View Full Version : Given a Gift of Private Land Hunting

10-29-2017, 08:16 PM
My Son was given permission to hunt Private Land with the OldMan (Me).We went in tonight on foot and counted 20+ deer and 2 moose.Getting dark couldn't see any antlers on the moose.He got a crack at a big 2 point muley that reared up and ran into the willows.We spent almost 2 hours looking.Almost no blood and no hair.Kid was super bummed but we'll go back tomorrow and look some more.I had my video camera but told him to shoot before hitting ON button.Such a change in pace to the usual hunting around here.Super fast paced and exciting walking around checking small fields and Pastures.Told the Son he was given a gift to which he smiled and said he hasn't had that much fun in awhile.

10-30-2017, 09:43 PM
Well the young fella sealed the deal this afternoon with a fat 2 point.We ran into another lucky fellow who also had permission to hunt this property.He gave us some pointers on where to go and was mainly bow hunting.He says if you shoot a deer he will help us out.We didn't see a deer all afternoon & 10 minutes later we spot the same 2 point we missed the previous evening.This buck was directly in the sun and my son says he can't pick him up in the scope.I told him to move forward and get in the shade.He finally put him down after 2 shots.The other hunter came over as I was walking back to get the truck and was super helpful gutting and loading my sons deer.I invited him back to our place for a drink/beer which he did.He even helped us skin it out.Super cool to find a local new friend/neighbor help out.I'll post pics if I can figure it out?Imgur is my friend correct?

10-30-2017, 11:13 PM
Wow, good for you guys, love to here about the young guys having success! Can't wait to see the pics, nice job Dad! K

10-31-2017, 12:10 AM
Fantastic! Big congrats to your son! Looking forward to pictures :)

10-31-2017, 07:08 AM
congrats to the new hunter!! also nice to hear of a decent individual that offered to help without demanding $$ for doing so.

10-31-2017, 04:19 PM
Good story all around. Congrats, gents.

10-31-2017, 04:26 PM
It's good to know there are still people out there that are willing to help without expecting something in return. Congrats to the young fella.