View Full Version : Giving us all a bad name!!

08-19-2017, 09:22 AM
We have a cabin up mount baldy and my daughter just sent me a photo of a gut pile, the animal was shot in the middle of the main road to Oliver and
dragged off to the side of the road, gutted and the gut pile left there for all to see.

What the hell is wrong with people no attempt to even drag it to the bush where it would not be visible to everyone!!

I thought of posting the photo (graphic) but probably no point as I do not think from a gut pile you can tell what the animal was, I think bear are open
so probably not a poached animal.

08-19-2017, 09:32 AM
A gut pile in a ditch offends you? Quick! To the safe space!

08-19-2017, 09:39 AM
That's the problem it is not in a ditch it is level with the road, she said it was visible a long way down the road b4 they got up to it.

Wild one
08-19-2017, 09:46 AM
I would agree in areas that see traffic from the general public it is best to put in effort to keep gut piles off the roads. It's not that hard to keep them off main roads and keeps some from complaining. Mt Baldy especially this time of years sees a good amount of non hunter traffic

08-19-2017, 09:50 AM
If there's any other animals in the area it'll probably be mostly gone over night, I wouldn't worry about it.

08-19-2017, 09:52 AM
Keepers of the land doing there thing . Nothing to see here Whity's just keep on moving .

08-19-2017, 09:56 AM
I agree, guess I am from the old school where our fathers taught us differently. Just don't like to see it!
If there's any other animals in the area it'll probably be mostly gone over night, I wouldn't worry about it.

Wild one
08-19-2017, 10:12 AM
I agree, guess I am from the old school where our fathers taught us differently. Just don't like to see it!

Lots of hunter share your view on keeping gut piles out of sight in busy areas. I was taught this from a young age even though they don't last long.

To others yes gut piles can be eaten up fast by scavengers but not always. They can hang around for awhile seen it first hand. As a trapper I have set out bait stations that have taken weeks to be hit hard enough to be impacted.

Dont assume things are always cleaned up fast it's not always the case

358mag could also be correct that it was not left by a hunter with the limited opertunity available to hunters this time of year good chance it was not a hunter. More likely a poacher or FN that are not restricted by hunting seasons

08-19-2017, 10:27 AM
Thank you for adding your comments, not sure Amphibious understood my concern but that is ok.
Lots of hunter share your view on keeping gut piles out of sight in busy areas. I was taught this from a young age even though they don't last long.

To others yes gut piles can be eaten up fast by scavengers but not always. They can hang around for awhile seen it first hand. As a trapper I have set out bait stations that have taken weeks to be hit hard enough to be impacted.

Dont assume things are always cleaned up fast it's not always the case

358mag could also be correct that it was not left by a hunter with the limited opertunity available to hunters this time of year good chance it was not a hunter. More likely a poacher or FN that are not restricted by hunting seasons

08-19-2017, 10:58 AM
having known many "whitys" that do this sort of thing, not fair to automatically blame it on the aboriginal people. As an aboriginal myself who respects the land this sort of comment gets to me. But don't get me wrong there are some that abuse it and give aboriginals a very bad image and ruin it for us. Just because there is a carcass on the side of the road doesn't mean it was an aboriginal person

Wild one
08-19-2017, 11:03 AM
having known many "whitys" that do this sort of thing, not fair to automatically blame it on the aboriginal people. As an aboriginal myself who respects the land this sort of comment gets to me. But don't get me wrong there are some that abuse it and give aboriginals a very bad image and ruin it for us. Just because there is a carcass on the side of the road doesn't mean it was an aboriginal person

You are correct all can be guilty of this could very well be anyone any race

08-19-2017, 11:36 AM
We have a cabin up mount baldy and my daughter just sent me a photo of a gut pile, the animal was shot in the middle of the main road to Oliver and
dragged off to the side of the road, gutted and the gut pile left there for all to see.

What the hell is wrong with people no attempt to even drag it to the bush where it would not be visible to everyone!!

I thought of posting the photo (graphic) but probably no point as I do not think from a gut pile you can tell what the animal was, I think bear are open
so probably not a poached animal.

Oh come on now...it won't last 24 hours and really its just a gut pile...bear aren't open right now are they? Probably FN

08-19-2017, 11:37 AM
Oh come on now...it won't last 24 hours and really its just a gut pile...bear aren't open right now are they? Probably FN

man ive seen gut piles rot away to nothing instead of getting eaten....usually ravens and yotes will get it pretty quick tho

08-19-2017, 11:38 AM
Lots of hunter share your view on keeping gut piles out of sight in busy areas. I was taught this from a young age even though they don't last long.

To others yes gut piles can be eaten up fast by scavengers but not always. They can hang around for awhile seen it first hand. As a trapper I have set out bait stations that have taken weeks to be hit hard enough to be impacted.

Dont assume things are always cleaned up fast it's not always the case

358mag could also be correct that it was not left by a hunter with the limited opertunity available to hunters this time of year good chance it was not a hunter. More likely a poacher or FN that are not restricted by hunting seasons

as a trapper you are setting bait stations in the winter, where they freeze up and stop emitting a big odor, this aint the winter. They don't last long usually...

Wild one
08-19-2017, 11:57 AM
as a trapper you are setting bait stations in the winter, where they freeze up and stop emitting a big odor, this aint the winter. They don't last long usually...

Read whole post watched gut piles sit as well. Drove past 3 gut piles everyday of a 7 day deer hunt during the first week of Oct they were there when I left

As for bait stations not being found do to low odour because of winter you are forgetting as a trapper I use scents, scent drags, and trapping canines my bait is often well past fresh. Trust me the odour and scent for scavengers to follow is well beyond a gut pile lol. Also trapping starts Nov 1 when I trapped southern BC low elevation cold was no issue

putting meat or guts in the bush does not mean scavengers get a phone call telling them where it is at times the larger ones take time to find it.

yes at times they are gone within 48hrs but this should not be assumed.

Hunters should not make excuses for being too lazy to keep gut piles off main roads. Not hard to keep them off the road I have had no issue doing it for 26 years

08-19-2017, 12:37 PM
I fully agree, get the gut pile out of sight. But I also have to agree that in this case, as the only thing in season is Black Bears on PRIVATE PROPERTY and this bear was shot in the middle of the road it was either poachers or first nations. Unfortunately, it will be regular hunters that people will blame.

08-19-2017, 12:41 PM
I fully agree, get the gut pile out of sight. But I also have to agree that in this case, as the only thing in season is Black Bears on PRIVATE PROPERTY and this bear was shot in the middle of the road it was either poachers or first nations. Unfortunately, it will be regular hunters that people will blame.

Doubtful that poachers would gut an animal in the middle of a well used road...

08-19-2017, 12:52 PM
The gut pile was probably there for not too long, I have shot my fair share of game and it looked to be larger than any gut pile I have seen from a bear. You don't think anyone would shoot a cow in the middle of the road do you?
The tire tracks backed right up to whatever it was so possibly could have been a heavier animal.
I fully agree, get the gut pile out of sight. But I also have to agree that in this case, as the only thing in season is Black Bears on PRIVATE PROPERTY and this bear was shot in the middle of the road it was either poachers or first nations. Unfortunately, it will be regular hunters that people will blame.

08-19-2017, 12:54 PM
Any chance you can post the picture?

08-19-2017, 12:59 PM
I can try would it be ok with the moderators?
Any chance you can post the picture?

Wild one
08-19-2017, 01:15 PM
Doubtful that poachers would gut an animal in the middle of a well used road...

Dont doubt the stupidity of poachers

with BCs lack of COs most don't try to hard to be sneaky

Surrey Boy
08-19-2017, 02:08 PM
having known many "whitys" that do this sort of thing, not fair to automatically blame it on the aboriginal people. As an aboriginal myself who respects the land this sort of comment gets to me. But don't get me wrong there are some that abuse it and give aboriginals a very bad image and ruin it for us. Just because there is a carcass on the side of the road doesn't mean it was an aboriginal person

At some point, an assumption is a reasonable assumption. Stereotypes don't come out of nowhere.

08-19-2017, 03:08 PM
Is it possible it was roadkill and someone decided to take the carcass home?

Wild one
08-19-2017, 03:21 PM
Is it possible it was roadkill and someone decided to take the carcass home?

Not impossible but unlikely. It's also illegal without a trappers license and registered trap line

08-19-2017, 03:22 PM
Is it possible it was roadkill and someone decided to take the carcass home?

"Someone"?? You mean a licensed trapper?

08-19-2017, 03:23 PM
Your guess is as good as mine but not too likely but who knows.

Is it possible it was roadkill and someone decided to take the carcass home?

Wild one
08-19-2017, 03:33 PM
"Someone"?? You mean a licensed trapper?

Personally I would say it's on the early side for a trapper to be collecting roadkill but not impossible but unlikely

08-19-2017, 04:31 PM
Personally I would say it's on the early side for a trapper to be collecting roadkill but not impossible but unlikely

maybe taxidermist

08-19-2017, 04:39 PM
having known many "whitys" that do this sort of thing, not fair to automatically blame it on the aboriginal people. As an aboriginal myself who respects the land this sort of comment gets to me. But don't get me wrong there are some that abuse it and give aboriginals a very bad image and ruin it for us. Just because there is a carcass on the side of the road doesn't mean it was an aboriginal person

totally agree with you there. Just takes a few asshats to eff everything up for the rest of us. bit of a stretch to accuse anyone without anymore info.

08-19-2017, 04:47 PM
having known many "whitys" that do this sort of thing, not fair to automatically blame it on the aboriginal people. As an aboriginal myself who respects the land this sort of comment gets to me. But don't get me wrong there are some that abuse it and give aboriginals a very bad image and ruin it for us. Just because there is a carcass on the side of the road doesn't mean it was an aboriginal person

I agree with you and I am a 'whity'.

Expect unfair and even racist comments though. Internet forums (including HBC) are not necessarily fair in what is published.

08-19-2017, 04:59 PM
having known many "whitys" that do this sort of thing, not fair to automatically blame it on the aboriginal people. As an aboriginal myself who respects the land this sort of comment gets to me. But don't get me wrong there are some that abuse it and give aboriginals a very bad image and ruin it for us. Just because there is a carcass on the side of the road doesn't mean it was an aboriginal person
The main road from Oliver- Mt Baldy goes right through the Oliver- Osoyoos FN's reserve . Just spend any amount of time on that road and see who's driving it with rifles any time of the year . Just saying .

Stone Sheep Steve
08-19-2017, 08:59 PM
Black bears are open in Region 8 but only on private land.

08-19-2017, 09:12 PM
We have a cabin up mount baldy and my daughter just sent me a photo of a gut pile, the animal was shot in the middle of the main road to Oliver and
dragged off to the side of the road, gutted and the gut pile left there for all to see.

What the hell is wrong with people no attempt to even drag it to the bush where it would not be visible to everyone!!

I thought of posting the photo (graphic) but probably no point as I do not think from a gut pile you can tell what the animal was, I think bear are open
so probably not a poached animal.

Any cattle in the area? Maybe a rustled beef?

08-20-2017, 12:03 AM
Yes there is cattle as a matter of fact one of the ranchers has a sign on the Baldy road regarding his missing cattle,
Any cattle in the area? Maybe a rustled beef?

08-20-2017, 01:36 AM
Any cattle in the area? Maybe a rustled beef?

That'll be it.

08-20-2017, 07:22 AM
You know now that I think about it they always just stand in the middle of the road and they need to be encouraged to get off the road so yes they would be very easy to poach as the deer are so spooky up there they take off as soon as they see/hear you.
That'll be it.

08-20-2017, 08:08 AM
so who the heal else is hunting at this time of year??? Be offended but face reality!

Wild one
08-20-2017, 08:15 AM
Sounding like it might be a rancher loosing cattle after the post about the missing cattle sign and a large gut pile

08-20-2017, 08:24 AM
Agree but the unfortunate reality is there are people who will automatically blame it on hunters and believe me I know have had many conversations with people (not necessarily anti hunters) who would be the first to come to that conclusion.
Sounding like it might be a rancher loosing cattle after the post about the missing cattle sign and a large gut pile

08-20-2017, 09:08 AM
Agree but the unfortunate reality is there are people who will automatically blame it on hunters and believe me I know have had many conversations with people (not necessarily anti hunters) who would be the first to come to that conclusion.
When it's a butchered beef found on range it's not usually a hunter.
Its a better chance it's someone looking for a couple hundred bucks of easy cash.

08-20-2017, 09:21 AM
Cow gut pile is pretty easy to spot. Size, multiple stomachs, large organs etc.

08-20-2017, 09:26 AM
It takes work to move animals around after they are dead, so it's no time to be lazy.
1. -- take it off the road side before you gut it, off the road side into the little bushes
2. -- don't shoot an animal on the road side unless in the bush
3. -- take guts by dragging them off the roadside more
4. -- have your buddy system in place and share the work load

Jel -- I will shoot off the side of a road but for moose, deer into the bush a bit more --
I like walking in the bush for mule deer, butt will road hunt for moose --

08-20-2017, 09:33 AM
First, sounds like a poach or FN because hunting is closed, 2nd a pile in this heat should only last 24 hours and even the bloody dirt will be eaten. Second if i have the blessing of my game on the road, i would throw the heads skins etc off to be hidden off the road and the larger sacs off the road as much as I can.... a bit of common courtesy is a no brainer. Regadless depending on your picture common sense should prevail

08-20-2017, 11:59 AM
When it's a butchered beef found on range it's not usually a hunter.
Its a better chance it's someone looking for a couple hundred bucks of easy cash.

Or possibly food, homeless camps are a reality now as shelters are being closed down locally (boundary-south okanagan). (just before winter:?:)
We had issues here with campfires at these camps along the north arm as well this year.

08-20-2017, 12:13 PM
Interesting 2 days now and nothing has touched it, wonder if it is because it is at he edge of the road?
If there's any other animals in the area it'll probably be mostly gone over night, I wouldn't worry about it.

Wild one
08-20-2017, 12:32 PM
Interesting 2 days now and nothing has touched it, wonder if it is because it is at he edge of the road?

If you can post how many days it lasts for might be educational for some on this forum

08-20-2017, 12:35 PM
Wish I could but my daughter is on her way home now.
If you can post how many days it lasts for might be educational for some on this forum

Wild one
08-20-2017, 12:43 PM
Wish I could but my daughter is on her way home now.

Too bad might be an eye opener

08-20-2017, 07:23 PM
Here is a photo as requested, any thoughts on what this might be?

08-20-2017, 07:25 PM
Here is a photo as requested, any thoughts on what this might be?

YUP ! Pretty sure there GUTS ! :rolleyes: RJ

08-20-2017, 07:34 PM
Yup gross but another member thought perhaps someone might be able to shed some light on it, it almost looks like something solid but I do not think any animal could be pregnant right now?
YUP ! Pretty sure there GUTS ! :rolleyes: RJ

walks with deer
08-21-2017, 09:41 AM
hmm well with bears open on private property..

most the time when I harvest a animal on private property I bring the animal or at least the guts to crown to ditch it.

that said it wouldn't be on the side of a main.

08-21-2017, 10:45 AM
having known many "whitys" that do this sort of thing, not fair to automatically blame it on the aboriginal people. As an aboriginal myself who respects the land this sort of comment gets to me. But don't get me wrong there are some that abuse it and give aboriginals a very bad image and ruin it for us. Just because there is a carcass on the side of the road doesn't mean it was an aboriginal person
Sure, it doesn't mean that, but odds are, it was, considering the location of the reserve...can't get mad when people are stating just the facts....In my area for example, certain FN's will be hunting hard in August, and will shoot any ungulate......but I can also say I have met several excellent FN's hunters who are real conservationists, and will only hunt during the regular hunting seasons...one of the best things for conservation in BC would be for standout First Nations hunters to educate and encourage all fellow FN's hunters to limit their harvest, and avoid shooting females and juveniles...

08-21-2017, 01:18 PM
YUP ! Pretty sure there GUTS ! :rolleyes: RJ

From an ungulate too. If it were deer or moose there would be hair present. Beef, not so much.

Ownership Identification Inc, Bob Miller bobmiller@ownershipid.ca 250 314 9698

Give him a call and send the photo if you have any doubt. It has been delayed a while now. Did you know BCCA pays up to $2000.00 reward for capture and conviction of cow thieves?

08-22-2017, 04:43 PM
If you can't bear seeing an animal gut pile by the road without whining and complaining, you damn well shouldn't be a hunter at all...

08-22-2017, 05:32 PM
Pardon Me!! Been hunting for 45 years and damn proud of it and also proud to be a ethical and responsible hunter. REALLY take exception with your comment YOU missed the point of my post completely !!!!
If you can't bear seeing an animal gut pile by the road without whining and complaining, you damn well shouldn't be a hunter at all...

08-22-2017, 05:39 PM
If you can't bear seeing an animal gut pile by the road without whining and complaining, you damn well shouldn't be a hunter at all...So someone starts a thread stating their disapproval and opinion about seeing a gutpile on the side of a well travelled road in an area that has no big game GOS?? I don't see any "whining and complaining" here.
Maybe you are ok with leaving a gutpile on the road. All good. Have at 'er.
I prefer to move the entrails out of sight. I don't leave fish guts at a boat launch either....but that's just me.
Thanks for your opinion.

08-22-2017, 06:08 PM
Don't like the gut pile beside the road? Don't look at it. Leaving a gut pile beside the road doesn't necessarily make someone an unethical hunter. What a silly thread.

08-22-2017, 06:19 PM
You must be a TROLL as no responsible hunter would not understand my post!!!!!!!!!!
Don't like the gut pile beside the road? Don't look at it. Leaving a gut pile beside the road doesn't necessarily make someone an unethical hunter. What a silly thread.

08-24-2017, 06:53 AM
In the photo it looks like the guts have been dragged already by the blood path?Maybe a dead horse or cow? Way too big a gut for deer unless bloated from being out in the heat?
Could have been hit by car maybe? I wouldn't assume too much cuz anything is possy bell.
Jel -- ding dong -- assuming and imagining is normal butt when looking for stuff, just dah facts mam -- all the facts and only dah facts so help you prod -- way too big a gut.