View Full Version : Harvest Report

09-02-2017, 04:07 PM
As embarrassing as this may be, being 23 years old and suppose to be up with the new technology. I cannot seem to find my harvest report online nor was it mailed to me like years past for a shared hunt but im sure it must be online now. The hunt is in December for bison (lucky me) so we do have a bit of time. But could anyone suggest how to find it online. I go to my authorization and it says "
There is a special section at the bottom of this authorization entitled HARVEST REPORT." but i cannot find it or any links to it any ideas?

Thanks much appreciated

09-02-2017, 04:59 PM
It's on the bottom of the authorization when you print it out :) It doesn't show up when you view it online, just when you print it.

09-02-2017, 05:26 PM
As far as I'm concerned and my opinion. All BC resident, non residents and First Nations should have Mandatory harvest reports at tge end if season. To add to that, to make a false statement would be a violation. This would only help to manage our wildlife for the future. Yet my proposal goes unheard.
How possibly can our wildlife managers have any clue of true to fact harvest numbers. Specially from those tgat refuse to complete questionaires, poach or other questionable scenarios.

09-02-2017, 09:27 PM
Only when you print it,thank you. I went to print then print preview and still didn't see it earlier today but never did try printing it.

I agree curly top for instance just finished my August fishing questionnaire. And another note have already seen pictures of a doe carcass in the water at one of the reserves out here right by their marina where the so called "guardians of the land" park their boat. Complete BS

09-02-2017, 09:33 PM
Its been said it's difficult to determine whether the trends are real or an artifact of the current hunter sample survey
Accurate data is required to provide confidence in allocations to hunters... things have to change for sure .

09-02-2017, 09:55 PM
Mandatory reports from all user groups, every one included, it would only help ...... How, just how would would it be harmful?
Specifically for one group. Yet, some say no, We are accurate through random questionnaires ........ Really?

others say we don't need more regulation, well this proposal is no different then a Compulsory Inspection of a moose, elk, Bou, G bear , goat or sheep harvest.

It it can only help to paint an accurate picture of actual harvest numbers. And true to fact.

Bugle M In
09-03-2017, 12:13 AM
Mandatory reports from all user groups, every one included, it would only help ...... How, just how would would it be harmful?
Specifically for one group. Yet, some say no, We are accurate through random questionnaires ........ Really?

others say we don't need more regulation, well this proposal is no different then a Compulsory Inspection of a moose, elk, Bou, G bear , goat or sheep harvest.

It it can only help to paint an accurate picture of actual harvest numbers. And true to fact.

I think pretty much everybody here would agree that everyone "must fill it out".
I would take it one step further....if you don't fill it out and send it in, you become ineligible to purchase tag next year.
As for all groups filing them out, as to give accurate data, well, good luck with that.
Just look at Salmon right now, theres no sockeye, and everyone, well almost everyone is "banned" from catching them...
except for "one group"...they somehow seem to have "legitimate" reasons to catch them....
If they concerned about the future, they would have been the "first group" to stop.....
Next, they will want groups to not hunt the Cariboo for the season.... except, they will...but oh, it will be a "modified harvest".
Makes you wonder when things will ever change???

09-03-2017, 07:36 AM
They don't manage with science so why give them any data?.

09-03-2017, 05:45 PM
like everyone says we need change and a organized approach to it. as well as stopping the "one group" who gets to self regulate their harvest/catch

09-25-2017, 11:36 AM
Sep. 2017 update: The answer is the same as Dash mentioned above. When you log into the new BC Hunting website --> LEH Authorization, the web page preview will only show until the IMPORTANT! message.

For some reason, the Harvest Report is not showing up on the web page, causing people to look elsewhere. But its there, and hiding! Once you go into print preview or print it, it will show up.

The new form looks like this:


09-25-2017, 11:59 AM
it seems very logical to me that when we apply for a current year license that you report your previous year results...it should give a clearer picture of pops after harvest before winter...use the saved cash to do aerial surveys in the spring to get a better idea of the winter kill numbers..some could be randomly selected to detail their time/effort for that data