

Lovin it!

01-17-2018, 10:36 PM
Pg66 you are the man. As dedicated and knowledgable as they come. Your feet are on the ground and your no nonsense, no bs attitude is what drives this initiative forward. The total dedication to the cause is epic. I’ve marvelled at your pursuits and understanding of wildlife in the past. I have huge respect for how you approach, how you share, and commit. When the conversation comes to the cats and dogs of the wild and their effects I really think you’ve nailed it. I hunt cougars with hounds on Vancouver island and many times we won’t run a cat track in certain areas because of the abundance of wolves in the same area and general vacinity. The balance of the scale is definitely leaning on the predator side right now in most areas. We need the snow to be successful hunting the preds and at the same time the ungulates are more vulnerable to predatation and starvation with larger amounts of snow. Habitat loss just makes for greater concentration of ungulates in smaller areas that are favourable for them to winter in. Preds hammer the crap out of those same areas. Some timber patches become polluted with preds as they’ve got the fish in a barrel scenario when old man winter decides to hit hard and stick around. Keep up the great work. More feet on the ground and less asses in the chair will bring the balance back. Support the trappers and get out and give Intel when you can, and to who you can.you just might get a crack at one or a pack while your out there doing your part. Looking for pred sign is also a way of scouting for deer hunting. It’s a win win to get out there. It all will make a difference.

01-17-2018, 10:59 PM
Example I read with the highest level of wolf predation on deer is a study on Northern Vancouver Island showing high wolf predation on BT over 50% if memory is correct (google it yourself to be sure)

I was going to say, there is no way 1% is accurate on the Island ! Just like proguide66 said, if anyone is lucky enough to get an elk draw take note of how many deer you see !

01-17-2018, 11:03 PM
I was going to say, there is no way 1% is accurate on the Island ! Just like proguide66 said, if anyone is lucky enough to get an elk draw take note of how many deer you see !

you mean ..... HOW MANY YOU DONT SEE ! Your right though. My bro lives on the island and it's far far what it used to be. BUT ...... There's tons of Deer in TOWN

01-17-2018, 11:36 PM
Pg66 you are the man. As dedicated and knowledgable as they come. Your feet are on the ground and your no nonsense, no bs attitude is what drives this initiative forward. The total dedication to the cause is epic. I’ve marvelled at your pursuits and understanding of wildlife in the past. I have huge respect for how you approach, how you share, and commit. When the conversation comes to the cats and dogs of the wild and their effects I really think you’ve nailed it. I hunt cougars with hounds on Vancouver island and many times we won’t run a cat track in certain areas because of the abundance of wolves in the same area and general vacinity. The balance of the scale is definitely leaning on the predator side right now in most areas. We need the snow to be successful hunting the preds and at the same time the ungulates are more vulnerable to predatation and starvation with larger amounts of snow. Habitat loss just makes for greater concentration of ungulates in smaller areas that are favourable for them to winter in. Preds hammer the crap out of those same areas. Some timber patches become polluted with preds as they’ve got the fish in a barrel scenario when old man winter decides to hit hard and stick around. Keep up the great work. More feet on the ground and less asses in the chair will bring the balance back. Support the trappers and get out and give Intel when you can, and to who you can.you just might get a crack at one or a pack while your out there doing your part. Looking for pred sign is also a way of scouting for deer hunting. It’s a win win to get out there. It all will make a difference.

Excellent post!

01-18-2018, 12:10 AM

Another 30cm or more forecast on top of that!
Oh its gonna be a fun weekend getting around and resetting all snares... :-(

01-18-2018, 12:45 PM
... A side note, when I helped a guy with his island elk draw west of Seward, I noted I saw zero deer, 1 bear and piss loades of elk. SO, could it not make sense the wolves are reproducing accordingly with the elk herd BUT they are eating the easier to kill deer FIRST ??
I have a feeling THIS is what is going on as it makes total sense !!
Anyway, still, the ultimate recipe to more deer ( and moose) is definitely knocking back the current wolf pop as their reproductive system is reproducing according to the elk pop, NOT the deer. But the deer pop is paying for it.
Thoughts ??

I think right along those same lines my Friend.
Gone now are the days of seeing hundreds of blacktails over the season on The Rock.
Yes, pockets still exist, but the overall numbers are down, and down significantly.

On the other hand elk (where they are not being poached into extirpation) numbers appear to be climbing in many areas.
That would rather strongly suggest that the wolves here have a decided preference for blacktails. No surprises really, they are smaller and easier to take down, requiring less in the way of both pack numbers and effort.

Wolf sign at the same time has increased exponentially.
Funny thing, and yeah - anecdotal evidence again, but in the many piles of wolf crap I've wandered across in the past 7 or 8 years, only twice was there elk hair / bone present. Conversely well over half that had deer hair / bones in it.

I'd hazard a guess that when the deer population drops to critically low, that the wolves might switch over to elk.
But even so, I also believe they will opportunistically nail any unfortunate blacktail that wanders through their crosshairs.

Pleased with your initiative here Steve!
Would like to learn more about this Ungulate Foundation of which you speak...

Keep up the good work! Certainly Appreciated!


01-18-2018, 03:23 PM
https://www.raincoast.org/wp-content/themes/raincoast/images/raincoast-logo-2014.jpg (https://www.raincoast.org/)

Home (https://www.raincoast.org/) // What's new (http://www.raincoast.org/news/) // Raincoast Blog (https://www.raincoast.org/category/blog/) //
Five reasons to oppose BC’s wolf cull

Published on 2015 · 01 · 21 by Raincoast (https://www.raincoast.org/)
https://www.raincoast.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/3-running-wolves-PCP-wm-e1422928676492.jpgClick here for MLA contact info: www.leg.bc.ca/mla (https://www.leg.bc.ca/learn-about-us/members)

Click here for the Alberta wolf cull AVAAZ petition (https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/Jim_Prentice_Premier_of_Alberta_Immediately_halt_a ll_lethal_wolf_control_in_Alberta/)

Click here for Raincoast’s recent published paper on the wolf culls (https://www.raincoast.org/2015/02/maintaining-ethical-standards-during-conservation-crises/)

Click here for citizen letters opposing the wolf culls (https://www.raincoast.org/2015/01/voices-against-the-wolf-cull/)

One. Killing wolves will not improve caribou recovery. Ostensibly to protect caribou, the BC government has been engaging in wolf sterilization experiments and wolf killing for more than a decade. These programs have not resulted in any measurable benefits for caribou (as stated in the BC Wolf Management Plan). Alberta’s wolf cull, as reported in the Canadian Journal of Zoology in Nov 2014, failed to achieve any improvement in Boreal Woodland Caribou adult female survival, or any improvement in calf survival, and as such had no effect on population dynamics.
Help Raincoast continue our crucial work to protect BC’s wolves by donating today.
Help protect BC’s wolves (https://www.canadahelps.org/dn/19362)

Two. Habitat quality is the most important component of caribou recovery. Since it takes hundreds of years to establish an adequate biomass of tree lichen to sustain mountain caribou populations, deforestation is a major factor in the decline of caribou numbers as well as their failure to recover. Habitat quality is the most important determinant of the dynamics of populations of large mammalian herbivores and omnivores.
The BC government made the decision decades ago to knowingly destroy critical caribou habitat with logging, access roads, and humans activities. They fully knew the consequences of their actions. In the south Selkirk where there are less than 19 caribou, this population is no longer viable and already functionally extinct from the landscape. Habitat that supports a larger herd needs to be protected from logging and all human activities and the herd needs to be reintroduced. This is the only way a viable caribou population can persist. This will require decades. Killing all the wolves to give the public appearance that the government cares about caribou makes no difference to this population. It’s already lost.
Three: Wolves are not the only predators of caribou. Wolves eat caribou. So do cougars and sometimes, grizzlies. A 1999 study on the South Selkirk caribou stated “…most adult mortality was attributable to predation, particularly by cougars…”.
Four: The wolf cull is a slaughter that carries indefensible suffering to wolves. Caribou and wolves coexisted for thousands of years prior to caribou herds being decimated by habitat loss (in both BC and Alberta). Slaughtering wolves using grossly inhumane methods (i.e. aerial gunning, neck snares and poison) reflects fear and intolerance, at best. The province is killing wolves now to give the appearance of action for caribou herds that they decimated after decades of conscious choices not to protect caribou habitat. There are no reasonable ecological or economical reasons to kill wolves. And there are clearly no tenable ethical reasons to induce such harm and suffering.
Five: The ends do not justify the means. Wolf culls involve killing hundreds of wolves, and over the longer term, likely thousands of wolves. In making moral judgments, people tend to regard harm as more serious if it is deliberate rather than unintentional. Both recreational and institutional killing of wolves are rightly viewed as more serious acts than unintentional killing. Similarly, people may regard harm as less significant if done for a seemingly worthwhile purpose. This is a slippery slope. Principled justifications used to sanctify unethical practices that cause harm and suffering are not worthy purposes and are an unethical rationale for killing wolves.

MLA contact info: www.leg.bc.ca/mla (https://www.leg.bc.ca/mla/3-1-7.htm)
READ: Your voices against the wolf cull (https://www.raincoast.org/2015/01/voices-against-the-wolf-cull)
GO TO: Raincoast’s wolf cull wolf page (https://www.raincoast.org/projects/wolves/wolf-mgmt/) for more info
Want more context on caribou and wolf mismanagement in BC? Read the briefing (https://www.raincoast.org/2015/02/wolf-and-caribou-management-backgrounder/)provided by Sr. Scientists and renowned wolf expert Raincoast’s Dr. Paul Paquet

01-18-2018, 03:31 PM
That's what we are up against boys.
They have funding.
They are organized.
They exploit social media for their cause.
Our current Gov listens to them.

01-18-2018, 03:34 PM
Oh, and they are on HBC

Wild one
01-18-2018, 03:59 PM
That's what we are up against boys.
They have funding.
They are organized.
They exploit social media for their cause.
Our current Gov listens to them.

All correct but add there is no real effort from opposition

01-18-2018, 04:11 PM
All correct but add there is no real effort from opposition

Because the hunting community continues to argue in the sandbox.

Wild one
01-18-2018, 04:28 PM
Because the hunting community continues to argue in the sandbox.

That and they assume sitting back laughing relying on scientific facts to save them is all that is needed

Lack of unity is a big part but lack of any form of defence/offence overall is even bigger

Right now BC hunters are in a really bad place with govt in place and little faith in our representation. That last one is bigger then I even thought but has become very clear in the last month

Hate to say it but there might be a huge crash before things get better

01-18-2018, 04:52 PM
Because the hunting community continues to argue in the sandbox.
No shit !!

Another BIG one is anyone with any kind of 'following' or exposure is only trying to promote 'bullshit' to other hunters and same time NOT reaching out to NON hunting 'potential' new hunters. "Hey, look at this pic of my tits while I pull my bow back, follow me and OH YA, buy a $500 plastic cooler !!!".
We have to start doing what the opposition is doing NON STOP- promote to the non hunting public. Those f@ckers are having a cake walk right now - BREEZING past us as they promote to the non hunting community !!
All these celeb dorks getting praised for promoting hunting. UM, NO, they are promoting hunting products and THEMSELVES to the hunting community. It's NOT working for 'us'.
Some people better get motivated, get some funds, create some awesome content to promote us to potential NEW hunters and get appealing to the non hunting community fast.

Bugle M In
01-18-2018, 04:53 PM
I think there was a program on just yesterday, pbs?knowledge?, on Yellowstone, and going from winter into spring.
Sounds like when the winters are mild, ungulates do well obviously, meaning better feed , less starvation mortality, and, wolves just don't have it as easy to hunt or eat, ,meaning ungulates don't get trapped in snow drifts, or just have easier times to escape.
Heavier winters, and the wolves flourish, survive the winters well etc.
So yes, habitat has a lot to do with ungulates surviving.
I often wonder on those studies, like the recent moose thread, when they say x amount was due to wolf (50% of moose mortality), "do they really know if the wolf took down the moose"?? or did the wolves come across the dead moose due to starvation, and thus bios come across this sit4e, and assume it was due to wolf kill??
Don't get me wrong, I do believe wolves create a lot of ungulate loss.
Targeting deer rather then elk, even if elk are present, I agree with....like I said, up in the part of EK where I hunt, even the guys that work, driving in and out daily, actually see WTs being run down by packs of wolves, right in front of them as they are driving, and when the snow is deep.
Best evidence to support what wolves are targeting??....look at the scat!...lots of deer hair!...and yes, it all depends on the area as to which species they target most....but I have never heard of a vegan wolf.

Bugle M In
01-18-2018, 04:54 PM
Pg66 you are the man. As dedicated and knowledgable as they come. Your feet are on the ground and your no nonsense, no bs attitude is what drives this initiative forward. The total dedication to the cause is epic. I’ve marvelled at your pursuits and understanding of wildlife in the past. I have huge respect for how you approach, how you share, and commit. When the conversation comes to the cats and dogs of the wild and their effects I really think you’ve nailed it. I hunt cougars with hounds on Vancouver island and many times we won’t run a cat track in certain areas because of the abundance of wolves in the same area and general vacinity. The balance of the scale is definitely leaning on the predator side right now in most areas. We need the snow to be successful hunting the preds and at the same time the ungulates are more vulnerable to predatation and starvation with larger amounts of snow. Habitat loss just makes for greater concentration of ungulates in smaller areas that are favourable for them to winter in. Preds hammer the crap out of those same areas. Some timber patches become polluted with preds as they’ve got the fish in a barrel scenario when old man winter decides to hit hard and stick around. Keep up the great work. More feet on the ground and less asses in the chair will bring the balance back. Support the trappers and get out and give Intel when you can, and to who you can.you just might get a crack at one or a pack while your out there doing your part. Looking for pred sign is also a way of scouting for deer hunting. It’s a win win to get out there. It all will make a difference.

Really good post!

01-18-2018, 05:58 PM
No shit !!

Another BIG one is anyone with any kind of 'following' or exposure is only trying to promote 'bullshit' to other hunters and same time NOT reaching out to NON hunting 'potential' new hunters. "Hey, look at this pic of my tits while I pull my bow back, follow me and OH YA, buy a $500 plastic cooler !!!".
We have to start doing what the opposition is doing NON STOP- promote to the non hunting public. Those f@ckers are having a cake walk right now - BREEZING past us as they promote to the non hunting community !!
All these celeb dorks getting praised for promoting hunting. UM, NO, they are promoting hunting products and THEMSELVES to the hunting community. It's NOT working for 'us'.
Some people better get motivated, get some funds, create some awesome content to promote us to potential NEW hunters and get appealing to the non hunting community fast.

Messaging takes CASH
More cash-more messaging

01-18-2018, 06:10 PM
Messaging takes CASH
More cash-more messaging

Are you really getting pushback about the funded management? What are you looking for? What are you asking?

01-18-2018, 06:34 PM
Are you really getting pushback about the funded management? What are you looking for? What are you asking?

What am I asking for??

Hunter dollars going back to the resource.
(gaining some attention yet some fight the cause internally)

Small tax on outdoor products and services.
WE need funding

01-18-2018, 06:38 PM
What am I asking for??

Hunter dollars going back to the resource.
(gaining some attention yet some fight the cause internally)

Small tax on outdoor products and services.
WE need funding
So your getting pushback on that? Your not really that I saw. Your preaching to the choir.

Wild one
01-18-2018, 07:53 PM
What am I asking for??

Hunter dollars going back to the resource.
(gaining some attention yet some fight the cause internally)

Small tax on outdoor products and services.
WE need funding

Many agree funding is needed but direction on how the funding is spent is not clear. Notice how pro guide came here with a direct plan and focus on where the $ asked for is going

Look he is getting support on his project from RH. It because those donating understand exactly where there $ is being spent, the direct purpose and even the area it is focused on

Want people to open their wallets they want to know exactly where their $ goes. It just like asking for an investment in a business investors want a clear plan where their $ is going

Now we know the purpose of your plan is more funding for studies and habitat ( which most agree is good) but what are we studying? What are we going to do for habitat? Where in BC are this projects going to take place, main species of interest

A huge one who is in control of these funds?( this is a make or break for me personally)

I have no issue supporting at tax small price to take a risk on

But you want support and funding from RH they need more information

This thread proves RH can open their wallets

01-18-2018, 08:52 PM
And that's what this treat was about. Do some research, find some trappers in your local or preferred hunting management unit. Give said trapper a call, talk about trapping some wolves, and throw him some gas money if he can spend a little time thinning a thriving, uncontrolled population of wolves. That's how i see it. Not pointing fingers and trying to reinvent the wheel! Old time, down roots just getting shit done. That's exactly what proguide is doing.Pure ground work. Lets help some trappers out!

01-18-2018, 11:44 PM
Small tax on outdoor products and services.
WE need funding

Don't think that would fly very well .... with anyone.

You've researched this a lot .... where do states like Wyoming get their funding? They have some of the best deer hunting in the entire country and their population is smaller than that of Vancouver alone. The whole damn state has less than 600,000 people. Even if they have a higher number of hunters per capita, their overall hunter numbers can't possibly be higher than BC with a population over 7 times larger.

- Do they charge more for their licenses/tags?
- Are they federally funded or subsidised?

01-19-2018, 10:38 PM
OK you bunch of dingleberries, I'm all in. I have been in meetings for almost two weeks with key players, put on a bunch of km's, talked to literally dozens of people across a lot of the province.
We are launching BC Ungulate Foundation. We are going to be a high speed problem solving group dedicated to conservation and 'growing ungulates' province wide. No more political BS, no more stagnant 'nothing happening', no more infighting, no more BS, no more 'maybe next year or the year after'.
I have formed a group of very intelligent 'go getter' people made up of eager 'FN and non FN concerned outdoors people who want the same thing and are going to make it happen NOW. This is it. I have created a solid bridge to all concerned, have ZERO negative, zero 'anything' to infight about and we ARE going to make things better and swiftly - period. No more 'them and us', no more crap.
This unfortunately as well means I am not going to go rip around the planet this winter having FUN !! lol, DAMMIT !!! lol.

Will have the full menu delivered to all soon, have some very motivated people involved and FINALLY a solid group made up of dedicated people from ALL groups concerned who are HAPPY, eager and agree 100% across the board. We are going to fix the BS once and for all and maintain the GOOD, create nothing but good and do it FAST. Bout it......

Later !! 8)

01-19-2018, 11:16 PM
Well Steve I think there is a lot of people that are behind you and now that you are all in we have no excuse but to help you in any way we can. Just like voting at election time , if you don't vote you can't bitch. If you don't help ,don't bitch when what we love to do is taken away from us .
As hunters we call ourselves conservationists ,well lets but our money, hardwork and our experience where our mouths are and solve this problem before we loose everything. Steve showed us what one person can do ,when he trapped wolves in the pemberton valley the first time almost 9 years ago. The following years deer numbers on the migration counters where way up. And they had highest number of mountain goat kids ever counted in the area. That was one man doing his part in protecting what he love to do, imagine if the whole hunting community comes together what could be accomplished. And if there was ever a time or a reason this is it !!!!!

01-20-2018, 12:06 AM
OK you bunch of dingleberries, I'm all in. I have been in meetings for almost two weeks with key players, put on a bunch of km's, talked to literally dozens of people across a lot of the province.
We are launching BC Ungulate Foundation. We are going to be a high speed problem solving group dedicated to conservation and 'growing ungulates' province wide. No more political BS, no more stagnant 'nothing happening', no more infighting, no more BS, no more 'maybe next year or the year after'.
I have formed a group of very intelligent 'go getter' people made up of eager 'FN and non FN concerned outdoors people who want the same thing and are going to make it happen NOW. This is it. I have created a solid bridge to all concerned, have ZERO negative, zero 'anything' to infight about and we ARE going to make things better and swiftly - period. No more 'them and us', no more crap.
This unfortunately as well means I am not going to go rip around the planet this winter having FUN !! lol, DAMMIT !!! lol.

Will have the full menu delivered to all soon, have some very motivated people involved and FINALLY a solid group made up of dedicated people from ALL groups concerned who are HAPPY, eager and agree 100% across the board. We are going to fix the BS once and for all and maintain the GOOD, create nothing but good and do it FAST. Bout it......

Later !! 8)

I like the sound of that. Thanks for your hard work.

01-20-2018, 06:54 AM
OK you bunch of dingleberries, I'm all in. I have been in meetings for almost two weeks with key players, put on a bunch of km's, talked to literally dozens of people across a lot of the province.
We are launching BC Ungulate Foundation. We are going to be a high speed problem solving group dedicated to conservation and 'growing ungulates' province wide. No more political BS, no more stagnant 'nothing happening', no more infighting, no more BS, no more 'maybe next year or the year after'.
I have formed a group of very intelligent 'go getter' people made up of eager 'FN and non FN concerned outdoors people who want the same thing and are going to make it happen NOW. This is it. I have created a solid bridge to all concerned, have ZERO negative, zero 'anything' to infight about and we ARE going to make things better and swiftly - period. No more 'them and us', no more crap.
This unfortunately as well means I am not going to go rip around the planet this winter having FUN !! lol, DAMMIT !!! lol.

Will have the full menu delivered to all soon, have some very motivated people involved and FINALLY a solid group made up of dedicated people from ALL groups concerned who are HAPPY, eager and agree 100% across the board. We are going to fix the BS once and for all and maintain the GOOD, create nothing but good and do it FAST. Bout it......

Later !! 8)

Looking forward to it.....

Bugle M In
01-20-2018, 03:50 PM
Many agree funding is needed but direction on how the funding is spent is not clear. Notice how pro guide came here with a direct plan and focus on where the $ asked for is going

Look he is getting support on his project from RH. It because those donating understand exactly where there $ is being spent, the direct purpose and even the area it is focused on

Want people to open their wallets they want to know exactly where their $ goes. It just like asking for an investment in a business investors want a clear plan where their $ is going

Now we know the purpose of your plan is more funding for studies and habitat ( which most agree is good) but what are we studying? What are we going to do for habitat? Where in BC are this projects going to take place, main species of interest

A huge one who is in control of these funds?( this is a make or break for me personally)

I have no issue supporting at tax small price to take a risk on

But you want support and funding from RH they need more information

This thread proves RH can open their wallets

One point that you bring up, and I agree fully with is:
"who controls the money", AND "who is it handed out to"
Meaning, is there any chance, someone or some organization like "RainCoast Society" could get their hands on????
NO JOKE, that is a big concern.
As long as it goes to Habitat Restoration, Pred Control/monitoring, and Studies" I am all in.
But, I want a big time guarantee it can't be "donated" out to that kind of affiliation.

Bugle M In
01-20-2018, 03:51 PM
OK you bunch of dingleberries, I'm all in. I have been in meetings for almost two weeks with key players, put on a bunch of km's, talked to literally dozens of people across a lot of the province.
We are launching BC Ungulate Foundation. We are going to be a high speed problem solving group dedicated to conservation and 'growing ungulates' province wide. No more political BS, no more stagnant 'nothing happening', no more infighting, no more BS, no more 'maybe next year or the year after'.
I have formed a group of very intelligent 'go getter' people made up of eager 'FN and non FN concerned outdoors people who want the same thing and are going to make it happen NOW. This is it. I have created a solid bridge to all concerned, have ZERO negative, zero 'anything' to infight about and we ARE going to make things better and swiftly - period. No more 'them and us', no more crap.
This unfortunately as well means I am not going to go rip around the planet this winter having FUN !! lol, DAMMIT !!! lol.

Will have the full menu delivered to all soon, have some very motivated people involved and FINALLY a solid group made up of dedicated people from ALL groups concerned who are HAPPY, eager and agree 100% across the board. We are going to fix the BS once and for all and maintain the GOOD, create nothing but good and do it FAST. Bout it......

Later !! 8)

That's about the most positive I have heard in years being apart of this forum.

01-20-2018, 08:28 PM
Thank god for pro guide he talks common sense. Who lets you other idiots on here.

01-20-2018, 09:29 PM
One of my favorite parts of this initiative is the partnership with FN.

There has been a real resurgence with FN desire to participate in a more traditional lifestyle (especially for their youth) and that includes a more traditional diet of wild food, hunting and fishing. Predator control is part of that, and getting young FN involved in it can only be a good thing.

Even though RH and FN may have had differences, we do have similar goals of ensuring that there are plenty of ungulates to hunt.

01-21-2018, 12:02 PM
looking for who traps tr0330t010 region 3-30 Clinton loon lake!

My partners and I have this line. I will be heading there in the next couple weeks to make an attempt at trapping some K9s. Unfortunately we lost the cabin and all traps/sled etc in this summers fires but will still be putting in the best efforts we can.

01-21-2018, 12:31 PM
Anybody know how to trap wolves in urban/rural interface without catching someone's dog? Pm if you want.

01-21-2018, 07:02 PM
Anybody know how to trap wolves in urban/rural interface without catching someone's dog? Pm if you want.
Put signs up.

01-21-2018, 07:25 PM
Put signs up.
Foot traps. They hold, don't break bones of cut flesh.

01-21-2018, 07:38 PM
One of my favorite parts of this initiative is the partnership with FN.

There has been a real resurgence with FN desire to participate in a more traditional lifestyle (especially for their youth) and that includes a more traditional diet of wild food, hunting and fishing. Predator control is part of that, and getting young FN involved in it can only be a good thing.

Even though RH and FN may have had differences, we do have similar goals of ensuring that there are plenty of ungulates to hunt.

100% agree

01-21-2018, 08:02 PM
Hey PG66 how about a go fund me page that you could allocate the funds to the proper resources.....keep up the good work......

01-21-2018, 10:39 PM
Hey PG66 how about a go fund me page that you could allocate the funds to the proper resources.....keep up the good work......
They take some ! We need every penny. We got it coming soon. We may have to keep it EMT this month and for designated areas ( guys who we can confirm will make a difference).
Dropping a shit pile money tomorrow on equipment alone.
Good thing is we are actively working at goal #1 NOW over thousands of combined Km's. That's right NOW. See? No votes, no 2 or 3 year study bs, no in fighting, no wasting time - boom- action in a positive direction. We have started to grow our ungulate herd NOW - instant action where it counts immediately as in days AGO.
On the BCUF ( BC Ungulate Foundation), our ultimate year round goals are to encourage and fund new hunters and trappers to get licensed and hook em up with great mentors. Create awesome content to deliver online to counter the anti movement ( I hit 100,000 plus people direct now via social media). We mimic their methods only we will have solid conservation facts backed up and delivered to the non hunting community non stop which counters their claims.Meanwhile, our tight knit group of skilled 'conservation technicians' will be avidly HARD AT WORK to ensure we start growing Ungulates NOW and address problem areas NOW and not stop until we get it done.
Pretty simple ! No BS, cover the basics of what needs to get done to make shit better across the board.

Ill be calling specifically on reg 2 hunters ( Sea to Sky to 3-32, 3-33, southern reg 5) guys who hunt there to throw down and assist soon. We need $$ to hammer down !

Now you you know exactly where it's going, when and what the outcome WILL BE.
We are all going to fix it.

01-22-2018, 12:22 AM
They take some ! We need every penny. We got it coming soon. We may have to keep it EMT this month and for designated areas ( guys who we can confirm will make a difference).
Dropping a shit pile money tomorrow on equipment alone.
Good thing is we are actively working at goal #1 NOW over thousands of combined Km's. That's right NOW. See? No votes, no 2 or 3 year study bs, no in fighting, no wasting time - boom- action in a positive direction. We have started to grow our ungulate herd NOW - instant action where it counts immediately as in days AGO.
On the BCUF ( BC Ungulate Foundation), our ultimate year round goals are to encourage and fund new hunters and trappers to get licensed and hook em up with great mentors. Create awesome content to deliver online to counter the anti movement ( I hit 100,000 plus people direct now via social media). We mimic their methods only we will have solid conservation facts backed up and delivered to the non hunting community non stop which counters their claims.Meanwhile, our tight knit group of skilled 'conservation technicians' will be avidly HARD AT WORK to ensure we start growing Ungulates NOW and address problem areas NOW and not stop until we get it done.
Pretty simple ! No BS, cover the basics of what needs to get done to make shit better across the board.

Ill be calling specifically on reg 2 hunters ( Sea to Sky to 3-32, 3-33, southern reg 5) guys who hunt there to throw down and assist soon. We need $$ to hammer down !

Now you you know exactly where it's going, when and what the outcome WILL BE.
We are all going to fix it.

Money sent. Hope it helps. Thanks for making a difference.

But if there aren't 200" bucks frolicking all over in 5 years, i want my money back!!!!!!!


01-22-2018, 08:49 AM
One of my favorite parts of this initiative is the partnership with FN.

There has been a real resurgence with FN desire to participate in a more traditional lifestyle (especially for their youth) and that includes a more traditional diet of wild food, hunting and fishing. Predator control is part of that, and getting young FN involved in it can only be a good thing.

Even though RH and FN may have had differences, we do have similar goals of ensuring that there are plenty of ungulates to hunt.
Interesting so its not about conversation or concern about declining ungulate populations but ensuring there are plenty of ungulates to hunt.
So kill off something to save something else so it can be hunted. I think that is a pretty hard sell to the non-hunting community but every one
has there own opinion........................................... ............

01-22-2018, 09:04 AM
LBM , why would you choose to be so misleading with a post ?

Wild one
01-22-2018, 09:06 AM
.................................................. ....

To those who don’t support hunting or any form of animals being killed you have a point

But to those who consider the need for balance in the predator prey scale it’s not a hard sell. A large portion of the public is not anti hunting, open to the fact wildlife needs balance, and predators have impact beyond the species we hunt

There is not one mind set in the general public and how hunters explain the reasons for predator management is huge

Cant win them all no matter what

01-22-2018, 09:16 AM
Can we call this group the 'real wildlife defence league'

01-22-2018, 09:43 AM
LBM , why would you choose to be so misleading with a post ?

That’s what he does. Tries to find fault with everything and every one.

He looks for the grey lining in a silver cloud.


01-22-2018, 09:49 AM
.................................................. ....
It's posts like this that test my language patience and more.
whrn you alter your next three months of holidays , drop the last 15 days STRAIGHT on your own dime to create a solution to help all your outdoor brithers and sisters, start a monster project which will take rediculous amounts of time, then read an effing post fuelled by misery from a damned key board with ZERO positive or even an ADDED SOLITION offered. BRAVO !!
See people ???? THIS IS WHY I do what I do. Slam the bull shit aside, follow through and get it done.
OH WAIT, maybe I'll STOP, stay inside and shit on anything that may arise instead - and not add ANY positive, constructive input.
Its ok , we got this ��.

01-22-2018, 10:22 AM
LBM whats that old saying , if you have nothing nice to say shut the f#*k up

01-22-2018, 10:36 AM
.................................................. ....

I don’t see why that is such a bad thing. What we’re trying to do is manage a resource(ungulates). Part of our use for that resource is hunting. I don’t have a problem with that fact.

Not so different than managing fisheries and stocking lakes all over the province so we can go and catch them is it?

01-22-2018, 11:30 AM
Another item we need to do (are doing and going to ramp up with BCUF) is create and deliver great content non stop more geared up toward the non hunting community. Anti groups do this non stop and it works. The present conservation groups here are made of of mostly old school board members who 'dont get it' yet with social media. Social media is direct contact to the world. antis are as well breezing by us here and its working for them.
I have the right equipment, people and as as well miles of content now.
We are going to start tweaking the content toward honest facts without being so direct about 'hunting' to ensure it is appealing to the non hunting eyes an interesting while the same time 'gently but directly' pointing out the false info propaganda delivered by the anti groups and as well list who they are. This is key, hit them with their own recipe which works only deliver true honest facts, it will win in the end.
The important note is NO ONE with a following is doing this for hunters. ALL 'hunters' with big followings are delivering TO hunters and promoting hunting product crap, taking selfies with other well known names and promoting THEMSELVES while using hunting to do it, none of them are targeting non hunters 'directly' to create MORE NEW HUNTERS.

Here is an example of a social media post I dropped the other day. We will keep tweaking the theme until we nail it, drive the content home to non hunters NON STOP. We will follow the anti movements, see what they are delivering and how, counter attack their content with fact based content delivered by a pro conservation group, make it clear WHO KNOWS and who is doing the good as opposed to the misleading propaganda by others. This one post has been shared over 100 times and reached over 30k people in less than 24 hrs. This is KEY. While people sit on forums etc doing circles, this shit needs to be done none stop. We are going to do it. Other more established conservation groups need to do this URGENTLY. This is where the battle is being fought and where it will be won. A web site isn't going to do shit, nor is a forum, social media is key, its a wide open battle ground where we are being slaughtered right now. ....but not for long.

Example in next post

01-22-2018, 11:33 AM
Are you a grey wolf who wants to become listed as a special "endangered subspecies" of wolf and re classified? Swim to Vancouver island like the previous 2500 grey wolves did before you for hundreds of years, get in line and get reclassified now.
FACT - wolves, bears, deer etc swim like fish. Each year numerous species of animals swim effortlessly to Vancouver Island from mainland B.C. They are in search of food as well new territory as their numbers increase and food depletes naturally.
Some of the pictures bellow document new grey wolves freshly arriving from their ocean journey west from mainland B.C. to Vancouver Island.
Grey wolves adapt and eat basically anything with protein. Salmon are an easy meal during fall seasons. This brings grey wolves to river mouths where the food is plentiful during the fall.
West coast Van Isl grey wolves have as well learned how to successfully prey on sea otters. They routinely wait in the timber for low tide, swim out and feed on otters caught in low tide estuaries and tidal pools.
Due to the wolves feeding in the open on the coast, they as well offer up easier photo ops for photographers. These photos are continually being used as propaganda by FALSE CONSERVATION GROUPS who are attempting to use the grey wolves who feed on the coast as a "rare subspecies of endangered wolf".
This is not correct.
Why are wolf hunting and trapping seasons being extended? because the numbers are experiencing a high in the natural cycle. Deer are being wiped out and now the sea otters (who recently made a come back) are being consumed by GREY WOLVES faster than they can reproduce.
Wolves are not easily hunted or trapped. THIS is why the govt extends seasons, because wolf numbers are continuing to rise, other species are disappearing and no one is getting a grip on the wolf population explosion from the regular hunting and trapping seasons in place today.
Sea otter adults and pups are a very easy target for a pack of grey wolves during low tide. WHY are conservation groups not mentioning these things?
False conservation groups have zero concern for other wildlife, they want your money and use emotion human ties to canines as their number 1 recipe for your dollars.
WHY is there literally dozens of false conservation groups? because it PAYS WELL - ONLY reason.
Get informed with honest facts from true conservationists. Follow money trails BEFORE you get lured in by adds preying on emotions. See list of FALSE CONSERVATION GROUPS below. They want YOUR MONEY and it isn't being used for true conservation.
howlingforjustice.org (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fhowlingforjustice.org%2F&h=ATMDKUBVMOyjMJ5iG6SGMa3jRcJ1oCxu1mCaXIxWMGcUnZSw NOqUo5oGjGt5OSV5Kf8QNIgTEEduhy7jiNYXc-tSjj5bap8o27ZZPVYwXK4dRbqPbxuczEuLF9_hx6XU4Fbgccgm 0yNIpKtigBAWmTYoZCy4RHjILF0nv7bj0DFO3ns6YrBrWcz7Tk eziJetq4y1qWfJqaM7SJkfdwWmDwAlRVdOq_AEvVGZKOj-xFgJWKBSK6rOPYWNyQGhCLNkZp0yvtKB3SrhVQWCFmpLRYPmJX rG24-oAomrzFK6z5YVaA2XmnwIAm7Wjlnl2Fxg-HKW_w)
raincoast.org (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fraincoast.org%2F&h=ATO_1NCnWiFMBKQoIRsd-eeGdOzphUI3vjSG5XfTdvHhYNCovhbI3IvFeq3UF6OaHn_VOQz 5y3qeL8ocvilyNxQcq8ZLO7jp48K2BfSDJJtpY5y5BU5dbvTr7 2PMrR4X476kk4vPifqGGY0Vt2jkKYqpp0vWY_tM48VwTmvHVIv tmRjU3BFBhP01ikoPX6x1TmfbyHOSt7QYdYxuY1FGiBjk_TFvz 8DRkcxr2l1QQ0kO3qdxJi82rYxzIijzAbSC3W4EH5Zc6BH6k2y ASjRvQRIlBvv9EJCN_3uSQGwbhNfuIK18hLrUaQfDuij1_x4uy n0bQA)
ukwct.org.uk (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2***wct.org.uk%2F&h=ATMC-_khMGLpJGdrblvFStKxXAFMCjZxoZj79Imh4efxkMPJmZlh8GH PD5BnESRGM3wplr47ma6NgQLN6Vt61Np-mJJx5spQM2l9bqMrU2PHjj2JM90JXckbv9KzskJrSKBlVqeQBs YhLWKj318g5fGzP-lV4nCuVFKGz6HeBF-8hVpTYPoSszbPMBF_tDGyqyi7YSttktnn_0Z36nkOhkh5qhXmd xzQhZE8U1Fc9gHi-utFUZgA33xEbIWTgfjXTt29Q_MwZpNwTw3lKPZg9xm9yx2oNXX 4QolGiifaQeCoov0oIUFIo1K9hvcQp9bUWHT3Dw)
wolfawarenessinc.org (http://wolfawarenessinc.org/)
pacificwolves.org (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fpacificwolves.org%2F&h=ATM5dCrefsvxkf6iteL6BSRaNqLPXO5MCFJEKyXx47nNkgf5 etR3G_6dYBY73UrjY6ODridCIVRw3iXSlQEUR6pnVLpCfyqiB8 x2xrNx9V8T_Z5nbTCMTkehZqR1_Z88DA7ngc0b5RulnySh3G9B dofIHlq9tBtF-vhzCfO4nnlFFrGS4uI2nY0VD4ie2wALtFWdrSkchOyVblPhH1b HyduVob1E2pF4Wew8NAlXAQfb3kxH0b49DjHySfQtGIN94vhr6 dhnhVe8bZypxzOgJ5o87rxmUmn2DRejMZXz5S8eHtzXlfCqRLz Xr4itEgmr0suCjA)
defenders.org (http://defenders.org/)
wolfwatcher.org (http://wolfwatcher.org/)
sierraclub.org (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fsierraclub.org%2F&h=ATPcp4UR7qZ5oJaux4Hd4VsBsYtChkJHy9NaVejf_PQ58Flk YFsRnyL4qDFWyBRmzSDJATSjSavg7mAcqmURo0pA5nzdtEAyOV 4K_a3VboCuk4lKymznx120G5yC91L7OAct-OH_WlU6l4Mhd5Kqb-eC-xUgJ_tKn86DKs7HJLHQdCHuhdSJ121IpY_ub__4lb-UQNcRQRdris1jS790RtMScgZWVOavawtyF0lj2LS46wZjxNKsc NlZjvwxArNiQLuarmDUpSC-8ecaHafh-Z8zU-N9juHDKkESHDuwYw2Tw6xHjCEyXY_HGIwSqpaKYlzdjQ)
And MANY many more.
Grey wolves are at an all time high in numbers across North America, especially Canada. GET INFORMED.
Grey wolves are NOT endangered, other species are. WHY do you not know what species ARE endangered ?
Destination British Columbia (https://www.facebook.com/HelloBC/?fref=mentions) Tofino, British Columbia (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tofino-British-Columbia/107858492571031?fref=mentions)CTV Vancouver Island (https://www.facebook.com/CTVVI/?fref=mentions)Global BC (https://www.facebook.com/GlobalBC/?fref=mentions)Vancouver, British Columbia (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vancouver-British-Columbia/114497808567786?fref=mentions)CBC Vancouver (https://www.facebook.com/VancouverCBC/?fref=mentions)Bamfield, British Columbia (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bamfield-British-Columbia/111652118857116?fref=mentions)Port Alberni, British Columbia (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Port-Alberni-British-Columbia/103776016327224?fref=mentions)Campbell River (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Campbell-River/135090239857766?fref=mentions) #hunting (https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/hunting?source=feed_text&story_id=2012008612400703)#howtohunt (https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/howtohunt?source=feed_text&story_id=2012008612400703) #wolves (https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/wolves?source=feed_text&story_id=2012008612400703) #conservation (https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/conservation?source=feed_text&story_id=2012008612400703)
https://scontent.fyvr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/26991957_2012008905734007_4760287763662558319_n.jp g?oh=3cc0ec321463363467b160a2a3912a48&oe=5AE12F37
captioned (
Another grey wolf makes a successful swim to Vancouver Island from mainland B.C.)
https://scontent.fyvr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/26731016_2012009182400646_5976662299761458901_n.pn g?oh=6e3fab8dff5fdb1622fc39914546d775&oe=5AF8D5A3(captioned Another grey wolf who originated from mainland B.C. lays in wait for sea otters at low tide on Vancouver Island..
https://scontent.fyvr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/26910119_2012009219067309_1150265960006827964_o.jp g?oh=3cb218eb0095c9b3c50bcbc4a2f8dcda&oe=5AF828D1
captioned (Being consumed faster than they can reproduce, Vancouver Island sea otters.)

01-22-2018, 11:42 AM
One point that I try to get across is that hunting bears/wolves and viewing them are not mutually exclusive!!! The anti crowd touts that viewing will generate more money (which is BS), but hunting 1% of the grizzly population has not had, and will not have any effect on those wishing to take pictures. Money can be generated from both sources at the same time!! I don't see why this is so hard for their tiny brains to comprehend. Last I checked, there wasn't many people hunting wolves along the beach on VI where this supposed viewing will take place....

01-22-2018, 11:44 AM
You are 100 % on this. Excellent stuff, forums are not the answer, this is!!!!

01-22-2018, 11:47 AM
False conversation groups are lying to who ever listens, they are aware of the truth , time to expose.
Like to get involved, pm if I can assist.

01-22-2018, 01:33 PM
I am not sure where these protect wolf organisations get there info about the sea wolf or unique coastal wolves, the present day wolf on Vancouver Island is an ancestor of the mainland wolf. Before the 50s skulls and samples were kept of wolves of that time period, around that time there was an effort the push wolf numbers down. After the heavy snow of 66 and 67 lots of mainland coastal game plummeted and as a result mainland wolves invaded Vancouver Island looking for food. Since wolf numbers had been pushed backed for a while and there were deer behind every stump, wolf numbers bloomed until a ministry sponsored wolf cull/study happened in the mid 80s for about 4 years. I believe the wolves that were taken in this time frame were different from the samples taken from the wolves pre-invasion. The present day Vancouver Island wolf is made up of dna from relic packs that roamed the back country and dogs from native settlements and remote rural areas with the greatest tie to the mainland wolf.

01-22-2018, 09:11 PM
Here's today's little post for the world. If you feel someone needs to see it, grab it and share it !

https://scontent.fyvr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/27023325_2002210580100346_6792394607829028723_o.jp g?oh=134189671eca36987541eef049e91540&oe=5AF96F05

01-23-2018, 07:00 AM
Good post PG ....... Keep up your great work .......

looking forward to today, headed out with an experienced Trapper, fingers crossed on helping the ungulate population out, government sure isn't so far.


01-25-2018, 04:00 PM
Well we have a lot of bait and a whole Lotta snares. Some new areas to take a look at I see a SmackDown Coming up in the future

01-25-2018, 04:36 PM
Well we have a lot of bait and a whole Lotta snares. Some new areas to take a look at I see a SmackDown Coming up in the future
Fingers crossed best of luck

01-25-2018, 09:36 PM
Ok all, BC Ungulate Foundation facebook page just cracked open. We'll be hitting it up with details as they get ironed out. We are mainly going to be securing 'conservation practices' within the boundaries of the current B.C. Wild Life act around the province in a much larger scale then ever seen before.( happening now).
We will as well be creating the social media content required to fight the fight where the fight is currently being lost. We are only down a few rounds but we have great cardio. A significant amount of dollars and time is going to be spent on new recruitment, spreading the good word to the non hunting population NON STOP - this is key. And we won't be selling you a damned cooler.
We will as well be making strong moves against the false conservation groups NON STOP and in the exact fashion as they move against us. The difference will be us using honesty and facts, delivered in a more neutral but direct way to the eyes of the non hunting community. We are going to politely expose the fraudulent conservation groups, how much money they recieve, what they do with it and as well the negative impact they actually have on many species in B.C.
Strong bridges have been made and more are being made between First Nations and non first nations, ( a first), within our group to ensure this is a very strong and motivated group who gets things DONE - growing ungulates. We all want the same thing.

Not sure if anyone has noticed, but finger pointing, fighting is 100% STOPPING all and any progress where it counts. I stopped the fighting the last couple weeks and joined the power, we are unstoppable now. This move was the first one made and like it or not, it is key to moving forward with speed and results.

So there ya go....... its going to be in all your better interest to support this, I'll guarantee it. This is probably the only conservation group where action with boots on the ground starts before discussing it. We have made BIG success the last two weeks where it counts and its picking up speed. This means we started growing ungulates - as in YESTERDAY.

That's about it !

01-25-2018, 10:31 PM
Ok all, BC Ungulate Foundation facebook page just cracked open. We'll be hitting it up with details as they get ironed out. We are mainly going to be securing 'conservation practices' within the boundaries of the current B.C. Wild Life act around the province in a much larger scale then ever seen before.( happening now).
We will as well be creating the social media content required to fight the fight where the fight is currently being lost. We are only down a few rounds but we have great cardio. A significant amount of dollars and time is going to be spent on new recruitment, spreading the good word to the non hunting population NON STOP - this is key. And we won't be selling you a damned cooler.
We will as well be making strong moves against the false conservation groups NON STOP and in the exact fashion as they move against us. The difference will be us using honesty and facts, delivered in a more neutral but direct way to the eyes of the non hunting community. We are going to politely expose the fraudulent conservation groups, how much money they recieve, what they do with it and as well the negative impact they actually have on many species in B.C.
Strong bridges have been made and more are being made between First Nations and non first nations, ( a first), within our group to ensure this is a very strong and motivated group who gets things DONE - growing ungulates. We all want the same thing.

Not sure if anyone has noticed, but finger pointing, fighting is 100% STOPPING all and any progress where it counts. I stopped the fighting the last couple weeks and joined the power, we are unstoppable now. This move was the first one made and like it or not, it is key to moving forward with speed and results.

So there ya go....... its going to be in all your better interest to support this, I'll guarantee it. This is probably the only conservation group where action with boots on the ground starts before discussing it. We have made BIG success the last two weeks where it counts and its picking up speed. This means we started growing ungulates - as in YESTERDAY.

That's about it ! thanks Steve shared it.

walks with deer
01-26-2018, 12:04 PM
proguide...you are the man....

i have never gone on face book but i will know...

i can donate some money for sure.

01-26-2018, 01:02 PM
Great Stuff Steve!!
Already signed up, and sent invites to a few.
Looking forward to helping when & where I can.

Excellent Initiative Buddy!
About time someone grabbed this bull by the horns!
Many Thanks!!


02-03-2018, 06:52 PM
I'm rarely on here everyone. The reach outside here is substantial and keeps me busy as hell on top of the outdoor action on the go. I think we have over 30 to 40 people moving NOW across the province. Its pretty cool. I'll list the MU's we are active shortly, its substantial and growing !! FAST. There has been zero hiccups, 100% positive across the board and I think we may be creeping close to 40 'successes' as I type total. Not bad for action eh ? As in 'yesterday' tomorrow and the next day, non stop. And this is all from YOU ( as in B.C. residents). I am also sending out the gofundme link to my lengthy list of out of province contacts who either come here to hunt OR their business depends on hunters buying their gear to use here.
We have the web site being built right NOW and will have the group registered with the gov shortly. Action has been fast, time is getting ate up !!
so you all know, this wasnt a 'plan' its just kind of happened. I was taxed for time before this now I'm up over my eye balls. But the residents are rallying BIG TIME. I'm certain we have the island basically covered with action now or its brewing. We have people popping up with "I'm in" messages to me every day, its GREAT !!!! I mean very cool. I lived the 3 year, $10k experience of doing this solo before and it was frustrating. This show of interest and action I cant really put words to it, its great. FINALLY !!!!

Here is a gofundme link, we need to support all who are moving now, funds getting burned up as I type !!

Thanks to all who donated already, you made a difference ALREADY !!

OK, here it is. We need more gear, more fuel and more interest. Please get your buddies to throw down what they can, it IS making a difference and is going to pay off large sooner than later !!


02-03-2018, 07:22 PM
Thanks for what your doing

just donated

02-03-2018, 07:24 PM


02-03-2018, 07:44 PM
Just donated. Keep up the great work guys, I'm glad I can help in a small way.

02-04-2018, 09:36 AM
Just donated... lets keep the momentum going! Thanks for getting this going Steve, just started hunting out of Pemberton and got my first blacktail this year. Want my kids to have the same opportunity.

02-04-2018, 10:25 AM
Just donated and will try to get the Gold River Rod and Gun club to come on board. I even signed up for Facebook. Hopefully that works out, they wanted a lot of info.

02-04-2018, 12:35 PM
The island sure is rallying up great. Port Alberni to north of Campbell River for certain so far. I put a post on FB for a bait rally and they got pummeled in hrs. I ordered a pile more gear, will build it and head to Campbell River myself to deliver gear, hopefully a truck full of bait and dump all my knowledge down and leave it there with the guys to add to theirs.
We also have people rallying over here with 4 trappers active from Squamish to 3-32, Trapman is still working hard on the Coq., possible lines about to get permission slips out across the south to mid province as well.
I am training up some eager First Nations guys who want to make a difference as well and am setting them up with new gear.

Thanks to the donors, its obviously getting burned up for sure, but you are the ones making the difference. Any and ALL of you who are benefitting from this, please throw down 'something', no one else is going to get this done but US. It's just time to do it, no more crying about it, no more bitching about the gov or whoever not doing anything. Tags getting cut back AGAIN for mule deer was my final straw. Whats next??? How much weaker do we need to be??? lose, lose, lose, I HATE losing. We need all you guys to rally and help this get done. Tell every single person you know who hunts and wants it BETTER to throw down. Here's the link again. https://www.gofundme.com/ungulate-conservation-bc , 5$, $10, $100, $1000, whatever you can throw down will turn into 100% predator control NOW. It goes straight to gas, bait and gear. Maybe we can eventually set up a automatic wolf pelt delivery for $500 donors? Who knows, more people are on board, new ideas are coming. I'm used to doing shit myself so this is new to me. But we ARE DOING IT ! Please get your hunting partners on this!

02-04-2018, 01:44 PM
Donated............thanks for your efforts PG

02-04-2018, 04:11 PM
Great work
Anything happening in the cariboo yet?

02-04-2018, 04:15 PM
The island sure is rallying up great. Port Alberni to north of Campbell River for certain so far. I put a post on FB for a bait rally and they got pummeled in hrs. I ordered a pile more gear, will build it and head to Campbell River myself to deliver gear, hopefully a truck full of bait and dump all my knowledge down and leave it there with the guys to add to theirs.
We also have people rallying over here with 4 trappers active from Squamish to 3-32, Trapman is still working hard on the Coq., possible lines about to get permission slips out across the south to mid province as well.
I am training up some eager First Nations guys who want to make a difference as well and am setting them up with new gear.

Thanks to the donors, its obviously getting burned up for sure, but you are the ones making the difference. Any and ALL of you who are benefitting from this, please throw down 'something', no one else is going to get this done but US. It's just time to do it, no more crying about it, no more bitching about the gov or whoever not doing anything. Tags getting cut back AGAIN for mule deer was my final straw. Whats next??? How much weaker do we need to be??? lose, lose, lose, I HATE losing. We need all you guys to rally and help this get done. Tell every single person you know who hunts and wants it BETTER to throw down. Here's the link again. https://www.gofundme.com/ungulate-conservation-bc , 5$, $10, $100, $1000, whatever you can throw down will turn into 100% predator control NOW. It goes straight to gas, bait and gear. Maybe we can eventually set up a automatic wolf pelt delivery for $500 donors? Who knows, more people are on board, new ideas are coming. I'm used to doing shit myself so this is new to me. But we ARE DOING IT ! Please get your hunting partners on this!
Awesome thank you so much for this PG I will be donating and will pass the link on to all other hunters I know thank again :-)

02-04-2018, 08:50 PM
Donation done, come on Spy open your wallet :wink:

02-04-2018, 09:21 PM
Will be donating once I get the wife to help me figure out gofundme lol, thanks for all your hard work Proguide....will you be heading out reg8 way at all? I'd love to help out this way, I'll handle my own gas if ya help me and a partner get setup..

02-04-2018, 09:38 PM
Good luck and thanks Steve.

02-04-2018, 10:06 PM

North Star
02-04-2018, 11:31 PM
Don't forget the coyotes! In some areas those things are at plague levels. More dogs than deer.

02-05-2018, 08:49 AM
Thank you for all your hard work.

rene m
02-05-2018, 01:06 PM
Thanx for heading to the island

250 Nosler
02-05-2018, 03:51 PM
First time poster. I'm not internet savvy but if you can post up an address and who or what to make a check out to it will be in the mail.

02-05-2018, 04:05 PM
I sent money directly to proguide66 email address through an E-transfer. Super easy with my wifes help. The address is posted a bunch of pages back. No cut for the go fund me org. that way!! Steve is doing an awesome job,leadership initiative that we should all be proud of,and be thankful in helping with this great cause. NO GAME=NO HUNTING!!

Crab Bait
02-05-2018, 04:09 PM
1 less box of beer - $ donated to Steve..... Kill em.

02-05-2018, 04:10 PM
Donated. Thanks making this happen Steve!

250 Nosler
02-05-2018, 04:16 PM
I'm old school still write checks and use Canada post

02-05-2018, 04:51 PM
Go fund me might not be a bad idea though. You could maybe get reach from international hunting community that might sympathize with our cause. Similar to people from England donating to rain coast to "save the wolves".

250 Nosler
02-05-2018, 05:28 PM
Thanks Charlie Horse but all I'm looking for is an address and how to make the check out to ??? No need for personal names.Mabee just Ungulate Foundation.And thanks for the great story. Beauty of a Beast

02-05-2018, 09:12 PM
Report for today, reg 2-11, 3-16, 3-33. Saw 1 set deer tracks, about 50 plus set wolf tracks. ( video taped everything).
Big pack hit the dairy cow I dropped a week ago for the first time literally 15 min before I got there at literally last light.
Nearly rolled the truck https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/fa7/1.5/16/1f644.png��, crazy mishap, all good.
If I don't have around 10 more wolves down by the end of the week I'll be amazed.
Shipping new gear to Williams Lake in a day or two, shipping more to mid and north island this week and ALL YOU DONORS did the above ! Pat on backs !!
ACTION, it's a good thing https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/fb0/1.5/16/1f609.png��.
At it again in am !

Repost, its WORKING. Prob the fastest acting conservation movement DONE BY B.C. hunters ever ! Cool.

02-06-2018, 09:49 AM
Repost, its WORKING. Prob the fastest acting conservation movement DONE BY B.C. hunters ever ! Cool.

Not just BC hunters Steve...I threw $50 in as well. I figured I’d cut out the Star Bucks Grande Vanilla lattes to pay for it. You know, a two-birds stoned kind of thing...

Of course, now I’ve been kicked out of Miley’s fan club...:sad:

02-06-2018, 03:04 PM
Money Sent.

02-06-2018, 03:36 PM
$100.00 just sent......

02-06-2018, 03:54 PM
still having a hard time finding someone who actively traps in the kootenays...

02-06-2018, 04:33 PM
Good job Steve! you da man!!
I see lots of activity happening down southern regions, but anybody know if any trappers getting on board in the north western regions of 6 ie. 6-4, 6-9, 6-8, 6-15 etc... ?? Just curious

02-06-2018, 05:50 PM
Well I have not been on in awhile. Don't even get to hunt much. Glad I found this thread. Being a fellow Sea to sky (Squamish whole life) guy I have noticed and heard of more wolves in the area than ever. I got laughed at a few years ago when a post came up about wolves around Squamish, had a pic of one trotting down the street by a by a co-workers house, some said mangy dog, whatever. They are seen at the Squamish dump every year now. As said earlier in the thread they do not leave now. Just wanna say Steve you are Top notch Outdoorsman, Conservationist and Motivator for sure. EMT for $100 sent . Clean em up Proguide and all other trappers! Keep the pics and vids coming too! Cheers rb2

02-06-2018, 07:03 PM
Those of you thinking about donatig but haven't yet think about spending that 20 bucks you would have normally spent on a 2nd mule deer tag and put it into this

02-06-2018, 07:18 PM
Those of you thinking about donatig but haven't yet think about spending that 20 bucks you would have normally spent on a 2nd mule deer tag and put it into this

The response to Proguide66's GoFundMe page has been a little underwhelming so far considering this thread has over 34,000 visits. Come on Hunters, let's get this effort off the ground! Trappers need our support!

02-06-2018, 09:07 PM
Well guys just picked up something that will let us go any were to trap wolves. We have over 2000 pounds of bait in the freezer , 18,000 acres off ranch land along the Fraser to rid wolves of. Going to head up soon as normal trapping season is over, going to be a blast http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g448/trapman604/IMG_1164_zpsx8hocjif.jpg?1517976132091&1517976132613&1517976135524&1517976142045

02-06-2018, 09:25 PM
Well guys just picked up something that will let us go any were to trap wolves. We have over 2000 pounds of bait in the freezer , 18,000 acres off ranch land along the Fraser to rid wolves of. Going to head up soon as normal trapping season is over, going to be a blast http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g448/trapman604/IMG_1164_zpsx8hocjif.jpg?1517976132091&1517976132613&1517976135524&1517976142045

Holy Crap! Looks like I donated too much!

02-06-2018, 09:32 PM
Maybe when you are doing some thing really important its worth doing it to the best of your ability. Actually I gave it to my wife as a valentine present, that way she cant get mad at me

02-06-2018, 10:53 PM
I need one of those.

02-07-2018, 07:53 AM
still having a hard time finding someone who actively traps in the kootenays...

Google Dan Holmes in Kimberley he has been doing some major damage

02-07-2018, 09:33 AM
3-27, 3-28,3-38, 3-39, 3-28. We have a VERY skilled, efficient man who knows what he is doing and willing to get it done. We need more gear and some fuel and $ for him to get it this going yesterday and hammer on it. If these MU's are a concern for you, please throw down what you can as this is for YOU and anyone else who recreates in these areas.
This project is working but it only works from all of US to make it happen. If you are benefitting from all of this work and others helping but are not contributing, that's not cool.
I am out the door again this am as a new pack showed in one of my areas in 3-16. ( I could be on a beach in sunshine right now).
Share this, get it going, lets get this guy moving NOW. The tide needs to turn for our moose and mule deer there, this is THE way to do it !!!
thanks !

PS, If you hunt where we are hitting it and are not supporting this, we want to know why. If you hunt where we are throwing down $ and time, DO support this and have hunting buddies who arent, tell us WHY please. thanks, cause I'm going to ask every hunter I see face to face when I see them.


02-07-2018, 10:00 AM
I ve already donated what I can. FWIW I don’t even hunt any areas mentioned yet still feel compelled to donate for the cause. Would love to see some pics of all efforts. Good job

Cat catcher
02-07-2018, 04:24 PM
Steve are you getting supplies like cable and snare equipment at a discount anywhere, I’m just hauling another load of bait out and setting again today up here in 625-626. A discount on snaring supplies would help me out.

02-07-2018, 06:07 PM
Steve are you getting supplies like cable and snare equipment at a discount anywhere, I’m just hauling another load of bait out and setting again today up here in 625-626. A discount on snaring supplies would help me out.

Send me a message with a phone number, name and grey hound pick up town. I will have equipment sent to you FAST. Let me know what size you prefer to, and THANK YOU ! Our 'MU's are adding up fast. The action and concern being displayed province wide is freaking awesome 9 and about effing time!!).
I am just in door. Made 50 sets today and took my time to ensure all 'perfect'. I could tell by the snow story I actually pushed off around 8 to 10 wolves to do it. Feels good when you leave 'knowing' there will be wolves waiting for next visit.

Side note, the gofundme account took some wrangling to get them to 'approve' release of funds but was just informed its a GO. I was in direct contact with them and felt they were trying to lure me into stating ' trapping wolves' as to 'why and what' specifically. I managed to do some 'word wrangling', they relented and said they would release. If they didn't, they would have refunded all the donations and we would have been put back some 'time' as we would have had to start all over.
The moment 'those' funds hit, MORE gear goes out to service multiple MU's and now including reg 6. Once every one is geared up, gas money emt's will follow to each of them. I have outfitters now jumping in with donations, out of province donors hitting it as well. First Nations as well actively assisting.

Its WORKING. We got this you guys and gals.

I am going to try and get a fully caped, salted and dried wolf pelt good for full mount, rug or hang to all people who donated $500 plus. Lets hope the catches are quality fur so we can do this. If we tan it ourselves it will take $$ which we cant really afford to drop on that yet. I have no tanning contacts to ask for donations and am certain it would be a tough sell to them anyway, dunno.
I am getting messages NON STOP from literally everywhere, of I missed replies, I'm sorry, its nuts. Any questions can be directed to Trapman on here as well.
PLEASE talk to your hunting friends, get them on board. We are literally racing the calendar to make as big a difference as we can NOW. Next year we will be lined out to really make a VERY substantial difference across the board. This is such a good thing I cant describe it.
I only wish EVERY hunter knew exactly 'what' is going on out there and how it directly affects each of you. I realise many hunters are not entirely in tune with how this affects them in their outdoors.

Here is an example. I recently had coffee with a few long term farmer residence's in Pemberton. They told me of how during the last ungulate crash there was only "one doe" shot the entire season. They also said "if you saw one deer track, you went after it because you probably would see another all year".
Believe me, this IS happening right now, except it or not, its REALLY happening in many places. EASILY proven.
What we are doing is dousing the fire ASAP.
Again, the mule deer issue, hunters paying for it AGAIN and as well the deer I personally hunt disappearing RAPIDLY as in "holy shit, I cant believe it" fast was the straw that broke the camels back.
ITS ON !! We getting this done. Hit it, share it please.


Stone Sheep Steve
02-07-2018, 07:13 PM

02-07-2018, 07:26 PM
Great idea steve
I sent 200 Bucks:)
The island needs it bad.
i didn't read through all the posts but how does it work,
do you distribute it to the trappers that ask or?
i know some people that could drum up a lot of support for this.

02-07-2018, 07:48 PM
Good work everyone!! Keep passing it on! Let’s help these guys help us and hammer out some friggin wolves!!!

02-07-2018, 09:05 PM
Money sent. These guys are actually doing something and need our support. Anything helps

02-07-2018, 09:15 PM
Just chipped in. Keep up the good work! Steve, your hard work should be appreciated (and contributed to by everyone on HBC. Grassroots conservation efforts at their finest.

02-07-2018, 09:26 PM
Money sent.....thanks for the good work.

02-07-2018, 09:41 PM
Money sent!

02-07-2018, 10:55 PM
Great idea steve
I sent 200 Bucks:)
The island needs it bad.
i didn't read through all the posts but how does it work,
do you distribute it to the trappers that ask or?
i know some people that could drum up a lot of support for this.

Thanks Ricks, and thanks everyone else. Here is what we are doing,

take note, S = success, F= fail

1. recruiting existing, experienced wolf trappers for areas that need help BADLY. S
2. Contacting and gaining access to trap lines which are not being utilised in areas which need help BADLY. S
3. Recruiting eager first nations who want to team up and help get it done. S
4. Filling up existing trapline owners who can use it with wolf targeting knowledge. S
5. purchasing gear online, getting them to ship directly via greyhound to trappers we KNOW will hammer wolves NOW. S
6. EMT fuel money to trappers targeting wolves NOW S
7. Rally online everyone we can to help with bait NOW in various MU's S
8. Continue to request from knowledgeable people 'where' sensitive areas are NOW. S
9. continue to recruit trappers who can and will help make a difference. S

Hopefully, we keep the funds coming. Once we have time ( all key players are as well trapping themselves), we will get more organised, create fundraising ideas and add the following,

We MUST create and maintain a social media presence which targets the non hunting community. We need to recruit younger gen hunters with content creating skills who can and will get this done. As I posted earlier, the anti groups posted their social media campaign results which with no doubt ended our grizzly hunt. They reached 188 million impressions. what were hunters doing? selling Yeti coolers to hunters, taking selfies with hunters, showing pictures and videos to hunters. Results ? we got slaughtered and continue to get slaughtered EVERY SINGLE DAY.

SO, we want to create some kind of contest to motivate the skilled youth into creating the 'perfect storm' of content for an massive online campaign which will be attractive to the non hunting community. We will then continually pay for targeted boosts via social media and start to win the war where its being lost now, its the only way to success.
I am thinking a $ reward to the winning creator(s) and keep them onboard and funded to win the fight with new, refreshing content non stop. ( this is easier than most of you old farts think lol ).

And THAT is what BC Ungulate Foundation is doing and is going to continue to do. Simple really, and as far as I know, the only ones hitting these two VERY important items NOW. Key word - NOW, as in YESTERDAY. That deserves another S.

We are doing everything ass backwards. Hitting the goals with boots on the ground, THEN going after support and a web site and getting registered with the gov officially as a charitable org. But I guess thats a good sign though eh? We just showed the world we are 100% about ACTION, no denying it.
And guess how much negative or confrontation we have dealt with so far? ZERO. Maybe two online 'hunting' ego challenged individuals total, bout it.
We also have funds from out of country that came in !!!! ( all you resident hunters who have not sent support, whats up with that??).

OK, that's about it. We have nothing to vote about, nothing to fight about, and no ass's to kiss. We are all people who spend a shit load of time in the woods and know first hand how it works out there as well what exactly needs to be done.




PS, to all you people who sent cheques or are going to, there 'may' have been a postal code mishap. Its supposed to be V0N 2K0 thanks again.

02-07-2018, 11:43 PM
Thanks for starting the storm Steve now its time for all of us to Help Steve and all the others that are making a difference to our hunting future

Cat catcher
02-08-2018, 12:41 AM
To busy skinning wolves will get a hold of you tomorrow Steve.
https://s14.postimg.org/nar8wmg9d/9802_FB35-_FACA-4236-8_D21-579_F59042_CB5.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

02-08-2018, 12:44 AM
This is just the start.....awesome.

02-08-2018, 06:27 AM
Money sent, keep up the solid work!

02-08-2018, 06:52 AM
I'd like to thank Steve for his work ethic and dedication which we all benefit from.

Also, I'm very happy to see us resident hunters working alongside FN so our grandchildren can hunt in healthy game populations. We both have a mutual goal and together we can achieve something solid

02-08-2018, 07:42 AM
This is such an awesome thread! Way to take the bull by the horns, Steve!

Truly inspiring. $100 sent

Ride Red
02-08-2018, 08:19 AM
Steve, your actions are commendable. Our family will circulate the go fund me page to hopefully gain more resources. Every hunter needs to step up here, no matter how small your donation is. Thanks again Steve!!!
$100.00 sent.

02-08-2018, 08:26 AM
Only 82 people have contributed so far. The rest of you need to step up. 10 bucks from every hunter is BC would be a huge $$$ amount. Who can't afford $10?

02-08-2018, 10:04 AM
Only 82 people have contributed so far. The rest of you need to step up. 10 bucks from every hunter is BC would be a huge $$$ amount. Who can't afford $10?

Agreed. There are HBC'ers who have posted hundreds, sometimes thousands of comments about a range of topics. Many of those keyboard experts need to step up.

02-08-2018, 10:18 AM
Only 82 people have contributed so far. The rest of you need to step up. 10 bucks from every hunter is BC would be a huge $$$ amount. Who can't afford $10?

It's weird. We have 1000 BCUF page members, over 300 shares of the gofundme. Whats up you guys? seriously?
The #1 killer of the game is predation. NUMBER ONE. "Habitat loss, man made access" FOR SURE !!! For SURE this is key factors. Easy access means wolves can cover WAY more ground easier. ( more than they would without it). Less wintering timber means LESS COVER TO HIDE. Its the perfect storm to create MORE wolves. These things are breeding according to what the enabling factors are allowing them to. 'Pockets' of hidden ungulates needed for important birthing numbers are getting gobbled up and not staying hidden. Its easy as shit to figure it out. The fact is, there's a wild fire of wolves ripping across numerous locations and NO ONE 'was' doing anything about it. WHY?????? This is the mind boggling part. Because of how it 'looks' ??
We are at the point, it cant matter how it looks - period. "Oh, its a touchy subject, we have to deal with it the right way". Answer, " oh really? ok, lets sit on our asses, watch the fire rip from our windows until 'someone' comes up with a route to deal with the 'touchy subject'. Maybe we can just take away hunting opportunities from hunters INSTEAD and THAT will 'look' good enough".

This issue is the #1 reason I first came online 10 years ago and it was on HBC. All I saw was an opportunity to spread wolf trapping knowledge and show everyone what needed to be done. Remember? 'Wolf Trapping thread' ? Remember the ego dented hunters that attacked me?? Board members from the WSSBC attacked me, board members from the BCWF attacked me, FN band council started shit, etc ect. I think the entire province attacked me actually. What happened? It smoothened out, 100% of the hunters patted me on the back, sat back and let me hammer out $10k of my money and made a big obvious difference in the Pemberton Valley. WTF????

I think the most I left from my pocket in one night at the WSSBC banquet was $5800.00, usually average $2500 to 3k when I have attended. HOW MUCH IS GOING TO THE NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF DEATH?????

Throw the eff down you guys !!!

Its time now. The proof is in, the action is now, the people have rallied.

The wild sheep got $100K in one weekend few days ago. Guess what? We are killing wolves around the Fraser, Kamloops, Reg 7B and NOW we are killing wolves around dall sheep !!!!

WTF???? So 'we' are enhancing ALL the game and we get $6k ??? SERIOUSLY? And 100% of our effort is tending to the easily proven 100% cause of death ??

Like I said earlier, if you hunt where we are spending sweat and money to make it better for YOU, tell us WHY you aren't throwing down. If you are, and a friend isn't, ask them WHY and let us know WHY. Ask every club you belong to WHY they aren't throwing us some $$.

If its politics or ego, I'd love to kick em square in the nuts, HARD. I have so had it up to the nuts with bull shit.

NO grizzly hunt, less mule deer hunting, less moose, wolves effing EVERYWHERE. REALLY????

Its TIME. No more dancing around all insecure like with this 'touchy subject', no more, no effing more !!!!

Throw down you guys. https://www.gofundme.com/ungulate-conservation-bc

02-08-2018, 10:19 AM
Agreed. There are HBC'ers who have posted hundreds, sometimes thousands of comments about a range of topics. Many of those keyboard experts need to step up.

Yep, if everyone donated the equivalent of the cost of ONE tank of fuel for their truck, the movement would be very well supplied. Unfortunately, in my experience with hunters, the majority are content to let the minority do all the heavy lifting while ALL reap the benefits. Come on HBC members, prove me wrong!!

02-08-2018, 10:44 AM
At that if everyone donated a f’n loonie each time this thread was viewed we would have $36,000!! DO IT PEOPLE!!! Come on!

02-08-2018, 11:02 AM
325 yes you are right , but please don't call them hunters. Hunters are the first line of conservationist in the outdoors. People that sit on their asses and watch others do all the work are not conservationist nor true hunters. They know what the problem is and what the salutation should be, SO LETS GET IT DONE. We will easily spend 400-500 on a weekend hunting and come home with nothing but a story of seeing nothing but wolf tracks . Ask some of the old timers like myself how it used to be . Moose hunting near Boston Bar , Taking your pick of 5 to 10 bucks a day in most of the province . Hunting griz within a couple hours of Vancouver, Its all being taken away from us, lets do something about it. Imagine if Steve and us had the backing (that I hope we are going to get) 10 years ago when he started this wolf trapping program. Imagine the thousands and thousands of ungulates we would still have roaming the woods and how many more great hunting opportunity we would have. I know money can be very tight to many of us, but isn't $50, $100 or more worth a future of great hunting in the province. And if thing are so tight even that is to much maybe give up a couple coffees ,a pack of smokes or even a couple beer next time you go out and donate $10 to better hunting in our province. The $10 dollars will show all the people doing the work you care

02-08-2018, 11:51 AM
That's the fact of it. Spend a bit of money now for predator control, or spend lots of money on your hunting trips with poor results later.

This is an investment in the future of hunting and conservation. A small investment from many people will pay off huge dividends in the future.

02-08-2018, 12:12 PM
Just helped again with another small but meaningful donation. Some of us have helped directly to the trappers in some way shape or form already, if not try to do so.
Buy them a tank of gas, Cash, Tim cards, dinner ....... Any thing it all helps, spread the word.

02-08-2018, 12:36 PM
I was looking around for the NPO CRA registration number for the BCUF, is it listed somewhere?

02-08-2018, 01:48 PM
I was looking around for the NPO CRA registration number for the BCUF, is it listed somewhere?
We have been racing the calendar in the bush, haven't registered yet, reason for the go fund me account for the guys hitting it right now. We'll get it done. Priority on wolves, trappers and action has been eating up time combo with each person dealing with their own persononal buis' the same time.

02-08-2018, 02:34 PM
Donation sent Good luck trappers! Stay safe out there!

02-08-2018, 03:46 PM
$25 donated, great work Steve we need more people like you with some common sense and a go-getter attitude!

02-08-2018, 07:45 PM
Just move on Proguide.....will you be going to the BC Trapper's Convention this April? Maybe you could be a guest speaker, another way to connect with trapline owners, charge admission, raise more funds. Maybe throw in a Blacktail tip or two. I'm sure hunters would attend.


02-08-2018, 07:50 PM
Back to the top....... Seeing nothing but wolf tracks like everyone else....... Come on HBC buck up, make a difference, help the Ungulates, do your part to fund a Trapper and find balance again in all wildlife.

Throw down you guys. https://www.gofundme.com/ungulate-conservation-bc[/QUOTE]

02-08-2018, 09:39 PM
How much does a trapline cost to hang on to, or obtain in the first place?!?

Where can a person find this out? I just tried to google it and I was not able to find anything regarding the cost of ownership of a trapline

Seems expensive to hang on to something you aren't even really trapping on.

02-08-2018, 09:48 PM
Traplines are all shapes and sizes , they go for $4000-$150,000 just depends where , size and what fur is on it. Once the trapline is purchased there are no yearly costs, but it does have to stay active

02-09-2018, 12:02 AM
Just sent my share, I could muster 100$ now.

In the future, I will prefer to send cheques directly to the organisation, credit cards and crowdfunding sites keep a share for themselves, which isn't going to ungulate help. For now, the https://www.gofundme.com/ungulate-conservation-bc has proven to be fast and easy.

02-09-2018, 07:38 AM
Just sent my share, I could muster 100$ now.

In the future, I will prefer to send cheques directly to the organisation, credit cards and crowdfunding sites keep a share for themselves, which isn't going to ungulate help. For now, the https://www.gofundme.com/ungulate-conservation-bc has proven to be fast and easy.

PG has his email in this thread for emt purposes. And it's possible to choose your own donation amount on gofundme. Think I give them a dollar?

02-09-2018, 09:54 PM
gofundme no longer accepting donations?

02-09-2018, 09:58 PM
Nope, the anti's complained and had it shut down for now...

And this site seemed to be shut down for most of the day as well, no explanation yet..

02-09-2018, 10:03 PM
Nope, the anti's complained and had it shut down for now...

And this site seemed to be shut down for most of the day as well, no explanation yet..

WTF?! It is legal to hunt/trap wolf???

02-09-2018, 10:10 PM
Gofundme seems to be tied up due to anti's

HBC went down for some time, not sure why.

I suggest you EMT straight to PG66 and if your Gofundme donation ends up getting kicked back, EMT it in.

Anti dickheads. Screw them.

02-09-2018, 10:12 PM
That’s a complete shame...

02-09-2018, 10:14 PM
Steve posted this on FB an hour ago...

"We have disabled the donation function on the 'Gofundme' account. We have too many 'red flags' with a possible 'anti' movement within the web site. Take note, it IS a California based site. There is NO other state with more of an 'anti' presence than California.
Will keep all informed as our dialog progresses with them.
Take note, we are moving forward with our shared conservation goal
regardless. We WILL persist and make a difference no MATTER WHAT!!!"

02-09-2018, 10:14 PM
Gofundme seems to be tied up due to anti's

HBC went down for some time, not sure why.

I suggest you EMT straight to PG66 and if your Gofundme donation ends up getting kicked back, EMT it in.

Anti dickheads. Screw them.

You're g&d da*mn right I'll Emt it in, and I'll double my donation....

02-09-2018, 10:16 PM
they will try everything to stop us, lets not let them win this fight

02-09-2018, 11:00 PM
No worries boys and girls......
Stay the course, spread the work on helping knock down the never ending expansion of preds...... Government is not looking after the best interest of all Wildlife. They Cave to the Anti's for votes and emotional decisions like the GBear. They are simply caving to the anti's ....... And the likes of those stopping the go fund me account.

EMTs will likely be the best way to go, keep telling fellow hunters it's time to find the Balance and get healthy populations of All Wildlife ....including healthy populations of all Ungulates. Which will then support healthy but not over population of Wolves.

What we don't need to see again is the Extreme Highs and Lows found in over predation, like we've been seeing for the last twenty years, We need BALANCE.

02-09-2018, 11:59 PM
proguide66@yahoo.com is the place to EMT

Screw the antis, they are trying to shut this predator control initiative down.

02-10-2018, 12:22 AM
PG66 and I were having a beer tonight. Well, a few beers :)

We discussed this. Anti's from either HBC or other social media complained to Go fundme, and there it is..

They won't accept that a grassroots and LEGAL method of predator control can happen. It's actually their biggest fear. They know they can pummel public officials into submission to not allow a government predator control program, but they can't control individuals, so they go after our fundraising attempts.

So easy peasy. Send Steve an EMT. Or find your local wolf trapper and fill up his gas tank. grassroots will ALWAYS be effective. This is the start, and it's going to be an ongoing journey to predator control,for years to come.

02-10-2018, 07:41 AM
Put in my $100

Ride Red
02-10-2018, 07:41 AM
Proguide66@yahoo.com for EMT.
Let’s keep the drive alive. Even a small donation of $5 will add up to large amounts if everyone pitches in. Come on guys, we need to make this happen. If you can only send a cheque, I’m sure Proguide or Gatehouse will point you in the right direction. Just PM them.

02-10-2018, 09:10 AM
Has the gofundme money been refunded yet?

02-10-2018, 09:50 AM
Where have i been didn't even know we had a go fund me page.Sent money EMT and we need to really ask questions of gofundme that is really disturbing.Do we have a database of trappers who are involved in this to sent money to?

02-10-2018, 10:14 AM
GFM can KMA don't like having to use a credit card anyways, so I just sent $50 to proguide66@yahoo.com directly.
Was going to track down local guy but the antis made me do it this way :tongue:

02-10-2018, 10:36 AM
PG66 - will you get the funds donated through gofundme or will it be refunded to the donors?

02-10-2018, 11:25 AM
This a long, long thread. Rather than read the whole thing at this point, perhaps someone could answer my question. What is happening on the Island? Is anyone actively trapping here and being supported by donations? I would like to donate, but is it possible to have my donation be directed to an Island trapper? Selfish, maybe, but, hey we do have a problem here and it sounds like a fair amount is being done on the mainland. If nothing happening here, I will send a donation to pg66.

the hopper
02-10-2018, 12:49 PM
In response to the go fund me scandal lol. I will be doubling my donation to the B.C. ungulate foundation.
So effectively the antis just killed more wolves! Yay! Buncha idiots.

02-10-2018, 01:11 PM
I'm with the Hopper, i'm going to double down.

I don't think its a great idea to publish trappers names as i'm sure they don't all want the attention.......but what about a list of the MU's which are online to PG66's efforts. Donations could be pledged against your zone or in a general kitty for those producing results.

02-10-2018, 01:42 PM
Not a bad initiative. Points to ponder to maybe garner more support.

- what is the overall plan and allocation of funds (i.e, accounting of equipment purchases, fuel, who money is going to, what MU’s are being targeted?
- timeline of efforts
- where is the coordination? (i.e., with trappers association. Which trapline owners allow free for all wolf trapping to trained people.)
- real time results and proof

BC is a large landscape and we know what really is effective and wha is not. I often ponder about the geography and locality as contributing factors in trapping success. Such as where you are in mountainous valleys versus areas of plateau / foothills and ranging packs over many trapline territories. I wouldn’t know, but lots of questions!!

I would take a trappers course but can not afford to do so. Pretty sure many people would if they could.

Just some thoughts to throw weight into the initiative.

02-10-2018, 02:38 PM
BCrams the movement is so new and travelling so fast not every aspect of what we would like to do has been worked out yet. I know some of you would like to know what all of our plans might be ,and at this time we can only answer some of your questions but in time all questions will be answered. I believe if we were to workout all the answers, dot all the i's and cross all the t's the program would take 3 to 5 years to launch like most We may not know everything at this time but we have had results within 1 days of launching the program not sure anyone can say that
-Get equipment and fuel money to where it can be most effective at this time . there are wolf trappers working in 7 different MU's
- We have a couple good months left but seasons can last till June
-Coordination is going through a group of skilled wolf trappers , FN and others , new trappers must be trained as per law (provincial trapping instructor)
-Real time results and proof , It has only started and there is proof on over 5 to 8 different social media outlets

This donations are not used to hire professional trappers to go out and trap wolves. The money that is donated is being used to help cover SOME yes SOME of the costs involved and I insure you it does not cover all of them and none of their time. If you go back to the beginning of the thread you will find examples of time and money it takes to trap wolfs. Alone this year I have over $5000 and 200 hours involved in trapping wolves, getting and distributing bait and travel time and to date I have received $675 for my actions. And this $675 has being the most rewarding money I have ever made, it shows me people care and I am doing something to benefit all . We do not trap wolves for the money , We trap them because we want to see our wildlife return to the way it used to be. Your donations are simply helping great wolf trappers try harder to trap a problem predator and not go further in the whole

02-10-2018, 03:18 PM
Bear with me here. How many do you need to remove annually or percentage to have tangible, measurable results for ungulates? Isolated packs in mtn valleys vs plateau and foothill areas?

We all get the 1 less is better. But in grande scheme of what we do know?

You convinced me not to bother with trapping, sounds awful expensive and you have to be a pro to get wolves.

Just a bit inquisitive!

02-10-2018, 03:18 PM
So is the money from the go fund me 100% lost or is Steve still arguing for them to release It?

02-10-2018, 03:41 PM
Bear with me here. How many do you need to remove annually or percentage to have tangible, measurable results for ungulates? Isolated packs in mtn valleys vs plateau and foothill areas?

Just a bit inquisitive!

who really knows; yet a couple minutes on the u-googly machine gets this............

Wolves ... Reproducing and growing wolves may need 2-3 times this much. ... Based on this average, and the estimate
of 2,400 wolves in Minnesota, wolves kill the equivalent of about 36,000 to 48,000 adult-sized deer per year.

so 12 - 20 deer per wolf per year (ish)

i suspect that given a wolves mobility and need to eat, that they can and do move hundreds of miles each year to feed the machine

it would be cool to see where the effort has been successful

right or wrong i look at it this way

- there are too many wolves - unfortunately for them mostly due to man made access and as evidenced (very unscientifically) by
every hunter reporting increased numbers province-wide

- we need a one time cull to drop numbers substantially

- while some areas will be eradicated (not necessarily the wish) others will be left, yet will eventually be 'barren' and the wolves will move to eat

- this program is sloppy, unmanageable and fairly hard to quantify

and this is why i think it is awesome and have sprinkled a good amount of cash to the boys (and possibly girls)



02-10-2018, 03:43 PM
I believe they will either give it to him, (so they can make money off it), or it will be refunded...

02-10-2018, 04:40 PM
Did PG66 get the money from the donations??

02-10-2018, 08:26 PM
Hi Steve, any update on the gofundme? Before sending EMT would like to know if any donations already made are being refunded, or will they be released to you. Thx

02-10-2018, 09:00 PM
Steve has sent supplies to the island and has or is going to the island to help train some guys! sh@t is happening over many MU's. Keep it going guys.

02-10-2018, 09:34 PM
Did the GoFundMe but waiting to hear if the money is going thru. If returned will send via EMT.

02-10-2018, 09:45 PM
Wtf is up with GoFund me? Can't they just send a mass email to the ones who donated and go "hey guys we hear this is being used to kill wolves. Are you sure this is what you wanna donate for? If yes click "here"".

It ain't that f***in difficult.

02-11-2018, 12:01 AM
Holy shit, the refresh/ time our thing on this damned forum can kiss my ass. Just made a long detailed post and lost the effing thing.FRICK.

goin bed, wolves in am. I'll try this again tomorrow !

02-13-2018, 06:49 PM
Any updates.....funds released??

02-13-2018, 07:08 PM
Just checked my account and my credit card has been billed, so GoFundMe has taken the money.

02-13-2018, 07:37 PM
Good luck, Steve. Thanks

02-13-2018, 11:44 PM
I don't want to derail the positivity in this thread but wanted to share what I came across on Facebook this evening.


This woman has started a head hunt for Steve and everything we're doing. I'm going to go ahead and assume she's one of the main culprits for getting the gofundme shut down. I've messaged her directly, condeming her post and encouraging her and others to do some actual research. I know it won't do anything but I couldn't just not say anything. The anti's are ramping up and spreading false information to incite hate and stir up emotions. We need to do the same (obviously truthful information) in our favor. We need to keep this moving. Everyone. Everyone needs to stand by Steve and our fellow trappers and be vocal about it. Spread facts. Share. Donate if you can. If you can't donate, spread the word. Don't be afraid to share the ugly facts either. Like Steve said, we need to spread our own information and get it circulating as much as they are. Also keep in mind, they are obviously watching us closely on here and aren't afraid to quote us. I like most aren't afraid of being seen or quoted but it's something to keep in mind. Don't add negativity or fuel to their fire.

That's my rant for the night. Have a good evening everyone and keep up the good work.

02-14-2018, 12:24 AM
I don't want to derail the positivity in this thread but wanted to share what I came across on Facebook this evening.


This woman has started a head hunt for Steve and everything we're doing. I'm going to go ahead and assume she's one of the main culprits for getting the gofundme shut down. I've messaged her directly, condeming her post and encouraging her and others to do some actual research. I know it won't do anything but I couldn't just . The anti's are ramping up and spreading false information to insight hate and stir up emotions. We need to do the same (obviously truthful information) in our favor. We need to keep this moving. Everyone. Everyone needs to stand by Steve and our fellow trappers and be vocal about it. Spread facts. Share. Donate if you can. If you can't donate, spread the word. Don't be afraid to share the ugly facts either. Like Steve said, we need to spread our own information and get it circulating as much as they are. Also keep in mind, they are obviously watching us closely on here and aren't afraid to quote us. I like most aren't afraid of being seen or quoted but it's something to keep in mind. Don't add negativity or fuel to their fire.

That's my rant for the night. Have a good evening everyone and keep up the good work.

Yes, came across it too..

I don't think you can reach people like that, they are hell bent, close minded to the hilt...

Will be interesting to see if they start showing up on his fb page....

02-14-2018, 03:29 AM
PG66 and I were having a beer tonight. Well, a few beers :)

We discussed this. Anti's from either HBC or other social media complained to Go fundme, and there it is..

They won't accept that a grassroots and LEGAL method of predator control can happen. It's actually their biggest fear. They know they can pummel public officials into submission to not allow a government predator control program, but they can't control individuals, so they go after our fundraising attempts.

So easy peasy. Send Steve an EMT. Or find your local wolf trapper and fill up his gas tank. grassroots will ALWAYS be effective. This is the start, and it's going to be an ongoing journey to predator control,for years to come.

Have the gofundme people said anything?
According to their rules they will only shut down a campaign if there is evidence of fraud.
It says any personal matters will be ignored and can be handled by legal council or local law enforcement.

02-14-2018, 08:34 AM
In my opinion only people who have been on this forum for a year should be allowed to see certain content. If they don't provide content and have say minimum 25 posts, they can't get enter critical threads like this.

Similar to the EE on cgn

02-14-2018, 08:42 AM
I agree with BigredChev

It could be damaging to have too many pictures and quotes used out of context.

02-14-2018, 08:56 AM
In my opinion only people who have been on this forum for a year should be allowed to see certain content. If they don't provide content and have say minimum 25 posts, they can't get enter critical threads like this.

Similar to the EE on cgn

Im in total disagreement on this thought due to the fact that post count doesn’t nessasary mean that the poster is knowledgeable. Maybe a screening process or posters being referred would be a benefit but probably the smartest plan would be to have inflammatory and controversial threads such as this one locked from the public or better yet discussed offline. Hunters have reached a low level of support in current times, the antis are lapping us up and laughing about it.
Posts that state we are going to kick sand in the anti hunters face and show our prowess as a hunter by posting how many dead wolves we can rack up, just to provide more ungulates to hunt is doing nothing but pissing off the opposition.
I’m in total support of predator management, I realize wildlife is in deep trouble due to habitat loss and predation but I also know that we are on a downhill slide if we don’t ditch our redneck attitude.
Wildlife and hunters desperately need a voice in this province and right now there is none.
There are some damn dedicated wolf trappers that have contributed to HBC for many years and these guys fully understand the wolf predation issue. Doesn’t it seem ironic most of them have been silent on this thread or banned from the site.
Anyone that values hunting in BC had better sit back, have a coffee and think about what’s going on. If we don’t get this current negative attention turned around our days of grouse hunting are done.

02-14-2018, 10:24 AM
In my opinion only people who have been on this forum for a year should be allowed to see certain content. If they don't provide content and have say minimum 25 posts, they can't get enter critical threads like this.

Similar to the EE on cgn

Or maybe show proof of hunting license, and 3 references from known hunters, or something along that line

02-14-2018, 10:55 AM
Anything to validate a real hunter from a lurking anti who is gathering information to bend and twist against us

02-14-2018, 01:07 PM
In the case of the Dog Walker she may have just made it harder for average public to access Timberwest property, they probably need trappers to help manage their lands over dog walkers.

02-14-2018, 03:21 PM
Anything to validate a real hunter from a lurking anti who is gathering information to bend and twist against us

I think it would be wise for us to develop some sort of email or membership list separate to huntingBC. No disrespect to Mark, but this site has become a source of information for anti's and an Achilles heel for us. I was thinking something along the lines of developing such a group by purchasing a membership whereas it is clearly stated that the money would be used to finance the control of predators, including wolves. That way should someone use the information from the site or distributed information, we could call them out saying they donated to the cause and therefore agree with our principles. The minimum donation could be set in order to deter an anti willing to sacrifice 5 dollars to gain valuable information....We could also create a reference list where Steve designates a group of trusted people and in order to become a member, you need to be referenced by them. That group of trusted references could very easily be created from this website and our group will grow in anonymity to any anti group.

02-14-2018, 04:07 PM
like many others have said, educating the public is SO important in gaining their understanding. I used to think negatively about trapping and even predator hunting, until I opened my ears to actual statistics on how many moose calves a male bear can take in a season. Since then, I've harvested 2 nice black bear boar. I share the meat with anyone who is willing to try it, and as often as I can, I explain the important of predator control and proper management. Celebrating predator management with a photo of a catch is just fine to those who are educated on the subject, but from the perspective of an uneducated would-be anti, a photo of a dead wolf is a real shocker. Maybe we try our best to post Links to the studies that support predator management and its importance to conservation and a photo of a wobbly fawn who will make it through the spring because a trapper has done his part. keep up the good work guys.

02-14-2018, 04:43 PM
I think it would be wise for us to develop some sort of email or membership list separate to huntingBC. No disrespect to Mark, but this site has become a source of information for anti's and an Achilles heel for us. I was thinking something along the lines of developing such a group by purchasing a membership whereas it is clearly stated that the money would be used to finance the control of predators, including wolves. That way should someone use the information from the site or distributed information, we could call them out saying they donated to the cause and therefore agree with our principles. The minimum donation could be set in order to deter an anti willing to sacrifice 5 dollars to gain valuable information....We could also create a reference list where Steve designates a group of trusted people and in order to become a member, you need to be referenced by them. That group of trusted references could very easily be created from this website and our group will grow in anonymity to any anti group.

I like where this is going. A membership to the foundation of 50 dollars to be able to enter and discuss.

I do like the reference idea, as well.

02-14-2018, 05:22 PM
like many others have said, educating the public is SO important in gaining their understanding. I used to think negatively about trapping and even predator hunting, until I opened my ears to actual statistics on how many moose calves a male bear can take in a season. Since then, I've harvested 2 nice black bear boar. I share the meat with anyone who is willing to try it, and as often as I can, I explain the important of predator control and proper management. Celebrating predator management with a photo of a catch is just fine to those who are educated on the subject, but from the perspective of an uneducated would-be anti, a photo of a dead wolf is a real shocker. Maybe we try our best to post Links to the studies that support predator management and its importance to conservation and a photo of a wobbly fawn who will make it through the spring because a trapper has done his part. keep up the good work guys.

I'm am a long time hunter and my favorite animals to hunt have always been Stones, goats, deer, caribou and pronghorns. I’ve never had any interest in bears or wolves. This winter i helped a friend of mine who is a beginning trapper and targeting wolves. We’ve gotten two wolves so far and I’ve decided that I will also become a guy that fills Black bear tags every year. If for no other reason than the fact there are too many people out there trying to say it’s wrong and stop it.

02-14-2018, 05:31 PM
I think we should start dedicating wolf kills to these people.
Take pictures with a hand made sign that says their name on it.

02-14-2018, 05:35 PM
I think we should start dedicating wolf kills to these people.
Take pictures with a hand made sign that says their name on it.

To be honest, after reading some of the crap that woman and her "people" are posting on Facebook, this type of behavior becomes incredibly tempting.

02-15-2018, 05:25 PM
I see that gofundme that proguide66 created is no longer valid.

02-15-2018, 05:40 PM
The broad from Victoria is an uneducated stay at home mom nutbar

02-15-2018, 06:09 PM
I guess these antis don’t care about the fawn and calves that are about to get a painful “chewing to death” in the months to come by bears wolves ect. But they want to ban spring bear season also. Where’s the common sense here, I must be missing something.

02-15-2018, 09:02 PM
Well all the bull s__t lately with the gofundme and all the anti media has kind of made me mad and just because of that. I will be taking 4 days off next week, pack up 600 pounds of bait 80 snares and do a road trip through reg3 and 5. hopefully have some good news on dwindling wolf populations in my wake. If you have a large piece of property and a wolf problem let me know, might just swing by and offer a little help getting rid of your problem

02-15-2018, 10:34 PM
^^^^if your ever swinging by reg8 lemme know, I'd love to help and start learnin a little trapping..

02-15-2018, 10:43 PM
HarryToolips where in 8

The Hermit
02-16-2018, 07:56 AM
Seen this?

http://victoriaanimalnews.com/one-man-bounty-wolves-bc/#comment-459 (http://victoriaanimalnews.com/one-man-bounty-wolves-bc/#comment-459)


02-16-2018, 08:35 AM
Everyone’s worried about antis, well you don’t need to be a member to see the threads and posts in Mainland British Columbia. They waltz on in and take screen shots.

02-16-2018, 12:58 PM
Seen this?



Yeah this was brought up earlier and there's another thread on it too. The woman is a nutcase.

02-16-2018, 12:59 PM
Everyone’s worried about antis, well you don’t need to be a member to see the threads and posts in Mainland British Columbia. They waltz on in and take screen shots.

We definitely need to implement some stronger guidelines for new or non-members that's for sure..

02-16-2018, 09:05 PM
We definitely need to implement some stronger guidelines for new or non-members that's for sure..

why should we hide who we are or the things we do. Hiding makes it look like we're doing something wrong. Education is key??

02-16-2018, 11:14 PM
HarryToolips where in 8

West Kelowna Peachland area..

02-17-2018, 12:18 AM
why should we hide who we are or the things we do. Hiding makes it look like we're doing something wrong. Education is key??

Not about hiding at all. In fact, I'm all for the opposite. But it would be nice to deal with less anti bullsh*t by making it slightly less convenient for them.

02-18-2018, 10:20 AM
Here's some interesting articles about the relationship of wolves and woodland caribou on the remote Michipicoten Is. in Lake Superior. Seems BC is not the only battleground for the woodland caribou. This is a prefect case study of how wolves can decimate an ungulate population.

02-18-2018, 11:36 AM
Thanks for the links. I would venture to say this is an example of predation and not habitat being the most significant factor in an ungulate population decline. This would apply to other species like moose here in BC.

02-18-2018, 04:36 PM
It’s also interesting that there’s no talk of taking out the wolf pack from that island. I would think it would be cheaper and easier to do that, but obviously not a popular solution. They could still try and populate the other island but at least the Michipicoten Island caribou might have a chance to recover.

02-18-2018, 06:09 PM
Here's the report.
First of all, on my you tube channel alone, I probably get death threats by the dozens daily,( for years, over 50,000 comments), doesn't fizzle me. Sometimes I'll have my am coffee, read one, reply to it out of fun and stir the wasp nest for my own entertainment, giggle and head to work, bout it.
I have been on the header of a few anti web sites over the years - so yawn, doesn't even make me blink.
The most recent lunatic from Victoria's creation was like seeing road kill driving 100mph for me, just a blink, onward. One thing I try to explain to all is IF you ignore them, do not reply, they die. They get ANY attention? they grow - period. CNN and CTV new guys tried to get ahold of me last week. I reply? they get a story. I ignored them, no story, they move on.....they moved on. total attacks on me in a week from the web site? may be 12 people tops - pffft.

NOW, lets do a bit of a recap of EXACTLY what has gone on.
As explained earlier, Steve drops $10k, 3 winters, makes a big difference in the Pemberton Valley when it was needed. Hunters gave him zero. BCWF board member goes 'anti wolf trapping, also anti bear hunting' delivers his trap line to the gov so it can never be trapped again ( in the worst wolf choked wintering grounds in the valley).... Steve doesnt hunt there anyway, C YA. ( disgusted). Did you all read that? I NEVER HUNTED THAT VALLEY FOR MYSELF.

Close to 10 years later. Grizzly hunt taken away. Caribou crashing. Mule deer hunting cut back announced. Steve notices NO ONE doing ANYTHING about the #1 problem - predation blow out.

SO, I changed my winter plans to rip around the globe all winter ( total PISS OFF), came back on here(HBC) to rally the province to take action and make a difference. Crowd goes wild.
Day 1. I went out, video documented over 15 wolves, took down 6 in less than 24 hrs. ( um, ya, no wolf problem there). Post up results, crowd goes wild.

Trappers, trap line owners begin to get motivated. ( WHY THEY NEVER DID ON THEIR OWN IS MIND BOGGLING). WE all rally, start funding them, beautiful..... its 100% legal and working.

Word gets out, antis go wild..... ignore them, what ev.

Now here is what REALLY pisses me off and is a clear example of WHY WE ARE LOSING. And WHY I say 'eff em, I'll do it with out them'.

One more time to be clear,

1. Steve see's the need ( AGAIN) to deal with the real topic to help the crashing ungulates.
2. Rallies everyone.(legally)
3. Hits his own boots on the ground and is up to 11 'problems' down to date.(legally),

Antis post a web page rant using 'scare words' of "killing traps, animals getting killed, pets, kids, culling, exterminating", on and on and on....

Here's the shit part, the WORST part and THE part which you ALL need to be aware of.

Region 1 board and president of the VI Trapper Association
An article in the newspaper, a very negative article I might add about Steve's wolf trapping campaign is not going to do trappers and trapping any good. Personally I'm not thrilled about it and don't think many others will be either. Now we, hunters and trappers, will be under the gun again.I will not support this iniative of Steve's and will not encourage others too either!

EMOTIONALLY REACTS to anti propaganda, ( a page STEVE didnt make), throws a licensed hunter, trapper under the bus, doesn't STAND UP, doesnt LEAD, doesn't MAKE A DIFFERENCE, doesnt put forth ANY resolution, ZERO mentions of how to do it better, bows to the anti propaganda....does NOTHING, makes ZERO difference..... makes it clear they are going to try and effing PREVENT ACTION.
And THIS is an example of WHY we are where we are.
WHO is going to rally the troops to make a difference? WHO is going to stand up and represent and fight for us?? WHO?
AGAIN, all I have been doing is motivating licensed trappers and trap line owners to make a difference - THATS IT-.
I am absolutely DISGUSTED. I'm sure this person is a super kind person, stand up citizen and makes a great anti pasta. Is this THE PERSON you guys need representing?? SERIOUS????

Do you all realize how weak we are when a guy living in Pemberton has to rally the ISLAND TRAPPERS?????? WTF is this person doing??

One shit eating post made by effind anti's using false words, statements and a regional director sides WITH THEM? SERIOUS??

"I'm not going to support him and will tell others not to".
UM, guess WHAT? This aint about STEVE !!!!!! THIS IS ABOUT YOU, all of you. This is about how ALL OF YOU can and should be making a doifference. This is about how ALL OF YOU can do something. This is 100% about YOU !!! Over 50 legal licensed people motivated to make a difference across the province- OVER 50 !!
and all the sudden its about "STEVE" ? And the BAD he is doing????

UM, can someone show this person ( or persons) the 188,000,000 impression social media campaign antis used to sewer us with the grizzly hunt alone? Can SOMEONE get these 'board people' up to effing DATE about just exactly HOW UNDER THE GUN WE WERE AGES BEFORE THIS EFFING THREAD???
SERIOUS???? STEVE just made us under the effing GUN??? NO, there's a 188,000,000 impersions WAY ahead of ME.

I am absolutely disgusted but same time relieved as I NOW HAVE 100% PROOF why we are all in the current state we are with our hunting, trapping and quality of our herds as a whole.
HOW do you all win now? huh???

Do with this what you want. You want to shoot the messenger? bring a BIG gun.

Again, I'll admit it in a second,I'm NOT the guy to deal with BS well, you guys need me in the bush ( I'll stay out of jail that way). I can rally, get shit going, get shit done. ALL OF YOU need to step up, clean the house and make things better.....if you want it.

I spend an honest 200 plus days in the remote areas of B.C. a year average. In the Sea To Sky to Carpenter lake alone, I have had around 60 self purchased cameras monitoring numerous migration trails basically year round for close to 10 years ( you know how much time and money that is??).
Guess how many people I run into monitoring the moose? NONE, deer? NONE, wolves? NONE. NOT ONE - NOT ONCE EVER.
Want to know WHY I do all this shit myself? Read the above paragraph again.

YOU ALL can make a difference. There are people who are sitting in positions who are SUPPOSED to be motivated, passionate and energetic as I AM and getting shit DONE, not suppressing it.

Anyway, on a side note, we know exactly who is supportive, helping and motivated. We are currently creating a network to contact each of you in private with what is going on, who is doing it and whats happening. From there you can relay the details to your trusted friends.
Thank your selves for action, not me. Nothing happens without YOU.
Again, there isnt ONE person big enough to humiliate, intimidate or judge me - not one.
I would strongly suggest ( if you are in a position to) if you care enough, to start cleaning house where it counts cause right now there's some 'houses' in a pretty sad state.


Island Idiots
02-18-2018, 06:39 PM
It was worth the wait. Great post. I want to scream to the top of my lungs, " When are we going to get an organization that can be political, and represent HUNTERS?

God Speed, PG66

02-18-2018, 07:37 PM
So what are you doing about funds now that gofundme is down? How is your list coming for trappers to put money in more specific areas?

250 Nosler
02-18-2018, 07:49 PM
Steve did gofundme release the money to you? Time for me to double my donation. Check will be in the mail. Keep us up to date.

digger dogger
02-18-2018, 08:22 PM
Holy shit Steve, that motivated me to donate.
How do I get funds, towards this cause, to you?

02-18-2018, 09:59 PM
We need to keep bumping this and contributing. Steve’s energy,commitment and charisma is for the benefit of us all. It’s nice to have someone that’s articulate and very well spoken to have taken this on. He also as he’s said faces the repercussions of being the face of it. What an example for us all to stand up for what you believe in. They stay stand behind what you believe in and he truly stands in front. Some people talk about scientific proof of this and that. Sleds in the snow,and Boots on the ground is what I call solid science. Go fund me can go b**w me if they can be influenced that easily to cease contributions to a foundation that’s working to bring back balance and stability for ungulates in this province. I threw in on the go fund me and I’m glad I only gave them 5%. Should’ve gone direct and made every dime count. Next time I will. Let’s keep this going strong. Thanks again to Steve for taking the leadership role and bearing the brunt of the backlash for it. I’m glad he takes the bullshit and threats lightheartedly and takes this cause and commitment personally. Fellow hunters:inform your friends and family. You don’t just have to be a member here to contribute. Inform them of the situation in this province and what needs to happen and how they can support it. Hi pred#s and bad winter = two strikes against ungulates. Steve and the team he’s coordinated is working hard to even up the count so let’s all do our part and support the team.

02-18-2018, 10:29 PM
^^^i agree, and great work Proguide....

02-18-2018, 10:33 PM
It was worth the wait. Great post. I want to scream to the top of my lungs, " When are we going to get an organization that can be political, and represent HUNTERS?

God Speed, PG66
I agree....unfortunately, due to the BCWF's political stance, we need such an organization as you mention, I've felt this way for a while now....it would be an organization that would promote scientific game management publically, and stand up to ignorant anti's that don't have a clue as to what's really going on out there...I'm sure there would be a lot of hunters that would pay a yearly fee to have our voice heard and our hunting rights protected..

02-18-2018, 10:38 PM
Another great speech Steve to get the hunters thinking again, but wouldn't it be nice if we all just did something about it . We have just secured a very important trap line in region 3 which will produce many success I am sure. And put many more animals back on the hills

250 Nosler
02-18-2018, 10:46 PM
97000 hunting lic sold last year--- a$10 donation==almost a million--$100 donation==10 million lets support Steve or we wont be hunting in the years to come. I no longer hunt getting too old but I still support the cause. After 50 years of the best hunting we should try to keep it for all our kids and grandkids my rant.

02-18-2018, 10:47 PM
HarryToolips you are right I would love to join a organization like that, and pay my dues

02-19-2018, 07:49 AM
It was worth the wait. Great post. I want to scream to the top of my lungs, " When are we going to get an organization that can be political, and represent HUNTERS?

God Speed, PG66

As long as the BCWF controls the narrative it isn't going to happen.

02-19-2018, 08:59 AM
I agree....unfortunately, due to the BCWF's political stance, we need such an organization as you mention, I've felt this way for a while now....it would be an organization that would promote scientific game management publically, and stand up to ignorant anti's that don't have a clue as to what's really going on out there...I'm sure there would be a lot of hunters that would pay a yearly fee to have our voice heard and our hunting rights protected..

Am I missing something here? Steve posted it was the BC Trappers Assoc that's agin nothing about the BCWF?

02-19-2018, 09:46 AM
Steve - where can I send you my donation. Also I'm Sea to Sky based so if you need manpower - let me know.

Walking Buffalo
02-19-2018, 10:15 AM
It’s also interesting that there’s no talk of taking out the wolf pack from that island. I would think it would be cheaper and easier to do that, but obviously not a popular solution. They could still try and populate the other island but at least the Michipicoten Island caribou might have a chance to recover.

You're correct, but that is not the intent. This is a Research project.

This study may turn out to be a VERY important document in future caribou management decisions.

Why didn't the government just kill the wolves?

Simply, the research will now be focused on how wolves function in a closed system without caribou, only small game, mostly beavers, for prey.