View Full Version : Wolf hunt Region 2

12-05-2017, 04:33 PM
Hey all,

Was just wondering whether it was worth it to really start focusing in on some canine hunting in Region 2.
From Van, but been up near Pemberton area lots for blacktail, but not much sign of predators.

Any tips or general directions or places to camp and set out from are appreciated.

12-05-2017, 05:29 PM
Hey all,

Was just wondering whether it was worth it to really start focusing in on some canine hunting in Region 2.
From Van, but been up near Pemberton area lots for blacktail, but not much sign of predators.

Any tips or general directions or places to camp and set out from are appreciated.
Check out how to hunt on you tube Proguide used to post here now he focuses on his you tube and ,Facebook channels

Bear Chaser
12-05-2017, 05:47 PM
Perhaps you should try the Farley Mowatt method of urinating around your camp to keep the wolves away.

12-05-2017, 05:49 PM
I suggest you don't go hunt wolves and keep trolling the forums. You seem to focus on the latter rather than hunting itself...

walks with deer
12-05-2017, 06:07 PM

perhaps you should share with the team some of your outdoor experiances from this season.
any trips,goals ect...we would all love to here..doeant have to be succesful story just some times out.

12-05-2017, 06:18 PM
I suggest you don't go hunt wolves and keep trolling the forums. You seem to focus on the latter rather than hunting itself...

Thanks, so helpful.

12-05-2017, 06:20 PM
Oops, you forgot to answer these : I'll help

Let's simplify this Jassmine, for my own curioustiy sake, if you please, I have a couple of questions, and a simple yes or no will suffice.

1) do "you" believe Grizzly bear hunting is "sustainable" in BC (taking that fact that hunters would be expected to also bring out all the edible portions.
yes or no???

2)given the fact that hunters harvest ungulates such as deer, elk , moose etc, do you think we should be "culling wolves"
to help with wildlife management, and by thus, keeping ungulates as described above at "harvestable levels" .
yes or no??

3) do you believe there even is a "wolf issue" as far as wolf over population is concerned, right now in BC?
yes or no??

12-05-2017, 06:23 PM
Check out how to hunt on you tube Proguide used to post here now he focuses on his you tube and ,Facebook channels

Thanks didn't find much in terms of location, area, gps planning etc stuff that I was hoping for.

12-05-2017, 06:26 PM
Oops, you forgot to answer these : I'll help

Feel free to go through my history of posts and you'll find all these answers and then some.
I have posted extensively on my beliefs on all these issues. And I have been asked the same question multiple times and have answered them.

Alternatively feel free to post evidence that supports your belief that I am antihunting or whatever your new characterization of me is, that served as the impetus to all this off topic posting.

walks with deer
12-05-2017, 06:28 PM
i have not been rude at all i actually have helped numerous members on this site.just like to know there backgroup so they can get appropriate advice.

12-05-2017, 06:39 PM
i have not been rude at all

Never said you were.
Primarily have focused on blacktail up beyond the rez near Pemberton. Duck/goose hunting at the Pitt Polder marsh, took a trip to the Delta Marsh in Manitoba with some friends. Shot a bunch of squirrels and rabbits when I went home to Ontario for thanksgiving.

12-05-2017, 07:38 PM
So you or Ian want some info on actual hunters that go for wolves in region 2, I get it..

Here is an answer, go to region 3...

12-05-2017, 08:34 PM
You were in the Pemberton "beyond the rez?" Where is that area?

There are predators/wolves in every drainage around the Pemberton area. Ample wolves to hunt. Pick a FSR, look for sign, find an area to set up and call for predators. Get a bobcat tag and maybe a cougar tag if you plan to be out lots.

Next time you are going to be in the area let me know, I am at the gun range most days if you want to check your rifles or do a little practice, and can give you specifc wolf hunting information in person.

12-05-2017, 09:18 PM
Hey all,

Was just wondering whether it was worth it to really start focusing in on some canine hunting in Region 2.
From Van, but been up near Pemberton area lots for blacktail, but not much sign of predators.

Any tips or general directions or places to camp and set out from are appreciated.

What is it about hunting wolves that appeals to you?

12-05-2017, 09:23 PM
i for one would like to see this last halloween costume.

12-05-2017, 09:25 PM
You were in the Pemberton "beyond the rez?" Where is that area?

There are predators/wolves in every drainage around the Pemberton area. Ample wolves to hunt. Pick a FSR, look for sign, find an area to set up and call for predators. Get a bobcat tag and maybe a cougar tag if you plan to be out lots.

Next time you are going to be in the area let me know, I am at the gun range most days if you want to check your rifles or do a little practice, and can give you specifc wolf hunting information in person.

Up Pemberton portage road North of Mount Currie.

Thanks. Was hoping that it would be a pretty good place. Seems like I just need to get out there and put in some more time.

12-05-2017, 09:25 PM
Power mooching might be more affective then trolling......

12-05-2017, 09:37 PM
So you or Ian want some info on actual hunters that go for wolves in region 2, I get it..

Here is an answer, go to region 3...

Who am I in this scenario?

12-05-2017, 09:41 PM
Jassmine, will you get a rug done?

12-05-2017, 09:51 PM
Jassmine, will you get a rug done?
Probably not.
Hoping to contribute to my little brothers regalia.

12-05-2017, 09:55 PM
Definitely not.
Hoping to contribute to my little brothers regalia.

Regalia? Do you mean add the wolf’s tail to a type of outfit?

12-05-2017, 09:55 PM
What rifle and caliber do you prefer for predators? Beautiful hide on a wolf. Good luck

12-05-2017, 10:02 PM
Regalia? Do you mean add the wolf’s tail to a type of outfit?

Usually a lot more than a tail. Not sure what he's planning. But think he's trying out southern straight dance this year.

12-05-2017, 10:05 PM
What rifle and caliber do you prefer for predators? Beautiful hide on a wolf. Good luck

Exchanged/borrowed a friend's 243 for my 270 since he only deer hunts.
Would love to get my own smaller calibre, one day..

12-05-2017, 10:27 PM
Up Pemberton portage road North of Mount Currie.

Thanks. Was hoping that it would be a pretty good place. Seems like I just need to get out there and put in some more time.

I just had a vision...

45 gl barrel crock of bullshit...

walks with deer
12-05-2017, 11:06 PM
jassimine...take gatehouse up on his offer or i will drive from kamloops to mission and put you in my home town blind bring all the freinds you want i wont even bring my gun and you will have 200ducks at your feet. no problem private access easy hunt i will even bring my kids if that make it easier name a date between now and season close..

12-05-2017, 11:16 PM
w w d - you wanting to team up with Jassy :shock: she just a commie Troll trying to BE Friend a few on here ! Shes not fooling everyone ! :p JMO RJ

12-05-2017, 11:31 PM
Too bad about the troll. I was hunting up near pemberton last week and had a pack start howling around 500 m from me. Amazing how the deer I had in my binos weren't fazed by them. Um... me either...

12-05-2017, 11:33 PM
Up Pemberton portage road North of Mount Currie.

Thanks. Was hoping that it would be a pretty good place. Seems like I just need to get out there and put in some more time.

Ah. Never heard of "beyond the rez" as there are other reservations past Mt Currie up Portage rd. If you let me know where you were, I could help direct you to an area you may be familiar with.

12-06-2017, 03:26 AM
Anyone have many sightings of wolves in southern region 2?

12-06-2017, 09:36 AM
Anyone have many sightings of wolves in southern region 2?

I haven't seen any where I hunt. Lots of coyotes though as i found out from the "doe urine incident". There are probably a few around at times but not enough that I have seen one in person or on cam.

I did see one in Langley just off the the bypass across from the ice rink about 5 years ago. We had this goose nesting on the balcony, goslings just hatched. I wake up to her going nuts, look down and my first thought "wow a lost husky... must have been on his own for months... wow he's even hunting... oh wait" lol ... seen lots of cool stuff around there... two wolverines, a dead one eating a live one. Crazy to see in the city. Tons of coons and yotes too.

Doesn't seem to be many around the south coast but when we hunt in the south cariboo we them all over in broad daylight... nuts out there

As Spy mentioned, PG66 / Steve Isdahl smokes them by the pack. He is having problems with high numbers in his area and is planning a coordinated sea-to-sky effort from the sounds of it. No doubt he is going to point a lot of people in the right direction. Offer from Gatehouse is gold too.

Big Lew
12-06-2017, 09:51 AM
w w d - you wanting to team up with Jassy :shock: she just a commie Troll trying to BE Friend a few on here ! Shes not fooling everyone ! :p JMO RJ

I usually don't make remarks publically about individuals on forums, but after reading the bs from Jassmine
she's the only one I've ever placed on my 'ignore' list.

12-06-2017, 10:56 AM
I usually don't make remarks publically about individuals on forums, but after reading the bs from Jassmine
she's the only one I've ever placed on my 'ignore' list.

Would love to hear what specific posts you consider to be BS.

12-06-2017, 11:07 AM
two wolverines, a dead one eating a live one. Crazy to see in the city.

A zombie wolverine. Now that is crazy! :shock:

12-06-2017, 11:58 AM
A zombie wolverine. Now that is crazy! :shock:

lol oops, got that backwards. To clarify, the live one was eating the dead one (at least I think)

12-06-2017, 12:08 PM
Thanks didn't find much in terms of location, area, gps planning etc stuff that I was hoping for.

Wolves move around alot. There one week and gone 50km away the next. You want to see a wolf in region 2? Go up Ashlu Valley in squamish and hit a fawn distress call. I hear that road up in behind quest university in squamish holds wolves and cougars. Hit the rabbit and fawn distress calls...let us know how you did. My fawn distress call seems to only bring in does lol. But yeah give it a try. You gotta just go out and do it and learn by trial and error. Someone did bring up a good point above...let's see and hear about your year to date outings. I didn't get much for deer this year(hardly saw any sign actually). Got a moose in region 5 though near Horsefly, big moose small antlers.

walks with deer
12-06-2017, 12:11 PM
zombie wolverine now thats some scary shit..make a horror movie with that..

12-06-2017, 12:44 PM
So Jassmine...or whatever your name is, you really need to go away. I don't believe for a second that you plan on wolf hunting. I'm confident you don't hunt at all. My guess is that you, like the anti-hunters who harassed bear hunters in the West Kootenay this last spring, are a total and complete liar. I think your question is disingenuous. My guess is that you're simply stirring the pot again. If no one can direct you to a pack of wolves, I'm sure you will be squealing with delight, because you'll be able to say "see, these knuckle-draggers on HBC who always complain about too many wolves, can't even tell me where they are". This will confirm your belief that wolf populations are low and require saving. Your antics here are foolish. Go away.

12-06-2017, 12:54 PM
This will confirm your belief that wolf populations are low and require saving.

Feel free to post the evidence of me ever saying anything remotely similar to that.
In fact I've commented on a wide range of literature that demonstrates the synergies between loss of habitat, habitat modification/degradation and predator pressure on ungulate populations.

12-06-2017, 07:23 PM
I usually don't make remarks publically about individuals on forums, but after reading the bs from Jassmine
she's the only one I've ever placed on my 'ignore' list.

Wise Words from a rather Learned Man! http://bigshotsbc.ca/images/smilies/Pozitive.gif
I firmly second that my Friend! ;-)


12-06-2017, 09:56 PM
Well, she now has an opportunity to end all this once and for all. Go, meet up with Gatehouse...

12-06-2017, 10:31 PM
We gonna burn some people at the stake?

12-07-2017, 01:31 AM
Jasmine, you asked for advice and I gave you a bunch, you didn't even acknowledge it yet you took the time to answer all the fellows who accuse you of "bs"...why do you correspond with them over me? You asked about wolf hunting didn't you?

12-07-2017, 08:19 AM
Jasmine, you asked for advice and I gave you a bunch, you didn't even acknowledge it yet you took the time to answer all the fellows who accuse you of "bs"...why do you correspond with them over me? You asked about wolf hunting didn't you?

Because she would rather create a shitstorm than converse on hunting tactics. She is a troll, stir it up and step back. That's why she only posts topics on the most controversial of issues.

12-07-2017, 08:47 AM
If this individual is a troll, why entertain them?

If you see a pile of dog shit on a sidewalk, do you purposely step in it?

Walking Buffalo
12-07-2017, 10:42 AM
When a person throws dog shit in your yard....

12-07-2017, 11:14 AM
Jasmine, you asked for advice and I gave you a bunch, you didn't even acknowledge it yet you took the time to answer all the fellows who accuse you of "bs"...why do you correspond with them over me? You asked about wolf hunting didn't you?

Yes I clearly did ask about wolf hunting, not sure what you mean by the question?
I didn't know I was on a time limit. But yes thank you for suggesting some calls and heading up to the Ashlu valley. Sorry for not thanking you sooner.

let us know how you did.

You indicated to let you know how I did, so I was waiting until I returned from one of the suggestion before commenting on anything.

12-07-2017, 01:43 PM
If you want success hunting wolves on the coast, I would go to region 5...

NBL for Sea Wolves...

12-07-2017, 06:13 PM
Yes I clearly did ask about wolf hunting, not sure what you mean by the question?
I didn't know I was on a time limit. But yes thank you for suggesting some calls and heading up to the Ashlu valley. Sorry for not thanking you sooner.

You indicated to let you know how I did, so I was waiting until I returned from one of the suggestion before commenting on anything.your response is so grade 7, really the truth always surfaces, and you are clearly floundering on the surface.

12-07-2017, 06:23 PM
Jasmine, you asked for advice and I gave you a bunch, you didn't even acknowledge it yet you took the time to answer all the fellows who accuse you of "bs"...why do you correspond with them over me? You asked about wolf hunting didn't you?

The TROLL was Busy with more interesting people ! :shock: :lol: lol RJ

nature girl
12-07-2017, 09:12 PM
Ah Jassmine.
Now did you kill yourself a wolf.
I know when I did it was a experience that you will never forget.
So get our there and get yourself a wolf and save some deer.

12-07-2017, 09:39 PM
I usually don't make remarks publically about individuals on forums, but after reading the bs from Jassmine
she's the only one I've ever placed on my 'ignore' list.

Is there an ignore feature on here? If so, I would like to ad "assmine" to my list.

12-07-2017, 10:31 PM
Well did you meet with snufalufagus? Ok Gate had offers, you beat around the bush and can’t answer, and you wonder why people call you out?

12-07-2017, 10:42 PM
Alright, this is locked.