View Full Version : Hunting Stories please!

10-13-2017, 12:47 AM
I must say that hunting stories, successful or not are what keep me coming back to HUNTINGBC. I check daily for the most recent hunting story, however this year the stories have been few and far between.

I know, I have only made a few posts, but I will tell my stories when there is a story to tell. Forgive me if I don't write up my successful truck hunt experiences.

So either . . . very few BC residents are taking part in story-worthy hunts (not likely) or we are not sharing our stories.

Know that your hunting stories are providing inspiration to the new, experienced, the young and old!

Your stories are what make Hunting BC a special place!

Now, get writing . . . or hunting . . . then writing

10-13-2017, 06:30 AM
I inquired about this a while back. The reality is that people have had jerks and antis come after their facebooks repost their pics as propaganda, steal spots via gps coordinates on images or hound them for info. It really discourages people from posting stories. It is one of the sad parts of the 2017 mentality its okay to attack someone if you don't agree with their choices but god forbid they have a logical reasonable and science based argument because then you better tell them their invalid and you dont wanna hear it.

10-13-2017, 07:29 AM
Yup I have posted a few times and experienced negative comments and started debating and decided not worth it, will I post another story you bet I will !!!