View Full Version : Backyard waterfowl sighting!!!

04-29-2017, 10:46 PM
I tore my rt bicep tendon off a week ago and have been home after surgery a few days. Friday I went to let my Lab Remi outside, something caught my eye next door. It was a hen Woody with her ducklings making their way across the back yard!
I don't live very close to a marshy area or even a ditch system I'm probably close to a mile from this type of area but there they were. Don't know where they came from, but I was able to get a few pictures. I would have liked to try and catch them all for a release in our woody area but no one was around and they were gone in a few hours.
Hope they make it past the guantlet of cars, cats and dogs, not to mention racoons and crows.....
But cool to see!



