View Full Version : Photobucket Issues??

Bugle M In
08-29-2017, 11:08 AM
Wanted to view the pics on the thread "bull moose size L", but all I get on the thread pics is
"photobucket icon"??
says something on it about "uprgrade to 3rd party"?
I click the link to sign in on my account, but then wants a 300 dollar yearly upgrade charge!!!
not going to happen.
Any advice why I no longer see pics from those people who are posting the pics thru "photobucket"?

If not no worries, not the end of the world or anything.

08-29-2017, 11:10 AM

hunter fisher
08-29-2017, 11:12 AM
just read that thread too and i was just googling up on this, and from what i understand, its the user who posted the photos that needs to pay the 300? i don't know, hard to understand

i just wanna see that moose!! and the fish

08-29-2017, 11:14 AM
just read that thread too and i was just googling up on this, and from what i understand, its the user who posted the photos that needs to pay the 300? i don't know, hard to understand

i just wanna see that moose!! and the fish

Yes, they decided to get greedy [photobucket]. I would have paid up to $50 a year, but not $300USD. Deleted my stuff, the app and my account and told them why.

08-29-2017, 11:24 AM
Yeah it's a darn shame. It affected a lot of forums everywhere. I was looking for a jeep related tutorial a few weeks back and all I could find was broken photobucket links... bad enough every picture I have ever posted is gone. I uploaded all the pics from photobucket to imgur and re-linked a few current threads. I'll re-link any of my pics whenever someone stumbles across a thread and brings it to my attention wanting to see the picture, or any old threads that pop up and I happen to notice.

08-29-2017, 12:32 PM
Sucks for sure... A lot of the golden old threads that made the winter months more bearable have broken links on them now.. including every one I have ever posted. I guess I'll have to get on this imgur thing before the season gets underway. Is that what everyone is using now? Simple to use?

Bugle M In
08-29-2017, 12:43 PM
Thanks VFX...and everyone else....good to know it wasn't on my side.
Agreed...sucks to loose all those other images from old posts.
Never understood why this website wouldn't have it's own photo engine support??
(might be it costs a lot...don't know...not a website techy...)
But would make it easier for everyone, and guarantee that photo in the future wont be lost due to be "held for ransom",
the some of the sites we need to use now.

08-29-2017, 03:47 PM
I wont pay them suckers a cent, the service was super shitty even when it was free

Canadian Lumberjack
12-03-2017, 08:57 AM
So I understand that photobucket wont show users pictures unless they upgrade their account. So what does it mean when I pull up a brand new post and all I get for pics is the photobucket icon? Does that mean the person who uploaded the pics has the upgraded photobucket, along with the people who can view the pics? People are commenting on the pictures so clearly they can see them, why cant I?

Gun Dog
12-03-2017, 10:13 AM
You get what you pay for. I use a paid service (Smugmug, $40us/year) for all my pictures. Then I don't need to put up with ads and changing policies. If you want a free then Facebook and Google are your only real choices (for now).

Most "free" services enventually go bankrupt or get bought and repurposed. And all those pictures other people uploaded to share will eventually be sold off and become unavailable.

338win mag
12-03-2017, 10:16 AM
Photobucket is garbage, imgur is your friend, easier too.

12-03-2017, 10:46 AM
photobucket is crap. Please stop using it. Companies that do this kind of disservice to the online community need to be fully boycotted.

There are other alternatives as others mentioned (ex imgur). We do NOT need photobucket.