View Full Version : LEH Moose 7-16 Zone B

The Hermit
07-19-2007, 11:18 AM
I was one of the lucky ones to win an LEH draw for a Moose in 7-16 Zone B, between Sept 10, and Nov 5th.

I am looking for any and all advice as to the best time to make the trip. Also, any info about the area, good spots to look etc would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

07-19-2007, 11:28 AM
I was one of the lucky ones to win an LEH draw for a Moose in 7-16 Zone B, between Sept 10, and Nov 5th.

I am looking for any and all advice as to the best time to make the trip. Also, any info about the area, good spots to look etc would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

You mean you didn't do any research on the area before putting in for that zone??

There's a reason why it was only 1.5 to 1 odds and the zone beside it was over 12 to 1

The Hermit
07-19-2007, 11:52 AM
You are correct sir... I don't mind a little work and given there is no open season on the big boys I hope to have a fair crack at one. Grin...

Franko Manini
07-19-2007, 12:01 PM
You mean you didn't do any research on the area before putting in for that zone??

There's a reason why it was only 1.5 to 1 odds and the zone beside it was over 12 to 1

What's the reason BCRams?

07-19-2007, 12:04 PM
very small area and access limitations

what access there is ... is excellent ... in 7-16 B

There are excellent meadows to access by boat or canoe off the Parsnip River. Drop off boat or canoe at upper bridge and float right down to the lower bridge !!! Call the moose to the shore or better yet - access the meadows from the river in the evenings / mornings and call. The river is easy meandering and easy to drive a boat on ... just stay on the side of river as if you're driving as there are quite a few jet boat hunters there (including the ones that will hunt the othe half of the river for the other zone. (Kind of crazy only having half a river to hunt if you ask me).

The main road(s) in that zone can be virtually accessed with a car ... and is easy 2 wheel drive for trucks.

You can take the Whichika Road (that runs up Wichika Creek on the south side of the mainline up the valley where there are numerous cutblocks easily accessed from that road but is virtually a straight in and straight out with a dead end. Just pick your spot and camp on em. Some new ones have been cut only a km off the main road. Just be the first guy in the morning to sit on them.

Some side roads into older grown in cuts you can also hunt but visibility is poor although the moose should be in them.

Best of luck hunting.

07-19-2007, 12:59 PM
zone b is that the zone that only has like 10 km of road to hunt on with hardly any side roads and nowhere to go? OUCH!!

07-19-2007, 01:06 PM
zone b is that the zone that only has like 10 km of road to hunt on with hardly any side roads and nowhere to go? OUCH!!

Yep .. thats the Whickika Road !! The other is the main road going through it and its like a highway.

07-19-2007, 04:07 PM
my buddy had a draw for that area last year.

i think it is the worst zone of 7-16 for access, unless you use a river boat

plus, there is a big outfitter right in the middle.

good luck!!

07-19-2007, 09:48 PM
I've done quite a few surveys in that part of the world. Seen lots of moose but back in the brushy parts of cut blocks. If it is cold you may get them moving around, but if it warm they will stay in the brush. In and around witchika creek is good, if the rut is on hard the big guys will come a callin on a good horny cow call. My buddy last year was in there callin and a big bruiser come out just a swaying. He never had a leh, and that big guy was taken the next morning by a leh hunter, came right out to a cow call , antlers wouldnt fit a pick up. Was around the last part of sept, early in the morning. I would hike in to areas around witchica creek or the lake and sit glass and call. It also looks like 7-16b encompasses the old bills creek fsr (900) where it used to conect with the arctic (700) around 750's, close to arctic camp. It is deactivated but there is quad access, lots of little blocks with marshes and small lakes. Google earth would show these roads and lakes. Anyways good luck, I was skunked by the leh gods this year, I'll try again next year. Any questions give me a PM .Moosin

The Hermit
07-22-2007, 09:37 PM
Thanks guys. I'll re-connect with you once I have my dates nailed down and squeeze y'all for more info! :-) Franko can't make it out to play this year so I have an invite out to another buddy... if he can't make it I'll be looking for a local with area knowledge to work with me on the hunt... I always share the proceeds!

07-22-2007, 11:56 PM
My wife, son and I all got our draws for the same area except ours is antlerless from Dec 1 - 7th. But its just a meat hunt. I used to always apply for late draw when they had it about 10 years ago in 7-16. Had to give the uterus up for analysis as well as tooth. Always lots of moose around in 7-16 then & some snow to see areas heavily travelled. Good luck.

07-23-2007, 12:52 AM
i think it is the worst zone of 7-16 for access, unless you use a river boat

plus, there is a big outfitter right in the middle.

Ya there is. My dad used to guide for em...I think...Pretty sure lol, he told me to put in there because theres BIG bulls.

But aside from that, I've never really hunted 7-16 B on maps it doesn't look like theres many roads around that area? But thats where I put 2nd choice for bull this here. But never got anything so I'll be hunting 7-16 C this year for a calf.
Good Luck.

07-23-2007, 08:49 PM
7-16C, in my opinion, is one of the best moose areas in the omineca

lot's of good access, lot's of moose.

i'm not saying there are no moose in zone b, just that the access is very limited

07-23-2007, 09:04 PM
What about zone A,my dad got a cow tag there this year,we normally put in for 7-14 but some how this year some numbers got mixed up and he ended up with 7-16 zone A.Any advice for this zone would be appreciated