View Full Version : Elk burger

07-01-2017, 08:23 PM
Just a few questions regarding elk burger .....Do you use the meat between the ribs for burger ?...Also do you just have extra lean burger ...Lean burger ?...Or do you add fat ...Beef or pork ?..Had some burger that had beef fat added to last years cow elk and find it very gamey ...I clean my animals promptly and skin and clean them spotless but not having luck with the burger...Need some one with a simple answer to fix my dilemma...Also does your burger keep for a year without turning strong ?....Dennis

On my two feet
07-01-2017, 08:43 PM
I add 10% pork fat to game meat u can add more figure out what u like, go to a butcher and be sure to get somewhat fresh pork fat can taste off if it's old. And when u wrap it double wrap it in Saran Wrap then butcher paper if u want to store it for a while.

07-01-2017, 10:51 PM
Never add disgusting beef or pork fat to your organic game burger.

Beef and pork fat goes rancid in 3 or 4 months, which makes your game burger taste like crap if you grind it in.

If you insist on adding that vile stuff, mix fresh pork burger with your game burger at the time of cooking.

07-02-2017, 06:57 AM
I added the highest quality bacon I could get (10%). I made sure the bacon was the freshest I could get it and not had any issues with it going rancid. The elk itself was delicious and only needed a little fat to keep it juicy, adding bacon seemed more appealing than straight pork fat.

07-02-2017, 06:59 AM
I never add extra fat to ground venison. Don't over cook
it and there is no need for the extra fat. IMO.

07-02-2017, 07:21 AM
I never add extra fat to ground venison. Don't over cook
it and there is no need for the extra fat. IMO.

I agree. I used to have pork fat added but after going to just lean straight ground game meat, I'll never add fat in again. Just be mindful oh your cooking time because it is very easy to over cook without that fat in it.

07-02-2017, 08:35 AM
Some animals are just strong. Over the years I have had really good elk, and some that were very strong. I have never added fat to burger, especially since burger ends up in some kind of sauce a lot of the times. The double wrap suggestion for storing meat for more than a year works, but I have not had meat become stronger tasting the longer it is in the freezer. As far as using meat between the ribs, there is no reason not to. The suggestion I have is that you shouldn't butcher an elk the same as a beef. If it is white, I make an effort to remove it. This includes tendon, grissle, fat, etc. You don't need to get it all, but the more that comes out, the better it tastes IMO. With beef, all this white stuff gets thrown in with the hamburger, so it is natural for most butchers to do the same with game animals.
That being said, my little girl made me have deer ribs from her deer last fall. We just cut them out and put them in the oven, fat on. Although they were greasy, they tasted very mild. That was fresh though, I don't know how good they would have tasted after being in the freezer for a while. Good luck... and for the strong stuff in the freezer, spicy chili can hide a lot.......

07-02-2017, 09:06 AM
buy a fresh pork shoulder and grind in 15 to 25% . if you use the meat between the ribs you must make sure the cavity of the animal is spotless . Dried blood ,turds etc can taint your berger

07-02-2017, 09:51 AM
I agree.

I add no fat to elk, moose or deer burger. I want it to taste like elk, moose or deer.

Regarding ribs, I cut them with a meat saw into racks of ribs and wrap and freeze 'em to roast up later.

I love racks of ribs, from black bear too. Made to be married with garlic, onion and (optional) tomato sauce.

They don't change in the freezer; they keep well in the bottom of a good freezer.

I agree. I used to have pork fat added but after going to just lean straight ground game meat, I'll never add fat in again. Just be mindful oh your cooking time because it is very easy to over cook without that fat in it.

07-02-2017, 11:02 AM
It has been my experience that game meat will last a lot longer in your freezer if there is no pork fat added. You can add it or mix it with pork or beef later. The meat between the ribs can have a more gamey taste than the other meat. I reserve rib meat for pepperoni and such. Pork or beef fat is not "vile" to me and I readily add it to my sausage with excellent results.

07-02-2017, 12:36 PM
Seems like the best way is to add no fat and to trim the fat off the meat then grind for burger ...I.ve had excellent burger before but I think its how much game fat they leave in...This last fall I was convinced to add beef fat to my burger and it seems to have proven the wrong choice..Maybe the beef wasn't grained so it was free range ...They can be very beefy....gamey...Think I'll just go with extra lean and have my rib meat set aside for sausage or pepperoni..The last elk was a cow and shouldn't of been gamey ..but the bulls I've killed were less gamey...Thanks for the input !...Dennis

07-02-2017, 07:57 PM
Always get your meat cut boneless, and specify that you don't want a bandsaw used at all. This will make all your cuts much more enjoyable in the long run.
The marrow from the bones is mixed with your meat that is then ground into burger, and it turns over time in the freezer. Boneless meat always lasts longer.
I add 5% beef fat just to give a little lube to the burger - doesn't taint it at all. I recall it wasn't recommended to add pork fat, forget where/why.

07-03-2017, 05:08 PM
Good point on the bandsaw cutting..All my cuts are boneless but will ask if they use a bandsaw ...

07-03-2017, 06:30 PM
I never add additional fat to any of my game, couldnt imagine why you would. I wrap my ground in bag, squeeze all the air out and then wrap in butcher paper, never noticed a reduction in quality a year down the road. I trim as much as I can, and really make an effort to remove all fat...IMO that is the gamely taste.

"No Choke"Lord Walsingham
07-03-2017, 06:38 PM
I do pretty much the same thing as Rhyno mentions above - Sana freezer paper. I haven't had any ground meat stick around long enough to notice much by way of the longevity of the package.

I am looking onto a grinder that has an engine and perhaps a vacuum sealer for future use.

07-04-2017, 10:37 AM
With last season's elk, I did not have any fat added to the ground. This way I can control the fat content in various recipes. For meat used in tacos, meat sauce, etc., I do not add fat. For sausage and such I'll add in some pork fat when I'm prepping the sausage. Leaves your options open.

07-04-2017, 10:57 AM
Yes I agree you have to add fat to sausage ...Too dry otherwise...Will not be adding any fat to my burger in the future...Maybe when cooking and then some oil ...Dennis

07-04-2017, 01:31 PM
Add some beef fat to it. Family says is the best BBQ burgers ever!!

07-04-2017, 04:42 PM
That's what I added last fall to my cow elk...Don't know if the beef fat was from grained beef or free range beef...Seemed a bit gamey ..The butcher I went to did a fantastic job of cutting and wrapping ...No problems at all ..Best cut job I've ever had ..Just the burger..I asked for lean and maybe there was too much elk fat left in it..Think I'm going to ask for extra lean and have my meat between the ribs bagged separate for sausage ...I know game has a different taste than beef but the proof of a good animal is in the burger ...I love burger ..The steaks and roasts are top notch ...So lots of ideas coming forth and hope I can solve the " Burger Issue "...Dennis

07-04-2017, 10:17 PM
Never add disgusting beef or pork fat to your organic game burger.

Beef and pork fat goes rancid in 3 or 4 months, which makes your game burger taste like crap if you grind it in.

If you insist on adding that vile stuff, mix fresh pork burger with your game burger at the time of cooking.

This resumes exactly what I think, and what we do... with deer so far. Elk will come next, I hope.

1/2 slam
07-05-2017, 12:31 AM
I NEVER add fat. Awesome burgers.