View Full Version : Question for you sheep and goat hunters?

Skeena Shooter
08-22-2017, 06:11 PM
Hello everyone. I was wondering what models of hilleberg tents you have been using on your goat and sheep hunts. I just got back from my first stone sheep hunt and have decided my tent is just to light duty for this kind of hunt. Didn't handle the winds worth a s**t but kept me dry. Any info would help out for next season. Good luck to all heading out still. Happy hunting.

08-22-2017, 06:14 PM
Not using a Hilleberg but curious what didnt work for you. May save someone from going through the same experience.

Cheers, rob

08-22-2017, 06:48 PM
Hmmm go Mountain hardware" don't personally think H is as good as MHW"..IMO.have 2 MHW FROM 18 inches wet snow..to hell acoustic winds and rivers of water underneath..never a drop, never an issue.

Skeena Shooter
08-22-2017, 06:53 PM
I have the Big Agnes Seed house 1man tent. It's great in warmer weather and not much wind, but the high winds and heavy snow were hard on it this passed hunt.

Skeena Shooter
08-22-2017, 06:53 PM
I'll look into MHW tents! Thanks

08-22-2017, 06:56 PM
I've used the Atko, Staika, Nammatj 2 Gt and Nallo 3 Gt. I don't really think there's a wrong Hilleberg choice you just have to decide what you want it to do, the vestibule of the Gt models is a God send for 2 guys. That being said if theres a chance for heavy wind and snow I'd pick a Nammatj Gt and for a do all I'd take the Nallo Gt

08-22-2017, 07:03 PM
I've used the Kaitum 3 for 10 years now. No regrets. My buddies had total destruction with their MH two years ago on a caribou/sheep hunt. Not the first time I've heard this. Once bitten . . .

08-22-2017, 07:13 PM
After hearing all the good reviews of Hilleberg I just got a nallo 2gt (with the vestibule). Only took it to the alpine once this summer scouting for mulies and elk in nice weather with tons of bugs so didn't put it to too much of a test. You can feel the quality and the vestibule would be great for two people in the tent to keep some gear covered. I've only ever used free standing tents in the past so it takes a bit more for set up with the tunnel type. (Still pretty easy though, only need four stakes) Would love to commit to going after sheep one day.

08-22-2017, 07:53 PM
Nallo2 GT here. Have logged 30'ish nights both solo and duo in all weather/terrain conditions. Much to be said for a company that focuses on one product line and takes pride in quality. Only gripe, is the GT's have a large footprint, though in fairness the vestibule area is like a second tent that doesn't need good ground. And they're a bit heavy to double as a solo tent for mountain pursuits.

Not gonna slag other tent makers, but Hilleberg tents stand alone in strength to weight and are in a class of their own. The Niak has caught my interest for a sheep tent and a 3 season Hille is tougher than most 4 season expedition tents from other tent makers.

Skeena Shooter
08-22-2017, 08:06 PM
Great feed back already gents much appreciated!

08-22-2017, 08:42 PM
I run a mountain hardware as well. Wouldn't have it any other way!

combine pilot
08-22-2017, 08:49 PM
We have been using a Big Agnes Copper Spur 3 for the last 4 years. Have had no issues with wind or snow.

08-22-2017, 08:56 PM
hubba hubba for me for years... No issue ever. Heat wind rain snow bugs - all good. enoguht room for two and the double vestibule is great... Not sure about the Hilleberg, but I bet it doesn't compete value-wise.


08-22-2017, 10:27 PM
Used a hilleberg Akto last year in the mountain and recently picked up a used Nammatj2 GT because the girlfriend wanted to start doing more camping. Haven't decided which ill be taking on this years mountain hunt. I'll be solo so its just a question of weight VS comfort room.

08-22-2017, 10:38 PM
Hmmm my 4 season MHW..has seen total abuse by mother nature..if you look at high mountain adventures..real world you see lots of MHW..Nepal.etc..hmmm Big bore and another gent on sheep hunt..stone sheep..winds came in and destroyed the 3rd guys tent..later on Dave's tent developed issues..with Dave and G..in it..
On another hunt 18 inches of snow cracking breaking trees..tent was fine. .on another mountain caribou hunt winds like a freight train both tents have seen a decade of use..not 1 drop, not 1 tear..I havnt seen a new model..but truly would be surprised if quality degraded . possible. .i also like the adjustable independent rain fly versus H
HOWEVER both are at the top of the list..i chose MHW never regretted it once.
One tent 4 season.
One tent super lite weight sheep season tent..rain and wind..lots of ventilation.

Rupert Retired
08-22-2017, 11:47 PM
Hubba Hubba here, as Timberjack says. I have camped in an inch of water or rather soggy ground, pitched the tent, and the lips on the edge of the ground sheet (floor) curl up enough to keep the inside absolutely dry. I have used it on some pretty extreme hunts, never let me down yet, and I will continue to use it until I have a problem. I highly recommend this tent. It has an entry on each side to let you and your buddy get in at his own pace, and a fly on each side to cover both yours and your hunting partner's pack. Also, as an aside, I spent all kinds of time researching tents, for this exact reason, before I bought my hubba hubba, and this is the one I settled on, that was a few years ago now. I will be swayed if something better or more high-tech comes out, hey I will be the first to consider it, but this is the tent for now. PS, there is also a Hubba, which is a single person tent, a bit lighter, etc. and also a Motha Hubba, which is a 3 person tent. Check them out.

08-23-2017, 06:29 AM
I have a BA fly Creek UL2. Stands up to some significant weather.

dont overlook location when you set up your tent. Can solve a lot of your problems before they start.

08-23-2017, 07:12 AM

08-23-2017, 08:37 AM

Hmmmmm, My thoughts exactly. LOL.

08-23-2017, 08:58 AM
Hmmm my 4 season MHW..has seen total abuse by mother nature..if you look at high mountain adventures..real world you see lots of MHW..Nepal.etc..hmmm Big bore and another gent on sheep hunt..stone sheep..winds came in and destroyed the 3rd guys tent..later on Dave's tent developed issues..with Dave and G..in it..
On another hunt 18 inches of snow cracking breaking trees..tent was fine. .on another mountain caribou hunt winds like a freight train both tents have seen a decade of use..not 1 drop, not 1 tear..I havnt seen a new model..but truly would be surprised if quality degraded . possible. .i also like the adjustable independent rain fly versus H
HOWEVER both are at the top of the list..i chose MHW never regretted it once.
One tent 4 season.
One tent super lite weight sheep season tent..rain and wind..lots of ventilation.

what tent did Dave (big boar) have?

Skeena Shooter
08-23-2017, 09:00 AM
Thanks for all this lots of great info and realife experience with these tents.

Wild one
08-23-2017, 09:07 AM
Another MHW guy hear

08-23-2017, 10:32 AM
A brand neutral point....Guy lines.
You WANT them and you want to USE them.
Peg friendly soil is hard to come by in sheep country, but rocks aren't, so consider a bit of extra 3mm cord(Or whatever standard guy line diameter is), to wrap rocks as anchor points.

08-23-2017, 10:42 AM
Curious too, as I'm too lazy to hunt specs. What are you MHW 4 season tent guys packing as far as tent weight?

My personal limit per man tops out at 3 pounds, if it's going up a mountain side. Most of the 4 season dome tents I've seen are 4 criss-cross pole affairs, which don't equate to light. Tough is great, but everyone has a personal crossover point where weight trumps toughness.

08-23-2017, 10:59 AM
Will add for conversation, this past sheep hunt I did with a solo setup. Being it was August opener, I gambled that I wasn't going to see a foot of wet snow, so scooped a Hubba NX 1 person tent and left my Hille 2GT at home to cut 3 lbs and change off my pack weight.

Long story short, the gamble worked out and we didn't get any snow, however, wind and rain crowded epic at times. At one point on the first night on the mountain, I fully embraced the reality that I was going to see a tent self destruct and get torn to shreds. Without a doubt we had 80k+ wind, with nearly full exposure. Rocks moved and guy lines had play in them, but the little Hubba toughed it out. We ended up with 3 major storms which buffeted us with rain and wind, but no leakage or visible tent damage.

08-23-2017, 11:27 AM
Curious too, as I'm too lazy to hunt specs. What are you MHW 4 season tent guys packing as far as tent weight?

My personal limit per man tops out at 3 pounds, if it's going up a mountain side. Most of the 4 season dome tents I've seen are 4 criss-cross pole affairs, which don't equate to light. Tough is great, but everyone has a personal crossover point where weight trumps toughness.

Without going to a single wall tent I don't think youd get into a real 4 season tent at 3 lbs per person.

08-23-2017, 11:34 AM
The Nallo fills that niche in both regular and GT versions.

08-23-2017, 11:40 AM
The Nallo fills that niche in both regular and GT versions.

Exactly, but you asked about MHW tents. Im wondering how many guys toting the MHW have actually used/owned a Hille?

08-23-2017, 11:57 AM
I was curious about MHW weights for reference, as tough is only one part of the gear equation; Price and weight being the other pieces.

The Hille Nallo was simply in response to your statement about being doubtful you could have a 3lb/person platform without going single wall. The Nallo is in fact a tent/fly configuration, just that it sets up as a single unit with pole sleeves on the exterior of the fly.

Most guys, given no weight penalty would likely opt for a lot more space than a mountain tent offers too. It all comes down to what you're willing to pack or give up.

08-23-2017, 12:10 PM
Stevenson Warmlite is another good 4 season option, it is a single wall design but the aluminum liner does a good job of reflecting heat and keeping condensation to a minimum. They are right around 5 lbs for a 3 man.
I'd assume if your willing to dish out the cash for a hilleberg that price doesn't have much weight when choosing a tent. I've carried a 9 lb Staika for a late season goat hunt because we knew the weather would get ugly. IMO in the end it's the weather and climate that determines the tent not the weight, and extra 1.5 pounds isn't going to ruin your hunt but a collapsed tent will.

08-23-2017, 12:21 PM
Absolutely. It's all about striking a balance. A lot of the weight cut in the Nallo is due to them not being fully free standing. But once they're guyed out, they're not budging.

To be completely honest, I couldn't afford another Hille right now either. I scooped mine when the Canadian Peso was par with the US and I had it shipped free to a hotel in Spokane and used my duty exemption to bring it home. Talking my wife into a shopping trip to pick it up was pure genius on my part. Haha.

08-23-2017, 02:14 PM
Slept in a Hilleberg Allak for 8 nights in the NWT a couple of weeks ago. Nice tent, looked like it would withstand wind very well. However it was shirt-sleeve night time temps with modest wind, so the only thing that was tested was the bug-netting. It is quite a bit heavier than my MSR Hubba Hubba but undoubtably a lot better in the nasty storms. My old MT Hardware Skyledge 2.1 had fly issues the company warranteed, but I didn't like the replacement tent so went with the MSR Hubba Hubba as the replacement.

Rupert Retired
08-24-2017, 04:33 PM
Yes, a four season tent is necessary at times. But hey, you pay for what your get, and so, I would say, a 4-season tent is not necessary for 95% of hunting trips. Especially if you have a good sleeping bag, I would increase those to 100% not necessary.

08-25-2017, 07:22 AM
I use the MSR Hubba 1-man tent. I have had it for numerous years of sheep hunts (among other things) and have yet to have any issues with it. I also know several guys that run the 2 and 3 man versions that swear by them as well... I'd look at them before jumping on the Hilleberg's...