View Full Version : Princeton Antlerless Elk

07-02-2017, 09:59 AM
Hey everyone,

The girlfriend was lucky enough to get the Princeton antlerless elk draw this year and I was wondering who else has been luck enough to get this draw? How was it? I've spent a fair amount of time in Princeton, I've seen the elk herds(usually on private property). From what I've heard many of the land and ranch owners don't give access to their property so I figure this is going to have to be a public land hunt. Which brings me to my next question, can anyone give any details on the boundaries of that hunt? 1100m off a road is sort of vague is a few of the areas on the map. Any info or pm would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

07-03-2017, 07:09 AM
Congrats on the lucky draw.. I too spend a lot of time in Princeton. We're at the cabin now actually. I can tell you that you are correct about elk on private land.. I have only seen them on private land and have made several inquiries including my sister's in-laws place and all have flatly refused to allow me access even to hunt grouse. I wish I could offer more advice, Maybe try asking the guys at Princeton outdoors supply if they know something. Hope it works out for you.

07-03-2017, 07:36 AM
Ask the local Bio.
The hunt was put in place to appease the landowner(s) that made all the complaints about elk eating his hay, so someone better be onside with granting access.

07-04-2017, 03:48 PM
which mu did you get it for

07-04-2017, 04:15 PM
I found the guy at the Princeton gun shop to be about as unfriendly as anyone I've ever met. Hopefully that was just a bad day or he doesn't work there anymore, but he wasn't exactly helpful.

I've seen them up toward Placer Lake but that was in January. I scoured that Placer FSR pretty good during the 6 point season a few years ago. Nice country, you won't be disappointed even if you don't shoot an elk.

Good luck!

07-04-2017, 07:56 PM
^^^ give the guy a break. It would be a bit hard running a bissinus like that in a small town with a gos for elk and traditionally known for producing quality mule deer only 3 hrs from the biggest city in the province. I can only imagine the people who stop in wearing a cabellas camouflage hoody and brand new boots asking for a box of 22 lr ammo and expecting him to tell them where to find an elk. It would drive anyone nuts. He can come off a bit grouchy but he and his wife are quite nice and helpful once you get to know them a bit. Especially if you are introducing your kids to hunting and shooting.

Iron Glove
07-04-2017, 09:21 PM
^^^ give the guy a break. It would be a bit hard running a bissinus like that in a small town with a gos for elk and traditionally known for producing quality mule deer only 3 hrs from the biggest city in the province. I can only imagine the people who stop in wearing a cabellas camouflage hoody and brand new boots asking for a box of 22 lr ammo and expecting him to tell them where to find an elk. It would drive anyone nuts. He can come off a bit grouchy but he and his wife are quite nice and helpful once you get to know them a bit. Especially if you are introducing your kids to hunting and shooting.

Ron can be a bit grouchy at times, well actually most of the time. :-)
That's Ron, but underneath that façade is a really decent, helpful guy, and his wife is even more decent. You kinda have to get past his façade.
They were great to a family member who was going through some pretty tough times awhile back in Princeton, helped him through it all.
Now, back to Elk, they are around, just hard to find. A few years back Son and I were cruising around NE of Town and a large herd ran across the road in front of us.
We laughed as Elk season had just ended and anyways, all we had were .410's looking for grouse.
Might try for the draw next year as Son says there is a small herd that prances through his work place. Out of town and private property .................... hmm. :wink:

07-05-2017, 10:10 AM
Pretty sure the 1100m refers to elevation, not distance from the road, as in you can only hunt them below 1100m elevation.

07-05-2017, 11:24 AM
Ya second elevation comment under 1100m elevation. Also i think you could try up some of the logging roads around princeton. I dont know what zone you have but i already have a couple roads picked out after spending some time on google earth. Ive been huning the area a couple seasons now. I think depending on zone is it split or jist one One? I cant remember anyways should be doable as a crown land hunt

07-05-2017, 09:20 PM
thank you for clarifying the 1100m. Looking at the LEH it says Zone A which if I'm not a complete moron it looks like sections of 8-4,8-5,8-6 on the reg8 LEH map.

06-14-2018, 01:07 PM
Any luck with filling your tag?