View Full Version : Warm/windy/No snow

11-24-2017, 02:12 PM
Been a brutal week....season reopens with a couple inches of snow. See 3 bucks the first day and maybe a glimmer of hope. Then it's been almost double digit temps..snow is gone and wind hasn't stopped. Nothing is moving...Its usually minus 20 and snowing by now. Looks like the 4th year in a row with no antler soup. What do you pros do when the weather sucks? It should be prime rut still....

11-24-2017, 03:55 PM
Go hunting.
It is still whitetail rut. Probably just approaching peak rut. I killed one on Wednesday at 1400 hrs it was 8 degrees and windy. Go early and find a spot to sit and rattle. Rattle and grunt every 20-30 minutes with a tending grunt or two in between rattle sessions. When I get tired of that I stillhunt moderately thick timber( which is the same places I rattle in). Take a break every hour or two to rattle and grunt again. Called in 5 separate bucks that way just last week not to mention many does too. They are still daywalking even though it's warm. I saw most activity between 0800 and 1400 hrs. Their horny. Look for fresh sh*t. It's a sure sign there are deer in the area.

good luck.

1 shot 1 kill
11-24-2017, 05:17 PM
Rut is on..regardless of weather
I took a WT buck last weekend and 2 days ago nice 4x4 mule buck not 5 minutes after a rd hunter drove on by, i was up on a hillside sitting glassing and he came out of the timber to the edge with 3 does..
Still allot of trucks roaring up n down and all over..get off the rd..look, listen, they are there.

11-24-2017, 05:41 PM
Rut being dictated by the weather is a myth, localized weather doesnt control anyhting. They still be moving, they still need to eat, drink and fck. The amount of daylight is what affects the rut.

11-24-2017, 05:54 PM
Rut being dictated by the weather is a myth, localized weather doesnt control anyhting. They still be moving, they still need to eat, drink and f*k. The amount of daylight is what affects the rut.

now it all makes sense.........I might be in the rut.......


11-24-2017, 09:03 PM
Rut happens same time each year variables like cold weather and snow force does to consume more food = more time Out feeding = better chance of seeing big bucks following. When the wind blows deer try to stay out of it,look in ravines, 10-15 foot jack pines , and more open timber where it's not as noisy ( branches snapping,trees rubbing together)