View Full Version : To All You Bow Hunters

09-01-2017, 04:38 AM
Well its that time of the year and today is the opening of bow season first year I am not in the bush at my hunting camp feels weird,,good luck to all the bow hunters stay safe out there
and remembers its not always about the kill that counts ,,quality time with your hunting partners is always first..

09-01-2017, 09:27 AM
Thanks, any reason you'd like to share why you won't be out there?
"its not always about the kill that counts ,,quality time with your hunting partners is always first.." - These are good words.

09-01-2017, 10:28 AM
Thanks Wayne, hope you get out soon...how is your lady friend doing who was having issues?? I'm assuming that's the reason why you can't make it out for the bow opener??

09-01-2017, 11:10 AM
Nobody can go archery hunting now. The Rocky mountain forest district is closed for everyone as of 1 pm saturday

Wild one
09-01-2017, 07:51 PM
Best of luck to those out bow hunting

wish I was but a bad neck has stopped me from practicing enough

09-01-2017, 08:29 PM
Thanks hunter.....im pretty excited to get my new crossbow out !!

09-02-2017, 05:37 AM
Just a reminder I put up a thread regarding my best friend is dying from ALS that's why I am not out hunting Val comes first over everything in my life,,Val needs me each and every day to be at her side

09-02-2017, 06:47 AM
Just a reminder I put up a thread regarding my best friend is dying from ALS that's why I am not out hunting Val comes first over everything in my life,,Val needs me each and every day to be at her side

Geez Wayne, sorry to hear about Val, the impression I got when you came by the house with her is that she was a genuinely nice lady. I hate when bad things happen to good people, my thoughts and prayers are with you both during this impossible time....

09-02-2017, 07:27 AM
Wayne, my thoughts and prayers to you and Val.


09-02-2017, 11:00 AM
Very sorry to hear about your friend. My thoughts and prayers.