View Full Version : Sheep hunt and elk hunt

02-26-2017, 11:22 AM
A buddy and I are heading up to region 7A or 7B in the hopes of locating a mature stone sheep and possibly even a nice 6 point elk. We are in the early stages of planning for this trip in mid September. We are planning on 10-14 days. We have not decided on a location as of yet as we are doing our research online and on the phone trying to gather as much info as possible. We have already spent countless hours on Google earth and forums trying to collect as much information as possible. Basically wade through the BS. This trip is a first for both of us and the training has already begun. We have no issue putting on the miles. (as need be)
At the risk of lots of misinformation it would be great to get some feedback from some of the experienced sheep and elk hunters on HBC as to an MU where we stand a chance of being able to target both species. We know that we need to concentrate on one species first. If we are lucky enough to connect on the first species then we plan on trying for the other.
We have both hunted for decades but this is a bucket list trip for the both of us. We are getting all of the gear together like frame packs, tents, sleeping bags, jet-boils etc. (Much to our wives dismay)LOL.
So a few questions: What MU would be best for both sheep and elk possibilities (we have looked at 7-50 and 7-48 eastern slopes)? We are wanting to obviously stay away from the crowds as much as possible so would a fly in to a lake be best? What packs would you recommend as best for this type of hunt? Lots on the market to choose from. Badlands, Kuiu, Tenzing
We are obviously not looking for X marks the spot. Having never done this type of hunt and knowing all that will go into it in hours at the computer and expense, we would like to at least start in an area that we stand a chance of finding an animal or two. We have a few ideas as to areas to go but would love to hear if we are on the right track. If you would like to PM me that would be great. Once we have done this once I have a feeling it will happen again!!

02-26-2017, 02:00 PM
All of your questions can be answered on this forum through the search feature. I find the gear is more personal preference than anything else. There are good and bad brands. You get what you pay for, for the most part. I too am headed on my first sheep hunt up North this year and can't wait! Best of luck to you!

02-26-2017, 02:09 PM
Others can weigh in, but it is probably a mistake to attempt to combine a sheep and elk hunt and run the risk of not doing either properly.

Bear Brawler
02-26-2017, 02:20 PM
Gear is personal, like trucks. I'm a Kuiu fan, have lots of their gear and love it. My advice is to go with little expectations other than learning and getting the experience. I felt we had high hopes on our first trip, then reality set in and I had little expectations as we were getting closer to the trip. I learned more, worked harder, struggled more and second guessed it all as it went on. Then theres the moment I can't explain, the realization of where you are and what you're doing starts to set in. Then the pain and suffering of doing such a hunt subsides. Then you realize it's all worth it, you feel at peace with all the good and bad, the nice afternoons on the mountain, the freezing cold and snowing nights, the storms that chase you into the rocks looking for shelter half way through the day etc.. Then you feel the end of the trip, going back haha. Now with everything I know, I can't wait to go back, hoping this year. I am looking forward to the pain, the struggle, the views etc.. Now I have expectations because I feel I learned more in those 12 days than on any other hunt, learned more about myself I think to be honest. The planning, searching, looking at maps and everything else is the start to something that can't be explained, like parenthood. You can't ever know what it feels like till you do it. Good luck on your trip, enjoy the planning and the preparation that it takes, it's just a part of it.

02-26-2017, 02:24 PM
Agree with above comment. Sheep is more phyically demanding hunt so decide based on conditioning what you want to go for. Could go after sheep first and on way back if still have the energy try for elk further south close to FSJo/Chet on way home.

Bear Brawler
02-26-2017, 02:24 PM
Others can weigh in, but it is probably a mistake to attempt to combine a sheep and elk hunt and run the risk of not doing either properly.
X2 on this. Focus on one as you won't find elk hanging with the sheep.

02-26-2017, 02:36 PM
riverjet adventures will take you up the tuchodi and you will hike right through elk country to get to the sheep country. If you decide to take a bull on the way up then you can turn it into an elk hunt, if you dont run into any on the way up keep truckin to sheep country

02-26-2017, 03:13 PM
X2 on this. Focus on one as you won't find elk hanging with the sheep.

You wouldn't think so.....but... Last August we had elk right up top of the mnts with sheep hanging around the corner in the Timber, Also have hunted sheep up river and on the way out we hunt elk, now with an early August 15th season available for elk in certain areas, A guy can hit opener sheep and Elk!! September is best like your planning for, better temps, elk will be screaming, if you don't cut a sheep tag and have the time/ energy and don't stink to bad from backpacking for stones never hurts to have plan B and take a poke and some elk!! Best of luck in 2017-!

02-26-2017, 04:22 PM
Look at 7:51 that would be my suggestion, hunt sheep then elk like suggested on the way back. Combo hunts r tuff.

02-26-2017, 05:00 PM
Maybe think more caribou/sheep combo? I love my barney's bag by the way. I've hauled a few 150lb loads with it.

02-26-2017, 05:48 PM
While combos are definitely tough, there's no need to be stinky. A small hotel bar soap, shampoo leaves and the S to S shower/dry bag, life on the mountain is great. Very little weight penalty and it's amazing for morale.

Wild Images
02-27-2017, 07:54 AM
X2 on this. Focus on one as you won't find elk hanging with the sheep.

Watched rams feeding with a bunch of bull elk up high. using each other to watch for wolves is my guess
The ridges they were in would have been a challenge just to pack a ram off !!

One ram I still see in my dreams

02-27-2017, 01:18 PM
Was glassing for sheep up the Alaska hwy and saw a sight I will never forget ..A big bull elk and a trophy ram playing with each other ..The ram would charge the bull elk and the elk would drop his antlers to defend himself then the ram would stop short in his charge ...Then the bull elk would have his turn charging at the ram head down full charge ..The ram would then lower his head and the elk would stop short ..This went on for about 10 minutes ..Then they broke off and went their own ways ..I was in disbelief of what I had just witnessed ...I did go up after the sheep but he disapeared and I never did see him ..Never saw the bull elk either ...Shit ...but I still got the memory so yes bull elk and sheep can be in the same area ..PS ..So can bull moose ....Dennis

02-27-2017, 01:33 PM
We saw elk in the exact spot as goat last September in the Muskwa on separate days of the hunt. It wasn't the gnarliest goat country out there, but it was at the top of the mountain.

02-27-2017, 10:55 PM
Was glassing for sheep up the Alaska hwy and saw a sight I will never forget ..A big bull elk and a trophy ram playing with each other ..The ram would charge the bull elk and the elk would drop his antlers to defend himself then the ram would stop short in his charge ...Then the bull elk would have his turn charging at the ram head down full charge ..The ram would then lower his head and the elk would stop short ..This went on for about 10 minutes ..Then they broke off and went their own ways ..I was in disbelief of what I had just witnessed ...I did go up after the sheep but he disapeared and I never did see him ..Never saw the bull elk either ...Shit ...but I still got the memory so yes bull elk and sheep can be in the same area ..PS ..So can bull moose ....Dennis
That's wicked.......

02-28-2017, 05:25 PM
Thank you for all or your input and PM's. We definitely know that we will have to concentrate on only one species for the most part. But we would not mind dropping an elk on the way out if we happened to run into one. That is encouraging to hear that there have been some elk spotted at the higher elevations in the vicinity of sheep. Now we just need to settle on one area definitively.
Gear info is great as well. I am leaning towards to Kuiu stuff right now but we still have plenty of time to see other things on the market. I have a good pair of Danner 800 gr thinsulate boots that I bought at the beginning of this season that should work out for this trip. Good luck to all in getting draws this year and stay safe.

02-28-2017, 05:32 PM
Was glassing for sheep up the Alaska hwy and saw a sight I will never forget ..A big bull elk and a trophy ram playing with each other ..The ram would charge the bull elk and the elk would drop his antlers to defend himself then the ram would stop short in his charge ...Then the bull elk would have his turn charging at the ram head down full charge ..The ram would then lower his head and the elk would stop short ..This went on for about 10 minutes ..Then they broke off and went their own ways ..I was in disbelief of what I had just witnessed ...I did go up after the sheep but he disapeared and I never did see him ..Never saw the bull elk either ...Shit ...but I still got the memory so yes bull elk and sheep can be in the same area ..PS ..So can bull moose ....Dennis

Too funny. Ya, their 2 fighting styles don't meld very well.
Had a buddy live at the LARS(Large Animal Research Station) in Fairbanks for a couple years. He told me of a large caribou bull getting into a pen with a bull musk-ox. He said both were more than willing to fight, but couldn't settle on a style. The musk-ox kept backing up to get a run at the 'bou and the caribou kept advancing to lock antlers. This apparently went on for a number of hours, as no one dared intervene, until finally they just stood a few feet apart staring at each other in total frustration.

03-01-2017, 12:47 PM
Was glassing for sheep up the Alaska hwy and saw a sight I will never forget ..A big bull elk and a trophy ram playing with each other ..The ram would charge the bull elk and the elk would drop his antlers to defend himself then the ram would stop short in his charge ...Then the bull elk would have his turn charging at the ram head down full charge ..The ram would then lower his head and the elk would stop short ..This went on for about 10 minutes ..Then they broke off and went their own ways ..I was in disbelief of what I had just witnessed ...I did go up after the sheep but he disapeared and I never did see him ..Never saw the bull elk either ...Shit ...but I still got the memory so yes bull elk and sheep can be in the same area ..PS ..So can bull moose ....Dennis

Haha that's really cool! I seen a Caribou bull and and Muley buck doing that exact thing up Butler Ridge two years ago

03-01-2017, 12:59 PM
About the sheep and bull elk charging each other ..I don't know if it was them playing or just plain aggression on their part ..This wasn't far from Toad river ...Animals do interact with each other all the time ...Maybe was a " I'm the King of the Mountain "..thing ...Wish I could of videoed it but was viewed through a spotting scope before Iphones...Dennis..That ram was killed that year by a lucky hunter and it was a Boone and Crocket ram..

03-02-2017, 08:22 PM
Others can weigh in, but it is probably a mistake to attempt to combine a sheep and elk hunt and run the risk of not doing either properly.
Amen brother! On the way up the river for sheep could not say no to a book moose and the sheep hunt was over!
We hung it up and headed up the mountain went a half a day up then convinced ourselves the right thing to do was go back and get the moose before the bears did. Took it to Dease and by the time we got back had very short unsuccessful sheep hunt.

03-03-2017, 05:02 PM
Amen brother! On the way up the river for sheep could not say no to a book moose and the sheep hunt was over!
We hung it up and headed up the mountain went a half a day up then convinced ourselves the right thing to do was go back and get the moose before the bears did. Took it to Dease and by the time we got back had very short unsuccessful sheep hunt.

Haha right on, yah the way up the river it would be hard to send the pin.....but can't complain with a book moose and a full freezer!! Always have next season to focus on stones! Good on you guys getting back to the meat and getting it out!!