View Full Version : Putting the stalk on some does

10-10-2017, 05:05 PM
I had some time to kill between classes today so I decided to venture about an hours' drive outside of Kamloops and go for a wander in the bush. I wasn't expecting to see much, even left the rifle at home, just out to look for some sign. I park the truck, walk 75m and see something brown and out of place inbetween some trees. I put my binos up to my eyes and it moves a bit. It's a doe. At this point it must be about 150 yards away so I decide I'll practice my stalking skills and try to get up the steep stuff on my left, which is mostly out of sight of the doe, make my way uphill, then creep down on it. I clumsily, and far too quickly, crept up the side making it about 40 yards away before the doe spooked. I was also filming it on snapchat to send to my buddys. I wait a second, send a text, and creep up over the edge of hill I was climbing. Surprise! not even 20 yards away the doe is sat just infront of the treeline staring straight at me. We check eachother out for 20 seconds then I slowly get my phone out again and start filming her. She finally decides its time to go and hops off over the other hill.

Curious to see what she was up to I walk over to where I first spotted her adn venture off into the woods inbehind where she was. I large burnt and downed tree that appeared to be hollowed out. I inspect the hollowed out portion of the tree and its what I suspected; there was once a beehive there. I can see some corpses of the bees in the ends... a bear must have done them and the rest of the hive in for lunch. Onwards I go continuing to climb, slowly, on the meandering game trails (which have a decent ammount of sign). Im going a bit quick to be still hunting but using the same technique; quietly moving along with my eyes scanning all 180 degrees infront of me. I spot what appears to be the upper half of a deer, close to the end of the ribs to up towards the shoulder. I put my binoculars on it and bingo, another deer. I decide to back up, walk up the backside of a steep hill out of side from the deer and get up above it. The hill is covered in moss so I'm dead silent. Just as I crest the small hill I see the doe run down the hill towards where I was. She stops and scans. I start to creep around, again trying to get some footage on my phone, but she becomes alerted that something isnt right nad slowly creeps up away back to where she was. I start stalking her as I have nothing better to do just observing her behaviours. Head down to eat and I creep a bit closer. Facing away I creep closer. Head sideways or looking down towards me and I'm frozen. After about 5 minutes of observing her I see her fawn. I continue to follow them for the next 20 or so minutes observing her and the fawn. She was catching on that I was there and had her head up almost the whole time watching me. I just sat there still observing the fawn. It was so carefree, walking around near mom and munching on the oldmans beard that had fallen to the forest floor. Eventually I figured I had stressed her out enough and continued on my journey to the guy that must hanging around them.

I didn't find him but I look forward to getting out again on Thursday to put down and game cam and spend the day meandering the gametrails looking for the buck and observing more animals. hopefully I get a glimpse at the bear too... the tags burning a hole in my pocket.