View Full Version : Seeking insight/access to elk in the Creston area for next week.

08-31-2017, 01:12 AM
The temps are supposed to be in the 30s, so my advice to myself should be to stay home, and not bother, but hey, I'm a glutton for punishment. It'll be me and a friend who will be calling for me, and we are out for the bow only open season from around the 1-6th of Sept. Sorry for the late ask on the help, but I really didn't think I'd get away this year, it's all been very last minute.

I'd especially love to find access to the woods and farms between the goat river and the golf course.

Any help would be awesome, thanks all.


09-01-2017, 10:31 AM
Bumpity bump

09-01-2017, 10:38 AM
good luck, private access to land for elk is a rare thing these days... too many people ruin it for everyone else leaving garbage, ruining land and crops and cutting fence locks etc. best of luck either way.