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View Full Version : November LEH Moose Hunting 2017 Region 3

11-08-2017, 05:37 PM
Day 1: Sunday October 29, 2017 --- Pre-LEH deer hunting

Finally up at the cabin, did a slow drive the 50km up the FSR Sunday afternoon absorbing the moment. The sun was shining warmly and the full spectacle of fall was painted across the ridges and valleys.

The drive was uneventful, only excitement was rounding the bend as 2 young hunters were bailing from their vehicle, doors ajar with a look of anticipation on their faces as the scurried off into the woods. There was a slight ripple of disappointment from them as I continued on past, blazing the trail up the valley, now ahead of them. No shots were heard as I continued the journey north.

My buddy and I had split up when we hit the FSR, he had his dogs and was anxious to see his mom up at the cabin. He saw one Grouse on his journey, but is not hunting this year, so it lived another day.

Was nice to leisurely take the FSR up, saw things that I otherwise don't when we blast up or the long weekends of summer, it's a special place with few outsiders.

Why is it an ice cold beer tastes so good after a long day of travel? Plus they go down so well.

Walked down the 333 yards to retrieved the pictures from the two Xtrail cameras I have by the old tree stand and analyzed the results. Almost daily visits from a WT doe and her two fawns, another solo doe.

Interestingly enough, the 2nd camera that was intended to be the "security camera" for my 1st is the one that picked up the 3 WT bucks that regularly pass through, a 2x2, 4x4 and a larger 4x3.25. They avoided the primary camera since their travel paths are different.

Yes, you read correctly a 4x3.25. So disheartening to see the one guy I had been monitoring all summer had somehow shattered one of his primary points. This was a post velvet break, so he must've had met the 2 am monster 5x5 buck I'd captured passing through and they had "words".

Spent the rest of the evening catching up with my friends and having great food, drinks and conversations.

Hit the sack at a reasonable time and floated off into the Netherland of slumber.

Day 2: Monday October 30
Two more days before the Moose LEH tag is valid.

Decided to hunt the old Xtrail tree stand on my buddies property this morning. Since the camera activity indicated visits at 9am 11am 1pm and 4pm, I was in no rush to get my but out of bed. Was all situated by 7:30am.

Takes a while to get back into the rhythm of the woods; the cadence of the falling leaves, the scampering and chirps of the squirrels the unique vocalization of the ravens with the drumming of the woodpeckers keeping time. At first you are tense and strain to decipher each sound in search for your quarry. But eventually your excitement calms and you become part of the composition and absorb the symphony that plays out around you.

The squirrel, the rouge trumpeter that announces to the woods your presence. It's a love hate relationship -- you love it when you are not the source of their attention, but cringe when you are.

He somehow noticed me, I caught his eye when he was 20 feet up in the next tree. I was not moving, but he was sure I was not normally there, he climbed in behind me, I could feel his presence and hear the "hello, who or what are you?" chirps. I knew we was within inches of my back, but was not going to be so easy for him. He dropped down to the lower deck of the tree stand and scurried over to the tree I was facing. He slowly climbed and chattered to me, he stopped with 4 feet and continued his dialogue with the unmoving camo blob until he decided it was clear, then moved on.

There are at least 6 around me . . . What's the recipe again for southern midwestern squirrel and dumplings? Cause the little sh*t just came back, shaking the tree branch next to me, might have to try out the old savage .22/.410 model 24 I just imported from Missouri. I bet it's silenced quite a few tasty squirrels in its life.

Basking in the morning sun, you want to curl up and take a little snooze when 11am rolls around, but a 20 foot drop would not be the best wake up call me thinks.

The morning hunt ended as the day rolled into the afternoon with no luck, did hear something that could have been a couple of bucks mixing it up, but it was out of eyeshot.

Finished off the rest of the day trying to organize my load of gear and storing what was brought along for the remote base camp.

End Day 2

11-08-2017, 05:37 PM
Day 3: Tuesday October 31
Happy Halloween! I’m dressing up as a hunter. :)

The day dawned cold with an overnight dusting of snow on the local mountains. Seriously started re-thinking the remote base camp in only a nylon tent . . . Grabbed some breakfast and my buddy and I picked up his neighbour who was a former trapper in the region. Since it was still not LEH time, we decided to take a highroad trek up the mountain into the snow to see if anything was moving.

The route we took skirted my MU and then transitioned into the next one, so we felt comfortable with not risking a moose encounter a day early. Sign was scarce, did park and hike up a road following the one trail we saw, but after a bit, it veered off into the deep woods. Kind of felt we might have pushed him, but we could hear loggers working ahead of us and decided to keep out of their way for safely reasons.

We took up a spot near along the edge and watched the cut for a couple of hours. Pretty uneventful, did laugh a little as one of the birds moving through almost landed on my buddy . . . the camo was working for him.

Saw a couple of Grouse, but was more focused on not scaring a buck. Pretty quiet day and we ran up the valley into my MU to see if anythings was moving. Nope, just us. No trick or treat moose candy for us.

Day 4: Wednesday November 1st
LEH opening day!!!! And we have fresh snow. Start the drive up the valley hunting as we go. Plan is to check the trail cameras as we go.

Rounded a bend and saw 3 cow elk on the road, maybe this is a good sign!

First camera showed 2 different bull moose heading down into the valley -- but with a late Sept and early Oct. timestamp. Then image silence after mid October, everything seemed to shut down. Made no sense, but heard there had been heavy October pressure in the area, more than ever before - could this be the case?


The lack of game continued after we checked camera after camera [ended up pulling all of the cameras but 2]. After Mid October, everything was gone but a few random critters. Did have a 3x3 elk hang out for a bit and start vamping for the camera. And one more Bull moose on another camera, but like before . . . October pre-rut movement.

The snow revealed zero tracks, nothing nada, zip zilch . . . we got up to around 2,500 feet this day and busted brush down in the river bottom where no one had been recently with the same success. Lots of Green cover and Red food, but nothing. Headed back to the cabin hopeful that tomorrow would bring them out.

As the day faded, we saw 3 WT does . . . my other LEH was for a Mulie doe :( of course.

Day 5: Thursday November 2nd
Happy B-day to me, I only ask for a bull moose . . . After some PM messaging on HuntingBC the previous night, we decided to go high this day. So we headed up higher than we had been. Hit snow that was a little too deep to push through at around 5,000 feet. But a repeat of the previous day ensued. Nothing was moving. Did not cross a single track through the snow anywhere and only one other vehicle seemed to be in the region.

We found plenty of excellent moose territory, but the snow, the oncoming full moon and the wolves seems to dampen their movements. Heard the wolves in the valley, and assumed so had they. They were in lockdown.

Day 6: Friday November 3rd
At a loss, could they have been hunted out of the valley? Heard 5 bulls had already been harvested in October, but the area is to vast to that be all of them. Just too good of habitat. We went high again on the other side of the valley. Hit the MU boundary in deep snow and only saw a rental pickup near a campsite on top. Brave people!


Spent a bit of time poking around, but with the deep snow we did not want to get into a bad situation . . . it was -5 outside and we both are in our mid to late 50’s. Headed back down. Pulled into a riverside camp spot and ran across another LEH Moose hunter.

They had been pounding the West side of the valley while we had been on the East for the most part. Same situation, no tracks or sign high or low EXCEPT for wolf.

Had to re-think the options this day. Fuel was low and all of the extra I brought had been burned through by running in 4x4 Low in Low through the snow.

Not a single track or cow/baby moose was seen either -- all in hiding.

Headed back to the cabin and I started the re-packing the vehicle. Decided to end the evening in the local tree stand -- heck had captured a photo of a female moose there, so ya never know. It was a bust.

Day 7: Saturday November 4th
Another cold and blistery morning so spent some time in the tree stand and decided to pull the plug on this trip. My buddy needed to head back to Vancouver and the other was heading to his “winter” home, down the hill. Had some stuff to do in Kamloops and wanted to beat the storm down the Coquihalla. Well, didn’t happen, hit the storm . . . so it was a slow crawl home. Then ended up in the emergency room at 1am Sunday, had a swarm of “floaters” break loose in my right eye and was afraid it might be a start of a detached retina. Getting old sucks!!!

Still holding out the hope for a round 2 or 3 hunt in the upcoming days of November. Story to be continued.

Cheers, VFX

11-08-2017, 05:48 PM

11-08-2017, 06:22 PM
Hmmmm great hunting report..your birthday is same day as my wife Susans. .Nov 2..happy belated birthday..hope you do get your bull moose..as i get older and grump ie I hate cold..lol
Straight shooting

11-08-2017, 08:44 PM
I’m heading up to my cabin and will take a poke around, with the wolves they seem to be deep in the thick stuff

11-08-2017, 09:24 PM
nice report, hopefully you make it out some more and cross paths with a bull

11-09-2017, 12:05 PM
Good write up! Thanks for taking us along. For what it's worth, we have always had more success at the end of the month on our November draws. Actually only 1 of our 8 LEH moose shot in November region 3 was during that first week. I find the animals are on the move more at the end of the month as they desperately pack on weight for the winter. Find the red willow.. find the moose. A bonus is that at that time of year the bulls often stick together in groups to keep warm/ fend off predators so you might just bump into a couple at once...


11-09-2017, 12:18 PM
Good write up! Thanks for taking us along. For what it's worth, we have always had more success at the end of the month on our November draws. Actually only 1 of our 8 LEH moose shot in November region 3 was during that first week. I find the animals are on the move more at the end of the month as they desperately pack on weight for the winter. Find the red willow.. find the moose. A bonus is that at that time of year the bulls often stick together in groups to keep warm/ fend off predators so you might just bump into a couple at once...


Heading back up this long weekend . . . so hopefully things will go better. It might be my last opportunity for the month though.
Cheers, VFX

11-09-2017, 12:23 PM
This spot had the most "older" sign [was prior to the snow and before the ground froze, so not sure how recent]. There is an old trail down this steep hillside through the cut. Looked to be a path taken for years. Lot's of red willows around, both down below and up behind us. This might be the spot.


11-09-2017, 12:33 PM
I'd hunt down low in the willow

11-09-2017, 12:36 PM
I'd hunt down low in the willow

We did as well, but no sign. Most people said they are higher right now due to the wolves in the valley. The deep snow will push them down in Dec I have heard.

11-09-2017, 12:42 PM
wolves switched to vegetarian diet in the valley bottoms?

11-09-2017, 01:03 PM
wolves switched to vegetarian diet in the valley bottoms?

Lol, based on what we didn't see down there -- maybe ;)

11-09-2017, 05:16 PM
Ive stood in that exact spot in your photo over looking the river and flood plain

11-09-2017, 11:58 PM
Part 2 starts tomorrow. The drive up that is, so technically not until Saturday.

11-11-2017, 08:35 AM
Loaded with 80 extra liters of fuel this trip, so hope to get into the head of the valley. Snow still on the ground, so hoping the critters are back on the move after a week.

11-11-2017, 08:57 AM
Excellent!Its gonna be EPIC!You and your buddies in behind a 50 inch bull with big smiles?