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View Full Version : Coyotes killing deer

01-16-2005, 09:10 PM
I was out skating on the ponds on Saturday and discovered a sorry sight. A pack of coyotes had chased a Blacktail fawn onto the ice and killed it. I was wondering if any other people have seen a deer killed by coyotes? Also are there coyotes on Vancouver Island?

01-16-2005, 09:50 PM
Hey Dirty, as far as I know we still don't have any coyotes but I imagine it's just a matter of time before they find a way across to the Island. There is coyotes in every province of Canada even the Island of Nfld(crossed on the ice packs in the winter from Labrador). The only animal that can keep them in check is the wolf population. A wolf will not allow a coyote to live in his teritory and will hunt him down and kill him. Similar to grizzly's and black bears.


Red Foreman
01-17-2005, 12:12 AM
I've seen it happen a few times while out ice fishing.One time we saw a pack of them chase 2 deer on the ice,they got one before we made it accross the ice and put the run on them.we held on to the one deer for about 20 minutes and let her get her breath back before getting her off the ice and into the bush.

01-17-2005, 07:52 AM
As Marc says, no coyotes on the Island. Used to be some foxes haven't heard of any for awhile. I am glad thjere are no coyotes here. They can kill a lot of game and can be hard on the deer population.

Marc, lots of folks are convinced that some logging company brought the wolves to Vancouver Island to wipe out the deer.


01-17-2005, 09:10 AM
Nope, No coyotes on the island.

I heard there used to be an abundance of fox here years ago, and had never seen a track or anything. Then one day (when I used to work for the Dept. of Fisheries) while heading out to Pat Bay in Sannich, I glanced out in a field and there it was. A beautiful red fox.
I've only seen that one fox in 26 years of living here though.

01-17-2005, 09:19 AM
to answer the question YES, in the north and north central BC area we have a fair amount of yotes and they will take out deer sized animals if given the chance along with smaller farm animals like sheep and goats , as well as household pets (dogs and cats) , they are especialy a pain in the ass come calving season as they try to get into the pens after the newborn cows at times

01-17-2005, 09:43 AM
when calving season is on its a good time to become friends with ranchers...u get to shoot all the yotes u want...

01-17-2005, 01:07 PM
I have heard of yoties running deer onto lakes cuz the deer cant a good foot hold and slip and fall were as the yoties have better foot grip then it is easy pickins. TinMan from Sask

01-17-2005, 02:10 PM
Never seen them on the Island. As for foxes on the Island, I heard they were 'blue/silver' foxes that were released back in the pre-50's(?) when the farms that raised them (for pelts) became unprofittable or suffered a disaster such as fire. Its interesting to know that a red was spotted. I've also heard about the odd wolverine sighting/track (none recently) and the latest was the Grizzly shot up in Pt Hardy or PT McNiell (within the last few years). I know - it's a little off topic but thought there might be some interest.


01-17-2005, 02:41 PM
I have heard of a few wolverines coimg out of Nanaimo Lakes. Been hit by logging trucks. My uncle said the Drinkwaters used to get the odd one in there traps out beaver creek (Port Alberni). Never seen one on the Island but would be nice to see.

01-17-2005, 03:27 PM
Guy I know said he saw a wolverine on the Island this past fall while picking mushrooms.

Ya, the foxes that used to be around here were the blue/silver variety. Too bad we didn't have the cottontails back then that we have now. maybe we would still have a fox population.


01-17-2005, 04:26 PM
I have not seen any evidence of coyotes hunting Whitetail deer . This past fall a friend of mine at the Rendall Ck Hunt interestingly had a single coyote chase a doe and fawn past him while in his treestand.

REMEMBER -- Keep Your Fingertab On --

01-17-2005, 11:09 PM
Hey LeftCoast, What kind of Mushrooms was your buddy picking? :shock: Hahaha Just giving you a hard time. Last year there was a wolverine in a carport in Port Moody, the poor sucker had a broken leg. It was all fixed up and released only to die a few monthes later. And as for 'yotes up in the Christian Valley, last year we saw some cows all circled up with the calves in the middle and they were mooin' up a storm. Then we looked to the edge of the bush and there was a huge coyote, but before i could get out and give him a treat he bolted, too bad.

01-18-2005, 10:34 AM
Are you sure, coyotes:confused: There is an island wolf it's not to big 50lbs

01-18-2005, 09:14 PM
Coyotes will kill deer..I've seen it.

01-19-2005, 08:40 AM
I believe you Gatehouse.As for yotes on the island not yet I hope !!!.As I said wolves,Two types timbers and a small native wolf. The timber's are large 150lbs,seen those in the duncan area. Look out Marc !!

01-24-2005, 09:24 PM
:-) There is an artical on coyotes killing deer on www.bowsite.com (http://www.bowsite.com) . Listed under recent features on the home page. A bit brief but interesting.

REMEMBER -- Keep Your Fingertab On --