View Full Version : This Horse won't burn

07-10-2017, 12:07 PM
Thanks to everyone in the 150 area that kept the nastiest fires away from almost all of our structures we had major communications issues that were hard to overcome but thru the dedication of residents/CRD/ Hydro/MOT/ and pony express we were able to inform all entities to save infrastructure and property I will say this PLEASE STAY OUT OF THE BACKCOUNTRY IN THE CARIBOO it is uber dry what I have seen in the last 4 days that Starts fires blows my mind! stay away and stay out Social media is a dirty bitch SOME of the misinformation REALLY LEAD TO UNNESSARY PANIC Thanks for everyones hard work you know who you are:cool: and yeah this Horsee won't burn

07-10-2017, 01:32 PM
Glad to hear you and yours are safe. Social media can be a godsend or an absolute curse. The problem is you never know which one you're going to get.

07-10-2017, 08:38 PM
glad to hear it all worked out. I know of one family to loose a house in the 150 already. It's crazy out there, and the situation is very fluid. I agree with avoiding the backcountry right now. Especially if there's only one road in!

07-11-2017, 06:50 AM
Thanks to everyone in the 150 area that kept the nastiest fires away from almost all of our structures we had major communications issues that were hard to overcome but thru the dedication of residents/CRD/ Hydro/MOT/ and pony express we were able to inform all entities to save infrastructure and property I will say this PLEASE STAY OUT OF THE BACKCOUNTRY IN THE CARIBOO it is uber dry what I have seen in the last 4 days that Starts fires blows my mind! stay away and stay out Social media is a dirty bitch SOME of the misinformation REALLY LEAD TO UNNESSARY PANIC Thanks for everyones hard work you know who you are:cool: and yeah this Horsee won't burn

I can't believe people are still coming into the interior to play. I still see trucks and campers with Quads heading to Tunkwa.
Stay the Hell away!
There are people that live here and we value our homes!

07-11-2017, 09:39 AM
Horse280, glad to hear you are safe.
blacklab, those people heading to Tunkwa might just be following the advice on Tunkwa's site:
"Understandably, we are getting lots of inquiries about the wild fire status up here. Tunkwa is very fortunate to be away from any of the fires and all's good up here. There are no road closures effecting us. The highway leaving Logan Lake westbound to Ashcroft is detouring traffic away from Ashcroft, as is Highway 1, west bound at Savona, keeping traffic out of Cache Creek area. Smoke from the fire is in the area, all depending on wind direction. Prevailing winds at this time of the year are typically south, which will keep the smoke away. We will update this post, should anything change."

07-12-2017, 07:21 AM
I can't believe people are still coming into the interior to play. I still see trucks and campers with Quads heading to Tunkwa.
Stay the Hell away!
There are people that live here and we value our homes!

You can't expect people to not camp in the summer months however as outdoorsman Im sure we all hope that people are respectful of fire bans and the dry environments. Glad to hear that some people in 150 are doing okay! friends out of 100-108 area are down here now as they have all been evacuated.

07-12-2017, 10:20 AM
So when do we see forest use restrictions in these tinder dry areas. I've lived here 20 some years and don't recall it ever happening. at least here in the costal district.

07-13-2017, 04:39 PM
I don't recall ever having complete bans on people being in the woods during fire seasons unless there's active fire fighting in the area. That's not saying it hasn't happened otherwise I just can't remember it ever. Provincial Parks yes, many are completely shut down now. Campfire and equipment bans during certain hours or all together is fairly common in the woods but not complete access bans. And so it should be IMO.

07-13-2017, 05:26 PM
Iirc 2001 there was a ban on access to crown land in the south Rockies. Missed bow season because we were not allowed in the bush. Rained sept 8 and we were good to go after that.

07-17-2017, 05:49 AM
I don't recall ever having complete bans on people being in the woods during fire seasons unless there's active fire fighting in the area. That's not saying it hasn't happened otherwise I just can't remember it ever. Provincial Parks yes, many are completely shut down now. Campfire and equipment bans during certain hours or all together is fairly common in the woods but not complete access bans. And so it should be IMO.

Might be dating myself, I believe it was summer of '85, the backcountry in and around the Elk Valley was shutdown due to the dry conditions, can't remember how big of an area was closed.


07-17-2017, 10:43 AM
I don't recall ever having complete bans on people being in the woods during fire seasons unless there's active fire fighting in the area. That's not saying it hasn't happened otherwise I just can't remember it ever. Provincial Parks yes, many are completely shut down now. Campfire and equipment bans during certain hours or all together is fairly common in the woods but not complete access bans. And so it should be IMO.
Summer of 2003 was a complete bush ban, at least for the Kamloops fire district, which includes Vernon, Kelowna etc. I believe other areas were included as well, as it was the Barrier, OK Mtn Park pk and Falkland/Cedar Hills fires that year.

Can't remember exact dates, but IIRC, it interfered with Sept 10 rifle season.

07-18-2017, 12:00 AM
In 2003 they opened the bush (at least in R8 where we hunted back then) on Sept 15. It snowed that night and boy did the deer come out of the woodwork!!