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View Full Version : Evolution of hunting

Big Lew
06-12-2017, 08:08 AM
When I was a kid we would always hear that whatever happens, or whatever
trends became popular in the United States, would eventually happen here in
Canada in a few years. Well, wearing camo for hunting, and then as fashion
statements became the rage in the States, so sure enough it happened here
as well. Hunting squirrels became an 'in' thing in many States where specialized
weaponry, camo, trail cams, and rangefinders are used. Now it's our turn for
this on-going evolution....partly because of reduced numbers of traditional big
animals to hunt I would think....wonder what will be next, hunting insects? Lol!

06-12-2017, 08:45 AM
Maybe the next generation will be similar to other activities. A return to simplicity. Funny how these things cycle. We invent ways to make life easier and then it gets to a point where some suggest, things are too easy and all of a sudden there is a trend back toward simplicity. I still have my grey wool pants and Woods wool red checked jacket. And my 7 power binos.

06-12-2017, 10:12 AM
Insect hunting has been explored already! lol

Air gun grasshopper sniping is pretty big!

06-12-2017, 11:12 AM
Anyone got a good recipe for campfire squirrel stew? :razz:

06-12-2017, 11:15 AM
Seeing as that there is no open season on Douglas squirrels and other native squirrels we encounter out on our hunting trips, it is unlikely that a squirrel hunt is likely to develop here.