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View Full Version : duck hunting from A boat

08-13-2007, 08:41 PM
I want to use my zodiac to get to some remote estuaries.Can I hunt out of the boat with the outboard off or do I have to be on the shore?

08-13-2007, 08:50 PM
Just turn the motor off and blast away!

08-13-2007, 09:08 PM
And blast I will.Thanks Mark

08-13-2007, 09:13 PM
As long as the motor is turned off and the motion from the motor has stopped you're allowed to shoot.

08-13-2007, 11:32 PM
I believe the motor has to raised from the operating position to avoid being considered a "power boat".

Ian F.
08-14-2007, 06:38 AM
Motor DOES NOT have to be lifted!

In the US they define this area of the regulation more then we do, and add "all forward momentum must have ceased" Not the case up here, BUT we have the judgement of a C.O. so unless you can show that you are chasing a cripple (grey area) and a C.O. see's you using a motor in any fashion to chase birds expect an unhappy day.

Keep in mind it is totally legal to paddle, row or Scull up on birds,

Not long now,


08-14-2007, 03:20 PM
You guys got-it easy. In Ontario, your motor must be-up and the boat must be anchored from both ends before you can hunt from-it. The only boat in motion you can shoot from is a non-motorized canoe. cripples and wounders fall-under the must make every reasonable effort to retrieve clause and C.O's will use their own discretion and are pretty understanding that way.

Ian F.
08-14-2007, 03:55 PM

Love to see that in writting, grew up in Ontario, news to me and I am a fish and wildlife ecologist that tends to know the laws well. These laws are FEDERAL and consistant across Canada for waterfowl

Oh and not a pissing match as quite often folks believe or are told one thing when another is true. For instance, many C.O.'s will ask why you don't have a trigger lock on your gun while in the car. Law says you need it in an unfireable condiition during STORAGE, not transport. Very common for those enforcing the law to not know it, especially if they are not familar with a certain area. I.E. C.O. is a big game hunter checking duck hunters.

Very best,


08-15-2007, 10:35 AM
Ian, thanks for the U.S. rules, very interesting. The B.C. hunting regs. clearly state it is unlawful to hunt migratory birds from a power boat. The regs. also define a power boat and exempt a boat with an outboard motor
"provided the motor is lifted or otherwise disengaged". (Sorry I don't cut and paste)
Wher else but a site like this could we debate these silly details ?

Ian F.
08-15-2007, 02:42 PM
You should see the discussion about layout boats and sinkboxs on the duck boards!

Also, the question I have never had answered, and asked every warden, supervisor and lawyer I have run into is which wins, federal or provincial?

Take the federal firearms law, says nothing about time of day and transport, then look at provincial hunting laws and they have time of day and encasement rules, which wins?

In the states their laws or more like layers which over lie each other a little clearer then ours in some areas.

We have provinces and muncipalities who try to regulate hunting but can not, but how is someone to stand up to them?



08-15-2007, 05:57 PM
Sometimes shooting a duck is the easy part. The challenge is to 100% compliant with ALL levels of regulation. Federal, provincial, and municipal or regional.
The way I read these prov. regs., we are better off to raise the outboard than to leave it down.