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View Full Version : looking for squirrels :)

04-24-2017, 06:36 PM
Hey fellas,i'm new to hunting,just made my CORE successful a few days ago,but i have to wait till august before i can apply for my Hunters Number cause i have to be 12 months in BC before i count as a "resident". So the only chance for me to train my skills is goin out and chase some animals that i can hunt without that license.I'm interested in Squirrels,i saw many recipes for them and it looks not bad. I often head out to Harrison Mills for fishing,so i'm curious if somebody saw some of the Grey and black three critters out there? Or some other infos where i could go.....Don't get me wrong,i will not ask for your Deer Honey Hole :D i'm just looking for a place where i can practice my (very low level) hunting skills without braking any laws.I would be very thankful for feedback.
Cheers Julian

04-24-2017, 09:07 PM
Not sure if you can legally hunt squirrels, but I could be wrong. Check the regs, and get really familiar with them. If you plan on hunting deer you may be better off scouting locations and glassing for game. Try not too spook an area you plan to hunt, both you and others may be investing in the area. If you spot some game keep your distance and try observing them from a comfortable distance; you can learn a lot by watching how they live. If you find a good spot with decent sign you may even have fun setting up a trail cam or two and make a salt lick. Watch out for ticks this time of year.

Also read lots on the subject, if you can afford it the "how to hunt blacktails" App is a good resource. Steve use to post quite a bit on the forum under the user name proguide66. Check out this thread (http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/showthread.php?57547-Book-Class-Blacktail-Huntin-2010&highlight=pg66).

Welcome to BC! Your gonna love it. All the best and safe learning and hunting.

04-24-2017, 09:33 PM
I was planning to scout first for big game,also i want to "hunt" first with the camera and with glasses to feel not do strange in the woods.I'm always a bit afraight to get lost in the bushes :D I like the idea with the salt lick,so i guess thats not concidered as "baiting animals",cause i belive to remember that i red somewhere that baiting animals is not allowed in BC...and i really don't want to break a law accidently. Back to the squirrel thing.....as long as i chase the invasive ones (Big Grey and black and the fox squirrel) i'm fine,they don't require a license (also cottontail and european rabbit).Can't wait to go out by my own the first time,i'm excited like a little boy :D

04-24-2017, 10:26 PM
I've never seen the invasive squirrels outside cities so can't help ya there. My advice to you as a new hunter is to be very familiar with navigating the regs. If you checked them first you'd see that you're incorrect about baiting animals in BC. You can bait ungulates and predators (except for bears).

Also, you mentioned you're not comfortable going into the woods. If that's the case then you need to take a survival course or something because if you don't know what you're doing, things can go very wrong very fast out there. The Harrison area is pretty tough terrain and you can very easily get lost or hurt if you're not careful.

"No Choke"Lord Walsingham
04-24-2017, 10:34 PM
Find maps and check regs... Repeat. Squirrels are Schedule C for Scurrilous* species (Grey and Fox) Red Squirrel, Douglas whatever - Those are different. Outside of feral pig, no Hunting license is required for Schedule C animals.

Squirrels are great eating! I love to Hunt them sometimes but haven't in a while. Snowshoe Hare took over big time. The invasive often like to ride the rails hobo style and hop off trains and trucks. Know the animal and its habitat preferences and get yourself a spot to shoot in there.

Best of luck, have fun!

Buck TraX
04-25-2017, 08:08 AM
Great to hear about new enthusiastic hunter excited to get out looking around and experiencing this great province.
Never hunted squirrels myself but have seen a few of the invasive ones while out and about, they do look meaty compared to the native squirrels
As for getting lost in the woods, a gps is a great tool to have as well as goolge earth the area for creeks or ravines and land marks before you go
and start small, some flaggers ribbon is a cheap way to help retrace your path.
be observant while out there look behind yourself as you move through the woods once in a while as this is the view you will be looking for on your return.

Not sure what type of firearm you have or are considering for this, it would be a great animal to hunt with a air rifle or small gauge shotgun
be mind full when shooting up at animals in trees of bullet path and trajectory

04-25-2017, 10:15 AM
Stanley Park has lots of squirrels, lols just joking Julian and welcome to the site, Deerforce has some very good suggestions for you to orient yourself to your new area of opertions, welcome to BC as well. Side note funny how a non resident can get a fishing license in under 12 months but not a hunting license, no core for fishing still I guess. Good luck on your squirrel ventures Julian, it is how many here honed our crack shots while growing up in the bush.

04-25-2017, 10:59 AM
Find maps and check regs... Repeat. Squirrels are Schedule C for Scurrilous* species (Grey and Fox) Red Squirrel, Douglas whatever - Those are different. Outside of feral pig, no Hunting license is required for Schedule C animals.

Squirrels are great eating! I love to Hunt them sometimes but haven't in a while. Snowshoe Hare took over big time. The invasive often like to ride the rails hobo style and hop off trains and trucks. Know the animal and its habitat preferences and get yourself a spot to shoot in there.

Best of luck, have fun!

Snowshoe hare are not schedule c, not invasive, which it sounds like you are suggesting. Maybe I misunderstand your comment.


04-25-2017, 03:37 PM
Wow,thanks for all that feedback guys!!! I already got a GPS but the bushes here in canada are a bit bigger than where i come from :D But i'll give my best to come home safe all the time. Also i'm not completly new to outdoor things,i go fishing since i can remember...so a few skills i learned already.

"No Choke"Lord Walsingham
04-25-2017, 09:36 PM
Snowshoe hare are not schedule c, not invasive, which it sounds like you are suggesting. Maybe I misunderstand your comment.


Ya that's not what I meant. The Hare in relation to Squirrel is just how my personal Small Game interests went for the past bit. Again - Not typing as per the licensure/legality there.

"No Choke"Lord Walsingham
04-25-2017, 11:04 PM
Technical error/double post*

04-26-2017, 09:19 AM
Ya that's not what I meant. The Hare in relation to Squirrel is just how my personal Small Game interests went for the past bit. Again - Not typing as per the licensure/legality there.

Figured I may have been misreading that, just wanted to make it clear in case someone else was a bit on the slow side like me:mrgreen:
