View Full Version : Poor dog is getting eaten alive!

07-01-2017, 02:06 PM
As the summer goes on the bugs appear to be getting worse and worse and my poor pup is paying the price since we're outside so much.. Have to say in the dozen years we've had our cabin the mozzies have NEVER been this bad!! There's also lots of black flies and deer flies about, as well, not to mention ants!

So,,,,the last two trips up to the cabin Sako has gotten bit by something that leaves a sizeable red ring or red spot on her belly which just so happens is quite exposed. Luckily, the mark only last a couple of days. I'm positive it is not a tick bite because I've yet to find one on her,,,,plus she's vacinated for lyme and takes monthly tick and flea meds.

What do you think? Ever see this before?

http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb144/mastercaster07/IMG_1504_zpsrjmdklns.jpg (http://s207.photobucket.com/user/mastercaster07/media/IMG_1504_zpsrjmdklns.jpg.html)

Edit to ad: Have now found out what it was. Google is your friend,,,,but I'm curious as to what others may think that caused them.

07-01-2017, 02:15 PM
Looks like ticks to me.

07-01-2017, 02:32 PM
Black Flies. My dog works in the bush with me and gets lots of these.

07-01-2017, 08:48 PM
Black Flies. My dog works in the bush with me and gets lots of these.

Not ticks. BLACK FLIES,,,,little nasties! All the marks are gone now on my dog. Here's some info on it:

Black Fly (http://www.greybrucepethospital.com/2014/06/05/black-fly-bites/)

07-01-2017, 08:54 PM
I would spray your dogs belly with deep woods off. I haven't googled What the affects are if you do, but it has to be better than the outcome of a bite.
Blackfly bites on a dogs belly. Looks the same. See link.

07-02-2017, 07:22 PM
Possibly deer fly bites. My Chessie bitch but for some reason not my Lab, gets attacked by these little f%$#rs a lot. They attack her belly and her privates, We have taken to hanging an "Off" fan repellent from her collar when we go bush. It works like a damn..I wouldn't spray my dogs with any chemical as they like to lick themselves.


07-02-2017, 07:58 PM
Ring worm, get the cream and don't touch it because you can get it

07-02-2017, 09:32 PM
My lab had the exact same thing one year as well as half the dogs in the valley, black fly hatch!

07-02-2017, 09:35 PM
Ring worm, get the cream and don't touch it because you can get it

Like I said above,,,,I already know it's from black flies. Ringworm,a fungus actually, takes a while to clear up because it's quite stubborn. The marks my pup had lasted just a couple of days. Her belly was mark-free as of yesterday morning.

Read the link. I'll post it again:

Black Fly (http://www.greybrucepethospital.com/2014/06/05/black-fly-bites/)

Might just have to try that Off repellant thing you hang from their collar.