View Full Version : Do you eat bear meat??

08-16-2017, 05:03 PM
I have been discussing the use of bear meat as table fare on this forum, back home up North,and on campus and wanted to hear other's opinions.
I've only ever eaten Black Bear meat, and about half the time it was palatable, dependent on when/where (black bears from berry rich areas, only way to go!).
Yet to try grizzly but I'd imagine it would be similar.

Just hoping to have everyone share their preferences and their culinary opinions of bear meat.

Please vote and provide any details on your choice.

08-16-2017, 05:08 PM
I eat black bear. Usually take one ever spring. Black bear ground makes for the vast majority of burgers my wife and I eat. I'd like to try Griz but never had the opportunity.

08-16-2017, 05:09 PM
Never had a grizzly draw but would have no problem eating a mountain bear. We eat 2 black bears a year in my house. My wife and kids prefer bear sausage to deer sausage.

08-16-2017, 05:12 PM
I've killed plenty of bears and eaten every one of them. Lots of things you can do with a bear, possibly more so than most animals. You can eat the meat with various preparations including bacon, smoked hams, sausage, salami, and all other meat uses like ground or pot roasts. You can use the bones for soup or smoke them for your dogs to chew on. The skulls look very cool and kids love inspecting them and find them educational. And you can get the hide tanned for sexy time in front of the fireplace with your significant other.

08-16-2017, 05:13 PM
And you can get the hide tanned for sexy time in front of the fireplace with your significant other.
Very multi-use!

Have a new aboriginal colleague in my department that loves to hunt, we're in the process of seeing what options exist for a last minute poorly planned hunt.

08-16-2017, 05:14 PM
Not a bear meat fan but fully support those who harvest and eat them, regardless of species...

Some people like Brussels sprouts, some don't. Not gonna criticize those who don't.. . Means more baby cabbages for me at thanksgiving...

What was the intention of the poll? I forgot when I started typing Brussels sprouts..

08-16-2017, 05:16 PM
Sorry to hear you encounter bad bear half the time. Like any game animal, in-field care is probably the most important factor. We harvested an old boar this year at around 10am, nearly 30 degrees until we finally got it packaged and cooling around 8pm. Definitely our most gamey outcome, but still easily palatable.

Every other bear we have harvested has been delicious and I would take it over beef any day. We have eaten bear at least twice a week for years.

I imagine grizzly would be similar, but it's not as common since only a couple hundred are harvested each year vs thousands of black bears.

08-16-2017, 05:18 PM
What was the intention of the poll? I forgot when I started typing Brussels sprouts..

To get people talking about the use of bear meat, see what other hunters on HBC do with the meat, share recipes or field dressing ideas.

Iron Glove
08-16-2017, 05:25 PM
I don't hunt bear, really not my favourite to eat.
Have had a few bear kebobs, they were OK and some smoked ham which was terrible.
Had some decent bear in Czech. many years ago when beef was virtually non obtainable.
Wife won't touch it.
On the other hand, my Son much prefers bear to venison.
Each to their own I guess.

08-16-2017, 05:33 PM
I eat every black bear I take, and have eaten grizzly (though I was not the one who harvested it, haven't been that lucky. All have been delicious. Bear is excellent ground up, smokies, sausages, roasts (know lots who love it as a ham but I don't even care for pork ham so...) I also keep every skull. Some to relive the hunt, others I have given to my nieces and nephews as the think they are cool. Have given a few to clubs and teachers along with deer to show the differences between predators and prey.

08-16-2017, 05:57 PM
To get people talking about the use of bear meat, see what other hunters on HBC do with the meat, share recipes or field dressing ideas.

Bear meat is the only meat that I don't give away ........
As mentioned above there are many ways to prepare it. For our use, it all goes to stew meat .... with the remainder going to ground.
Have hides and some 'book' skulls around the place .....
It was timely that you've made this poll .....

08-16-2017, 06:01 PM
I have eaten lots of black bear, and tried grizzly a long time ago. Bear can be fantastic meat, if I prepared a nice roast and did a blind challenge any meat eated would enjoy it. I am sure some bears taste bad but I have yet to expirience it. I find it hard to believe someone would turn up their nose at bear and then eat a mule deer buck in november. If anybody needs cooking instructions pm me...

08-16-2017, 06:04 PM
I'm not voting because I've never tried grizzly because that's not an option in the poll but I have tried black bear once and it was an awesome steak.

Ride Red
08-16-2017, 06:14 PM
Pepperoni, sausage, hams ect are some of the best I've eaten. If you haven't eaten bear, I'd suggest trying it. As with any animal you hunt, preparation to get it cleaned/cool will make great table fare.

Harvest the Land
08-16-2017, 06:17 PM
Only tried fall black bear and its the best by far of all big game meats in my opinion - the roasts, steaks, hamburger smothered in bear fat is to die for! Got mine last year right in his berry patch and he had berry poop coming out of him at the time of harvest and he tasted so sweet - literally. Haven't tried Grizzly yet, but would love to harvest an interior bear that's far away from salmon streams. Scott Haugen says interior grizzlies are his favourite big game meat.

Nothing better than black bear meat in my opinion. Thanks for asking!

08-16-2017, 06:33 PM
Tried black bear for the second time in my life time first was a roast and it was good and this year a friend gave me a hind quarter and I ground it all up and added my own spices to make hot atalion sasuasage . And I must say blacky will be on my tag list next year, it is so good for breakfast with eggs and made into patties for hanburgers. cheers Chuckerb.

08-16-2017, 06:50 PM
I've eaten grizzly and black bear and didn't mind either, I couldn't tell the grizz was grizz until I was told.

Wild one
08-16-2017, 07:34 PM
Eat black bear every year my hunting group only targets mountain grizz all were eatten but 1 because we did not want to fight the second grizz over it.

I don't target fishy black bear do to flavour and same reason I have never applied for coastal grizz

Bear meat is good knowing how prepare it and cook it is the key. My son likes black bear over moose

Bear Chaser
08-16-2017, 07:41 PM
I've eaten both and found them quite palatable.
I shot a black bear in a grain field many years ago and had the hinds made into hams. The kids loved it. I found the hams a little large however as the leftover pile of cooked meat was larger than my appetite for leftovers for a week. If I did it again I would make sure they got cut smaller.

nature girl
08-16-2017, 07:44 PM
I have eaten black bear and I enjoy it especially a nice bear roast and smothered in gravy. I also like bear jerky and bear smokies.
I have never shot a grizzly or have ever had the opportunity to try grizzly but I would try it if I could.

08-16-2017, 07:58 PM
I feel like the poll isn't representative enough, but having all the options would be hard. For example...

I took my first black bear this spring, its only just been in the freezer for over 30 days and its still sitting there until I decide to eat it which I will. That being said I am willing to eat black bear (I've tried it before but I know their taste can vary.), and would certainly eat Grizzly given the chance - At least once, maybe often of the opportunity presented itself.

I also feel like the poll could be misrepresented because there might be lots of people that would eat Grizzly given the chance, but the opportunity to hunt it is much rarer so people may not have an opinion but still support the hunt.

But to answer your question broadly, do I eat bear meat? Yes.

08-16-2017, 08:55 PM
I have been discussing the use of bear meat as table fare on this forum, back home up North,and on campus and wanted to hear other's opinions.
I've only ever eaten Black Bear meat, and about half the time it was palatable, dependent on when/where (black bears from berry rich areas, only way to go!).
Yet to try grizzly but I'd imagine it would be similar.

Just hoping to have everyone share their preferences and their culinary opinions of bear meat.

Please vote and provide any details on your choice.

Jassmine, I am still not convinced what side of the fence you are on in all honesty.
I truly hope you are an advocate of hunting.

Rob Chipman
08-16-2017, 09:26 PM
I've only eaten blacks, but that's because I've never had a chance to eat grizzly. Gotta say, I like the meat but love the lard. I cook with it every day.

08-16-2017, 09:33 PM
I would not eat any bear at any time intentionally. Too many parasites and bad eating habits to make me want it for table fare.

I do think they make nice rugs though. It is also too bad that the illegal trade forced the ban on selling paws and gall bladders. They helped pay the gas bill for hunters.

08-17-2017, 06:25 AM
We eat black bear every year, whole family likes it. Grind half and half cut into stew meat. Never had grizzly but would definitely try it. I find black bear tastes like tender beef.

08-17-2017, 06:45 AM
Making bear sausages this morning. Eating some tonight.

08-17-2017, 07:37 AM
I eat bears. I hunt bears. I will display bear skulls and skins in my home.

08-17-2017, 07:41 AM
I've eaten black bear but it's not my first choice. I've killed a lot of black bears and those I didn't eat, which were most, I'd always found someone who would. However, I would not eat Grizzly anymore than I'd eat coyote. Don't have anything against someone else eating it, but I wouldn't feed Grizzly to my dog. The culinary habits of black bears and Grizzlies are similar with one major exception. If a black bear kills an animal, it will eat it on the spot. Grizzlies will eat that way as well, but their preference is to bury it, let it rot, and then return to it to eat. To get good beef you finish the animal with grain the month before you butcher it because it affects the flavor of the meat. When you shoot a Griz how do you know it hasn't been finished with a week or two of feeding of rotting moose meat? I still have no problem killing a Grizzly because I believe and have faith in the management practices and philosophies behind the hunt.

08-17-2017, 08:41 AM
shot and butchered 5 or 6 black bears over the years,never looked too close at the meat,the last couple bears I cut up were loaded with worms,(shouldn't have looked so close),blacks eat cairn, any type,garbage,any type.rotten fish covered with maggots,cans of oil,seat cushions out of old rock trucks,these things I know to be true,funny how they can taste so good (sometimes)I just can't get over the worms.I've also learned never to look close up when I,m doing up late season springs for the freezer...

08-17-2017, 08:45 AM
not a fan of bear meat so I so I don't hunt them .if you shoot it ,you eat it ! don't hunt around garbage dumps or rivers with salmon in it . What are these guys doing with the meat

08-17-2017, 09:05 AM
always out looking for blackies in the spring, never had a chance to try grizz. we grind the whole lot (no urge to eat a well cooked steak) and turn into lasagna, pasta sauce, burrito, chorizo sausage, etc. anything with some sauce and spices as i find the meat to be a bit bland at times. rugs get fleshed and tanned in the back yard and skulls on the mantle.

08-17-2017, 10:21 AM
I have killed a number of both. I prefer Grizzly. Black bear is Ok, the texture is not something I am crazy about, grizzly I find delicious.

08-17-2017, 01:12 PM
Got my first bear this spring.
The meat was/is very good. Much better in sausage than venison. I didn't have the opertunity to salvage the hide unfortunately because another bear can in to claim the meat and I was solo. Meat out first...
Spring bear is definitely near top of the list.
I'm sure mountain Grizz would be good also. Just haven't tried it yet.

08-17-2017, 01:28 PM
Shot a number over the years. Smoked hams, chops, roasts and various sausages. All very yummy! The Grizz have all been mountain Grizz, not pigging out on salmon, and they were every bit as tasty as B Bear. Yup, used to only shoot fall Bear, but sure have changed my tune on that.Spring Bear is terrific too, Give a Spring Bear enough time outa the den to wolfdown some Clover and grasses, sweeten up a little, tasty oh so.
Haven't came across any hikers bells from the Grizz yet. Matter of time I'm a reckon.
Have some darn nice reminders of those hunts close at hand too. Personally for myself, nothing goes to waste. Take it all, meat and entire cape claws skull...... Also Good to know many ungulates may fair better with the harvests of a Bear .

08-18-2017, 12:34 AM
Goin' for a fall blackie this year. Gonna try curing some bear bacon, as I have done pork bacon many times. Maybe a ham too. Pinot noir for a sweet berry fall bear backstrap. Malbec or Okanagan " Meritage" for the roast...oh, I like my wine!

08-18-2017, 07:30 AM
Smoked hams and smokies are good, the meat reminds me of mutton which is not a favorite.

08-18-2017, 07:40 AM
Shot a number over the years. Smoked hams, chops, roasts and various sausages. All very yummy! The Grizz have all been mountain Grizz, not pigging out on salmon, and they were every bit as tasty as B Bear. Yup, used to only shoot fall Bear, but sure have changed my tune on that.Spring Bear is terrific too, Give a Spring Bear enough time outa the den to wolfdown some Clover and grasses, sweeten up a little, tasty oh so.
Haven't came across any hikers bells from the Grizz yet. Matter of time I'm a reckon.
Have some darn nice reminders of those hunts close at hand too. Personally for myself, nothing goes to waste. Take it all, meat and entire cape claws skull...... Also Good to know many ungulates may fair better with the harvests of a Bear .

x2 what he said, poorly worded poll though

08-18-2017, 08:08 AM
Shot my first black bear in the fall of 2015. Had never eaten Bear up until that point. Did a bunch of reading on Trichinosis (probably too much reading). But if you kill it, you should eat it, and I did! Black bear was so surprisingly good that I had to go and get myself a spring bear this year too! BB Pepperoni is amongst the best ive ever had. Would definitely recommend. Goodluck this fall everyone

sausage lover
08-18-2017, 08:50 AM
We shoot Bears every spring and usually grind the whole bear and that lasts us just about until fall.The burger is great in my opinion and has zero odor when cooking unlike deer.They are a bit of a pain in the ars to butcher as the meat is a bit greasy and hard to get a grip on.I will keep hide skull etc. if it's a nice bear as in large with nice coat. Spring blackies are my favorite hunt even though the bugs can be brutal that time of year. I would eat a grizz if the opportunity was more available! :tongue:

08-18-2017, 11:13 AM
Hard to eat grizzly all the time when it's on draw........

might want to rework the poll

08-18-2017, 02:13 PM
Bear salami makes the best pizza!!! The smokies are good, I'm just not a big sausage fan in general don't like smoked meats. So we don't eat much bear in the way of standard meat; I do have a curry recipe for bear that is super yummy. If the meat is gamey I just soak it in milk for a while. Gets rid of the gamey taste.

Stone Sheep Steve
08-18-2017, 05:57 PM
Hard to eat grizzly all the time when it's on draw........

might want to rework the poll

Agree. Didn't like the wording at all so never voted.

Have killed and eaten ~15 black bears over the years and have shared a few grizzlies as well when I have helped friends fill their tags (have yet to tag one myself). Not a fan of leaving bear meat as steaks or roasts as our household prefers med-rare to rare.

I've tried black bear as burger (cheapest, most versatile and best as far as I'm concerned), landjaeger, pepperoni, smokies, european wieners and jerky. Jerky was damn good but I haven't tried making it myself quite yet.

Grizzlies I've tried as smokies, pepperoni and hams. Hams were great..made by Penninga's in Kelowna. I have a friend who's a former butcher that makes bear hams all the time..so I'm hoping for lessons.

Have also eaten black bear heart as my daughter insisted we bring hers home with us. Pretty damn good despite having to cook it to medium:p.


08-18-2017, 06:14 PM
There should have been a category "black bear sometimes Grizzly never at all".

Wild one
08-18-2017, 06:30 PM
Even though the poll gives poor options it's clear to see a lot of hunters eat bear

08-19-2017, 09:51 PM
I have been discussing the use of bear meat as table fare on this forum, back home up North,and on campus and wanted to hear other's opinions.
I've only ever eaten Black Bear meat, and about half the time it was palatable, dependent on when/where (black bears from berry rich areas, only way to go!).
Yet to try grizzly but I'd imagine it would be similar.

Just hoping to have everyone share their preferences and their culinary opinions of bear meat.

Please vote and provide any details on your choice.

More and more people see thru ur BS.
You are a mole and a troll on this site.

I learned a long time ago not to get mad at a midget for being short and you are short as they come.
You are a liability and a waste of time on this site.

While you waste time with your endless copy and paste that has absolutely ZERO impact on anything, others will enjoy our sport and contribute to wildlife thru their efforts.

You do not hunt.
You do nothing for wildlife.

Go buy a pr of boots, throw on a pack, shoot a gun, spend some time in the remote backcountry, kill and eat a god given delicious animal.
Share those experiences, help youth hunters, preserve our sport, be active in the hunting community.
Until then....... piss off.
The sooner you exit this site the better.

How long do you think you can keep this ridiculous charade up?

08-20-2017, 09:12 AM
Tried a apple fed black bear and one other and that was it for me, dint take to bear meat so quit hunting bear, one bear in the valley, the big one, I got the head stuffed.
-- so no bear meat for this cowboy, and by the way, I eat bacon fried good and no roast pork.
Jel -- I can't bear it

08-20-2017, 09:59 AM
I have killed a number of both. I prefer Grizzly. Black bear is Ok, the texture is not something I am crazy about, grizzly I find delicious.
You never eaten a Grizz from the Hazelton-Terrace area. I have shot 2 and skinned 6 others over the years. You have to wash your hands with gasoline to get rid (partly) of the stink. Kind of a cross between boiled cat piss and a dog shit that ate a skunk. Every black I shot had muscle worms, liver cysts, all kinda wildlife in them .I don`t eat bears. That`s why I don`t shoot them.

Stone Sheep Steve
08-20-2017, 12:25 PM
You never eaten a Grizz from the Hazelton-Terrace area. I have shot 2 and skinned 6 others over the years. You have to wash your hands with gasoline to get rid (partly) of the stink. Kind of a cross between boiled cat piss and a dog shit that ate a skunk. Every black I shot had muscle worms, liver cysts, all kinda wildlife in them .I don`t eat bears. That`s why I don`t shoot them.

Were the fall or spring grizz?

Ive only had one blackie with filarial worms. That's what the grinder is for.

08-20-2017, 12:32 PM
Were the fall or spring grizz?

Ive only had one blackie with filarial worms. That's what the grinder is for.

Spring grizz and fall blacks. Nothing like cutting steaks off a loin and watching all these weird wriggly white threadworms crawling out of the cut ends. I guess if I were starving I could try to choke down a worm riddled steak. But, I ain`t starving so bears get to live. As long as they leave me alone.

By the way grizz hunters..How do you feel about shooting one for meat and leaving the head and hide in the bush? Nice 8 foot silvertip hide left to rot? Cause you can`t take them home after this fall. Just the stinky meat.

Stone Sheep Steve
08-20-2017, 12:42 PM
Have only been involved with spring interior grizz and all have been fine to consume.

Not overly thrilled with the new rules but somehow I think they will change...since they need skulls and hide for CI data. We may have to pack it all out just to turn it over to the Prov.

Spring grizz and fall blacks. Nothing like cutting steaks off a loin and watching all these weird wriggly white threadworms crawling out of the cut ends. I guess if I were starving I could try to choke down a worm riddled steak. But, I ain`t starving so bears get to live. As long as they leave me alone.

By the way grizz hunters..How do you feel about shooting one for meat and leaving the head and hide in the bush? Nice 8 foot silvertip hide left to rot? Cause you can`t take them home after this fall. Just the stinky meat.

08-20-2017, 12:46 PM
More and more people see thru ur BS.
You are a mole and a troll on this site.

Well this comes out of nowhere on this thread doesn't it?
Or maybe not, it's quite similar to your accusation on another thread where I was discussing scientific article publishing and journals.

I make no reference to your journal position, could care less.
I made a direct statement ......you are waste of time and a liability to this site.

Not quite sure how posting a poll, then fixing and adding options after members requested me to, makes me a troll. Sorry, just thought other members would like to hear what each other's experience with bear meat as tablefare is. I'll try not to talk about the use of bear meat without your permission in the future. Sorry.

08-20-2017, 01:40 PM
Well this comes out of nowhere on this thread doesn't it?
Or maybe not, it's quite similar to your accusation on another thread where I was discussing scientific article publishing and journals.

Not quite sure how posting a poll, then fixing and adding options after members requested me to, makes me a troll. Sorry, just thought other members would like to hear what each other's experience with bear meat as tablefare is. I'll try not to talk about the use of bear meat without your permission in the future. Sorry.

What do you hunt for every year?
How many days a year do you hunt?

Whonnock Boy
08-20-2017, 02:05 PM
What do you hunt for every year?
How many days a year do you hunt?


What's your name? :lol:

08-20-2017, 04:54 PM

What's your name? :lol:

In what world do you think I would give my name:

#1 On the internet in an open forum
#2 To people that are actively belittling and disparaging me because I didn't agree with another member's perspective of a scientific journal
#3 Because said people attacking and denigrating me are demanding it
#4 After being threated/plea bargained/blackmailed to give my name to end the accusations

Tell us your name, and I'm sure the accusations will cease

Wild one
08-20-2017, 04:57 PM

What's your name? :lol:

I think you might have more luck asking for her weight

Whonnock Boy
08-20-2017, 05:36 PM
Probably. What's yours?

I think you might have more luck asking for her weight

Wild one
08-20-2017, 05:54 PM
Probably. What's yours?

Slim 200lbs lol

08-20-2017, 08:05 PM
My brother and myself each took 2 bears this spring. The majority gets made into smokies, pepperoni, and roasts. We smoked a couple hams this year and looking forward to trying it. I have eaten a lot of bear and have yet to have a bad one. All mine have been interior bc bears. I find the taste very mild and our family likes it better than deer. The only downside is you can't make steaks but the meat is always top notch. My buddies have taken a few grizzlies over the years and the taste has been very similar.

11-29-2018, 09:27 AM
Had to bump this graph about bear meat and show the graph --- some people actually dig bear ---> Poll shows interest too -- interesting to study --

Jel - I can't bear it myself --- scared a bear meat - worms ???

11-29-2018, 10:47 AM
I prefer bear to beef on average, but like with any animal, you can get the odd nasty one. Our 2017 bear had a "wet dog" after taste to it. Ground into patties with enough garlic and some onion soup it's tolerable. We're almost done eating that guy. Really looking forward to eating our spring 2018 bear. We had a sample of it a few months back and it was absolutely amazing.

11-29-2018, 11:21 AM
caddi just unsold me on that " wet dog " thingy -- no way ughh yuck whoa it's a no go for my taste -- bear aware meat --

Jelly -- Not big on pork or bear -- only bacon fried hard and a lil lard --- energy and taste -- Maple Leaf Bacon ---------------all the way to San Oh Zay --

11-29-2018, 11:26 AM
I only taken young (yes, least two-year old), mountain meadow, Fall berry eating bears. I've never been disappointed with the ones I've taken.

I didn't shoot one this year simply because they were either too close to salmon bearing streams, a few were still cubs in my opinion, one was on the side of a road which turned towards and behind the bear and I couldn't risk that shot in the event of someone coming around the corner from behind the trees - never worth the risk in active areas. And the one bear close enough to get the truck to was feeding on a cow carcass and thank goodness he pulled up enough carcass for me to see bones through my binocs. He was moments from my kid slipping him a .30 cal sleeping pill - oh, I would have been disappointed to have taken a bear that has been dining on rotting meat at the moment of the kill. Couple roasts, sausage, smokies and pepperoonys are made from my bears. I never tried bear jerky or bear bacon but I thinking about it now.

11-29-2018, 11:43 AM
Took a bear last year in Rose Prairie, had obviously been feeding on grain, when cooking him up house smells of pastry.

Would Rather Be Fishing
11-29-2018, 11:48 AM
And you can get the hide tanned for sexy time in front of the fireplace with your significant other.

Now YOU know how to SELL this :-)

11-29-2018, 12:28 PM
I only take large dominant male bears from farm / agricultural / orchard / ranch areas with no access to fish.

Last two were both Book Bears, one going 7'6" the other 7'2" and both skulls well into Book category.





The fat we rendered of these guys was and is MOST Excellent!!


The Smokies & Pepps Incredible!


And the hams were tender, juicy and had a marvelous flavor!


So yeah, we chew on bears around here...

BTW JellyBean - Congrats. I see you managed to drag our favorite SnowFlake Queen out of hibernation for a looky-loo... LOL!


11-29-2018, 12:54 PM
Black bear was the only meat that we kept all to ourselves . .
Had a 'book' bear aged by the then 'Fish & Wildlife Branch . . . 15yrs.
Meat was delicious !

11-29-2018, 03:34 PM
Wow Nog that looks absolutely amazing. Huge bear, tons of a fat and excellent looking roast! I would love to try a slice of that. All our bears have been delicious (except the one that spooked Jelvis) but we usually only do burger, burritos, chilli, steak bites, etc... never been able to get a roast like that!!

Jordan f.
11-29-2018, 03:43 PM
100% eat black bear, and would eat grizz if given the chance!

Nothing beats eaten some bear pepp while fishing

11-29-2018, 04:31 PM
... never been able to get a roast like that!!

It is actually a cured & smoked HAM. ;)
Deadly GOOD Grits!!


11-29-2018, 04:51 PM
jasmine has started a decent poll about eating bear meat and was magnetic and I had to bump her Hahahahahaha IronNog whoa nah hice stuff there bro!

You gotta be a professional?

Jel -- Good graph to study each line down and compare ---> it spells it out -- clears the water -->

11-29-2018, 06:27 PM
All the time, best pepperoni out there.

11-29-2018, 06:56 PM
I only take large dominant male bears from farm / agricultural / orchard / ranch areas with no access to fish.

Last two were both Book Bears, one going 7'6" the other 7'2" and both skulls well into Book category.





The fat we rendered of these guys was and is MOST Excellent!!


The Smokies & Pepps Incredible!


And the hams were tender, juicy and had a marvelous flavor!


So yeah, we chew on bears around here...

BTW JellyBean - Congrats. I see you managed to drag our favorite SnowFlake Queen out of hibernation for a looky-loo... LOL!


You figure there are fall bears on this island with 'no access to fish'? I dont think so.

11-29-2018, 09:46 PM
I love BB. Probably one of my favorite game meats.

11-29-2018, 11:19 PM
Had to bump this graph about bear meat and show the graph --- some people actually dig bear ---> Poll shows interest too -- interesting to study --

Jel - I can't bear it myself --- scared a bear meat - worms ???

This is a poll offered up by a known anti hunting troll that spewed BS every chance she/they had.
They mined this site for info to be used against the hunting community.

Hunters like to hunt bears.
Hunters like to eat bears.
The end.

11-30-2018, 11:50 AM
You figure there are fall bears on this island with 'no access to fish'? I dont think so.

Your lack of experience and knowledge is shining through once again. :lol:

There are many areas that bears inhabit that preclude access to fish.
Some are due to location (alpine, heavy forests a long way from fish bearing rivers etc.
Others are by choice - as in the ones I usually take.
Certainly these latter bears could wander a ways and find the odd salmon in a creek or two.
Or they can maintain their focus on orchards, gardens and crops which offer a bounty without the effort involved in fishing.

None of the bears I have killed over the past few years had any fish odor or taste to them whatsoever.
As opposed to those that live right next to salmon bearing rivers which do.

Might want to educate yourself just a little before spewing off the next time... :wink:


11-30-2018, 11:53 AM
The only downside is you can't make steaks but the meat is always top notch.

Got 3/4" bone in chops and sirloin steaks cut off mine this year, took a couple tries to dial it in but I've never had a steak better than a spring black bear sirloin marinated in garlic, rosemary, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and bourbon, slowly brought up to 150 in the oven and then quickly seared in a hot cast iron pan while drizzling piping hot garlic butter over it.

11-30-2018, 12:05 PM
Posting just to add another Favorite around here - Bacon Wrapped Bear Tenderloins!



11-30-2018, 12:15 PM
Posting just to add another Favorite around here - Bacon Wrapped Bear Tenderloins!



Darn that looks like some fine eating!

11-30-2018, 12:57 PM
Got my first 42 years ago. At time where I lived they were considered vermin, just large rats that lived at the dump which was the only place where most people saw them. I was considered some kind of weirdo for actually shooting one to eat.

By the way, this was on northern Vancouver Island and I would shoot them along salmon streams just when they got there to eat fish. Their droppings were all like huge salal berry pies and seeing as they had been eating greens and then berries all summer, they were delicious and not fishy at all.

They might have been fishy at this time of year (Nov.30) after two months of eating fish, but not in early October.

11-30-2018, 01:38 PM
Your lack of experience and knowledge is shining through once again. :lol:

There are many areas that bears inhabit that preclude access to fish.
Some are due to location (alpine, heavy forests a long way from fish bearing rivers etc.
Others are by choice - as in the ones I usually take.
Certainly these latter bears could wander a ways and find the odd salmon in a creek or two.
Or they can maintain their focus on orchards, gardens and crops which offer a bounty without the effort involved in fishing.

None of the bears I have killed over the past few years had any fish odor or taste to them whatsoever.
As opposed to those that live right next to salmon bearing rivers which do.

Might want to educate yourself just a little before spewing off the next time... :wink:


Can't stop laughing Matt, great post, those tenderloins look amazing

elch jager
11-30-2018, 02:25 PM
Got 3/4" bone in chops and sirloin steaks cut off mine this year, took a couple tries to dial it in but I've never had a steak better than a spring black bear sirloin marinated in garlic, rosemary, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and bourbon, slowly brought up to 150 in the oven and then quickly seared in a hot cast iron pan while drizzling piping hot garlic butter over it.

wow... that's better than a porno for some older folks around here.

11-30-2018, 02:52 PM
The part about the drizzling piping hot garlic butter over it ---- Got me too Hahahahahahaha Guy should be writing full time in Holly Wood -- Hahahah

Jelly --3/4 " Bone in Chops -- quickly seared my friends -----> The Bone Inn <------ We all dig it!

12-02-2018, 09:36 PM
I have had bear before and found it quite tasty , One thing that turns me off tho is spring bear . Just the thought of it not pissing or having a crap for that long makes me think of toxins or anything floating around . But to each there own , I might also say the ones I have tried have been fall bears .

12-02-2018, 10:20 PM
^^^^once they get rid of their fecal plug they're crappin lots in the spring from what I know...

12-03-2018, 09:02 PM
I have loved all the bears I’ve killed. My wife and I actually prefer bear meat to deer or beef. We eat it lots of ways too. Stir fry, curries, hamburgers, tacos, lasagna, smoked ham, mmmmmm. We also made fantastic soup stock from the bones. I tagged out in spring this year and really missed getting the fall fat to render. My wife makes the best bear pot pie and biscuits from bear lard.