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04-27-2017, 06:15 PM
Getting kinda worried. My PAL has not arrived and I have a grizzly draw. My application arrived with them on Jan 30 and it is still in "process stage". Any suggestions who to call? If my PAL doesn't arrive I cannot hunt or even possess my guns.

04-27-2017, 08:39 PM
Is it for a renewal? My renewal arrived 8 days after I applied online. Their website says that it should take 45 days after receiving your application which includes the 28 day waiting period for new applications. The number to call is 1-800-731-4000.

04-27-2017, 09:13 PM
Last renewal I called them up after 2-3 months... was starting to get worried as my birthday coinsides with fall GOS opening. I mentioned this to the nice person on the phone who came back a couple mins later and said "approved! all done!! Will be in the mail in a couple days". Super nice and understanding.

Sometimes they get backlogged and it can depend what pile you're in. For example a couple years back, people were having trouble renewing if they had RPAL but did not possess any restricted firearms... they would get in a pile where someone calls and wants to talk you out of keeping the RPAL.

Oh and if you do have RPAL they want to see a range membership even though it's not legally required afaik. Without sending in proof of range membership can cause some delay.

Just give them a shout and let them know your situation. They'll get you all fixed up.

1/2 slam
04-27-2017, 10:17 PM
Got mine yesterday...4 months for a renewal. 2 phone calls to light afire under their ass

04-28-2017, 07:29 AM
I had to renew mine last year. Did it online and less than 2 weeks later it showed up in the mail.
I have RPAL as well. I was surprised how efficient the system was.

04-28-2017, 09:52 AM
I renewed mine online this morning, let see how long it takes.

04-28-2017, 01:02 PM
I applied for my RPAL renewal the day before it expired (late June). I knew I needed a range membership but there was no place to include it etc so I never bothered getting one then. Got a letter about a month later saying I needed to show my range membership. I copied that letter and through it in with my license and tags in case I got stopped. I went up north for stones then hunting down here and every once in awhile I would remember that I needed to get my membership and send it off. And I would always forget. If I would have got stopped I would just show them the letter saying I am waiting for them.

Well November roles around and Im like shit I should really get my membership and send it in. Next thing I know its December and Im like "I really need to get this done". Then someone at work tells me if I get my membership now it will expire at the end of the calendar year. Wanting to actually use the membership to get out and shoot more, I hold off and wait til the new year.

So in early January I get my membership and fax them the info and copy of card. Two weeks later they send me a my RPAL.


04-28-2017, 01:45 PM
call them.

There could be an error that may have caused the delay. They are usually pretty helpful.

VI Blacktails
04-28-2017, 02:14 PM
You could still hunt if you go with someone else who has a pal. Good luck hope you get one.

04-28-2017, 02:35 PM
Question.....if mine expires in November but I do the renewal now....would I still be able to hunt solo with gun...cause my license wouldn't have expired yet?....kinda like an early jump so there's no down time from old to new

04-28-2017, 03:14 PM
If your license hasn't expired then your not breaking the law. I'm doing my renewal on line today so I have it before September.

04-28-2017, 03:35 PM
Roger that.....i have surgery on may 9 th so will be laid up for a week....gonna do it then that way I'm fully covered

04-29-2017, 09:16 AM
sent mine feb 2 rec'd yesterday april 28.

Grumpa Joe
04-29-2017, 04:25 PM
I was stupid. I was going to renew online but one thing led to another and it expired. Had to do the whole application process all over but it allowed me to upgrade to an RPAL. Mailed everything off February 27th. Phoned on the 17th, not yet received. Phoned on 24th, not received. Phoned on the 31st, not received. Checked online and it said received and completed initial processing. why the discrepancy? Looked close at the date and it was from 2006, my initial PAL application that I had had for 11 years. Phoned again on April 3rd and spoke with a very sympathetic, intelligent lady. She checked and indicated that it had actually just been received and processed. She checked that it was complete, which it was. Then gave me a file number and telephone number and extension and told me to have my reference call them to speed it along. Friday the 7th I checked the website and it said that my RPAL had been issued and should arrive within 2 weeks. I received it on April 18th, 7 weeks after sending it off. Be persistent. keep phoning and politely inquiring and they will get tired of you and process the application to get you out of their hair. Have your reference call rather than waiting for them to call your reference because that causes a huge delay playing telephone tag.

Good luck.

04-30-2017, 06:55 AM
Mine did expire. I forgot all about renewing it and it was expired

04-30-2017, 06:57 AM
thanks...I did same...

05-15-2017, 06:42 PM
Received my pal today. April 28 I applied online and it was approved May 8. Didn't have a pic so I used my cell phone and took a selfie.

05-17-2017, 10:39 AM
Received my pal today. April 28 I applied online and it was approved May 8. Didn't have a pic so I used my cell phone and took a selfie.

Exact same as me. I applied April 28th, it was Approved may 8th, and I received it in the mail May 15th. 2 weeks is a pretty impressive turn around. My Pal expired May 5th, so I'm happy to have it for this upcoming weekend. I also cell phone selfie.

05-17-2017, 12:03 PM
I am very surprised that people forget about their pal renewal .People must have way more on their minds than I do. I would say that hunting is most likely the most important thing in my life other than the obvious ie family ,friends etc..Forgetting to renew pal or forget doing Leh is just behooving to me. Perhaps I need help? or perhaps others just aren't as fanatic? I have a saying I love fishing but when I am fishing I am thinking about hunting.

05-17-2017, 12:16 PM
can you apply to renew way in advance....my BD is in Dec after hunting season so it is easy to forget about it till spring....is there such thing as applying too early?

This thread reminds me of a couple of signs our stores guy used to have...one was " A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part"
and the othe one he pointed to once in awhile was "Well of course i want it today....if i wanted it tomorrow i would order it then"....

05-17-2017, 04:29 PM
You must be worried sick over no pal, what?
Jel - I'd be fried, I'd be phonin and doin some straight talkin, some heads are goin to rolllll.

05-17-2017, 06:32 PM
You must be worried sick over no pal, what?
Jel - I'd be fried, I'd be phonin and doin some straight talkin, some heads are goin to rolllll.Before you make heads roll you must also realize that there could be dozen of reasons for a late return. Non of which you are aware. Blaming the people who approve the application is probably the easy or no thought thing to do. Perhaps it is them or perhaps the circumstances in each application warrants serious second thought or checking. I have found that people who complain the most are most likely the reason there is a problem. I am not saying this is the case here but it is always something to take in account.

05-17-2017, 07:52 PM
can you apply to renew way in advance....my BD is in Dec after hunting season so it is easy to forget about it till spring....is there such thing as applying too early?

This thread reminds me of a couple of signs our stores guy used to have...one was " A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part"
and the othe one he pointed to once in awhile was "Well of course i want it today....if i wanted it tomorrow i would order it then"....

My birthday is July 26 and I applied 3 months in advance. Wasn't risking not having my pal for summer shooting or September.

One Shot
05-17-2017, 07:59 PM
Delay, what delay...Renewed online and my RPAL was in the mailbox 6 days later. What took em so long?

05-17-2017, 08:09 PM
Renewed mine when I saw this post last month and received it in the mail 3 weeks later. Wasn't sure if they would accept an early renewal given my birthday is in the middle of hunting season (Oct 2017 expiry) but wasn't a problem. Hope those of you with delays get your PAL soon.

05-17-2017, 09:51 PM
I got married before my renewal, it was getting closer to needing to get back to me so I called and it turned out they needed to talk to the new wife to make sure she was ok with me having guns, once they spoke to her I had it in a week or so.

05-18-2017, 08:12 PM
-- If you fall thru the Ministry tracks on the palsy welsy, and your hunting trip comes first and you dint get your prepaid, qualifying pal, wth?
--- No CO wood nail you if you past and paid and were delayed and got dismayed, hey anyone wood flip needing to do a double dip!
You did what was legal and followed all guidelines and past with flying colors! Bedder den udderz whad?
-- Someone could really make your day a miserable one for sure so what I'm sayin, no CO wood I mean get the CO to phone PAL headquarters and when he or she finds out who made ssuch a blunder, there's going to be some thunder, and lightening could be shocking and firing.
Jel -- your pal -- I hope it comes b4 your hunt or ah some heads are going to ro hole.
-- Hunters who follow the rules need not feel like tools -- That's why they have supervisor's
---- Ask the person "who is your supervisor"? this will get their attention, then look like your serious and concerned, the person will be making your PAL out, i saw a woman do it.
The staff member jumped to attention and started typing it out pronto! " What's your supervisor's name please?" Hahaha man I had to look away and cover my mouth from grinning.