View Full Version : Ungulate Winter Survival

12-11-2017, 10:08 PM
Any thoughts on the way this winter is shaping up for ungulate survival. Region five has pretty much zero snow and has been very mild. Must be a bit of a blessing for the critters that had much of the range burnt.

Other reports or thoughts appreciated.


12-11-2017, 10:15 PM
too early to tell, but a slow winter start does buy them more time to stock up

12-11-2017, 10:22 PM
The season changed pretty quick and was a good wake up call for all those critters out there...

Luckily it hasn't sustained itself to much..

Another blast is probably on its way soon enough..

12-11-2017, 10:27 PM
its not the cold that is of concern, its the levels of snow

12-11-2017, 10:39 PM
Hmmm no snow..means easy access to food..not really a need to yard up in wintering grounds where they are easy pickings for preditors...can still be adding to their reserves at minimal maintaining weight.lif not adding.
The temperatures have been way above normal..was plus 5 degrees C today in the Pond..requires less food to stoke the furnace.
There is only 1 to 3 cm of snow from now to Christmas.2 months of exellent environment for great wintering..we normally get first good snow Oct 31.
With fire loss of habitat and perhaps animal loss itself..the easy easy winter is a blessing.
Having said that.lit can change overnight..was looking at the next 2 weeks..more of the same..temps dropping 8 degrees or so at night. But with no snow now or anticipated in next 2 weeks the food is there and accessible to keep warm.

12-12-2017, 10:15 AM
The snow is supposed to be coming after New Years. Lots of it, according to environment Canada.

12-12-2017, 06:41 PM
We had approx. 85 cm by the end of Nov, now we are are having a big time chinook. Temps have been around+5-7 for the last week and supposed to be that way until the end of the week. The wind and temps have knocked the snow way back, some fields are almost bare and in the timber, snow depth is around 10".

Biggest worry is when we get the cold temps, the snow will ice up and become hard to walk around. Preds will run on top, while the ungulates will break through.

Lets hope environment Canada is wrong and we have a mild winter.



12-12-2017, 07:13 PM
So far so good in the lower province at least I'd say there was quite a bit of snow piling up in November and then big pineapple express knocked it way back. There's still decent quality feed to be had easily even up fairly high. The next couple months will tell the story though, but as said if the weather turns they should be going in well fed at least.