View Full Version : Good morning

03-11-2017, 07:27 AM
I would like to wish you all a good and safe day,we are forecast a warming trend so I am liking that. Take care people!

03-11-2017, 07:43 AM
I hear yah hunter, good marnin to yah way up north.
It's a warming trend and yes Spring has Sprung and the animules will be having babies.
Have a fantastic day all day and don't let the world get yah down. Say hey, I can be happy even if others don't notice nuttin or even if they try to bring me down. It's all up to me how I respond to my surroundings.
Jelly in dah Loops -- northern keep on Twuckin -- keep in touch --

digger dogger
03-11-2017, 07:51 AM
GM, ahhh, a warming trend.
Just what we ordered, my front yard is 3/4, covered with snow, in chwk.
I have never seen snow this late, in March.
Have a good day, and take care also��

nature girl
03-11-2017, 07:55 AM
Ah the robins our out hopefully spring is here to stay.

03-11-2017, 08:36 AM
Good morning I think spring is here. I was awakened by a huge bunch of birds. All sorts of noises I haven't heard in a long time. Bears will be moving soon����������

03-11-2017, 08:41 AM
Good weekend to you, too, bud and all here.

I love winter in the Kootenays, but, here in Abby, YUK, even my Taco 4x4 is drooping, depressed and needs a new wax job!!!! :)

03-11-2017, 08:43 AM
Put gloves on to walk the pooch this morning and promptly took them off....milder than it has been down here by the ocean.

03-11-2017, 10:10 AM
Snowing and minus 12 here.Ice fishing Sunday before it gets soupy out on the ice.

03-11-2017, 11:13 AM
I hear yah there, -25/-30 all week and last, working outside makes me look forward to spring!! weather looks as its gonna be decent next week, hope it stays! Bear seasons around the corner! Best of luck in 2017 guys and gals!

03-11-2017, 12:35 PM
Work outside everyday in northern Alberta , quite enjoy it in almost any temp WITHOUT WIND. The last few weeks have been the most challenging part of winter and to add salt to the wound the fresh has buried the sheds I want to find on my next day off. Looking forward to Jamaica in two weeks!!! Hoot hoot!

Thanks for the kind words northernbc, right back at you.

03-11-2017, 01:07 PM
Yup, a balmy -30 at the rig last night;)

03-11-2017, 01:25 PM
Good morning....pissing rain down in the LML....perfect day to work on the rzr 800.

03-11-2017, 04:05 PM
Or a perfect day to catch a steelhead

03-11-2017, 11:23 PM
I thought this would be about morning wood.

digger dogger
03-12-2017, 07:25 AM
I thought this would be about morning wood.

Ummmmm, wrong site!
Why did you want to check this thread again?
I couldn't resist.

03-12-2017, 07:40 AM
---------------- Hey everyone in HBC land, how's it goin? It's daylight savings now light out til after 7 pm now.
-- Warmin here to 1 degree now and going up up up to 11 today whoa Hawaii folks.
Anyways good marnin to all members and guests thru-out the BC hunting landscapes.
Jello Bo Dello -- BC Rocks

Wild one
03-12-2017, 08:48 AM
Sitting here dreaming of spring break up and grizz/black bear hunting

The weather for next week is giving me hope of my dreams getting closer

03-12-2017, 08:56 AM
Well i work outside all the time and the cold don't get to me as long as there's no wind up here in the northern BC. can use another month of freezing Temps though. Dont need an early break up this year

03-12-2017, 10:50 AM
Well again good morning ,interesting to hear the reports. I had a trip to grande prairie yesterday not really that nice -22ish with a pretty good wind ,driving was not that great.we did have a great day with my son and granddaughter so that was good. Today has us at -14 with no real wind and still a forecast of +8 for tomorrow . This last 2 weeks or so have been the worst of the winter so far but still to early for breakup. Wishing a great day for you all

03-13-2017, 05:25 AM
====> Good marnin hunters, it's moonday morning and it's time. to get involved.
* Kamloops is warmin and we're going to have a great day today.
---> Hunting season coming in a lil while and we are going to enjoy the country.
I hope we all have a super day this fine March the 13th day.
Jel I'm right here in the Loops folks, right now, watching and looking to the hills and they look awesome the muley's are thriving.

03-13-2017, 09:18 AM
Going to +8 today. I have mountains of snow in and around my yard.Literally, piles 12 feet high from shoveling the roof and clearing the driveway. Praying for a slow melt.

03-14-2017, 06:18 AM
--- Good morning hunters. 3 degrees in Kammy Land and tempertures a risien to 13 today whoa!
Have a great day in BC folks, can't find a better place to live in life than here in Kammy.
Enjoy thy day and let's think hunting 2017.
March 14, and Ruby Tuesday.
Jelly Bean -- The sun comes up, a car goes by iz their nobody to give me a ride -- Hitchin a ride

03-14-2017, 06:58 AM
and a good morning to you as well. sending out a hello to all the good people here... looks like a real shift here in the peace, +8 and beauty warm day yesterday. this morning its -2 and they are calling for a mixed day with 40% chance of rain so it could do anything. I am hoping to get out for some wolf chasing and a hike /snowshoe. I hope you all have a great day.

03-16-2017, 07:03 AM
good morning, its a little colder in the peace today forcasting a little snow.. I am going to head out for a few nights around boundry lake ,maybe find a wolf or coyote.lol wishing you all a good and safe next few days.[s297.photobucket.com/user/northernbc/media/IMG_3853_1.jpg.html]http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm236/northernbc/IMG_3853_1.jpg[/URL] [s297.photobucket.com/user/northernbc/media/IMG_3585.jpg.html]http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm236/northernbc/IMG_3585.jpg[/URL]

03-16-2017, 07:06 AM
dang wrong out of focus pic sorry [s297.photobucket.com/user/northernbc/media/IMG_3584.jpg.html]http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm236/northernbc/IMG_3584.jpg[/URL]

03-16-2017, 07:07 AM
that's better, some of the north peace. have a good day

03-16-2017, 07:10 AM
good morning northern it's always good to see yah pop up in the north and talk at us.
Beauty pix -- have an awesome day north and see yah soon

03-16-2017, 08:41 AM
+3, pouring rain and snow. Miserable grey day.

03-16-2017, 10:29 AM
Sawmill, ur missing the point of the thread, every storm runs out of rain, stay postive and good times will follow.

03-16-2017, 10:48 AM
Great day to you too! And thanks for the photos.

03-16-2017, 10:58 AM
Had a good tease last few days up here in the peace with nice Weather, Back to snow snow and more snow! Sheds are going to be hiding good yet! Going to be trying to track down a pack of wolves this weekend and try out my eld-x's before bear open! Enjoy the spring weather folks!

03-16-2017, 02:59 PM
Sawmill, ur missing the point of the thread, every storm runs out of rain, stay postive and good times will follow.
Well now it`s sunny and my town has 400 new creeks . All running down the streets. And potholes, I mean Big ones. 3 feet across by 2 feet deep. Big enough to bust up a truck if you hit one square on. I love spring.

03-17-2017, 05:38 AM
Hey how's it goin? Good morning from Jel, TGIF Thank goodness it's Friday.
-- I'm retired so everyday is Friday ve haha.
Have a stupendous day hunters

03-17-2017, 09:40 PM
Plus temps every day and I see my lawn.Not complaining at all.I know the Kootenays were hit hard with snow this winter hence sawmills cantankerous disposition although I can't speak for him?Another low snow year in P.G.

03-18-2017, 05:32 AM
Good morning HBC and all you fantastic people today, yah and it's fairly early on a Saturnday.
-- Kammy will be up there for temps today with a big ball of sun shining.
Jel - yer pal in Kamloops in the BC southern interior -- Hey North have a super day.

Big Lew
03-18-2017, 06:00 AM
Pouring with rain but mild this early morning. They say we'll get some of that sun soon.
Hope they're right because the tulips, daffodils, and primroses are all up and looking for Mr Sol.
Lots of yard work waiting as well. Spring is knocking on the door.

03-18-2017, 07:10 AM
Pouring with rain but mild this early morning. They say we'll get some of that sun soon.
Hope they're right because the tulips, daffodils, and primroses are all up and looking for Mr Sol.
Lots of yard work waiting as well. Spring is knocking on the door.

I'm cutting firewood steady in this rain big lew and it sucks,trying to get an early start on next winters supply
hate handling wet wood...you said the suns comeing..??


03-19-2017, 09:27 AM
--- Hi everybody from the Loopy Town it's sunny, on Sun Day the big light in the sky iz a shining and the ravens are calling out to each other, time to make some nests in the tree here.
Anywayz have a super Sunday and maybe a lil runday to get in shape for 2017.
Jel -- luv yah all -- Roddy and Rocky said, "always give a what's up 4 us for the hunters" so hey

03-19-2017, 10:38 AM
Good morning ,just kinda getting going after my camping trip. I worked real hard at snowshoeing and pushed my chicken like legs hard..felt good . I will put up a few pictures in a bit , but I froze my camera good and I'm not sure it has recovered. I was trying for some night ,time lapse pics as it was a beautiful clear night -18 so not really that bad but I'm not a camera lol. I saw 4 moose and 2 lynx. Had a very rewarding time out. Wishing you all a good day

03-22-2017, 06:04 AM
Hey northern we gotta see those pictures now, (good morning to you) this Wednesday the 22nd.
I hope we all have a super day today and it's getting a lot more comfortable outside now with temps at 12 degrees some days.
It's time for the birds and bees to come out
Jelly in Kammy -- keep your head up and eyes open folks -- enjoy each moment.

Wild one
03-22-2017, 06:46 AM
Break up is taking too long bad case of spring fever is making work tough lol

03-23-2017, 07:39 AM
Woke up, gotta outta bed, dragged the comb across my head hahah, hey good marnin, your lookin gah hoood for a Thursday, weekend starts tonight folks.
Jelly in dah Loops -- light out at 6-30 am and not dark til 8 almost we're suntanning already in Kammy double wah Hammy.
Spring has sprung and have a super thursday up north mid and south. C yah soon foks.

03-23-2017, 08:24 AM
Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not? Or that you feel good this morning, or that it is a morning to be good on?

03-23-2017, 09:03 AM
Good morning even you blu noser. Seems as the peace is up to her old tricks. Another 6 inches of snow last night. Not cold out and really a beautiful day I'm kinda getting snow shovelled out tho,lol. Forecast does show a melt in the next few days. Should make for some real sloppy bush roads..I hope you all have a good day

03-25-2017, 06:30 AM
---- Hey it's jelly in Kammy Loops folks, gooood mornin to everyone on HBC the hunting channel to help men and women to enjoy BC's out of doors.
Have a super Saturn Day and keep your eyes open, head up, shoulders back and think of this great place we live @ and the beauty of it's scenery all around us.
Jel -- It's another day, and it's time to wake up lol, don't talk to me til I had my second cup a cafe.

03-25-2017, 06:51 AM
today its good night ,just pulled of a 24 hr work marathon just got to the hotel . it was a beautiful night very bright stars but, good night

03-28-2017, 06:29 AM
How yah doin? Good morning hunters.
-- Another day another dollar. Time to get in shape for 2017 deer season.
have a great day and enjoy the natural beauty all around us.
Jelly Bean in Kammy dooble Whammy! ----- have a cup a Joe and wake up lol.

03-29-2017, 06:15 AM
Gooood mornin everyone in HBC land how yah doin? Spring has sprung, we got house flies now flyin around and ravens makin nests.
Kamloops is coming alive folks. people are starting to get out in the warmer weather now. Walkin the dog and playin and swayin, it's fantastic, enjoy the day today, all day partner.
Jel in dah Loops watchin and getting in muley hunting shape fo 2017 and beyond!
----- just imagine

03-29-2017, 07:18 AM
Mornin Jelly!! Its a wet one down here in the LmL today, but still gettin out to do some exercise and run the new pup a bit this morning! My thermometer says around 5 degrees so shes a little chilly still but fine enough for me!

03-29-2017, 07:57 AM
just spent a few days in boundary lakes area, is the melt ever on .today will be beautiful in the peace, -2 right now clear and calm with a high of 6 forecast. wishing you all well today.

"No Choke"Lord Walsingham
03-31-2017, 06:23 AM
Good Morning! As well as good night or whatever to whomever that reads this whenever.

Cheers for the positivity and well wishes.

03-31-2017, 06:33 AM
back at you lord walsingham, worked last night right by chetwynd -2 overnight with a decient show of northern lights. the peace region is really on a melt right now daytime highs around 8 or so, it seems winter is loosing her grip.

03-31-2017, 06:40 AM
Good morning hunters and nature lovers. It's fly day the last day of March 2017 folks.
Black bear season and that's not an April fools joke either lol.
Bears out in Kammy now!
Have a super Friday and keep coming alive and move forward with your hunting plans for this season.
Jelly in dah Loopy Town -- all hot and bothered.

"No Choke"Lord Walsingham
03-31-2017, 06:49 AM
I am in the EK/Region 4-20 today and the weather network says we'll be hitting double digit temps this afternoon, 12 degrees C and looks to be a good one!

It is a good day. Sincerely, I had resigned from HBC months ago (took a year off myself at one point) and just checked in to see if this account existed... What I found was the return of Jelvis!

Awesome, love it and cheers for a great one, folks!!!

04-02-2017, 05:52 AM
Good morning friends it's Sunday and a fun day, keep going no matter what, we move forward.
Have a great day and enjoy the weather, get out side and walk a bit.
Jel -- in Kammy -- mule deer city -- we got lottsa mule deer folks -- Deer burgers anyone?
Go for muley leh around Kammy -- any buck or antlerless -- then you can have venison to eat.

"No Choke"Lord Walsingham
04-03-2017, 06:02 AM
Good Morning!

Looking to be another beauty Spring day out here in the E.K. I love it.

Always glad to come by and read this thread. It cheers me up and reminds me that BC (even this site, sometimes) is a good place to be when many others have me figurin' I never should've signed up - The good vibe folks bring smiles.

I'll have one of those Burgers for Breakfast Jelvis! Thanks for advice as always, will have to try a Kammy Deer some year.

04-03-2017, 08:18 AM
Good morning hbc a nice spring morning here in the peace, returning home yesterday from work in chetwynd I encountered snowfall ,heavy rain ,beautiful sunny warm patches..kind of a perfect spring day. Looks like maybe more of the same today ,in the bush the mud is terrible and the melt is in full swing. 0c right now overcast and slight breeze.

"No Choke"Lord Walsingham
04-07-2017, 03:11 AM

Hey @ northernbc, hope yourself and all of HBC have a great day. It's my time to get some rest and flipmode by saying today, it's good night!

A quick nap'll do, see youse all later.

04-07-2017, 05:44 AM
Are you having fun yet? Gah Hood mornin HBC. It's flyday again, went fast eh.
---- Spring fever leeds to buck fever and we're hot blooded for 2017's beauty year.
Get up get at er, it's our own drive we want, not others drive, we alone will what we allow and do.
---- No one is an excuse for us, we hunt, we walk, we talk and we eat venison ok?
This is jel with the team in The North Thompson River basin where the rivers meet.
--- do a light warm-up b4, trying to do too much starting out to get in shape for deer hunting.
Jelvis -- do start cardio and be consistent at home, move, be active physically for 20 minutes a day and you will be surprized at what your body is wanting you to do for it. It will reward U.
---------------Good morning members of hbc, we rock!----------------------------------------

04-08-2017, 06:05 AM
---- Good morning hunters, it's Saturday. Getting light out at 6 am. More day less night.
I like light not much on the dark part.
---- anyways have a super day today, the best you can, we ain't perfect yet.
Jello -- Tryin to wake up in Kammy Land -- mule deer city -- suns coming out oh yah!

04-08-2017, 06:08 AM
Good Morning people.
Lightly snowing right now in Tumbler...:roll::roll:

"No Choke"Lord Walsingham
04-08-2017, 07:29 AM
Good Morning HBC!!!

I am back on my daytime trip. It does get bright out much earlier than before indeed. Haven't checked any forecasts but it does look to be a Beauty EK day! Had a couple wet ones just past. But, things change quick in the Mountains folks...

That's Mountain Luck!

All the best for a great day to come

04-10-2017, 10:54 PM
Well it's durn near midnight. Some rain slush going to make camp been looking at miles of mud tracks nothing really exciting. Did see the one beAr todAy. Hopefully see some dogs tomorrow nice night in the peace

"No Choke"Lord Walsingham
04-10-2017, 11:14 PM
Beautiful night out here in the EK. Very busy month so far (more to come) for me. Time to get out for more range time and patterning soon. No Bears seen yet this year by me.

04-11-2017, 05:58 AM
Frozen boundry lake area nice to have reception. Hopefully get some dogs Lol probably not but I will have a good day good morning hbc

04-11-2017, 06:22 AM
One last jab. Snowing now in Boundry lake heading thru legarde to syphon creek

04-11-2017, 06:24 AM
Frikin spell check. I type and it posts

04-12-2017, 05:32 AM
Hump day folks! Wednesday. In Kamloops early up. Good morning members.
Hope you have a wonderful day today wherever you are in BC and around the hunting world.
Jel -- one day closer to deer hunting season -- love yah all --

04-17-2017, 09:05 AM
Another awesome day in the peace,,,,,not ! Snowing and blowing good this morning again. Just got dug out fully yesterday and everything is all covered again Kind of annoying

04-17-2017, 10:21 AM
Good morning from LML.. we had just a beauty day yesterday up to 20 degrees felt like summer.... back to dreary today but the sun is tryiNg to break through!

04-18-2017, 06:47 AM
-9 still snowing and blowing pretty good , all sidewalks and driveways fully covered again! You have to love fsj in the spring

04-18-2017, 06:57 AM
Suns up and shining in the Loops, warmer for sure, longer daze -- 5-30 am to 8-20 pm light
-- Deer everywhere up Black Pines branches snow level for road driving is still bad up higher.
Kamloops is prettier then ever folks and real nice place to reside.
Have a super Tuesday and don't forget Mu 3-28 and 3-27 for your early draws on LEH for antlerless and for any mule buck then you can have a trip to Kammy area and get yourself some fine venison for the table and barby.
Jel vane e us in Kammy Double Whammy keep those eyes open, head up and those muscular shoulders back Jack -- walk erect be tall, you are the one and only -- haha got yah on that 1. lol.
Good mornin northern and all BC country city zenz

04-19-2017, 05:57 AM
Hay how's it goin hbc members thru out the world. It's Venzday haha.
It's light out a 5-30 a now whoa! Dark at 8-20 pm longer daze.
-- the muley bucks have knobs on their heads now, buds, new growth appearing for antlers.
Kamloops is looking pretty, semi-dez ert, green up is taking place, grass is green now and fresh in the under 3000 foot level.
Lots of muley's down low still in herds and groups.
Have a great wednesday and get yourself in shape for the upcoming deer season.
Good excuse to start thinkin about cardio and some leg work so your ready for ssome hiking around with the gun.
Jelly in Kammy Land -- who let the dawgs out? Hoot hoot hoot.

04-19-2017, 06:30 AM
Good morning -6 this morning,but oh joy I do not have to shovel snow. Looks like it will be a wonderful sunny day in the peace. Hope everyone has a great day

04-20-2017, 06:16 AM
Hi all it's thursday and it's time to get the brain in gear, the body woke up and moving.
--- Have a super day hbc
Nice to have all you wonderful hunters to relate to and have friends to communicate with
Thanks hbc for the down home
Jelly -- We together have a big voice folks -- we R hunters and not afraid to stand up for our selves.

04-21-2017, 07:57 AM
=-//----> Morning beauty sunshine in Kamloops hunters today Flyday dahhh, 21. Going to hit 16 today.
Just a wonderful day here for weather and natural beauty it's hard to imagine you'd have to experience this supreme area for hunting mule deer with your own senses, Kammyland is our land to appreciate folks. Togedder, helping hunters to drive into the back country to enjoy the whole experience from start to the next one.
Jel vane knee us -- In Kammy Land -- Mule Deer City -- lookin pretty -- 2017 deer season soon

sausage lover
04-21-2017, 08:02 AM
It sure was wet yesterday eh jello!

04-22-2017, 06:17 AM
-- It's time, to Vake up and smell the daylight, get that butt movin and shaken after the aggs and bay con.
It's another day to do, all day. Saturday the 22 nd. Get your body and mind in reasonable cardio shape. Cardio to get hardio, ready to chase down some wild deers ok.
Jelly and the Mad Hornets

04-23-2017, 04:55 AM
It's Sun day remember? lol and weee are allll sooo happy this marnin, ---- whad up?
-- April is passing by like a Greyhound bus in a hurry up the 401. Whooosh there it wazzzzz
Have a real super day this fine Sunday and work the cardio and some core, Don't be bored.
-- You - Make it happen, forget everyone's excuses and your own, get dressed put some comfy shoes on and hit the streets and walk til yah drop, get your body tired for night time.
No one can do it but yourself, don't wait for others, make your own reason to get in shape and you do it, keep a small reminder to yourself, life is keeping in shape til you pass on.
Jelly Bean lookin lean and mean reddey for some venison. Chopped suey with the looey --

05-15-2017, 08:24 AM
-- " Hey HBC whad up ? " All you fine members in good standing. It's moonday again. Yah.
Time fly's don't it! May fifteen 2017 in your face! Gotta face it!
-- hunting deer coming soon to a town near you. Mules by the number, 4 points by the score.
Sunny and warm in Kammy double Whammy this perfect day for the eye to behold.
-- Kammy says, " Hi " we are the Loops in the middle of mule deer city. Proud and strong.
Reg 3 rocks big time folks. Thee south central interior at your feet. Close to the lower $trangeland.
Jelly and the Heart Breakers -- in dah Loopy Town -- Greenstone iz lookin gah hoood 4 mules.

05-15-2017, 09:19 AM
It was sure looking good until the surprise snow yesterday morning. Still waiting on these bears to wake up in the peace. Today looks like another fantastic day though, I have three weeks off and gonna try arrow a blackie.

05-19-2017, 06:29 AM
-- gah hood marnin again lol, another flyday already, the sun is a blazin now and it's gorgeous sunlight today in Kamloops.
-- looks like a western movie scene up here.
Anyways we're live in the Loops.
Jel -- give yerself a few minutes to wake up. Whoa! Half asleep so far -- have a banana 4 breaky

05-21-2017, 07:00 AM
Good morning hunters across the nation, it's sunnyday and Kamloops is total golden yellow under the big light in the sky this marnin.
-- May is going fast and b4 we know it leh draws coming soon to a computer near you.
- It's gorgeous in Kammy right now.
Jelly Roll -- try yer best today to keep your head up and shoulders back, eyes n ears open.
Walk tall. Head up. Shoulders back a bit. Swing yer arms too deliberately. Gettin ready Teddy.
Muley's in 2017 Reg 3 on the tree

05-22-2017, 07:03 AM
Hey good morning to you this marnin, it's Moonday the holiday. Long weekender.
-- I know, " Don't talk at me til I had my second cup a joe ok" ?
Sun shining going to 30 + today -- yah it's a scorcher -- lots of tanning going on, Halter tops, short shorts and no shirts, no socks, no shoes and no cares, pass the cold one.
Jelly Unitas in dah Loopy Land -- Wake up and smell the sunshine -- look left look right --
allllll rah hite yeeee yahhhhhhh it's playtime redefined friend a mine -- Kammy dooble Whammy

05-24-2017, 08:25 AM
Good morning HSBC just back after vacation . Hope you are all well, very nice morning in the peace and no more snow. Going to be windy today,but nice and warm.hope everyone has a good day. Looks like some nice bears been taken good job .

05-26-2017, 05:50 AM
Good morning people, it's flyday again whad? Almost June and hunting real soon.
-- deer hunting coming soon to a ridge near you.
LEH is in high gear and rolling and will be a fantastic draw to build excitement for hunting this season.
Kammy is sunny already at 5-35 a.m. or so. Five daze straight for 30 degree temps this coming week. No clouds A tall.
Let's get the body and mind ready for the seasons getting out in the bush.
Those muley's are in good shape.
Jelly Bean -- yah know whad I mean? it's May two six 26th -- May is saying good bye
Some Baby birds are born and the apples are a half inch in diameter already in Kammy
------> Full curl Cali Ram bin spotted near the lake on the rock bluffs with tips <-------

05-28-2017, 06:56 AM
How we doing this Sunnyday morning, it's jeldo in Kamloops BC Canucksville -- yee haw --
-- the sun is shining brighter than anyone could imagine right now as I type -
Nice to join you on HBC, your the best hunters in the world don't 4 git dat!
Jelly in Kammy double Wammy -- have a great Sunday today -- 28th

06-05-2017, 05:43 AM
Morning everyone on hbc, nice to see yah again, always a pleasure to talk with you hunters.
-- to read your threads and posts is great.
June 5 and on our way into summer soon, then after? Yeeeee Haaaaaaaw.
Jelly -- don't look down, look up and face the world head on!

06-10-2017, 06:33 AM
It's another manic Saturday hahaha, the tenth of June down by the kammy lagoon, in a Jimmy hallin logs with cab over Pete with a reefer on and a kenworth hallin hogs.
-- good morning from Kamloops ( Best Spot ) 4 huntin mules -- big ones too
-- we got it all here in the Loops, c'mon and see what's happening in hunting country.
Jelly -- it's almost time -- to Start yer en jines --

07-02-2017, 07:49 AM
Your leee ive with Jelly in Kammy Double Wammy, it's Sunday the 2nd of jooo lie.
Time flies even when yer not havin fun eh? Hahaha. Sunny out right now in Kammy.
-- Kammy hills are looking lush this year for some reason, greens of all shades and some golds.
-- deer hunting coming up soon and the bucks are showing
-- Kamloops iz up to date and so are you from Kammy good luck today folks.
Jel -- from the heart of the Thompson rivers meeting in Kammy, deer hunting looking saw weeet.

07-03-2017, 07:15 AM
Yourrrrrrr leee eye vvvvve, with the Jelman in Kamloops the Loopy town, Mule Deer City!
and your lookin pretty, pretty darn good.
-- Kammy is sunny since 5 tirdy dis marnin. 5-15 it was hitting the tops of the hills around the cozy country town.
-- birds everywhere, doves moaning, ravens cawing, sparrows fluttering, starlings and flickers.
- real healthy year so far in 2017 hunters of the muley kind, lots of feed in the hills and dales
Will keep you in touch with kammy and what the weather and deer hunting is doing.
Jelvis ( Big Gun ) Muley Buck

"No Choke"Lord Walsingham
07-10-2017, 04:55 AM
Good morning!!!

With all these fire all around in BC at the moment, I sure do hope your towns aren't burning down. Looks like the area's alright around here. Should be another beauty day just getting under way!

08-24-2017, 07:29 AM
Good marnin to all of you funtastick hunters in HBC land. More Mule deer around Kamloops then cops at a Dunkin Donut Shop.
Hey, sunny and bright in Kammy now, lookin gah hoood. Kamloop$ has it all for country living.
- Mule deer hunting around Kammy this season will be a "Double whammy in Kammy."
-- Only two weeks a way for Mule deer season to begin in the south central interior.
--- Will keep you updated on weather, and how many deer are being seen and where.
Jelly ( Buck ) Fairlane dah muley detective get's the info on the bucks from hunters with dah lucks.

08-24-2017, 07:40 AM
Good morning Jelvis. Looking forward to more Kamloops morning muley reports.

08-25-2017, 01:12 PM
Kammy is wild and wooley, mules and sheep by the score, get out that door.
-- don't blame it on the rain or the stars that shine at night, what ever yah do, do whad dah muley doo.
Jelly ( the muley dee tect tive ) I got my own personal toll free numbah -- 1 800 - PERFECT --
The mule deer are big and fat around Kamloops British Jellyfornia -- Huge males with racks
-- > Logan Lake is crawling with mule deer right now folks -- four points and everything each way --
---> Paska Lake reporting sightings of muley bucks with racks reaching out to the peaks around Paska.
You owe me big buck time

08-30-2017, 07:45 AM
Morning HBC looks like the old guy woke up alive , yahoo. Temps are mid 20,s daily and 10 ish or so at night. Hoping you all have a good safe day

09-03-2017, 05:57 PM
Hey it's Jel in kammy, smokier than smokey the bear and high winds In Kamloops now.
-- really windy all day -- sticky hot too in the dirty thirty's cel see us.
we're not far from Cache Crick so hope God don't blow to hard in our direction haha.
Jel -- Deer Hunting very soon hunters of the deers -- we will have success in BC, it's rich in wildlife.

09-06-2017, 08:01 AM
Hey it's jel in kamloops BC and it's a feelin, hah, a feeeelin, fall iz in de air folks.
-- The hunting season iz hanging over the Loops as I speak hunters.
Fall is here and so are the Mule Deers ok --
We got excitement building, buck fever and it's a 103.
-- Get's light out after 6 am now and dark after 8pm.
-- weather is cooling and sun still shining thru some haze -- Jimmy Hendrix Purple Haze --
Jel -- should be awesome season around Kammy for Mules in 2017 - hope to see yah pull thru