View Full Version : SEP Funding - RRU, School programs, more, cut

05-26-2017, 01:43 PM
From the Pacific Stream Keepers Federation:

"Some rather disturbing new was just sent in

I just wanted to let people know, before they hear it elsewhere, that we have just officially heard today that the Resource Restoration Unit (RRU) program, along with the Education and Community Support Program (Stream to Sea or S2S), both part of the DFO Salmonid Enhancement Program, are being cut and all the RRU positions will be eliminated under federal workforce adjustment. All RRU staff have today received a letter notifying them that they are “affected,” the first step in the process. We’ll continue to operate for the rest of this fiscal, until the end of March 2018, but with a reduced operating budget (meaning reduced purchases of equipment and supplies as well as reduced travel). Some staff will find jobs in other parts of the department that are expanding and they may leave RRU prior to the end of March. The total (staff & operating) budget will be ˝ next year and will go to 0 the following year. So, we’ll need to complete any short-term obligations and wind up current ongoing and long-term activities and not get involved in any new ongoing activities or commitments. More details will be forthcoming in the next few days and weeks."

I appreciate this is a hunting website, but most of us fish also and this is important. Although it appears to be focused on the Interior (or shall I say non-Liberal ridings) it will spread soon! In short they basically shut down all habitat restoration in the Interior. Community groups who do restoration projects must first get approval from Biologists, surveyors and other DFO employees! In other words, they must get approval from those employed in the soon to be closed down RRU! Without their approval no official projects are allowed. Yes, community advisors will still be around but there role is very limited!

They also pulled funding for salmon in the classrooms in the North! Once us old timers go there will be no need for volunteers. People get involved in what they know about, what they can see, what they can touch. Take salmon away from the children and the children will not care about the salmon! This is truly disgusting!

Ride Red
05-26-2017, 03:03 PM
Thanks again to the short sighted Trudeau government. :mad:

05-27-2017, 12:00 PM
So bye bye fish.. hello farms of death and poison, all mighty $$

Opinionated Ol Phart
05-27-2017, 08:13 PM
So we CAN do something to lessen this disgusting action by the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans and the bureaucrats in Ottawa... WRITE LETTERS TO YOUR MP, MLA, LOCAL NEWS MEDIA AND WHOEVER ELSE YOU CAN THINK OF! After 30 years of support to school programs and stream restoration/enhancement programs, this slashing make NO sense ! The educated kids are the future of salmonids in the province.....To use the Brit term.."I am gobsmacked" No Resource Restoration guys helping volunteers means less habitat repaired/produced and fewer salmon for the future.
So-- how about it? Can you take the amount of time you spend to discus other issues on the forum to write an email or letter to get this travesty reversed.

05-28-2017, 10:55 AM
I know Romeo LeBlanc, the father of current Fisheries Minister Dominic LeBlanc, must be rolling over in his grave at this announcement by his son. Romeo LeBlanc started the Salmon Enhancement Program 40 years ago...

Another kick to BC from Pony Boy. Guess he figures he can strip the funds he requires for his inane offshore pets from anywhere he bloody well pleases. Sickening!!

... Can you take the amount of time you spend to discus other issues on the forum to write an email or letter to get this travesty reversed.

Even though I am currently recovering from emergency surgery, and still blind in my shooting eye, I WILL take up this call and write my MP and cc any others I can think of. STRONGLY suggest those who care about our fisheries do the same...

Pissed! :mad:

05-30-2017, 11:03 AM
This needs signing Folks: https://www.change.org/p/35000-school-kids-affected-by-latest-department-of-fisheries-cuts

05-31-2017, 04:49 PM
Meanwhile on the news today they're announcing huge increases to the DFO/Coast Guard budget :confused: Opening up more CG stations, restoring funding to research-enforcement. WTF would they get rid of this program I started an enhancement group through this program 20 years ago always seemed to be a no brainer there's very few staff that just set up volunteers to work in streams. How could that not be cost effective? Don't get it

06-01-2017, 12:08 PM
... Don't get it

It's called Head Firmly Up Ass Syndrome. Effects most politico's over time... :sad:



Turn the heat up on your MLA's folks! And hit that petition PLEASE!! https://www.change.org/p/35000-school-kids-affected-by-latest-department-of-fisheries-cuts


06-03-2017, 08:29 PM
getting really tired of all politicians these days...

06-05-2017, 01:14 PM
Bumping for a good cause...

06-05-2017, 03:04 PM
Meanwhile, DFO bafflegabs in response to pressure:


I seriously suggest we keep the letters rolling, and continue to hit the petition:


They are actually starting to take notice. No time to back down now!! ;)


06-05-2017, 03:52 PM

House of Commons Petition.
This one could do what is needed!



06-05-2017, 05:56 PM
Signed the one on the second email

06-16-2017, 01:34 PM
Looks like the pressure worked!! :-D

DFO announced they will be keeping pretty well all of the programs they had scheduled for slaughter:


Cheers Indeed!

06-18-2017, 05:22 AM
After drawing withering criticism from conservationists across B.C., the federal government has backed away from a series of proposed cuts that activists say would’ve crippled salmon restoration programs in the province. MP Terry Beech, parliamentary secretary to the minister of fisheries and oceans, announced Thursday that the government will reverse cuts to the salmonid enhancement program.Watershed Watch is a science-based charity that advocates for the conservation of BC’s wild salmon.