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12-19-2017, 03:16 PM
From Science to Politics; the British Columbia Government Ends the Grizzly Bear Hunt

On December 18, 2017, the provincial government announced an end to grizzly bear hunting in British Columbia. This decision completely undermines scientific management of wildlife and is a strong departure from the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. Independent scientific studies and Auditor General Carol Bellringer’s report confirm the sustainability of the BC grizzly bear hunt.

By ending the grizzly bear hunt, British Columbia loses its main source of revenue used to conserve grizzly bears and their habitat. The government currently has no plans to replace this revenue and find an alternative solution to managing these populations. The WSSBC is alarmed and concerned that the provincial government has no plans to address the conservation challenges grizzly bears face, including habitat encroachment through land-use patterns and activities .The government has not given any consideration about the negative ecological impacts this decision will have on all wildlife species.

The WSSBC has been involved in the consultation process after the government’s announcement to ban the ‘trophy hunting of grizzly bears’. Throughout this consultative process the WSSBC and other stakeholders were engaged in discussions regarding ‘trophy parts’ and were assured by government that there were no plans to end the grizzly bear hunt. The sudden change in regulation, without consultation, shows the government cannot act in good-faith on behalf of its citizens. The provincial wide end of the grizzly bear hunt completely undermines the transparency of government decision making in British Columbia.

This decision was based solely on a political agenda and emotionally charged rhetoric funded by non government organizations. The WSSBC believes there is absolutely no place for politics in wildlife management.

In the coming months the WSSBC will continue to engage with government and support the scientific management of wildlife and transparent decision making processes in British Columbia.

Yours in conservation,

Rodney Zeeman,
Wild Sheep Society of BC

*If you have any questions or comments please don't hesitate to contact Executive Director Lisa Hettrich at exec@wildsheepsociety.com

New Bow Hunter
12-19-2017, 03:33 PM
I like the letter. Everything that is said rings true.
Recouping the lost revenues will be done through hunters by raising licences, tags and any other means the govy has.
I think the likes of Miley Circus and that gang of thieves should make up the short fall.

12-20-2017, 07:40 AM
Here is the Letter issued By SCI

Contact: SComus
Email: scomus@safariclub.org


SCI Opposes Grizzly Bear Hunting Ban In BC, Canada

Safari Club International has a better plan for the management of grizzly bears in British Columbia, Canada. Whether officials heed that sage advice remains in question following the announcement of a halt to all grizzly bear hunting in that province.

In making this decision, BC officials ignored the facts that the healthy population of grizzly bears in the province can be hunted sustainably without any harm to the viability of the population.

When wildlife becomes a political football, science-based management and conservation are thrown out the window in favor of popularity whims that change whenever the political winds blow from a different direction.

Worldwide, science-based wildlife management and conservation efforts are recognized as the most effective way to assure there will be viable populations into the future.

Management via the ballot box has proven to be ineffective, at best, and actually harmful to wildlife in some instances.

"We at Safari Club International are deeply troubled by the recent announcement of the closure of the grizzly bear hunting in British Columbia," wrote SCI President Paul Babaz in a letter to Honourable Minister Doug Donaldson, Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development. "We feel that this decision has been based on emotion and not science. Decisions of this magnitude must be made, using sound science-based conservation. Emotions must be left out of the equation. As well, there should have been stakeholder consultations before finalizing such a momentous decision.

"As I am sure you are aware, the closure of this hunt will have far-reaching effects on the current population of grizzly bears. The entire ecosystem, animals and habitat will also be affected by this immediate change. Have there been credible studies or consultations to see what these effects might include? Has the current government of British Columbia considered the far-reaching economic effects in British Columbia resulting from this closure -- everything from outfitters, taxidermists, logistics companies, hotels, restaurants, sporting goods stores, rental car companies, airlines and fuel stations? They will all be negatively affected.

"We understand that this is a very complex issue, which is all the more reason why it needs to be addressed properly and not in some politically motivated knee-jerk fashion. SCI is not an outside interest in this matter, but is comprised of members from around the world, including many in Canada where SCI has a number of local chapters and staff in the nation's capital.

"Rather than an outright closure that will have many negative unintended consequences for society and the bears themselves, SCI recommends a simple regulation change that can ensure that all grizzly bears harvested be utilized by the hunter/outfitter, since that seems to be one of the sticking points. We feel that this regulation change will appease the majority of British Columbia residents, as well as being equitable for the industry and business-related constituents," SCI President Babaz concluded.

There are more grizzly bears in British Columbia than anywhere else in North America, and the grizzly bears in BC have been studied more than anywhere else in Canada.

Historically, the hunting of grizzly bears in BC was halted in 2001. Following a brief grizzly bear hunting moratorium in the spring of 2001, an Independent Scientific Panel was appointed by the government in consultation with the International Association for Bear Research and Management.

The Panel was assigned to conduct a review to ensure that hunting would not threaten the long-term viability of the grizzly bear population in BC. A thorough and positive report was released in March 2003. It provided some recommendations for improvement, but concluded that "the harvest of grizzly bears in BC can be managed on a sustainable basis, with minimal risk of population declines."

That led the way for the BC Liberals using sound science to reopen the hunt.

Current population estimates indicate there are approximately 15,000 to16,000 grizzlies in BC. With an annual harvest rate of approximately 250 to 350 bears, the hunting of these bears is sustainable.

SCI has a better plan – that British Columbia's grizzly bear population should be managed through sustainable hunting. But for now, those whose job it is to conserve the province's wildlife population are not listening to those, like SCI, who base their conclusions on reason and science.

SCI Foundation funds an ongoing research project by the University of Alberta in the South Rockies and Flathead study areas, a region with significant bear mortality from human conflict. The project suggests that, rather than banning hunting outright, management actions such as increasing public safety standards in backcountry camps or closing roads in high grizzly density areas would be effective. Results will be important for the future of grizzly bear management across North America.

For more information about grizzly bears, visit:
https://www.bearsinbc.com/sustainable-use/ (http://www.mmsend35.com/link.cfm?r=4sickeYm3bwIzri2EzNqgQ~~&pe=5TnnZm0QA5ziErJuKc4eej8EJ6v5TfDhDPDzi4KfMg3_jDO u35fM2pF0ovrrckjRQd8TcFlNrjzEGk18liEfTA~~&t=BhWMOjy_IDITTs7Dm6eo0g~~)
Reducing Human-Grizzly Bear Conflict in British Columbia (http://www.mmsend35.com/link.cfm?r=4sickeYm3bwIzri2EzNqgQ~~&pe=jH-i8R_8wl1UWOyyzRh6vonn1ArSSCp4q5rT9j_X9C85GCXCnKM1e KcNzVx9LQ2J3szScV9D1Y2qL0HIb0hpDg~~&t=BhWMOjy_IDITTs7Dm6eo0g~~)
Politics Trump Science in British Columbia Grizzly Bear Hunting Ban (http://www.mmsend35.com/link.cfm?r=4sickeYm3bwIzri2EzNqgQ~~&pe=W4OxUyIPG1UIyNAW8s3q77pWDuRPesQupkzJC5mroJMCYQL n60hmrCSFe80rB_F7JJkR2zYhQQTANzGMl4uLzQ~~&t=BhWMOjy_IDITTs7Dm6eo0g~~)

Safari Club International - First For Hunters is the leader in protecting the freedom to hunt and in promoting wildlife conservation worldwide. SCI's approximately 200 Chapters represent all 50 of the United States as well as 106 other countries. SCI's proactive leadership in a host of cooperative wildlife conservation, outdoor education and humanitarian programs, with the SCI Foundation and other conservation groups, research institutions and government agencies, empowers sportsmen to be contributing community members and participants in sound wildlife management and conservation. Visit the home page www.SafariClub.org (http://www.mmsend35.com/link.cfm?r=4sickeYm3bwIzri2EzNqgQ~~&pe=zNbqmD3oGjie08DXy8Z2b9eRyBR71nQ__Ma3yrooJigUP6n bDyayqpoCrZyqZcMpAqmLuU4Hvi7BY4yySYhpuA~~&t=BhWMOjy_IDITTs7Dm6eo0g~~), or call (520) 620-1220http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAA f8/9hAAAACXBIWXMAAA7EAAAOxAGVKw4bAAAAIGNIUk0AAHolAACA gwAA f8AAIDpAAB1MAAA6mAAADqYAAAXb5JfxUYAAAKLSURBVHjadJP fS5NhFMe/21xvuhXRyJAZroiSrJnbRdT7vrAf5HBaK5RABmEEwQIvkpZ/QRcWXdSFw5soKaF0F7qZeLO13mGBDpQsf5CoxVKHOt0Pctp2uv EdrzG/V c553w/54HnPDIiQiGpPMETABoB2AAYd9MRAMMAvGmX RcAyAoBVJ7gZQDtABworH4AHWmX bOMZdkjCoXiUzabvcAwzPSsob5p/VTNY9GcdpnxdmYZ9wJThSCtCr1e/4XjuNPd3d1KjUZzaGbI27ysqzGQoggAsLa1A7ehArrDxfDNr0o BlQB wmKxbJFEL968SxoamsjkHaPU9l9piUo6A0RE1DG2QCWdASrpDA zJM5kMI8XecdjVxfEl K9dxFgsgUvvR6HyBKHyBAEATyKLeGSsENuNcqk5kUjEGm7fzcY qr0ClVODl99 YXEvl6 c1amjVe ahiGGYaUEQKnmeh91uL43rqheixjpdmzCL11er0PcjhrTLvMfU JsyKYUSeyWQ6enp6tgCgrKxsfbP8bB8AdE1G89cOReMAgOv Cag8QXRNRkXAsDwcDr am5tLCYKA3t7eo2dG 1vVK/MfpRPtA MIReMYaKj /xm9MiICx3EmpVL5wefzFavValis1u1vvHMkdfykCQC0kSGUTo Ajmnx1dSC7IGD UUCEYGIwLKsyWazrSeTSSIiMpnNf7Ttz5 ec96fr7/VnE0mk QfHMzV3WjcKH/4rEr05QGFIA6HY4llWRLPRER v3/HYrFMFQSIkNra2tVQKJSlfcSyLO0LECFWq3XF6XRGA4HAptTsd rsXeZ6fEHtl 31nAOA4rkUulz/I5XL63dQGgHEAN8Ph8AYA/BsAt4ube4GblQIAAAAASUVORK5CYII= (http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/) for more information.
International Headquarters Tucson, Arizona · Washington, District of Columbia · Ottawa, Canada
www.SafariClub.org (http://www.mmsend35.com/link.cfm?r=4sickeYm3bwIzri2EzNqgQ~~&pe=nQ****y4ylIGHFP-KIhImF3aNUCjvB7bhKSUPsdQtahIjW9jp1uUyeeLQkhitcWVlm GXMjKE1UoX1y62I9YlJA~~&t=BhWMOjy_IDITTs7Dm6eo0g~~)

12-20-2017, 07:49 AM
Well done WSS ...... Terrific letter , bang on!

12-20-2017, 08:03 AM
I wonder how much this will affect the vote in the next election?

limit time
12-20-2017, 08:37 AM
I wonder how much this will affect the vote in the next election?

Hahahahaha ...... you for real ? If any it will strengthen the anti voters.

12-20-2017, 08:55 AM
Everyone knows that governments in Canada operate on the"brown paper envelope" system. It does not matter whether it is Horgan or Weaver or miss piggy at the helm, a brown paper envelope will fix everything in the political football game they play. Politics trumps science and good reason every time IMHO.

Whonnock Boy
12-20-2017, 09:46 AM
I firmly believe resident hunters tipped the scales in the last election. If we do our part and educate the public on why this emotional based decision was a poor one for wildlife itself, there's no reason we cannot make a dent in the next election.

I wonder how much this will affect the vote in the next election?

12-20-2017, 11:02 AM
Remembering UD's decision to stop the grizzly hunt in 2001 was no doubt the final nail in the coffin for the NDP. They were virtually annihilated -from 39 to 2 seats. Lets hope history repeats itself in the next election unfortunately about 3 1/2 years ahead.
Lets hope the Liberals choose the right leader-Dianne Watts comes to mind-in Feb. A new face, smart, attractive, articulate with a proven track record would be hard to beat.

I don't understand all the fuss re: the grizzly ban.:shock: It was coming once the NDP sneaked in through the back door. One would have to be blind not to see it!

12-20-2017, 11:06 AM
Remembering UD's decision to stop the grizzly hunt in 2001 was no doubt the final nail in the coffin for the NDP. They were virtually annihilated -from 39 to 2 seats. Lets hope history repeats itself in the next election unfortunately about 3 1/2 years ahead.
Lets hope the Liberals choose the right leader-Dianne Watts comes to mind-in Feb. A new face, smart, attractive, articulate with a proven track record would be hard to beat.

I don't understand all the fuss re: the grizzly ban.:shock: It was coming once the NDP sneaked in through the back door. One would have to be blind not to see it!

Dianne Twatts has a proven track record?
She's an imbecile.

12-20-2017, 11:47 AM
Any moron will know the lower half of BC Residents will oppose g-bear hunting because they have never been near where they live so they naively protect everything, trees, bears, fish, etc. 99% will never travel to G-bear habitat to view bears.
It was a no-brainer!!!! WSBC and all other orgs should withhold all funding forthwith to any provincial agencies. NO MORE assisted Funding!
After all, we (hunters) have done our part to help wildlife prosper so we can HUNT! Yet antis are not contributing AT ALL, NOTHING, I'm pissed! We need more tourist mauling's, video of boars killing cubs and eating fawns and moose calfs! No more bear control killings either by CO's. I want those bears "rehabilitated" in new provincially funded bear psychiatric facilities so they can be released in Stanley Park, Vancouver Island, Haida Gwaii and Burns Bog! Tourists can "pet" them and feed them mash-mellows! Release the two captive degenerative grizzlies on Grouse mountain Too while we are on the subject of abusing bears! If they had the choice, they would rather be free and a chance to avoid hunters rather than live in that shit-hole for tourists!

12-20-2017, 11:59 AM
Any moron will know the lower half of BC Residents will oppose g-bear hunting because they have never been near where they live so they naively protect everything, trees, bears, fish, etc. 99% will never travel to G-bear habitat to view bears.
It was a no-brainer!!!! WSBC and all other orgs should withhold all funding forthwith to any provincial agencies. NO MORE assisted Funding!
After all, we (hunters) have done our part to help wildlife prosper so we can HUNT! Yet antis are not contributing AT ALL, NOTHING, I'm pissed! We need more tourist mauling's, video of boars killing cubs and eating fawns and moose calfs! No more bear control killings either by CO's. I want those bears "rehabilitated" in new provincially funded bear psychiatric facilities so they can be released in Stanley Park, Vancouver Island, Haida Gwaii and Burns Bog! Tourists can "pet" them and feed them mash-mellows! Release the two captive degenerative grizzlies on Grouse mountain Too while we are on the subject of abusing bears! If they had the choice, they would rather be free and a chance to avoid hunters rather than live in that shit-hole for tourists!

I know this was a bit of a rant .... But wow ! It makes sense !

12-20-2017, 12:09 PM
It would appear apparent that letters, e-mails, and any other way we feel the need to voice our opinions is fruitless. Multi-member organizations have sent letters and voiced opinions that fell on deaf ears.
its time for an entirely different approach, possibly one that will hit the Gov't in a financial fashion, mind you it's still our tax paying $ that is being utilized.

12-20-2017, 03:59 PM
I firmly believe resident hunters tipped the scales in the last election. If we do our part and educate the public on why this emotional based decision was a poor one for wildlife itself, there's no reason we cannot make a dent in the next election.

Well I told my local NDP candidate that I will never again vote NDP because of the ban on grizzly.
Ha...I never voted for them this last time but they have no way to know that.