View Full Version : Phone skopes

03-10-2017, 01:37 PM
Anyone use one while sheep hunting? For those that don't know what they are they attach to spotting scope so you can view from on your phone take video and pictures etc

anyways may be a great tool for viewing a ram and when it turns heard sides ways you could snap a picture that way Everyone could have a look and judge the ram, vs one person seeing it through the spotter for just a second, this could give you unlimited time to assess the curl length mass and most important if it is full curl, was that side view can be very difficult to get sometimes

thoughts? I'm taking one on sheep hunt this year so will test it out

03-10-2017, 02:06 PM
I've had one for 2 years now, never used it for judging a ram (not for lack of trying) but have used it for judging large groups of caribou that are a ways away. Also works great for hunting griz to get some photos and judge if it's a sow or bore. Bottom line is it can save some walking. Lots of good uses and fairly unintrusive addition to something you already likely have in your pocket.

03-10-2017, 06:49 PM
I want one but have never found one to connect my big iphone 6 to my leupold compact scope!

03-11-2017, 10:01 AM
I used one in the mountains last year to connect my iPhone to my razor spotter. I used the universal adapter for the spotting scope end. it was a bit bulky and took some adjustments connect but at the end of the day did its job. after the hunt I ordered the proper end that's meant just for my spotter and its half the size and looks like it'll preform even better. So yes I like the product but would definitely buy the eye piece end meant for which ever optics you plan on putting it on. I'm not as fond of their universal adapter

Bear Brawler
03-11-2017, 10:15 AM
I have one, and I've used it to snap a pic of an animal and stared at the pic. Iphone6 and Razor HD spotting scope.

Ride Red
03-11-2017, 10:31 AM
I got a spare lense cover for my spotter, a cheap case from the dollar store and glued them together. Then just drilled the hole in the middle and it works perfectly. Now if I lose it out hunting, I won't be too worried.

03-11-2017, 01:17 PM
Good investment and a great tool no doubt. As said though, the universal model can be finicky depending on the scope. I'd suggest bringing optic in and trying it on before purchasing.

03-11-2017, 01:40 PM
I used one made for my Pentax scope and iPhone for the last few years, it comes on every mountain trip! I busted my spotter in half this winter tho so borrowed my dads vortex and got a adjustable adaptor for the vortex scope, night and day pita compared to the unit that's built for a particular scope. If given the option, get the one made for your scope over the universal.