View Full Version : Putting Pressure on the Government thru Media News/TV?

Bugle M In
03-02-2017, 10:36 AM
Just wanted to ask some of the members on this thread who either are involved
in BCWF or close to any Wildlife Conservation/Habitat Projects....

It's obvious and a repeated issue thru most of the threads on this forum these days,
that "Funding" is needed to implement some much needed Studies and Habitat

Being that there is an election coming up "Real Soon (10 weeks from now?),
and if you have been around long enough, you will realize that this is "Exactly
the Prime Time" to get government to throw "Money/Funding back to the People".

So, this would be a great time to present to the Media the "Lack of Government
Funding, and the "Despair that our Wildlife/habitat are Enduring right now".

To bring to the Public's attention, that one way to "Quickly and Easily Inject more
Money" I by having " all monies obtained thru purchases of Hunting Licenses and
Tags be directed completely back into the Wildlife Conservation Fund.

Very much like what has happened with the BC Freshwater Society having ALL the
Money from Licenses Go Back into funding for fish restocking and habitat

Now, I hear thru the forum, and from 1 or BCWF members on this sight, that
something might in the works, as I mentioned above.

But I haven't heard it being implemented yet.?
So, wouldn't this be exactly the right time to present the issue to some Major
News Network here in BC, such as CBC or CTV (Global can go suck it IMO).

To let them Know that there is some major Wildlife Concern going on thru out the
Entire BC Province, and that the "Liberals have been Failing on providing Funding"
and that an "Easy 1st Step is for the Liberals to Implement what I said above".

Just wondering if any pressure from any of the Wildlife Organizations has been
placed upon the Liberals thru "Major TV/Radio Networks".

If not....."Why Not"

338win mag
03-02-2017, 05:31 PM
Just wanted to ask some of the members on this thread who either are involved
in BCWF or close to any Wildlife Conservation/Habitat Projects....

It's obvious and a repeated issue thru most of the threads on this forum these days,
that "Funding" is needed to implement some much needed Studies and Habitat

Being that there is an election coming up "Real Soon (10 weeks from now?),
and if you have been around long enough, you will realize that this is "Exactly
the Prime Time" to get government to throw "Money/Funding back to the People".

So, this would be a great time to present to the Media the "Lack of Government
Funding, and the "Despair that our Wildlife/habitat are Enduring right now".

To bring to the Public's attention, that one way to "Quickly and Easily Inject more
Money" I by having " all monies obtained thru purchases of Hunting Licenses and
Tags be directed completely back into the Wildlife Conservation Fund.

Very much like what has happened with the BC Freshwater Society having ALL the
Money from Licenses Go Back into funding for fish restocking and habitat

Now, I hear thru the forum, and from 1 or BCWF members on this sight, that
something might in the works, as I mentioned above.

But I haven't heard it being implemented yet.?
So, wouldn't this be exactly the right time to present the issue to some Major
News Network here in BC, such as CBC or CTV (Global can go suck it IMO).

To let them Know that there is some major Wildlife Concern going on thru out the
Entire BC Province, and that the "Liberals have been Failing on providing Funding"
and that an "Easy 1st Step is for the Liberals to Implement what I said above".

Just wondering if any pressure from any of the Wildlife Organizations has been
placed upon the Liberals thru "Major TV/Radio Networks".

If not....."Why Not"

I think its a great idea, and if its not, I want to know "why not" too.

03-02-2017, 05:55 PM
The preferred approach would be to meet with your incumbent MLA and with the wannabe candidates and pose the question to them.

Tell them that this is important to you, and that their answer will have an effect on how you vote in May.

I think jumping to a "public media shaming" before you've even told the candidates what you want will be the quickest route to not getting what you want.

Bear Brawler
03-02-2017, 06:15 PM
I believe it's a great idea. I m unversed and not knowledgeable in how to reach out to my MLA, or how the process to start with them goes. I am very interested in these more and more these days as the election looms near. I truthfully have no idea what to think in terms of voting now. I'm 45, single parent to a 10yr old, self employed contractor, hunter, fisher, outdoor enthusiast and also very for stopping the illegal border jumpers from putting any more stress on our system. Oh what to do.

Bugle M In
03-02-2017, 11:57 PM
The preferred approach would be to meet with your incumbent MLA and with the wannabe candidates and pose the question to them.

Tell them that this is important to you, and that their answer will have an effect on how you vote in May.

I think jumping to a "public media shaming" before you've even told the candidates what you want will be the quickest route to not getting what you want.

I agree, this may not be the preffered approach.
But, that being said, have all those "letter writing's" to all these so called "concerned mla's etc", really made a difference.?
Or better yet...will it?.....if so, why hasn't it happened?
I just can't think of a better time to "pull the trigger" on this....yes, pun intended.
Most MLA's don't even have a "frickin clue" about the outdoors.
Let alone much passion to be out their in the backwoods on a regular basis like us.
It's not that every MLA is a "bad person", I agree, but it's their "lack of understanding" on these issues at hand,
that is causing this problem to not be rectified.
Sadly, the "One Thing" every MLA/Politician knows, is that at the time of an upcoming election,
"bad publicity" is something that can "cost them votes".
Not just by us, but by many of BC's outdoor enthusiast....oh, and let's not forget the tourists as well.
And, here is one other thing to look at, which also may be of great benefit.
If we Hunters, publicly outcry for the "governments attention", it may show the general public that we are
not blood thirsty killers.
That we like to know that there will be wildlife for all future generations, no matter how one goes about enjoying
it recreationally.
Also, by asking for "all license money" to go back into habitat conservation, the general public will also see that,
we hunters, aren't asking for an extra cent from "their pockets".....(well not yet anyways, but maybe later...
does that sound like the politician coming out in me??)
You know as well as me and many on here, that this funding fiasco, and watching most of the money we spend on
those licenses, just being dropped into "general revenue", has to stop, and should have long ago.
But instated, I pick up those hunting regs, and every year, there is that little government cock sucker, who ever it
is that was appointed at the time, spewing off about how the government is doing so much to benefit wildlife and
the habitat, so that all us hunters we be happy.....ummm....I'm not happy.
It's time we get of this F'n conveyer belt/hamster wheel, and start lighting some fires!
Political Fires to start with (ha, another intended pun!)


03-03-2017, 06:58 AM

This is how to find your MLA. Most will have an email address link, and most will probably be keen to hear from constituents coming into the voting cycle.

338win mag
03-03-2017, 07:58 AM
I agree with bugle 100%

03-03-2017, 08:35 AM
Any govt. That wants to end grizzly hunting will not get .My vote!

03-03-2017, 09:36 AM
Most MLA's don't even have a "frickin clue" about the outdoors.
Let alone much passion to be out their in the backwoods on a regular basis like us.
It's not that every MLA is a "bad person", I agree, but it's their "lack of understanding" on these issues at hand,
that is causing this problem to not be rectified.

That's our fault.

We've really sat in camo for years, maybe calling for a useless regulations change here and there, and didn't say "boo" to our MLAs.

I don't think we can blame them for not knowing why we want a proper funding model. We didn't tell them.

Instead, healthcare/education/social justice warriors had the mic and yelled like hell - and look who got our money.

03-03-2017, 10:01 AM
Just wanted to ask some of the members on this thread who either are involved
in BCWF or close to any Wildlife Conservation/Habitat Projects....

It's obvious and a repeated issue thru most of the threads on this forum these days,
that "Funding" is needed to implement some much needed Studies and Habitat

Being that there is an election coming up "Real Soon (10 weeks from now?),
and if you have been around long enough, you will realize that this is "Exactly
the Prime Time" to get government to throw "Money/Funding back to the People".

So, this would be a great time to present to the Media the "Lack of Government
Funding, and the "Despair that our Wildlife/habitat are Enduring right now".

To bring to the Public's attention, that one way to "Quickly and Easily Inject more
Money" I by having " all monies obtained thru purchases of Hunting Licenses and
Tags be directed completely back into the Wildlife Conservation Fund.

Very much like what has happened with the BC Freshwater Society having ALL the
Money from Licenses Go Back into funding for fish restocking and habitat

Now, I hear thru the forum, and from 1 or BCWF members on this sight, that
something might in the works, as I mentioned above.

But I haven't heard it being implemented yet.?
So, wouldn't this be exactly the right time to present the issue to some Major
News Network here in BC, such as CBC or CTV (Global can go suck it IMO).

To let them Know that there is some major Wildlife Concern going on thru out the
Entire BC Province, and that the "Liberals have been Failing on providing Funding"
and that an "Easy 1st Step is for the Liberals to Implement what I said above".

Just wondering if any pressure from any of the Wildlife Organizations has been
placed upon the Liberals thru "Major TV/Radio Networks".

If not....."Why Not"

All good ideas, usually none of this stuff happens until election time.

Bugle M In
03-03-2017, 11:45 AM
That's our fault.

We've really sat in camo for years, maybe calling for a useless regulations change here and there, and didn't say "boo" to our MLAs.

I don't think we can blame them for not knowing why we want a proper funding model. We didn't tell them.

Instead, healthcare/education/social justice warriors had the mic and yelled like hell - and look who got our money.

Your Right!

And your last sentence:

"Instead, healthcare/education/social justice warriors had the mic and yelled like hell - and look who got our money."

That "sums up" exactly what I am trying to say....

"Get the Mic and Yell Like Hell"....

Don't think the Wildlife care whether or not our constituents were well informed or not....
Wildlife needs a big voice.....and right now is the best time to do it!
Can you imagine how bad it will get, if we don't stand up now, and not be heard,...again...
and then wait another 4 years??

I like a lot of what you post on this site, and agree to much of what you say....but...
"Now is NOT the time to be POLITICALLY CORRECT"

I don't think the wildlife is going to give a S*** how it happens....as long as it happens.

Respectfully BMI

03-03-2017, 12:01 PM
We dont stand up and make our voices heard... look at whats gone on in the states over the last month. Rallying up against 3 bills getting pushed through on public land useage.

we all like ti B!tch obn a forum.. but we dont have a voice, or a group to stand behind. Were all pissedat our govnt. We need a leader to stand behind. Someone or something to ralley our voice

03-03-2017, 05:17 PM
I believe it's a great idea. I m unversed and not knowledgeable in how to reach out to my MLA, or how the process to start with them goes. I am very interested in these more and more these days as the election looms near. I truthfully have no idea what to think in terms of voting now. I'm 45, single parent to a 10yr old, self employed contractor, hunter, fisher, outdoor enthusiast and also very for stopping the illegal border jumpers from putting any more stress on our system. Oh what to do.

Look up your MLA's address on the Internet and write them a letter.

Provincial politicians have no influence at all on immigration issues.

03-04-2017, 09:06 AM
We dont stand up and make our voices heard... look at whats gone on in the states over the last month. Rallying up against 3 bills getting pushed through on public land useage.

we all like ti B!tch obn a forum.. but we dont have a voice, or a group to stand behind. Were all pissedat our govnt. We need a leader to stand behind. Someone or something to ralley our voice

I thought the BCWF was our voice, they are always talking about the funding problems and working the government to gain a better understanding of the drivers.
If we don't get the piggy happening our management process will never change, and the clock will continue ticking.
Making friends and resolving the issues is a great tactic, but if your friends are all of the fair weather type and shoulder up when they want your vote, nothing will ever change.

You so correct on how pissed hunters are and it is time for a leader to take a stand. I feel if we continue on our present journey, hunters will start to take up other recreational activities.
Even with no regulation changes, it will get pretty boring and costly when there is nothing to see let alone harvest.

03-04-2017, 09:42 AM
i agree with bugle 100%

Bear Brawler
03-04-2017, 11:27 AM
If someone smarted than myself could and would post a "sample letter" that would be cool. I'm sure my lack of edjamucation would be very clear if I wrote something. I am all for this movement about our dollars spent going into wildlife. I'd personalize and put my name on it, get it to my MLA.

03-04-2017, 12:19 PM
I am in the same boat as above. If there were some properly worded questions that all the Mla,s and candidates started hearing from all of us maybe they would notice

03-04-2017, 12:22 PM
I want to keep trying to do my part to help,if someone could post say 3 or 4 questions that we all agreed on , then we all use the same questions

03-04-2017, 01:11 PM
I want to keep trying to do my part to help,if someone could post say 3 or 4 questions that we all agreed on , then we all use the same questions

BCWF has already formulated some good ones:


1. In terms of fish, wildlife and habitat, British Columbia is one of the most diverse jurisdictions in North America. At the same time, B.C. is one of the most under-funded jurisdictions in North America and has no dedicated funding model. Would you support increased funding for fish, wildlife and habitat (i.e. watershed, landscape) management? Yes/No/How?

2. Fish, wildlife and habitat management in B.C. are currently objectiveless. Many fish and wildlife populations are in decline, and some are at record lows. Cumulative effects in parts of British Columbia from unsustainable resource extraction, invasive species, over-allocation of water resources, and road densities have left our landscape “in the red”. Do you support legislated objectives for habitat, fish and wildlife populations? Yes/No/Why? How would you achieve them?

3. Many mountain caribou populations are at a record low and moose populations are in significant decline in parts of B.C. Science has shown anthropogenic change as the leading cause, as wolf predation has become a major source of mortality. Do you support predator management as a part of sustainable science-based wildlife management?

4. First Nations negotiations in B.C. are ongoing. These negotiations are Government to Government with no public transparency or consultation. This approach is divisive and is creating significant uncertainty and externalities due to a lack of public involvement. Do you believe the public should be involved or consulted, related to negotiations? Yes/No/Why/How?

5. Public access to public resources such as fish, wildlife, public roads, and campsites is a growing issue in British Columbia. For example, in 2015, government decided to award as much as 40 per cent of the wildlife allocation to guide-outfitters. Is public access to public resources, such as fishing, hunting, camping and hiking important to you? How will you deal with these issues?

03-04-2017, 01:15 PM
that is perfect thank you very much.

338win mag
03-04-2017, 07:49 PM
Thanks FD....

03-08-2017, 07:53 AM
Thanks for the post. I sent a letter off to my MLA.

03-08-2017, 08:12 AM
Just sent the questions off to my MLA, will be interesting the response I get!

03-08-2017, 07:24 PM
Any govt. That wants to end grizzly hunting will not get .My vote!

So you know they closed grizzly season in region 4 05 4 06 404 420 421 422 this year and this is the present government not the future one and I don t trust neither government the hard question have to be asked
What government is going to do for our wildlife and fishing and our access to the backcountry . I will upload a paper from the idaho fish and wildlife that they have next door to us and you tell me if our government has put this much time and effort into British Columbia wildlife .


Just across the border if you read the clip 650 000 dollars towards the wildlife to feed them 1600 collared elk being monitored and this is across the border maybe we should all send a letter of thanks to their biologist and wildlife managers and american wildlife enthusiast for saving the elk deer and moose for us I scratch my head everyday when it can not happen here I will vote for government that gives a damn about our wildlife and back country access hope you do too

03-08-2017, 10:31 PM
So you know they closed grizzly season in region 4 05 4 06 404 420 421 422 this year and this is the present government not the future one and I don t trust neither government the hard question have to be asked
What government is going to do for our wildlife and fishing and our access to the backcountry . I will upload a paper from the idaho fish and wildlife that they have next door to us and you tell me if our government has put this much time and effort into British Columbia wildlife .


Just across the border if you read the clip 650 000 dollars towards the wildlife to feed them 1600 collared elk being monitored and this is across the border maybe we should all send a letter of thanks to their biologist and wildlife managers and american wildlife enthusiast for saving the elk deer and moose for us I scratch my head everyday when it can not happen here I will vote for government that gives a damn about our wildlife and back country access hope you do too

Did anyone hear a definitive reason for the closure to these areas in region 4? I don't know a lot about it, but ive heard its part of this governments grizzly management plan. When the grizzly mortality rate reaches a certain point, they are to close the area to rebuild? The mortality rate includes all reasons for death. Rail, Hwys, animal intervention, not soley hunter caused. Again Im no expert, just curious how it all works myself.

03-08-2017, 11:37 PM
What government is going to do for our wildlife and fishing and our access to the backcountry . I will upload a paper from the idaho fish and wildlife that they have next door to us and you tell me if our government has put this much time and effort into British Columbia wildlife .


Just across the border if you read the clip 650 000 dollars towards the wildlife to feed them 1600 collared elk being monitored and this is across the border maybe we should all send a letter of thanks to their biologist and wildlife managers and american wildlife enthusiast for saving the elk deer and moose for us I scratch my head everyday when it can not happen here I will vote for government that gives a damn about our wildlife and back country access hope you do too

You're onto it!

Bugle M In
03-09-2017, 09:44 AM
So you know they closed grizzly season in region 4 05 4 06 404 420 421 422 this year and this is the present government not the future one and I don t trust neither government the hard question have to be asked
What government is going to do for our wildlife and fishing and our access to the backcountry . I will upload a paper from the idaho fish and wildlife that they have next door to us and you tell me if our government has put this much time and effort into British Columbia wildlife .


Just across the border if you read the clip 650 000 dollars towards the wildlife to feed them 1600 collared elk being monitored and this is across the border maybe we should all send a letter of thanks to their biologist and wildlife managers and american wildlife enthusiast for saving the elk deer and moose for us I scratch my head everyday when it can not happen here I will vote for government that gives a damn about our wildlife and back country access hope you do too

I/m actually shocked, or atleast surprised to hear that.
I would have thought the population was higher then ever.??
Is there something happening there?
I hunt reg.4, and have never seen so many g-Bear then I do know in the past 5-10 years.
And as for Idaho, you are bang on.

03-10-2017, 06:29 PM
Did anyone hear a definitive reason for the closure to these areas in region 4? I don't know a lot about it, but ive heard its part of this governments grizzly management plan. When the grizzly mortality rate reaches a certain point, they are to close the area to rebuild? The mortality rate includes all reasons for death. Rail, Hwys, animal intervention, not soley hunter caused. Again Im no expert, just curious how it all works myself.

Anyone have any insight?