View Full Version : Finally got my 4 point and with a drop tine

11-07-2017, 10:25 AM
well finally after years and years of getting small 2 points i finally bagged my 4 point and he has a drop tine.

Went out on are annual hunt we do every year with all the closures and restrictions we were not sure if we were going to be able to get to our hunting camp.when we got there the spot we normally camp(cause not many people know about it and it only got 2 spots we end up getting the place to ourselves)had burnt to the ground and half of our hunting road was still closed due to the fire.So we had half the amount of road to hunt but we found another camp site was busy but was on a lake and was a really nice camp and made the best of it ready to explore new areas we normally dont go to.got up there friday night unpacked everything got my dads trailer all set up and went to bed i slept in my truck the first night as i was bringing my trailer up in the morning when my brother showed up.got up nice and early jumped on the quad and went to explore new areas it was the last day of 4 point and any buck opened up next morning.set up my trail cam and checked what areas i could get to that i knew and saw a few nice bucks no 4 points but decent 3 and 2 points. throughout the day went hiking and checked areas nothing to excited happened.The night came and i went to the road and picked up my brother and went and got the trailer.We got back to camp around 10 at night with the trailer and set up the best we could.backing it in to our spot we were taking the trailer off the truck and while we were cranking up the trailer off the truck.as soon as it separated off the truck the truck slid back about 2 feet not knowing what happened we went to pull the truck ahead and the shifter went from park through every gear but didnt change any gear uh oh!

with flash lights trying to see what the hell went wrong(also i had just had my tranny done about a month before this was not inpressed)We couldnt figure it out so we went to bed and figure it out in the morning so we got up at light and decided to look at the truck before we went out in the quad. after some time we realized that if i went under the truck and moved the shifter bracket by hand from on the tranny it worked fine.So assuming it was the shifter cable that broke.my brother drove it while i went under every time to move it till we got it off to the side for now.than we doubled on the 1980 something big bear 400 quad we have(we are both 280lb guys lol got some funny looks from people.after an uneventful morning we went back to camp for some lunch made a plan with my dad and his buddy mike to go to a 10 acre property we had close by where we had a 1990 something ford ranger 4x4 truck.So we went to go get the truck and the battery was dead ok so we than found jumper cables. s we start it up let it warm up and do a 360 of it and the tire is flat.so we finally find a pump we had that connects to the aux on the truck so after what felt like an hour we finally got it all pumped up and we were ready to start hunting.

so after a quick stop at the gas station for fuel and snacks we went back to our hunting spot.the rest of the night was really uneventful and didnt see anything but cows! got back to camp late and made some dinner and went to bed.

got up in the morning and did the same thing this went on for days never saw anything not even does than we got up the one morning now was oct 3 and we got to minus 6 bunch of frost on the ground.through out the morning we saw 2 nice bulls which we usually never see much for moose other than couple cows over the years.as the morning went on we got into place where we had never been before and were seeing lots of does prob saw 15-20 that morning. late morning came and we decided to head back to camp on our way back we passed alot of people one that had a buck down and a few that said they saw bucks in the morning it was about 1050 now and we were on our way back to camp when i look over to my left and all i see is antlers my brother way driving and i basically jump out of the truck while its moving saying big buck. i jump out throw my clip in and load a shell.look through my scope and just see antlers so i focus on the deer knowing i was going to shoot this buck. i put the crosshairs on the bucks shoulder and breath(thinking about scoping myself 2 years ago still cant not think about that) i keep breathing slowly and hold my gun tight against my shoulder and slowly squeeze the trigger i hear it hit the buck and i look up and see the buck hunched up hoping away.Giving every impression it was a perfect shoulder shot see him barrel into the brush along side the cut block and disappear. i basically throw my gun and start yelling and celebrating with my brother.just seeing the biggest buck of my life and knowing it was a good shot.

so we give the buck time and park the truck grab our gear and go to where i shot the buck. we see nothing we look for a while and see no blood where i shot the buck was just on a line of burnt cut block and green cut block so when he ran he ran into the burnt stuff thinking that maybe the ash soaked up the blood we kept looking instead of trying to find the blood went in the direction he ran.we looked for about an hour maybe a bit more and got super discouraged thinking maybe i missed him but he reacted like it was a perfect shot didn't make sense.we looked for about another 30 mins and by ow i have nothing but doubt thinking i missed him or something but how?so me ad my brother go deeper looking he goes one way i go about another 50 yards to the right of him where we seen the buck go in and start in from there. i see a game trail and start in on it looking all over i stop after a bit and think a look around and see a down green tree with a game path up the side of it onto a bit of a step up.i start walking up there and see fresh deer shit and just as i crest the top i look over and see the buck down surrounded by a big puddle of blood. yell for my brother and he gets there and we cant believe our eyes we normally are happy with any deer as we are meat hunters but man did it feel good to get a nice buck and to us this was a massive buck. after a photo shoot we start in on the work.and than realizing the buck had only gone about 80 to 100 yards from where i shot him.so we finally get him back to the truck and make our way back to camp.get to camp and my dad and mike are already there so we all look at this buck in awe. the camp we found was very busy so we had the whole camp over looking at our buck.so we got it all hung and were about to start skinning it when i decided i was gonna shoulder mount this deer and didn't 100% know how to skin it for this.just as we are looking at it thinking and talking about it as the rest of camp was still there watching and talking.a truck pulls up and asks to come look at the buck.so we say of course and hes congratulating me on the buck and so i ask him if he knows how to skin for a shoulder mount and he says yes i do and in fact i am the owner of the hunting outfitter in this area!i was like really so he shows me how and ends up asking for the knife and does it for me.(cant thank this guy enough!) so we talk for a bit and he basically does the whole skinning for me as i take notes lol.we get him in a game bag and hung way up in the tree
continue to make lunch than go out hunting for the night.the next day i take him into the butcher as it started to get warm out.

unfortunately nobody else in our group got a deer but other people in camp did but this was again a successful hunting trip with family and friends and thats all that matters at the end of the day and i am super grateful on this deer and thanks to everyone on here that has helped me on here throughout the years!

http://i876.photobucket.com/albums/ab325/ballersixty9/23423467_10155508985071348_1237358721_o_zps5nmh326 s.jpg (http://s876.photobucket.com/user/ballersixty9/media/23423467_10155508985071348_1237358721_o_zps5nmh326 s.jpg.html)

http://i876.photobucket.com/albums/ab325/ballersixty9/23423735_10155508922971348_1490460256_o_zpssgltto9 v.jpg (http://s876.photobucket.com/user/ballersixty9/media/23423735_10155508922971348_1490460256_o_zpssgltto9 v.jpg.html)

http://i876.photobucket.com/albums/ab325/ballersixty9/23423579_10155508922836348_1007355466_o_zpsdsv53kv 3.jpg (http://s876.photobucket.com/user/ballersixty9/media/23423579_10155508922836348_1007355466_o_zpsdsv53kv 3.jpg.html)

http://i876.photobucket.com/albums/ab325/ballersixty9/23468248_10155508922896348_1123294911_o_zpsme57f0x x.jpg (http://s876.photobucket.com/user/ballersixty9/media/23468248_10155508922896348_1123294911_o_zpsme57f0x x.jpg.html)

http://i876.photobucket.com/albums/ab325/ballersixty9/23379748_10155508922946348_1126643225_o_zpsuwtszgu a.jpg (http://s876.photobucket.com/user/ballersixty9/media/23379748_10155508922946348_1126643225_o_zpsuwtszgu a.jpg.html)

11-07-2017, 10:33 AM
he's got some good mass

Bugle M In
11-07-2017, 10:38 AM
nice job...good story....nice pics and nice buck......congrats

11-07-2017, 10:41 AM
nice buck dude!

Weatherby Fan
11-07-2017, 10:53 AM
Nice Buck, congrats, thanks for taking the time to post your story.

11-07-2017, 10:53 AM
Wow what a cracker. That's worthy of the wall for sure

11-07-2017, 11:10 AM
right on, great buck

11-07-2017, 11:19 AM
Looks great!

11-07-2017, 11:22 AM
what a brute!!
nicely done...

11-07-2017, 11:29 AM
Great buck. Congrats. Thanks for sharing

11-07-2017, 11:35 AM
Wow Mr. B great write up..but even nicer buck....Harley will do you proud with that shoulder mount.

Don't worry about that drop tine yes every hunter wants one on their buck but to make it perfectly symmetrical Harley could just grind it off..lol JUST KIDDING bro.

Wonderful acomplishment..and we'll done tracking him and not giving up.


11-07-2017, 12:02 PM
congrats on a nice buck

Hank Hunter
11-07-2017, 12:04 PM
Congrats on an awesome buck

11-07-2017, 12:45 PM
Daaahaaam, Great looking deer. Way to go!!

11-07-2017, 01:19 PM
Nice heavy Buck. Great share!

11-07-2017, 01:27 PM
Nice buck.Great story

11-07-2017, 05:23 PM
We all dream of getting mr big. Well done ,nice buck.

11-07-2017, 05:55 PM
There is a healthy buck!!

11-07-2017, 05:57 PM
great wood on that bad boy...well done overcoming the problems....nice story, thanks for taking the time to write it up for us..

11-07-2017, 06:16 PM
Congrats '181 that's a hell of a buck. You showed good patience there working through all the snafus. lol

11-07-2017, 07:23 PM
Nice one buddy!!

you entered in the big buck contest at LB?

11-07-2017, 07:25 PM
Great buck, congrats!

11-07-2017, 07:57 PM
Congratulations great looking buck!

walks with deer
11-07-2017, 09:14 PM
bchunter181 thats a dandy!!! must have been exciting...did you get it on video???

great looking buck.

11-08-2017, 12:52 AM
Congrats. Great buck. Did you get him scored yet?

11-08-2017, 08:24 AM
Good for you guys, more than your share of trials for sure. Great persistence .

11-08-2017, 03:24 PM
Nice buck! Good mass to him!

11-08-2017, 10:38 PM
Congrats ! Very Nice Buck ! Good Job ! :smile: RJ

11-09-2017, 01:46 AM
Great pics, nice lookn buck !

11-09-2017, 07:14 PM
thanks guys for comments no i didnt get it on video and havent got it scored yet once i get it back from harley i will though

11-09-2017, 07:22 PM
Nice buck. Congrats.

11-10-2017, 12:52 PM
Congratulations on a great buck. Thanks for sharing your story. Preserverance paid off for sure.

11-10-2017, 04:50 PM
nice buck, congrats

11-12-2017, 07:01 AM
Nice buck!! Love the bonus drop tine. Thanks for the story.