View Full Version : NEW + Youth HUNTERS

04-06-2017, 07:14 PM
Your time is now every one, time to see and set the future in WILDLIFE!

Its time for for a HUGE CHANGE in the way BC manages Wildlife.

Now is your chance to BUILD THE FUTURE. Don't let this opportunity to speak up pass, get out to your TOWN HALL MEETING !

Help build WILDLIFE, help support Conservation, help build for you , and your families hunting future.

If change doesn't happen and soon, you will have no one to blame but yourselves for not being part of the solution.

Do your part, for WILDLIFE..... NOW.

SEE the BCWF site for Town hall meeting dates and locations nearest to your home.

C you there.


04-06-2017, 07:44 PM
Well said, make time and go everyone!

04-06-2017, 08:54 PM
Sounding a bit to much like a pushy salesman at the local used car dealer now......

04-06-2017, 09:00 PM
Sounding a bit to much like a pushy salesman at the local used car dealer now......

That will help, beauty

04-06-2017, 09:07 PM
Well said CT...I went last night, it was great and very informative...as well, I had a great discussion with mla Steve Thompson, he seems to be on board with what we need, though he is a politician, so I gotta take it with a grain of salt....

04-06-2017, 09:34 PM
Just walked from the one in vernon. Jesse was very informative and had some valid points. We need to get louder about our concerns over our hunting fishing future or our children will not have the ability to hunt and fish for their food.

04-06-2017, 09:44 PM
If you don't show you can't bitch about others not doing enough to protect your rights. The last one I was at was standing room only, this should be no different

04-06-2017, 09:45 PM
Just walked from the one in vernon. Jesse was very informative and had some valid points. We need to get louder about our concerns over our hunting fishing future or our children will not have the ability to hunt and fish for their food.
Yes it was presented well, kudos Jesse. I was pretty surprised by the general ignorance to BC's management style and budget as shown by most vocal attendees. My only criticism would be the comments portion, but that is no fault on the speaker.
I would've like to see more younger people there as that age group would have many years to address wildlife dilemmas. You'd think with all the browning stickers on all the pickups around town that wouldn't be an issue....lol

04-06-2017, 10:03 PM
Yes it was presented well, kudos Jesse. I was pretty surprised by the general ignorance to BC's management style and budget as shown by most vocal attendees. My only criticism would be the comments portion, but that is no fault on the speaker.
I would've like to see more younger people there as that age group would have many years to address wildlife dilemmas. You'd think with all the browning stickers on all the pickups around town that wouldn't be an issue....lol

I agree, there were some comments that were irrelevant to what was being said by Jesse. Majority of age were older gentlemen. There was only one youth there and only a handful ranging 30-40. Funny thing is there was not one browning stickers on the pickups at the meeting that I could see. The key is we need to have more education out there to get these guys to understand exactly where funding is going. $2.7 million out $14.7 of hunting licenses sold is not going to cut it.

Whonnock Boy
04-06-2017, 10:13 PM
Without a doubt, this is a problem. I would not doubt if the average age of attendees and volunteers at the BCWF or local clubs is above 60 years of age.

I would've like to see more younger people

04-06-2017, 10:43 PM
And why is that? Lack of interest? Lack of mentorship maybe? Not blaming anyone, but I'm 30 now, started hunting in my mid-20's and haven't had an older hunting mentor so have been figuring out hunting, guns and the politics of wildlife on my own for the most part. I don't think I speak for everyone though.

Wild one
04-07-2017, 09:41 AM
This is not an insult or a dig at those trying to make a difference. With all the talk of support lacking and disappointment in these town hall meeting turn outs it might be good to look at how to reach/gain support.

instead of insults saying hunters who are not getting involved are lazy and takers it might be wise to look into why they are not involved

I know efforts to were made to inform hunters of these meetings but I would bet many have no idea. Many hunters are not that easy to reach do to busy lives or there location. I hear the lack of younger hunters attending maybe how things are advertised it is not reaching age demographic.

Hunters are truly a scattered bunch and many are not informed on any hunting issues. They live their daily lives and hunt when they have time. Also remember many of BC hunters have become jaded because of the history with hunting related issues in BC. This group can be reached as many still have a passion for hunting and dream of change

Even with the effort of putting on these meetings throughout BC many are not able to attend do to location, work, family and so on

I believe a video of this presentation is really needed. This would go along way to reaching higher numbers of hunters. This would give the ability for those who cannot attend these meetings to be informed. This would also give the ability for this to be past on through social media and email.

There is not a TH meeting within reasonable travel time for my location and the same for many others the above could help reach the areas missed. Can't expect volunteers to do this presentation in every town in BC

You want an army you need to reach them not expect them to come running. Each 1 you reach often brings more supporters

No secret I don't hold the BCWF at the level some here do but right now you have my attention. Reach me and I do not come alone and this is likely the case with all hunters reached. Ears are open willing to listen just need the info available

04-07-2017, 10:08 AM
Wild One,
I think you do raise some valid points, however, many many folks as you say are takers. Nothing but takers. And many of these are the biggest complainers in society, never giving any thing back.
Wildlife and its future have taken some terrible down hill treads over several years and quite frankly, many are on the brink.
It's time WE ALL stand up for what we cherrish and value so close to our hearts, the great outdoors, and the wildlife that comes with it.
This particular thread is trying to target New and Youth hunters to see the light, step up to be a part of the future, help build wildlife and the opportunities will also increase.
If we all keep being complacent, and thinking the other guy will do it, your and my grand children will have nothing to appreciate in the near future.

Time is now to STEP UP AND BE HEARD, this is not only in the form of showing up at meetings, but contact all political parties in your area, let them know WE NEED CHANGE, and we need it now.

Our WILDLIFE and future is counting on us all. Young and old.

respectfully. CT

04-07-2017, 10:46 AM
This is not an insult or a dig at those trying to make a difference. With all the talk of support lacking and disappointment in these town hall meeting turn outs it might be good to look at how to reach/gain support.

instead of insults saying hunters who are not getting involved are lazy and takers it might be wise to look into why they are not involved

I know efforts to were made to inform hunters of these meetings but I would bet many have no idea. Many hunters are not that easy to reach do to busy lives or there location. I hear the lack of younger hunters attending maybe how things are advertised it is not reaching age demographic.

Hunters are truly a scattered bunch and many are not informed on any hunting issues. They live their daily lives and hunt when they have time. Also remember many of BC hunters have become jaded because of the history with hunting related issues in BC. This group can be reached as many still have a passion for hunting and dream of change

Even with the effort of putting on these meetings throughout BC many are not able to attend do to location, work, family and so on

I believe a video of this presentation is really needed. This would go along way to reaching higher numbers of hunters. This would give the ability for those who cannot attend these meetings to be informed. This would also give the ability for this to be past on through social media and email.

There is not a TH meeting within reasonable travel time for my location and the same for many others the above could help reach the areas missed. Can't expect volunteers to do this presentation in every town in BC

You want an army you need to reach them not expect them to come running. Each 1 you reach often brings more supporters

No secret I don't hold the BCWF at the level some here do but right now you have my attention. Reach me and I do not come alone and this is likely the case with all hunters reached. Ears are open willing to listen just need the info available

Some decent points on a stronger social media campaign Wild One....and welcome to dealing with the world of the silent majority.
Few get off their ass yet want/demand change and will endlessly criticize those that are fighting in the trenches.
This accomplishes nothing.
People that implement change don't wait for it to be conveniently delivered to their door.
They go out and make it happen.

Appreciate this is the first go.....the first flush so to speak.
The message is getting out....that wildlife deserves far more attention and funding.
Progress is being made. Initial funding is pledged.

A hell of a lot more progress has happened in the last 6 months than in the last 40 years
These are the first steps ...... we can and will get there.
No race, project or cause starts at the finish line.
Disappointing that there will always be those that will find some negative in everything

There is a saying in business....."analyze and criticize until you're paralyzed".
Again, this attitude accomplishes nothing.

Those that can put an ass in a seat please try and find the time to attend a town hall.
That's the short term message.
I am confident there is more to come.

Wild one
04-07-2017, 11:04 AM
Wild One,
I think you do raise some valid points, however, many many folks as you say are takers. Nothing but takers. And many of these are the biggest complainers in society, never giving any thing back.
Wildlife and its future have taken some terrible down hill treads over several years and quite frankly, many are on the brink.
It's time WE ALL stand up for what we cherrish and value so close to our hearts, the great outdoors, and the wildlife that comes with it.
This particular thread is trying to target New and Youth hunters to see the light, step up to be a part of the future, help build wildlife and the opportunities will also increase.
If we all keep being complacent, and thinking the other guy will do it, your and my grand children will have nothing to appreciate in the near future.

Time is now to STEP UP AND BE HEARD, this is not only in the form of showing up at meetings, but contact all political parties in your area, let them know WE NEED CHANGE, and we need it now.

Our WILDLIFE and future is counting on us all. Young and old.

respectfully. CT

I would say there is more that go uninformed than there is takers. There is also many who are involved on smaller or local levels that seem to get brushed with this taker level passed around here. This whole ego of if you are not involved in 1 organization or on that set project makes you a taker is damaging to gaining support.

You want to reach new hunters well I have helped over 20 get started in the last 10years and have 2 more I am taking on their first hunts this season. A closer hunting partner of mine is helping another 2. None of these are family and odds are I ask others I hunt with the list of rookies that will be getting started this season will grow. You want to reach support from new and youth gain their mentors support. A new hunters mentor has the strongest voice and impact on them.

I am offering an open ear and only asking to be informed regarding this cause. Make the information readily available and you will reach the new and youth along with the experienced

I won't rally those I know without have information to support the cause. Right now I like the priceable on what I have hear asking to be informed.

Want help reaching hunters new, youth, and experienced I am offering a way to reach a portion of them. All I ask is to be informed to see if things are as good as they sound.

I would say I am being very reasonable

My recommendation of making it easier for hunters to be informed is benical to this cause with or without me

Wild one
04-07-2017, 11:13 AM
Some decent points on a stronger social media campaign Wild One....and welcome to dealing with the world of the silent majority.
Few get off their ass yet want/demand change and will endlessly criticize those that are fighting in the trenches.
This accomplishes nothing.
People that implement change don't wait for it to be conveniently delivered to their door.
They go out and make it happen.

Appreciate this is the first go.....the first flush so to speak.
The message is getting out....that wildlife deserves far more attention and funding.
Progress is being made. Initial funding is pledged.

A hell of a lot more progress has happened in the last 6 months than in the last 40 years
These are the first steps ...... we can and will get there.
No race, project or cause starts at the finish line.
Disappointing that there will always be those that will find some negative in everything

There is a saying in business....."analyze and criticize until you're paralyzed".
Again, this attitude accomplishes nothing.

Those that can put an ass in a seat please try and find the time to attend a town hall.
That's the short term message.
I am confident there is more to come.

Not critisizing only asking for an avenue to gain info regarding the cause as these TH meetings are not feasible to all

If there was a meeting in Smithers I would be there and this will still invole a lot of traveling. I do not expect this so I am looking for other options to gain information

04-07-2017, 11:18 AM
Not critisizing only asking for an avenue to gain info regarding the cause as these TH meetings are not feasible to all

If there was a meeting in Smithers I would be there and this will still invole a lot of traveling. I do not expect this so I am looking for other options to gain information

Have you not looked?
There have been numerous releases on what the issues are and the plan to fix it.

Wild one
04-07-2017, 11:42 AM
Have you not looked?
There have been numerous releases on what the issues are and the plan to fix it.

Found some of them and have some catch up to do

Just started break up so 65-70hrs a week is no longer eaten up by work. Guy misses thing working long shifts

rather than clog up the forum you fine if I PM you for any clarification

04-07-2017, 11:49 AM
Wild One I commend you on getting out new and youth hunters, that's terrific, and I try to do the same.
They are our future, that said, their involvement at many levels is absent. Many expect the bus to continue rolling along and game will always be there, to be appreciated, to be hunted. If we continue down the same ol path of take and nothing giving back, or far to little, what is there now keeps shrinking.
BCs numerous governments over many years, have proven over many decades that it has done nothing but cut and cut, wildlife management. It simply can't continue or we will have nothing. BC also has one of the smallest budgets in all of North America ..... Put back into Habitat restoration, conservation etc. This includes cut backs to Forest management, Wildlife biologists etc.

The take take attitude has to stop.

Theres a a lot more information out there if you look for it. One example, almost $15,000,000.00 in license and tag fees alone last year, only about $2.4 mill back. It simply doesn't work. Look at Idaho funding model for example and check the comparison, and they are a fraction the size of BC.

hats off to you for your interest in wanting to do more, and getting new hunters out. It is time we all quit taking for granted what we have, or should I say had.


04-07-2017, 11:49 AM
Found some of them and have some catch up to do

Just started break up so 65-70hrs a week is no longer eaten up by work. Guy misses thing working long shifts

rather than clog up the forum you fine if I PM you for any clarification


Sounds like someone is busy!
Anything you need will try and forward

04-07-2017, 12:04 PM
Without a doubt, this is a problem. I would not doubt if the average age of attendees and volunteers at the BCWF or local clubs is above 60 years of age.

Agreed, the townhall held in the Boundary was much the same, thanks again to Jesse and the BCWF. One of the issues I have seen after being involved in a handful of local clubs on my travels is the "old boys club" style of thinking, and GO's of course. If I go to a meeting and note that close to the entire executive is made up of GO's, it is a total turn off, and I know which interests they will serve (especially since some of these membership dues are not exactly cheap). I have witnessed local club's AGM start time being held up for an hour just so the president's buddies can arrive and make sure he is re-elected and the cronies filling the directors chairs. I have also watched how some of these clubs take their constitution amendment committees behind closed doors with no input from the general membership. Now some may argue that the youth of today do not show the initiative to fill any of these positions, while true in some cases, the doors have to be open to new blood with committees and postings to fill that will encourage their participation and ownership of conservation initiatives in their communities (youth hunting committees or directors with a chair on the executive). I apologize for taking this a bit off topic but as a rebuttal to the age question I felt it must be said.

Wild one
04-07-2017, 12:29 PM
Wild One I commend you on getting out new and youth hunters, that's terrific, and I try to do the same.
They are our future, that said, their involvement at many levels is absent. Many expect the bus to continue rolling along and game will always be there, to be appreciated, to be hunted. If we continue down the same ol path of take and nothing giving back, or far to little, what is there now keeps shrinking.
BCs numerous governments over many years, have proven over many decades that it has done nothing but cut and cut, wildlife management. It simply can't continue or we will have nothing. BC also has one of the smallest budgets in all of North America ..... Put back into Habitat restoration, conservation etc. This includes cut backs to Forest management, Wildlife biologists etc.

The take take attitude has to stop.

Theres a a lot more information out there if you look for it. One example, almost $15,000,000.00 in license and tag fees alone last year, only about $2.4 mill back. It simply doesn't work. Look at Idaho funding model for example and check the comparison, and they are a fraction the size of BC.

hats off to you for your interest in wanting to do more, and getting new hunters out. It is time we all quit taking for granted what we have, or should I say had.


Personally I will not label new and young hunters as takers. I would say most are not informed and lack knowledge. I get phone calls almost every weekend with ? From new hunters.

Reality is they don't learn about issues regarding wildlife if they are never informed. Remember someone new does not have the ability to look at past experience as a comparison. To someone new they just assume that is the way things are suppose to be. For the most part when someone is new to anything they view it through rose coloured glasses because it is new and exciting. It often takes a mentor or some years under their belt before they see issues and understand they can help stand for changing them

I would place my bets that many of those being labeled as takers are more likely uneducated on issues.

The looking down ones nose at other hunters is not accomplishing anything possitve. You want support from new hunters educate them don't looks down on them. Maybe figure out why hunters are not rushing to the front line than insult them

If someone insults you are you excited to jump up and help with a cause they are trying to gain support on?

Wild one
04-07-2017, 12:32 PM

Sounds like someone is busy!
Anything you need will try and forward

Just a little lol working on getting some of my time back again.


04-16-2017, 10:10 AM
Time for a bump on this one to our new and youth hunters.

Reminder of if the Town Hall Meetings in your areas.

Your our Future voice in Wildlife and conservation.