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04-06-2017, 07:37 AM

The maps still have not been posted. Hopefully it is does not cover too much area.

Very sad morons ruin it for everybody.

Also wish they would have just started enforcing existing laws (careless use of a firearm with stiff penalties) ... slap a few 10k fines, take guns, issue gun bans... I think the problem would have went away quickly. This will just push the problem further up spurs, to the next valley over on into the timber where we hunt.

Glad hunting is exempt for now, but watch for the mission creep on this one.

04-06-2017, 08:03 AM
I agree in hoping its not too far reaching in locations. Really a shame so many bozo's ruin it for everyone, guess i better get me a range membership.....

04-06-2017, 08:06 AM
No more little Baghdad out on Sylvester I guess. I wonder if this means LM hunters will not have to pay the Fraser Valley Special Area Permit anymore?
I agree Caddis this will push the yayhoos further into the good hunting valleys and probably keep Mission SAR busier than ever when wasted and can't find the way out. Very unfortunate that once again the few make it worse for the many. Just a little enforcement could have shrunk this problem considerably.

04-06-2017, 09:06 AM
Here is the link to the new shooting closures:


It is pretty much what I thought. This is very bad news for me and caddisgirl. In bold because I am upset. Our base camp for bear hunting is just up a little spur off one of these main roads. On the weekends, there are a lot of target shooters camped along the main road. These target shooters will no doubt consolidate into the few little spur roads that exist, such as our bear camp. This is very very very bad news for us, our bear camp, our bear hunting and possibly our safety.

Will this add safety for anyone? I am not so sure. You push shooters 400M off the main road and they forget where they main road is and that hunters are in the timber, in the brush, etc. You will probably end up with less shots from the main road, but more shots towards said roads.

I also have every reason to suspect that the hunting exemption is only temporary, so they do not get vocal opposition from hunters and recreational shooters at the same time. Time will tell, but I am hedging my bets the exemption will only last a couple of years and this will spread beyond the Fraser Valley.

04-06-2017, 09:23 AM
Wow! That's extensive!

Wild one
04-06-2017, 09:49 AM
Wow after looking at the maps that is a huge area

The slobs making a mess and the reckless idiots won't go away unless they patrol these areas. It is a loss to responsible users and hunters better be vocal or that is next

04-06-2017, 09:52 AM
$50,000 and six months for a first offense.
They better publish very detailed maps.

I am confused by the comments on the bottom of the maps. "people engaged in lawful trapping or hunting...." so if you are hunting you can shoot? and if you are not.. you cannot?

04-06-2017, 09:57 AM
holy crap...so much for an after work trip to sight in the rifle

04-06-2017, 11:01 AM
$50,000 and six months for a first offense.
They better publish very detailed maps.

I am confused by the comments on the bottom of the maps. "people engaged in lawful trapping or hunting...." so if you are hunting you can shoot? and if you are not.. you cannot?

That is correct. If you are shooting at an animal, you're good to go but you are not allowed to target shoot. That said, I highly doubt the exemption will last very long, maybe a year or two. Restrictions like this are often a mission-creep and staggering them reduces push-pack... very similar to how they chip away other freedoms, including firearms ownership.

I don't target shoot near roads, but this policy has certainly ruined my best bear camp as it will be only of the only places left for the weekend shooters to camp out.

I agree on the huge fine or possible jail sentance with existing laws rather than new blanket policies like this. If they would have enforced the existing laws once or twice, I believe this would have been enough deterrant that we would not need to make restrictive policies like this which likely won't even add safety. It just moves the trash into the spurs, more bullets going towards the main road rather than away from it, and a bunch of idiots that will now think 400M is the maximum effective range of a high caliber FMJ.

04-06-2017, 11:16 AM
Nice, 400m off those roads will put you into the trees for the most part, they may as well just call them no shooting areas, hope shooting tvs ans leaving your garbage was worth it for everyone that ****ed the rest of us over. Now I either have to join a club or go further out.

Big Lew
04-06-2017, 11:23 AM
I'm not in the least surprised. It's utterly shocking where you can see not only the mess,
but the positioning of targets left by some 'recreational shooters'. People shooting high
powered rifles down roads, across roads, and toward fishing streams or hiking pathways
without any regard for public safety. Were these irresponsible individuals to pick spots where
they were shooting into a high bank or other obvious backstop and away from areas that
could possibly have buildings and people, this blanket ruling wouldn't be necessary.

04-06-2017, 11:24 AM
I don't think any of us are surprised about this. I've always been very vocal about not shooting in the bush here because of all the idiots. With that being said I am very disappointed to see it finally happen. As others have said, I think enforcing current infractions such as Reckless discharge of a firearm would be much more effective than a blanket ban.

Does anyone know if places in the interior like Kamloops or Kelowna have the same "problem areas" for recreational shooting like we have here in the LML?

04-06-2017, 11:27 AM
Another example of not nailing the morons with stiff penalties for stupid behaviour and instead penalizing everyone...

04-06-2017, 11:30 AM
I don't think any of us are surprised about this. I've always been very vocal about not shooting in the bush here because of all the idiots. With that being said I am very disappointed to see it finally happen. As others have said, I think enforcing current infractions such as Reckless discharge of a firearm would be much more effective than a blanket ban.

Does anyone know if places in the interior like Kamloops or Kelowna have the same "problem areas" for recreational shooting like we have here in the LML?

Not Kelowna, mind you we have, thank God, less population and therefore a lesser number of morons...:-D

04-06-2017, 11:40 AM
Surprised it didn't happen sooner. The amount of garbage up the chilliwack valley is a travesty and some of the spots people shot towards was ridiculous. We were up there a few years back shooting into a berm when we heard the sound of bullets buzzing by over our heads. Very unnerving!

Wild one
04-06-2017, 11:40 AM
I don't think any of us are surprised about this. I've always been very vocal about not shooting in the bush here because of all the idiots. With that being said I am very disappointed to see it finally happen. As others have said, I think enforcing current infractions such as Reckless discharge of a firearm would be much more effective than a blanket ban.

Does anyone know if places in the interior like Kamloops or Kelowna have the same "problem areas" for recreational shooting like we have here in the LML?

Explored the bush through BC and Alberta and have never come across anywhere with the level of slob mess you find in the lower mainland. You may come across the odd mess and if it is from target shooting it is most often a gravel pit. I don't doubt there is some bad spots in other areas I don't know of

I would give the lower mainland bush the title of the most highly abused in western Canada

04-06-2017, 11:40 AM
Not Kelowna, mind you we have, thank God, less population and therefore a lesser number of morons...:-D
Except in the summer when the place is flooded with vacationers from the city and Alberta...

04-06-2017, 11:41 AM
Not Kelowna, mind you we have, thank God, less population and therefore a lesser number of morons...:-D

Consider yourself lucky.

04-06-2017, 11:44 AM
Another example of not nailing the morons with stiff penalties for stupid behaviour and instead penalizing everyone...

Exactly. I doubt that it will add any safety, but it will certainly push the problem around so they can add more and more areas to the ban, then eventually remove the hunter exemption.

Lets not kid ourselves, the hunter exemption will be temporary. That said, I am not sure I want to hunt these areas if they are pushing target shooters up the spurs and into the timber. Very sad to lose one of my bear camps.

Big Lew
04-06-2017, 12:10 PM
Exactly. I doubt that it will add any safety, but it will certainly push the problem around so they can add more and more areas to the ban, then eventually remove the hunter exemption.

Lets not kid ourselves, the hunter exemption will be temporary. That said, I am not sure I want to hunt these areas if they are pushing target shooters up the spurs and into the timber. Very sad to lose one of my bear camps.

"That said, I am not sure I want to hunt these areas if they are pushing target shooters up the spurs and into the timber."

For you younger people, it's very sad indeed, but for people like me who used to successfully hunt most of the now
contentious areas, it's even more so. The east and west sides of the Stave River system were my stomping grounds
for hunting, fishing, and hiking....I won't even go there, and haven't for many years, because of the yahoos.

04-06-2017, 12:20 PM
One has to wonder how many offenders are not hunters and therefore not privy to the new rules. "I didn't know office" shouldn't get them off the hook.

04-06-2017, 12:24 PM
Anyone else see the likely hood of East Harrison becoming little iraq instantaneously.... figured there was more reckless shooting going on in that area more so then down the Skagit....? Seeing these maps have me very tore up right now... this is gunna suck. Anyone else see hunting license sales suddenly going through the roof??

Wild one
04-06-2017, 12:36 PM
Anyone else see the likely hood of East Harrison becoming little iraq instantaneously.... figured there was more reckless shooting going on in that area more so then down the Skagit....? Seeing these maps have me very tore up right now... this is gunna suck. Anyone else see hunting license sales suddenly going through the roof??

Watched the slobs slowly move east from Mission when I lived in the lower mainland at one point the skagit was really peaceful. East Harrision already bad enough it will get way worse now and bet this area will be added to the closer soon enough.

I don't see hunting license sales increaseing but instead the slobs either ignoring the closer do to lack of enforcement or just moving into the areas not effected by the closer

This will just move the problem not solve it

04-06-2017, 12:42 PM
It's about time, there will be less idiots in thier two wheel drive cars not willing to go so far anymore and leave thier mess

04-06-2017, 01:14 PM
Might actually make the Chilliwack River valley better for hunting now.

04-06-2017, 01:21 PM
It's about time, there will be less idiots in thier two wheel drive cars not willing to go so far anymore and leave thier mess

Never saw many two wheel drive cars hauling refrigerators up Sylvestor Rd.

I think it would be misguided to think that if you camp up a spur in Region 2 and hunt the surrounding timber that this will not negatively affect your hunting opportunities.

My prediction for the next few years:

- The mess will be consolidated into spurs that go 400M beyond the main roads
- Target shooting will commence in what were previously good hunting camps and the surrounding timber where we hunt
- Bans will extend to many of those spurs and many others will be gated
- The exemption for hunters will be removed
- Nobody will have been made safer, and no less garbage will be dumped
- This pattern will continue to repeat, spreading further north and further east than the Fraser Valley

I believe the policy makers already know it will not make a difference, but are quite content on restricting access and making hunting and responsible target shooting more difficult.

Every hunter and responsible firearms owner across the province should be getting chills and getting into letter writing mode.

04-06-2017, 01:29 PM
I see there are a number of conditional areas. No shooting, no hunting... Anyone give any thought to promoting archery only in areas that are no hunting?

04-06-2017, 01:38 PM
Might actually make the Chilliwack River valley better for hunting now.

How will the movement of target shooting from main roads to the spurs and timber result in better hunting? Not sure about you, but this is going to ruin the spot we shoot our bears in year after year.

Wild one
04-06-2017, 02:11 PM
I see there are a number of conditional areas. No shooting, no hunting... Anyone give any thought to promoting archery only in areas that are no hunting?

If you are looking at the areas that are blue no hunting no real hunting opurtunity in those locations even archery wise.

When I lived in the lower mainland I focused my hunting in areas rifles could not using a bow/shotgun. Myself and my hunting partners picked a part the fringe areas exploring. Not much we left unturned in our goal for good pockets

Wish I could say an archery hunting option was feasible JT but only way I see it possible is if these restrictions expand. For the hunters I still know down there I hope not.

Might be a future worst case scenario

04-06-2017, 02:50 PM
How will the movement of target shooting from main roads to the spurs and timber result in better hunting? Not sure about you, but this is going to ruin the spot we shoot our bears in year after year.

Just hoping that the excessive fine and jail time might deter some completely.

04-06-2017, 03:26 PM
Just hoping that the excessive fine and jail time might deter some completely.

Careless use of a firearm was already a serious offense. The problem is that we have never really had any enforcement. Now that only thing that will be enforced is making sure that careless use of a firearm occurs at least 400M from these roads. Doesn't make said road any safer or reduce careless use of firearms, but certainly will have negative impact for those who camp up the spurs and hunt the surrounding area.

04-06-2017, 04:07 PM
Never saw many two wheel drive cars hauling refrigerators up Sylvestor Rd.

I think it would be misguided to think that if you camp up a spur in Region 2 and hunt the surrounding timber that this will not negatively affect your hunting opportunities.

My prediction for the next few years:

- The mess will be consolidated into spurs that go 400M beyond the main roads
- Target shooting will commence in what were previously good hunting camps and the surrounding timber where we hunt
- Bans will extend to many of those spurs and many others will be gated
- The exemption for hunters will be removed
- Nobody will have been made safer, and no less garbage will be dumped
- This pattern will continue to repeat, spreading further north and further east than the Fraser Valley

I believe the policy makers already know it will not make a difference, but are quite content on restricting access and making hunting and responsible target shooting more difficult.

Every hunter and responsible firearms owner across the province should be getting chills and getting into letter writing mode.

e either but on many occasions ive see a car load of 20 year olds going up and down Sylvester stopping and blasting away at every corner carelessly,then thier gone and leave thier wake of destruction bottles,casings etc and whatever crap they bring with them to shoot at. Ya people still have 4x4 but these guys defiantly won't be driving up no spur road which hopefully ends up keeping some of them out of the bush. I think it's a good start and hopefully it does work and if it doesn't ,well that don't matter cause the powers that be will do as they please.

04-06-2017, 07:46 PM
Most of the advocates for this ban are also users of the valley and one of the few to clean it on a regular basis is the Chwk Fish and Game club. I know they were a big part of its creation and if hunting comes off the table there will be powerful lobby to face it.

Some folks will be negatively effected, but I suspect the heat(enforcement) in the valley will keep the shit heads further up towards Hope or Harrison. Its a shame they never did anything to deter these idiots in a meaningful way, and now it comes to this.

I used to shoot lots up there until I finally smartened up and spent the $$ for a range membership. Sooo much nicer at the range and I am a better shooter because of it.

04-06-2017, 08:16 PM
Most of the advocates for this ban are also users of the valley and one of the few to clean it on a regular basis is the Chwk Fish and Game club. I know they were a big part of its creation and if hunting comes off the table there will be powerful lobby to face it.

Some folks will be negatively effected, but I suspect the heat(enforcement) in the valley will keep the shit heads further up towards Hope or Harrison. Its a shame they never did anything to deter these idiots in a meaningful way, and now it comes to this.

I used to shoot lots up there until I finally smartened up and spent the $$ for a range membership. Sooo much nicer at the range and I am a better shooter because of it.

Hope and West Harrison are well covered by the ban as well. East Harrison is gate city because the companies with leases decided they own it all.

The asshats are not going to go away without enforcement and pushing them further up spurs into places hunters like to camp and hunt will hamper enforcement of careless use of firearms and will ruin hunting spots for many. Pushing the problem around and then following it up with more bans is a failed strategy. All we needed was some stiff enforcement of the existing criminal code. Fine a couple bad apples 20k, take their guns and give them a 15 year ban... do that a couple times a year and the problem would actually go away instead of being relocated.

I am glad you are optimistic that the hunting community has such voice and power that the hunting exemption will be kept forever, but historically we have lost more times than not when it comes to being gated out of leases or shooting restrictions. IMHO the responsible non-hunting recreational shooting crowd seems to outnumber us and have a bigger voice. Hopefully they will engage this politically.

04-06-2017, 08:56 PM
This whole thing is rediculus its going to push people onto further spurs and the dummies who dont bother to check for a backstop are going to wind up shooting towards roads they have no idea even exist because there shooting into the bush.

Ride Red
04-06-2017, 09:11 PM
The existing laws were already in place to curb this issue. Typical bureaucratic bullshit at it's best. We're too f'in lazy to enforce the laws, so we decided to screw everyone in the process. Just the way the world works today. How I wish we'd start punishing the people who ruin it for everyone else for a change.

04-06-2017, 09:23 PM
Spent a day at little iraq last year raking shelves and picking up garbage we filled a 10 tonne trucks bed with bags burnt all the wood and I raked a litersl football feild of shells up... Now Ill probably never see that place again lol

04-06-2017, 09:25 PM
Here is the link to the new shooting closures:


It is pretty much what I thought. This is very bad news for me and caddisgirl. In bold because I am upset. Our base camp for bear hunting is just up a little spur off one of these main roads. On the weekends, there are a lot of target shooters camped along the main road. These target shooters will no doubt consolidate into the few little spur roads that exist, such as our bear camp. This is very very very bad news for us, our bear camp, our bear hunting and possibly our safety.

Will this add safety for anyone? I am not so sure. You push shooters 400M off the main road and they forget where they main road is and that hunters are in the timber, in the brush, etc. You will probably end up with less shots from the main road, but more shots towards said roads.

I also have every reason to suspect that the hunting exemption is only temporary, so they do not get vocal opposition from hunters and recreational shooters at the same time. Time will tell, but I am hedging my bets the exemption will only last a couple of years and this will spread beyond the Fraser Valley.

Same here caddis. I have to move my bear camp now too.

04-07-2017, 01:42 AM
Myself aswell.....but I'm just happy that some of the places are responsible but

04-07-2017, 07:12 AM
Time to get a range membership. The ranges in lower mainland will all be full soon. I think mission is the only one over a hundred yards. Maybe more long range gun ranges will pop up because of the need. I would like to see a range with 300+ open up.

04-07-2017, 11:30 AM
Sorry, but I'm confused. The press release states "will not affect licensed hunting and trapping" but a 400 mere No-shooting zone means no shooting right? Not just at old TVs and propane tanks, but game too. That affects hunting doesn' t it?

So if you want to hunt in the Skagit Valley then you have to be out of the 400 metre zone, same as the 400 M exclusion zone at the Coq. am I correct? No more shooting deer or bear off the road. (not that I ever did)

04-07-2017, 11:37 AM
Sorry, but I'm confused. The press release states "will not affect licensed hunting and trapping" but a 400 mere No-shooting zone means no shooting right? Not just at old TVs and propane tanks, but game too. That affects shunting doesn' t it?

So if you want to hunt in the Skagit Valley then you have to be out of the 400 metre zone, same as the 400 M exclusion zone at the Coq. am I correct? No more shooting deer or bear off the road. (not that I ever did)

They are saying that the restrictions only apply to target/recreational shooting. You would need to sight in somewhere else, but hunters shooting at game are exempt, at least for now, but I think the writing is on the wall.

04-07-2017, 12:01 PM
The existing laws were already in place to curb this issue. Typical bureaucratic bullshit at it's best. We're too f'in lazy to enforce the laws, so we decided to screw everyone in the process. Just the way the world works today. How I wish we'd start punishing the people who ruin it for everyone else for a change.

Spot on. The drunk 4X4ers and garbage dumpers will still be there. Some people just don't like shooting.

04-07-2017, 12:01 PM
Look for similar restrictions coming to Sea to Sky soon.

04-07-2017, 12:03 PM
There is a demand for ranges in the LML. This might be an opportunity to create a designated shooting area or two, on safe areas, as informal ranges.

04-07-2017, 12:06 PM
i would love to see an informal range happen somewhere near to the LML, unfortunately i doubt this will occur due to too many people willing to mess it all up in the first place. Wish we could have more ranges with 100+ distances.

04-07-2017, 10:25 PM
Public informal ranges would be great... Bet someone would shoot them up or burn them exactly 400m from the road and there will still be no proper enforcement. Shame what has happend I bet gate is right about squamish valley and pemby. People need a place to shoot if they are responsible why should they be punished for the few.

04-07-2017, 11:23 PM
Public informal ranges would be great... Bet someone would shoot them up or burn them exactly 400m from the road and there will still be no proper enforcement.

In my perfect world, someone would find an area within the now "banned areas" that is safe to shoot. Good backstop, etc. Use a machine to berm it if required. Drop big rocks down so people couldn't put cars or appliances in there. Park and walk a short distance to a shooting area. Sure, it would get messy. But it's contained. Organize an annual cleanup. Of course, I haven't been to the Stgave area since I was a kid, so ....I just think shooters should be proactive. Although that time may have passed..

Shame what has happend I bet gate is right about squamish valley and pemby. People need a place to shoot if they are responsible why should they be punished for the few.

I absolutely guarantee this will happen.

I had a conversation with our MLA Jordan Sturdy about this very topic. When local government representatives get complaints about "drunks with guns" invading every FSR every weekend, there is going to be a response at one point.

04-08-2017, 04:49 AM
So....let me get this right....after looking at the maps and seeing the area's that are no shooting which by the way Sucked in the first place due to trash..is "now" ruining hunting....lol I have two legs that work well and there are fu;)? Ng tones of spots to hunt and enjoy...so they restrict the shitty areas so what....and if you arnt able to hunt on foot....well my friends this is bc...our weak ass lumber trade deals make for amazing clear cut / road grass bear hunting so once again not worried.....in all honesty we might be making a mountain out of a mole hill....is there going to be ripple affect....of course....but if you actually look at the maps....they restrict the areas that should be..**that said I also lost a bear camp that was slipping anyways due to target shooter**

04-08-2017, 01:10 PM
I don't like it, but screw it, its necessary. I work along most of those FSRs and am sick and tired of all the idiots screwing around out there. I have been shot at, over, near, had equipment in the work truck messed with etc... . Take a drive up east or west harrison on a long weekend (I won't even work there on those fridays, road is too dangerous driving against the weekend warrior traffic on the way home).

Many dummies won't know this new regulation, and will likely shoot within these zones, get caught, get fined, have their firearms and licenses revoked etc..... GOOD! lets weed those fools out of the back roads.

This is the age we live in and must adapt. If you really need to shoot that bad, join a range; I did. If want to go shooting out there, I'll even hike in to shoot in peace, unmolested. You want to talk about limiting access, how about all of the back country that is becoming gated because of IPPs, hydro Right-of-ways, timber companies that gate roads even though they are not operating, gravel pits, ETC!... not much I can do about that limited access, I just have to accept it and give them their required buffer.

Just love it when i'm out hunting and shooting party lights up the valley (of course, never checking their backstop). So I try to use this to my advantage, using them to push game. Its not that I want to, but what else to do?

04-08-2017, 02:28 PM
This ban will not affect my activity, as I ride pretty far off road to go shooting and already have a club membership
BUT it may get me injured or worse!!!

Morons with guns scattered deeper in the bush are my nightmare. When it was confined to few areas like Stave, Silvester and Mamquam fsr in Squamish, I could deal with it by just avoiding those areas on weekends. But when they get pushed further out and dispersed they will trash more areas and make everywhere unsafe.

Look at what happened at Stave lake: the place was/is a wasteland and like a scene out of Mad Max on the weekends. They closed it down, and the problem moved 18km up the Stave fsr and spread to several locations.
Same amount of trash, but more spread out, same number of guns but pointing in more directions.

limit time
04-08-2017, 04:08 PM
A lot of wa wa wa wa, **** everyone but me in this post .

04-08-2017, 04:38 PM
I don't like it, but screw it, its necessary. I work along most of those FSRs and am sick and tired of all the idiots screwing around out there. I have been shot at, over, near, had equipment in the work truck messed with etc... . Take a drive up east or west harrison on a long weekend (I won't even work there on those fridays, road is too dangerous driving against the weekend warrior traffic on the way home).

Many dummies won't know this new regulation, and will likely shoot within these zones, get caught, get fined, have their firearms and licenses revoked etc..... GOOD! lets weed those fools out of the back roads.

This is the age we live in and must adapt. If you really need to shoot that bad, join a range; I did. If want to go shooting out there, I'll even hike in to shoot in peace, unmolested. You want to talk about limiting access, how about all of the back country that is becoming gated because of IPPs, hydro Right-of-ways, timber companies that gate roads even though they are not operating, gravel pits, ETC!... not much I can do about that limited access, I just have to accept it and give them their required buffer.

Just love it when i'm out hunting and shooting party lights up the valley (of course, never checking their backstop). So I try to use this to my advantage, using them to push game. Its not that I want to, but what else to do?

It will be interesting to hear your perspective on this in a month or two. As someone who is there very often, you have a unique opportunity to observe results from these new rules.

04-08-2017, 05:47 PM
There is a demand for ranges in the LML. This might be an opportunity to create a designated shooting area or two, on safe areas, as informal ranges.

Big time. I don't know exactly how it works in the LML yet but a few of the clubs on the n island were on crown land. BC Lands or whatever they're called now issue a lease (free) to the local Regional District who is named as the tenure holder. It is run by the board of the local club and they report their meeting minutes etc back to the RD so they can see the club is being run properly.

A small group would have a snow ball's chance in hell getting a crown lease but if its sponsored by local government (the RD) they're all over it. So, the regional district was behind this shooting ban big time because of course they've been loaded with complaints. If the RD was now approached by a group, hell an intellegent individual saying we've been beat up pretty bad over this shooting ban, but we want to do the right thing and start a gun club on this chunk of crown land. We'd like you to help us. The time would be right for a hell of a good chance me thinks.

04-08-2017, 07:51 PM
I am shocked by the amount of pacifists on this thread.

Meh who cares I'll just hike further now that the target shooters camp up the spurs and shoot into the timber where I normally hunt. Blah blah this is the reality we live in, lots of irresponsible people out there... we just have to accept the blanket bans. It's about time! Lots of wah wah, stop crying.

*Face palm* ... NO. I love each and every one of you, but don't be stupid. These restrictions do not solve the problem. They do nothing for safety. They do not prevent garbage in the bush. What they do is push the problem around, which serves as a pre-text for the government to add more and more bans. The province is using blanket bans instead of the actual enforcement required to solve the problem and your loss of freedom and opportunity is a bonus. With this approach, there is much more to come. There was already a law against careless use of a firearm, but they would rather cut down on the number of CO's and chip away at your freedom than charge a few people each year to actually solve the problem and deter this type of activity. For the price of a Christy Clark photo op we could hire a dozen CO's. Enforcement versus bans should be an election issue for hunters. The hunting exemption will not last.

I see the same thing over and over again with the hunting community... meh who cares if they ban semi auto rifles... I don't use one blah blah... ooh I'm too lazy to write a dang letter or show up at a meeting.... someone else will do it. Oh who cares if they ban this magazine or that gun, I don't have one.

I sound cranky I know... because I am... reading some of these posts while caddisgirl extracted a large adult female deer tick from my lower back was just enough to get me started.

Anyone willing to accept these new mission creep bans, please wake the heck up and write some dang letters. We need to band together rather than being divided up and allowing ourselves to become useful idiots cheerleading or even justifying or condoning this type of approach.

That is all. End of ourburst. Thank you for listening.

04-08-2017, 09:46 PM
Just using the shooting as an excuse to continue the government objective of disarming us.

$50000 fine for a first offense (I know up to)
Someone steals your truck and burns it up won't get that

04-08-2017, 09:46 PM
Ps at least up the Chehalis for there is no indication, sign, posting or any other conveyance of deterrent to the new rules. How the hell someone other then a hunter who regularly checks these things is supposed to know is beyond me. But this leads me to believe that the yahoos will still get away with all their shit as there are no signs, and obviously no enforcement. I passed three sets of people target shooting in the no go zone today and promptly informed them politely of the new rules.. . They were more then happy to drive the extra 10 minutes up the road to where the ban ends.... But these folks all seemed like decent people.

Anyways if if they're throwing this ban up I hope they at least put up signage to point to for easier conviction of people disobeying the laws.

04-08-2017, 09:50 PM
I have spent a number of weekends up there over the last 2 years, camping and hiking (no target shooting)
Yes the garbage was maddening, but so is the other garbage left up there by other users
Not once have I felt in danger from target shooters up there

04-08-2017, 09:54 PM
They put up signs 3 yrs ago half way up the west ide of stave indicateing it was a no shooting area so I imagine all areas will get them...Pissed me off as I had a good honey hole for blacktail ive used for yrs and it got nixed.
Living in mission since 1990 ive seen a lot on those back roads and I think its over blown by a few bad apples..


One Shot
04-08-2017, 10:38 PM
They put up signs 3 yrs ago half way up the west ide of stave indicateing it was a no shooting area so I imagine all areas will get them...Pissed me off as I had a good honey hole for blacktail ive used for yrs and it got nixed.
Living in mission since 1990 ive seen a lot on those back roads and I think its over blown by a few bad apples..


The new regs still allow for the discharge of firearms for hunting in the existing hunting areas in the region just no target practice.

One Shot
04-08-2017, 10:48 PM
There is a demand for ranges in the LML. This might be an opportunity to create a designated shooting area or two, on safe areas, as informal ranges.

In the consultation process this was recommended to FVRD and MFLNRO for the province to provide and alternate location for shooting venue. Even a partnership was proposed to operate an alternate facility, this was turned down twice but was accepted in the end as a viable option and submitted to Victoria along with the proposed regulations. The same recommendation was also submitted by MFLNRO to all Municipalities in the FVRD and Metro Vancouver to stimulate them as well into the process.

Need to follow up and see where it now stands.

04-08-2017, 11:29 PM
The new regs still allow for the discharge of firearms for hunting in the existing hunting areas in the region just no target practice.

Yes, the "new" no shooting regs have a "hunting exemption" so not everyone opposes it at once... but wait for it.....

#divideandconquer #missioncreep #playingyou

Meanwhile the problem just moved up into the spurs where we camp and they either shoot towards the main roads or into the timber where we hunt. Does anyone think slobs will think "oh I have to drive an extra 400M from the main road or drive an extra 15min highway to the next valley so forget it I'll just stay home."?

What is solved by this policy and how? It is likely to result in less safety and garbage further out, further bans as the problem spreads. The hunting exemption is just a bargaining chip and unlikely to last long. Can anyone explain how this is good? Why couldn't we just have enough enforcement to be a detterant? Why aren't we demanding that instead of justifying this ridiculous policy?

This is more of a loss for hunters and responsible shooters than it is a slight inconvenience for slobs, so anyone treating it like a win needs to snap out of it and give their head a dang shake.

04-09-2017, 09:12 AM
So hypothetical question. But say your heading out to go bear hunting this weekend and in the process of unloading the truck you drop your rifle. Are you supposed to now leave, and go to a range to make sure your gun is still on target since the rules now say you can't shoot at targets.

04-09-2017, 09:20 AM
So hypothetical question. But say your heading out to go bear hunting this weekend and in the process of unloading the truck you drop your rifle. Are you supposed to now leave, and go to a range to make sure your gun is still on target since the rules now say you can't shoot at targets.

YUP or go home,nice hey


04-09-2017, 09:24 AM
So hypothetical question. But say your heading out to go bear hunting this weekend and in the process of unloading the truck you drop your rifle. Are you supposed to now leave, and go to a range to make sure your gun is still on target since the rules now say you can't shoot at targets.

Go 400m off a main road and shoot at your targets there, simple solution.

04-09-2017, 05:16 PM
Does anyone know if better maps will be released? I have a request in with DataBC to get the GIS files used to create the released PDF maps, but have not heard back yet. If released, would anyone like to see these no-shooting areas integrated into iHunter BC and/or HuntBuddy BC? I've had a few requests already for integration into iHunter, but not sure if its a prominent request, or just a few one-offs.

04-09-2017, 06:46 PM
Does anyone know if better maps will be released? I have a request in with DataBC to get the GIS files used to create the released PDF maps, but have not heard back yet. If released, would anyone like to see these no-shooting areas integrated into iHunter BC and/or HuntBuddy BC? I've had a few requests already for integration into iHunter, but not sure if its a prominent request, or just a few one-offs.

that would definitely be helpful!

limit time
04-09-2017, 07:15 PM
Wait till it's province wide... then who you fudds gonna blame ??

Wild one
04-09-2017, 07:39 PM
Wait till it's province wide... then who you fudds gonna blame ??

Most places don't have the same issue as the lower mainland for the mess people have made of the bush. Enforcement would have been a better option yes. But holy F the mess and BS in these areas is bad.

Blame the lack of enforcement and the slobs just as I would if other areas see the same.

limit time
04-09-2017, 07:54 PM
Most places don't have the same issue as the lower mainland for the mess people have made of the bush. Enforcement would have been a better option yes. But holy F the mess and BS in these areas is bad.

Blame the lack of enforcement and the slobs just as I would if other areas see the same.
i agree enforcement should have been the way, but the liberal agenda is to limit the use and ownership of firearms.

Wild one
04-09-2017, 08:01 PM
i agree enforcement should have been the way, but the liberal agenda is to limit the use and ownership of firearms.

In this case I think this is more likely years of other users being pissed with the mess complaining and rather than invest $ into enforcement they want to go with the cheap way out and regulate.

I doubt this is anything to really do with anti firearm agenda more like too cheap to address the problem with increased man power and eforcement

I doubt this will solve anything instead only move the problem

04-09-2017, 08:20 PM
In this case I think this is more likely years of other users being pissed with the mess complaining and rather than invest $ into enforcement they want to go with the cheap way out and regulate.

I doubt this is anything to really do with anti firearm agenda more like too cheap to address the problem with increased man power and eforcement

I doubt this will solve anything instead only move the problem

I would not be surprised if this policy is a part of the general anti-firearm agenda. The policy was set by the government based on recommendations by the RCMP. Now don't get my wrong, RCMP are our friends but at a higher level, both the RCMP and Liberal government are all for chipping away at our freedoms involving hunting and firearms.

One must also acknowledge that anyone with half a brain knows this policy will do nothing to increase safety or reduce garbage, so we must ask ourselves why such a policy would be implemented. Then if we consider the result of the policy, which most agree is that the problem will spread and more bans will follow, we begin to see a clear picture of probable motive IMHO.

At best it is gross negligence and an inadvertent attack on firearms owners and hunters, at worst it is purely an attack on firearms owners and hunters. Either way, it needs to be opposed vigorously from every possible angle.

limit time
04-09-2017, 08:39 PM
I would not be surprised if this policy is a part of the general anti-firearm agenda. The policy was set by the government based on recommendations by the RCMP. Now don't get my wrong, RCMP are our friends but at a higher level, both the RCMP and Liberal government are all for chipping away at our freedoms involving hunting and firearms.

One must also acknowledge that anyone with half a brain knows this policy will do nothing to increase safety or reduce garbage, so we must ask ourselves why such a policy would be implemented. Then if we consider the result of the policy, which most agree is that the problem will spread and more bans will follow, we begin to see a clear picture of probable motive IMHO.

At best it is gross negligence and an inadvertent attack on firearms owners and hunters, at worst it is purely an attack on firearms owners and hunters. Either way, it needs to be opposed vigorously from every possible angle.
Yes, this is the start to the end of "crown" shooting.

04-09-2017, 08:44 PM
Yes, this is the start of the end of "crown" shooting.

And likely hunting access within 400M of any sort or road or spur. The hunter exemption is not because they like hunters, it is because they would rather divide hunters and target shooters to avoid simultaneous opposition. As the bans spread, the hunter exemptions on the previous bans will be removed. It will be an incremental mission creep.

limit time
04-09-2017, 08:56 PM
And likely hunting access within 400M of any sort or road or spur. The hunter exemption is not because they like hunters, it is because they would rather divide hunters and target shooters to avoid simultaneous opposition. As the bans spread, the hunter exemptions on the previous bans will be removed. It will be an incremental mission creep.
I also wonder since a " precedence of sorts" has been made, who and how easy can this be implemented ? I noticed on the map it is devided into ELECTORAL areas. It seems the rcmp can and will do what they feel.

04-12-2017, 05:48 PM
When I moved from the interior to Mission, I took my kids up Sylvester road to check out Davis lake provincial park for a summer hike and to scout the area. I'm still in shock with what I witnessed with guys shooting across roads, drinking while shooting, and the shell mess was unbelievable. Absurd is not a strong enough word for it. We got out to hike and had to retreat to the truck due to bullets whizzing above our heads.

As a hunter, hiker ,fisherman, camper and general outdoorsman I have never been so enraged at the lack of respect for the surroundings, gun safety and general common sense. Just a bunch of lowlife disrespectful mouth breathers in my opinion. They had this coming to them a long time ago.

I think we as a community need to support activities that are positive and responsible, I won't support this BS in the name of being united. Sorry

04-12-2017, 06:34 PM
Anyone curious in how/where HBC members could maybe set up our own informal range and if theres legalities etc behind doing so?

I dont have a machine or anything but id be willing to brong some tools and manual labour to set up some kind of range like burm etc with marked out distances?

04-12-2017, 07:00 PM
When I moved from the interior to Mission, I took my kids up Sylvester road to check out Davis lake provincial park for a summer hike and to scout the area. I'm still in shock with what I witnessed with guys shooting across roads, drinking while shooting, and the shell mess was unbelievable. Absurd is not a strong enough word for it. We got out to hike and had to retreat to the truck due to bullets whizzing above our heads.

As a hunter, hiker ,fisherman, camper and general outdoorsman I have never been so enraged at the lack of respect for the surroundings, gun safety and general common sense. Just a bunch of lowlife disrespectful mouth breathers in my opinion. They had this coming to them a long time ago.

I think we as a community need to support activities that are positive and responsible, I won't support this BS in the name of being united. Sorry

I don't think anybody here would want to support or unite with slobs. That said, hunters and responsible recreational users do need to be united when it comes to bad policies such as this, where it does not actually solve anything but rather pushes the problem from place to place and creates a pretext for more and more bans which will also do nothing.

Our united message should be to demand enforcement of existing laws. Even a tiny bit of enforcement would have paid for itself in stiff fines and create a deterrent. Pushing the slobs up into the spurs we camp and shooting into the timber we hunt, or having them hike up 400M from the road so they are more likely to shoot towards the road is horrible policy.

And the hunting exemption that is added to create divide and reduce backlash will be short lived, I guarantee it.

I hate slobs too, but this policy doesn't really even inconvenience them. It hurts us a heck of a lot though.

The policy is diabolically genius however, if the end game is to incrementally eliminate hunting and target shooting opportunities in general. Over time, as the problem gets spread around this is exactly what we will see.

Government always loves creating more problems so they can "provide a solution" which always costs freedom and generally does not solve the problem (or makes it worse) The slobs are simply pawns being moved around the chess board.

04-12-2017, 08:42 PM
When I moved from the interior to Mission, I took my kids up Sylvester road to check out Davis lake provincial park for a summer hike and to scout the area. I'm still in shock with what I witnessed with guys shooting across roads, drinking while shooting, and the shell mess was unbelievable. Absurd is not a strong enough word for it. We got out to hike and had to retreat to the truck due to bullets whizzing above our heads.

As a hunter, hiker ,fisherman, camper and general outdoorsman I have never been so enraged at the lack of respect for the surroundings, gun safety and general common sense. Just a bunch of lowlife disrespectful mouth breathers in my opinion. They had this coming to them a long time ago.

I think we as a community need to support activities that are positive and responsible, I won't support this BS in the name of being united. Sorry

You hit the nail on the head friend. Even on this site people are more mad about the rule change then being at the people who CAUSED the rule change. And to the guys who claim "the problem will just move elsewhere", well it shows how slow some people are eh? You get an area shutdown so you just move to another location with the same disrespectful attitude?

04-12-2017, 09:08 PM
You hit the nail on the head friend. Even on this site people are more mad about the rule change then being at the people who CAUSED the rule change. And to the guys who claim "the problem will just move elsewhere", well it shows how slow some people are eh? You get an area shutdown so you just move to another location with the same disrespectful attitude?

I am slow for thinking slobs will drive an extra 400 meters up a spur or 15 mins of highway to the next valley over to shoot their trash? Yeah ok... that's like... totally way out there... guess I am just talking crazy talk! Buncha guys who wanna party, get hammered and shoot stuff would never do that. No coincidence we just got two shot up toilets up our favorite spur over the weekend.

Personally I think people who believe this policy will deter slobs, turn them into responsible/respectful individuals or make any progress in solving the problem are very slow people who think with emotions instead of logic and allow themselves to be manipulated by their own anger and cheer-lead the removal of their own freedoms while the offenders are virtually unaffected.

You are also incorrect that "the people on this site" are more angry about the policy than those who caused the rule change. We have spent hundreds of hours hauling shot op trash and hundreds of dollars to dump it. Do you think I was thinking happy thoughts about these people at the time?

I have however spent a couple of hours pointing out how this policy will not help the problem and proposed that enforcement of existing laws would have been more appropriate and more effective. More crazy talk hey? I am uncertain why that would hit a nerve with you. I must be a terrible person.

I am interested to hear how you have contributed and how you believe the extra 2 mins to drive 400M up the spur, a little extra highway or a little walk off the road will be a huge punishment/deterrent to those you are so angry at. From my standpoint, it just means more trash where I camp, people shooting into the timber we hunt, more shooting towards the road instead of away from it and more effort on our part to haul out their trash (hope your gonna be hauling it from now on) but hey... that's really stickin' it to em right!! Those bad guys been served!!! You got em... you got the bad guys. Thanks for your support, man. I'll think of you when we're hauling out the garbage the extra 400M... appreciated.

On a less sarcastic note, I hope you apply some critical thinking and reconsider your stance.

limit time
04-13-2017, 08:27 AM
Remember, the bigger picture is to restrict and control the use of all guns and hunting. Check out the #a gun free world sign that has apeared as of late.

04-13-2017, 08:49 AM
The actions of those irresponsible idiots will insure all lose the privilege to own and use firearms . Remember in Canada, it's privilege, not a right. There is 150 years of case law pointing that out. screw them

04-25-2017, 02:32 PM
So we've been contacted my the ministry, and asked to post notices in the shop notifying of the closures. I've been in contact with them, and was able to procure a KMZ (Google Earth File) of the new closures. Unfortunately it doesn't cover all existing closure areas, only the new areas, but it's something. I've attached here to this post.

Please note, it came with the following notices:

NOTICE: With the exception of persons engaged in lawful hunting or trapping, the discharge of firearms is prohibited within 400m of the indicated roads. Other shooting restrictions may apply. Please see the Wildlife Act Closed Areas Regulations for more information. Should there be a discrepancy in interpretation, the regulation as deposited is correct.

You can download your own copy from our website here: https://www.reliablegun.com/en/

04-25-2017, 03:47 PM
^^ Perhaps there is a group in the LML who can develop a project of signage and get out on the ground using your file/GPS locations and place some quality signage along roadways to ensure all users of firearms are made aware of the rules. It's a good project for a group of people. We actively do that up here. Take ownership of creating awareness and build the kiosks on roads, and place signs as required. The placement of signage is confirmed by the CO service.

04-25-2017, 05:12 PM
The changes apply to recreational shooting and target practice.

04-25-2017, 06:24 PM
Am i understanding it correctly that the no shooting zone is within 400m of the road for segment of the road that is highlighted in red only? i.e. East Harrison, once north of the new no shooting area is still open?

04-26-2017, 08:09 AM
Am i understanding it correctly that the no shooting zone is within 400m of the road for segment of the road that is highlighted in red only? i.e. East Harrison, once north of the new no shooting area is still open?

The areas encompassed in red are no shooting zones. Anything outside of those areas should still be fine.

"NOTICE: With the exception of persons engaged in lawful hunting or trapping, the discharge of firearms is prohibited within 400m of the indicated roads. Other shooting restrictions may apply. Please see the Wildlife Act Closed Areas Regulations for more information. Should there be a discrepancy in interpretation, the regulation as deposited is correct."

04-26-2017, 09:48 AM
"NOTICE: With the exception of persons engaged in lawful hunting or trapping, the discharge of firearms is prohibited within 400m of the indicated roads. Other shooting restrictions may apply. Please see the Wildlife Act Closed Areas Regulations for more information. Should there be a discrepancy in interpretation, the regulation as deposited is correct."

Just for clarification SuperYeti, this means that we can legally shoot for the purpose of hunting and trapping in these red zones?

04-26-2017, 09:52 AM
Just for clarification SuperYeti, this means that we can legally shoot for the purpose of hunting and trapping in these red zones?

For now... as long as the excemption lasts.

04-26-2017, 09:54 AM
Ok thanks Caddis

04-26-2017, 10:02 AM
Ok thanks Caddis

I should add that sighting in a rifle--though for the purpose of hunting--would still fall under "target shooting". The spirit of the exemption is that hunters can shoot at animals in these areas, barring any existing road allowances or other restrictions defined elsewhere.

04-26-2017, 10:40 AM
It would make sense for conservationists, not wanting their privilege to hunt and enjoy the outdoors to erode any further, take up the responsibility to create awareness of the new rules. Work together and with Governments to erect signs in key and accurate locations providing sufficient information to ensure no violations of the new terms.

rides bike to work
04-26-2017, 10:01 PM
Would be a bad idea to share a good spot for shooting close to the lowermainland a good safe legal place as a group we can all agree to clean up after our selves and other visitors that will come along. Build a few solid benches so there is room for a couple groups few well built targets at marked distances. Id share my spot but it has been taken by the new laws and haven't had time to scout for a new one.

just post the location on here and we will all take care of it. Good place to meet some hbcers

North Star
05-05-2017, 02:21 AM
The entire Norrish watershed is closed?

05-05-2017, 03:47 AM
(rides to work)....would it be that easy to build a range....i would think you would be more of a formal thing then just setting up some benches on the end of a logging road....or is it really that easy...I personally have no idea how that would work...if anyone does please chime in

05-05-2017, 05:59 AM
Well after talking to a buddie about it. You would need a permit to clear the trees a permit for the construction of the range a permit to operate the 'building' and approval from a cfo... Don't think its happening any time soon unfortunately.

One Shot
05-06-2017, 11:16 AM
You will also need a Civil Engineer to sign off on it that it is constructed to the construction guidelines.

Wild one
05-06-2017, 11:39 AM
Anyone hear if these new areas have at least increased enforcement

or is it just another don't do this or else with no enforcement

05-06-2017, 11:54 AM
The entire Norrish watershed is closed?
when i looked at the map i thought a saw a spot orn 2 that you could get to that is 400m off the road....was i off base? i was planning on going there tomorrow

when i go back to the map i am still unsure if the norrish cr watershed is being shown for clarity or if it is included in the closure....i am interpreting it as just showing it for clarity but i am not 100% sure now

05-06-2017, 12:17 PM
When interpreting these "new" no shooting areas. Be sure to also consult the Fraser Valley special area map as well.


05-06-2017, 12:31 PM
Anyone hear if these new areas have at least increased enforcement

or is it just another don't do this or else with no enforcement RCMP and CO's are patrolling these areas just about everyday at least in the Chilliwack area.

Wild one
05-06-2017, 12:48 PM
RCMP and CO's are patrolling these areas just about everyday at least in the Chilliwack area.

If only they could have done that before resulting to restricting the areas

05-07-2017, 04:34 PM
If only they could have done that before resulting to restricting the areas

No doubt... but hey at least the slobs are dumping and shooting crap further in the bush now, so everyone wins right lol.

We hauled out some office chairs that were used a target stands this weekend. Last thing I felt like doing Sunday morning.

Special pat on the head for those very special folks who condoned and supported this policy thinking they were "sticking it to the slobs" ... very special people indeed.

Don't worry, caddisguy and caddisgirl cleans up the mess deeper in the bush ya'll crave for along with the bans... I mean, I only work 50 hours and commute 20 or so a week... I totally have time to clean up after shooters in our camp... everyone gets a trophy *special pat on the head for ya* ... big hugs when you get sad the hunter exemption goes next.

05-07-2017, 04:38 PM
RCMP and CO's are patrolling these areas just about everyday at least in the Chilliwack area.

Dang shame they don't patrol the areas they pushed the criminals to... but that is all part of mission creep bans... can't ban it in the next spot until you make it a problem in the next spot. Too bad there are so many gullible suckers who cheerlead the strategy. Enforcing the law to begin with would have been more effective, rather than ineffective, less safe and at the expense of hunters and outdoor users in general.

05-07-2017, 05:20 PM
Don't worry, caddisguy and caddisgirl cleans up the mess deeper in the bush ya'll crave for along with the bans...Might as well , sounds like you were on 'bear watch' instead of pulling the trigger anyways )

Bwaaa hahahha

05-08-2017, 07:12 AM
Might as well , sounds like you were on 'bear watch' instead of pulling the trigger anyways )

Bwaaa hahahha

Lol I tried man I tried.

That reminds me of something kind of weird. Last week we noticed a container of oil down a little spur and this we decided we would go grab it on our way back. At first I thought it was shot but on further inspection it had been clawed up and no oil on the ground. Guessing a bear licked it all up? I wouldn't shoot any bears around there... no longer organic despite its smooth running engine lol

05-08-2017, 07:25 AM
It's a proven fact, the dickheads have now pushed deeper into the bush. I've got a pretty productive bear spot in Chilliwack valley, hike in only, but these garbage dumpers have found a way to get some form of transportation in there. Found a bunch of shotgun shells, busted clays and random trash in about 4km from the main road. Would have hauled it out, but I was hiking. Never have a I seen a CO or rcmp around there in all my years going there.

05-08-2017, 07:26 AM
went up norrish creek watershed on sunday...had rifles, targets, etc but decided not to shoot until I am 100 % sure its ok to shoot 400m off the road there...the map left me confused as to whether they were just colour coding the area of the watershed or including it in the ban...picked up two bags of garbage but barely made a dent in what is up there

05-08-2017, 03:13 PM
All the roads in the Norrish Creek Watershed are included in the shooting ban. They are highlighted in red within the watershed area highlighted in yellow.

05-08-2017, 06:16 PM
Time to work with Gov and get some signage up. A good project for a local wildlife group....

05-09-2017, 10:14 PM
All the roads in the Norrish Creek Watershed are included in the shooting ban. They are highlighted in red within the watershed area highlighted in yellow.
yes i saw the roads highlighted but worried the whole watershed was also highlighted...just have to get 400m off the road then right? i was ok where i was distance wise but didnt feel sure...i guess i would have been ok