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07-22-2007, 06:22 PM
Well it was a long week in Kitimat.

First day mom's boyfriend landed a 25 lb Spring, second day he landed a 18 lb Spring.
His son got the first Pink and first Chum, the Chum was about 15 lbs.
His daughter got about a 4 lb Pink and my brother got a 5 lb Pink.

I was jigging for Pink in a hole and first cast I put a green jig on and it hits, got 1! Thought it was a big Pink then a Chum shot outta the water.

It was a ride on my trout rod I use for Pinks! lol

Went on a fishing charter through the Home Hardware up there, wasn't good at all our guides were cranky and telling us it was our fault we didn't catch anything.

But heres a couple pics, too lazy to post em all. I did land a 18 lb Spring on the charter and the chum was about 13-15 lbs.

Heres the 25 lb Spring

My Chum

My Spring from the Charter

07-22-2007, 06:37 PM
congrats. looks like ya had a good trip.

07-22-2007, 06:44 PM
Ya was good till last night when the other kid wanted a Spring so we walked up river and a stupid Grizzly came so we watched for abit then left.

Silent Wolf
07-22-2007, 07:56 PM
Nice looking fish, did you get that Chum in the Fresh water?

Man they are early arent they? Starting to change up:???:

Down here they come in Oct!

07-22-2007, 08:57 PM
Yup in Fresh water, they usually start to run at this time is when we catch em.

Forgot about my grandpa he caught 25 lb Chum on that charter.

07-23-2007, 12:40 AM
Yes there is some so so "guides" up that way for sure.
Nice looking fish. Thanks for posting.

07-23-2007, 03:27 PM
Good to see you got some good fish.

Now as for the charter, if it was out of the Home Hardware it was Reliable Guide and Charter. Seriously, if you had a bad experience I would report it to the store/charter owner, Ron Wakita, as I doubt it was him that would act such a way, probably one of the guys he hires to guide for him. Since this is kind of his livelihood I'd say he needs to know, tell him the time you were there, the guides name (if you have it), and the bad experience you had. Hopefully his crabby guide gets talked to, or replaced. I'm willing to deal with his b1tchy employees at the Hardware store, but not on a charter.

Here's his contact information. (http://www.geocastle.com/kitimat/reliablecharters.htm)

Get you parents to call, and make sure they talk to Ron, I'm sure he'd appreciate the feedback.

07-23-2007, 04:51 PM
Ya we did call Ron actually just said thanks for telling him.

07-23-2007, 05:11 PM
Good on ya then.

Yeah well that's all he should say to keep it professional. Otherwise it just looks bad for him if he overreacts.

If this keeps up he'll lose business if he doesn't do something about it. I for one know that I'm hesitant to direct him business knowing his guides are cranky, putting you in bad holes, then blaming you for it. No way I'd pay for a charter to put up with this crap, or expect any of my friends to do so either. At the cost of Halibut fishing, and the business people like me direct him, I'd expect everyone to be on their best behavior.

Sadly this isn't the first time I've heard/experienced this with his staff. Too bad, as just a few bad apples are obviously making the rest of the batch look bad.

For the record, Ron is a stand up guy, and usually great to talk to/charter you.

By the way, how many days did you pay for the charter? My guess is that it was a freshwater charter by the looks of those fish, correct?

07-23-2007, 10:18 PM
Are you gonna eat that chum?

07-23-2007, 10:31 PM
Are you gonna eat that chum?
We smoking the chum

And to Loki, the guides are ALL cranky except a new fellow named Gord or something. Most of the holes he put us in were not so bad we were 0 for 6 in the first hole and at the end about 2 for 12 or so.

01-08-2008, 04:47 PM
My name is Ron Wakita owner of Reliable Guide and Charters Ltd. in Kitimat. I also manage the Hunting and Fishing Departments at City Centre Hardware Ltd (Home Hardware). We are a family owned business with three generations of us working at our store. We just celebrated our 50th anniversity in business. Over the past fifty years my Mom and I have prided ourselves in providing excellent customer service. I have also strived to provide the same level of service in my my guide/charter company.
I am concerned and saddened to read the comments by GrizGuy 92.
Please provide the names and dates of your trip and I will correct the inappropiate service that you received with the guides involved. I am also willing to entertain obtions to compensate you for the substandard level of service that you received.
My contact info is wakita@telus.net or 250 632 3522 (store) or 250 632 1275 (cell)

01-08-2008, 04:54 PM
Ron runs a awsome shop for sure.Are the steelhead in yet?

01-08-2008, 05:15 PM
My name is Ron Wakita owner of Reliable Guide and Charters Ltd. in Kitimat. I also manage the Hunting and Fishing Departments at City Centre Hardware Ltd (Home Hardware). We are a family owned business with three generations of us working at our store. We just celebrated our 50th anniversity in business. Over the past fifty years my Mom and I have prided ourselves in providing excellent customer service. I have also strived to provide the same level of service in my my guide/charter company.
I am concerned and saddened to read the comments by GrizGuy 92.
Please provide the names and dates of your trip and I will correct the inappropiate service that you received with the guides involved. I am also willing to entertain obtions to compensate you for the substandard level of service that you received.
My contact info is wakita@telus.net or 250 632 3522 (store) or 250 632 1275 (cell)

Told ya he was a stand up guy! ;-) Good to see you correcting the situation Ron, guiding is all about the customer service for return trips.

01-08-2008, 05:38 PM
My name is Ron Wakita owner of Reliable Guide and Charters Ltd. in Kitimat. I also manage the Hunting and Fishing Departments at City Centre Hardware Ltd (Home Hardware). We are a family owned business with three generations of us working at our store. We just celebrated our 50th anniversity in business. Over the past fifty years my Mom and I have prided ourselves in providing excellent customer service. I have also strived to provide the same level of service in my my guide/charter company.
I am concerned and saddened to read the comments by GrizGuy 92.
Please provide the names and dates of your trip and I will correct the inappropiate service that you received with the guides involved. I am also willing to entertain obtions to compensate you for the substandard level of service that you received.
My contact info is wakita@telus.net or 250 632 3522 (store) or 250 632 1275 (cell)

If I ever make it back that way I will be giving you a call, not many people would have gone to the extent that you have :smile:

01-08-2008, 05:40 PM
Not only that, information via the internet gets out much quicker these days.

01-08-2008, 06:37 PM
The Wakita's are an honest and hard working family with high integrity. Ron's comments are in line with his character.

01-08-2008, 06:58 PM
Good for Ron
If I hear of anyone that needs charter service in your area I will be sending them to you, Ron.

01-08-2008, 07:22 PM
Yup Ron is an awesome guy. He let my brother and I "try out" gear before buying, even lent us some of his personal stuff one time when we were in a pinch. I have found his prices to be great as well, even with shipping to PG added in.

01-10-2008, 03:41 PM
Thank You to all for the kind words.
Kechika asked "if there were any Steelhead yet". The Kitimat River has a very small skeleton run of Steelhead from November thru to February. When the weather is decent trout fishermen usually catch the odd one during these months. This winter has been particularily harsh for fishing with lots of snow and freezing temperatures so not many anglers have been out.
The main Steelhead run on the Kitimat River is usually April/May. This is the Hatchery enhanced portion of the run and the numbers can be really good. Depending on the weather March will start to produce a few.

01-15-2008, 10:26 AM
I have been going to Kitimat for years and think the world of Ron. High praise coming from another guide!