View Full Version : Grizzly ever been Roared at?

10-27-2017, 05:29 PM
Got roared at on our last trip. We hiked 5 hours up to what we call the game farm. Had a bull rubbing and grunting near the top then a bull grunting once in the farm. Too far up to shoot moose..were looking for grizz boars and bous...Willow was 4 ft ish..saw a sow and cub grizz 600 yrds away (will post vid when I get around to it). Had a cow moose running scared from us or other? We made our way through the thick shit down a moose trail through super thin and tight 10' spruce when my bro in law Rick Guage says guns off the packs? I say yep got that feeling too..he puts one in the tube as hes in the lead and I unstrap the rifle and pack my poles..30 secsonds later its hoof! n hoof! no hoof! for the next 3 to 5 minutes..3 of us crouch and stare into our 6' visibility..

I was the most scared id ever been in my life..thought about it and yep, never been so scared..I dont mess up when im scared even though im electric, i crouched, my other brother in law started walking behind us cocked and i said get in line dont shoot me! We crouched and waited...the bear never came...it roared! Like that movie the edge..thought that sound was made up.... I already thought it was life or death but after the roar I was convinced..normally I wouldn t waste a shot but there was 3 of us so I said warning shot? Yep was the response.. I shot and the 300 win mag seemed quiet without ear pugs.. the bear stopped for 2 seconds and continued hoof! n hoof! n hoof! you could hear the bear runing side to side cracking branches and goin crazy..

After those few minutes we decided the bear wasnt coming for us so we started back tracking...for the first few hundred meters we could still hear the bear..sounded like he was following..

After about 1000 yards away we couldn't hear the bear..

We had plans of sleeping up in the game farm and hunting but after that experience we decided none of us would sleep well in the papa hubba lol..

It was then that I earned respect for those that are true outdoors people and tent up in the game farm..We headed down..

So...we figured the cow moose was running because she lost her calf and we walked onto the kill..why the bear never left...

So..anybody else ever been roared at?

10-27-2017, 05:48 PM
Been roared at by moose before. They can make some crazy noise when sounding the alarm

10-27-2017, 06:16 PM
Yup life altering experience lol. We had a show down with a massive golden boar in barkerville. Makes you feel alive again :-)

10-27-2017, 06:23 PM
Never had one roar but heard one click it’s teeth. Very unnerving to say the least.

10-27-2017, 06:31 PM
Yup....been roared at right at dusk hiking out from fishin hole in thick crap with couple salmon. Griz about 20yds away.....had rifle so wasnt too worried but definitely had my attention. Also had one hissing at me during stand-off .....me with no gun. He was PO’d but luckily a bit unsure. Followed me for about 2km tho and was 3km back to truck. Felt good to get there for sure.

You are likely right about it having wacked a calf.....luck was on your side for sure. Glad it worked out in your favour.

10-27-2017, 06:35 PM
Had something roar by Quesnel lake, was pretty wild

10-27-2017, 06:52 PM
all in the space of several hours - heard a cougar scream for a while not far from our camp , I was kinda tired so didn't give a damn , my cousin thought it was kinda weird . Later that night a rabbit jumped on the tarp that was pulled over us to keep the dew off our sleeping bags ... woke us up a few times .... then a thunder storm broke right on top of us .. and oh yeah a grizzly was walking around our camp at dusk ... good times

10-27-2017, 07:48 PM
Hmm lots of roaring in Bella Coola valley over the years fishing there. .when charged in Kwatna with Rob and Dave..aka big boar. .the 800 pound sow started her charge with a roar..
The teeth popping is for me more associated with Quesnel Lake highland bears..don't know reason..i think more of a ..i know you are there..nervous behavior while deciding fight or flee..still ominous sounds..but better than sudden attack with no warning..

10-27-2017, 07:53 PM
Got roared at back in 2003. Had to walk into a cutblock that had been planted the year before to check on tree survival. My dog and I came acros a fresh bed from something on the walk in. Partway into my work my dog was barking and chasing something. That is when I noticed the back of a large bear (grizzly) running down a shallow gully about 50 yards away. The bear decidid it wasn't going to run anymore and put the brakes on. It got up on its hind legs and started roaring at us (as you mentioned, like in movies). Twice it made false starts like it was going to chase the dog back to me, but once I got the dog back it moved off into the mature timber. Fourteen years later I can still vividly remember that sound.

10-27-2017, 08:31 PM
When my buddy shot his grizz (39 yds ) in the spring it roared. I know it may be called a death moan or whatever but it was a horrifying roar followed by a very tense few minutes with rifles pointed as the boar went out of site. Cool now but scary as f@#K then. Lol

10-27-2017, 08:35 PM
When my buddy shot his grizz (39 yds ) in the spring it roared. I know it may be called a death moan or whatever but it was a horrifying roar followed by a very tense few minutes with rifles pointed as the boar went out of site. Cool now but scary as f@#K then. Lol

You should have shot again ! With BEARS shoot till they Lay ! jmo RJ

10-27-2017, 08:56 PM
Hmm lots of roaring in Bella Coola valley over the years fishing there. .when charged in Kwatna with Rob and Dave..aka big boar. .the 800 pound sow started her charge with a roar..
The teeth popping is for me more associated with Quesnel Lake highland bears..don't know reason..i think more of a ..i know you are there..nervous behavior while deciding fight or flee..still ominous sounds..but better than sudden attack with no warning..

Ha that’s the word I was looking for “teeth popping”. Thanks.

10-27-2017, 10:00 PM
Heard that sound a few times now.

The wife scares me worse when she gets wound up though.......................

10-27-2017, 10:13 PM
Been roared at by moose before. They can make some crazy noise when sounding the alarm
Yes moose can make very weird noises....to the OP I've never heard the roar but I've heard low growls and the teeth popping sound that they do, really weird..

10-27-2017, 10:38 PM
Twice in September, elk hunting in 7-50. First time we were walking back to camp after last light...we thought we had a bull patterned as we watched him for 2 nights come out on a mtn clearing just at last light. So the 3rd afternoon before the wind changed we went up there and waited for the late action, cow calling. He never showed, so walking out at dark, a bear growled and huffed in an agitated manner...couldnt have been 50 yds off our trail in the spruce. We both loaded, and carried ready, as we hiked past him and down off the mtn. 2nd time we were heading up a draw in the morning. Different area from the first. We knew there were bulls up there. The trail was well cut, heading right into some thick spruce. We got to the edge and a griz in the spruce started to huff and roar. It was close. We backed out quickly. Didnt see it, and it didnt follow us. We did see tracks.
Not the same as a charge but was a first for me and nothing has ever given me the fear chills like knowing there is a griz that close, that I cant see, and its obviously pissed.

10-28-2017, 01:08 AM
We had one in the area we were hunting in Pink Mountain. Heard the roar one morning while down in the low part of valley. Still gives me goose bumps....and that was 8 years ago:-D

10-28-2017, 11:37 AM
This was my grizzly year apparently.
Getting to my tree stand in early bow season, I peered around the tree to see a blond head rise out of the willows 30 yds away. It was on an elk kill. l sweat a couple pounds leaving that place!
A week later, hiking into a high basin in the dark with my son, a bear huffed at us a few times before standing up to get a look at us from about 50 yds. Couldn't tell in the darkness weather it was a black or grizz.
Later that morning, after no luck in that basin, we were hiking up through a clear cut when we heard a roar that neither of us had heard before. It was close enough and loud enough to feel it in our chests. Not knowing what it was, we cow called and it roared back. This happened 4 times. Getting home, we googled elk roars - close. Moose roars - not close. Grizzly roars - bang on! Since we had a large 7X7 on trail cam in the area, we (not so brightly) decided to return the next day to have the bear huff and puff at us before crashing away in the dark. Three of us this time and we were all in a sweat.

10-28-2017, 02:52 PM
I was roared at up in 7-24 moose hunting once, the associated charge scared me as well. Hair on my neck stood up! I backed out of there slowly, and with my 300 win mag at the shoulder! I have had 100's of incidents with bears over the years, working in silviculture, mainly black bears, that was one that left me instantly sweating! Moosin

10-28-2017, 03:09 PM
I watched two Griz fighting over a kill from about 60yds away, what an awesome experience, one big silver tip and an equally as big boar. The silver tip had claimed it but the other was adamant he was gonna get a piece of it. They would circle each other for about 5 minutes each time making the most blood curdling growls then they would really get into it. About 3 times they stood up and roared at each other like it was a competition! The show lasted for about 45 minutes then finally the boar layed down and waited his turn at which time I snuck out of there! Quite the experience!! K

reel lucky
10-28-2017, 04:10 PM
Cleaned mulie buck at the meat pole late in the evening, getting blood and fat on my coveralls. Next morning while walking along a trail into a meadow, just at daybreak with same coveralls on, heard a faint noise behind me and turned to face large grizzly, at 15ft. we had a 2 second standoff, as I was raising the rifle he let out a tremendous roar, hesitated, and then bolted off the trail. still gives me goosebumps after 10yrs

10-28-2017, 07:23 PM
Had one roaring at me when I was scouting elk, had walked about 200 yds from my atv as it was getting dark. The roaring came from where the atv was parked. I walked to the machine before it was full dark, no sign of the bear. [thankful]

Bull elk will also growl and it sounds like a bear. FYI