View Full Version : Bull moose draw in 3-35

10-15-2017, 03:47 AM
So I was lucky enough to get a bull moose draw in region 3-35 this year. I will be going with my wifey and parents who also hunt. My mom and dad who live in the Okanogan went for a drive up there to scout around a little bit and the old man was saying that Perry river road was washed out around the 8 km mark.
I have been googling and checking the maps on my huntbuddy app and it seems like that is really the only road that goes any decent way into that region.
Are there any other roads or trails that don't appear on a topo map or am I boned?
I'm not really familiar with that area as we tend to go further out into the kooteneys normally, so any advice or ideas would be greatly appreciated.