View Full Version : Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

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03-07-2017, 09:12 PM
Once we know the trial date I think that maybe we should do a protest that day outside of all of our courthouses? I would be willing to spend the day outside of mine to show support.

03-08-2017, 11:33 PM
Hey Mick, I see you are having an exciting retirement... :(


03-09-2017, 01:22 PM
Hi Mick, I really commend you on how you handled yourself in that situation. After reading the disgusting and irresonsible comments made about you by the Klabona Keepers Facebook page, I would strongly encourage you to ask your lawyer about seeking a civil suit for slander. This kind of crap makes my blood boil....

03-10-2017, 08:21 PM
My lawyer appeared in court for me on March 7th and set the matter over to March 21st to appear again to fix a date for trial. He wants a couple weeks to review the material and to have a conversation with the Provincial Crown to see where they are coming from.

03-10-2017, 08:22 PM
Claude-I do love being retired!!

03-10-2017, 08:24 PM
Jingles-Yeah the Klabona Keepers do play nasty!!! I don't respect that crew at all!!

03-14-2017, 07:44 PM
Any updates?

03-18-2017, 05:38 PM
No updates yet. Waiting for my lawyer to review the disclosure packages and then we will meet and discuss the case in detail. Next Tuesday (21st) he will go to court to set a date for trial.

03-21-2017, 09:39 AM
Got a call from my lawyer yesterday. He is convinced from the evidence that there is no assault. He is discussing the matter with Crown. With respect to the uttering threats charge, he feels I could have chosen my words better but that I did not KNOWINGLY utter a threat. Again, he is working with crown to resolve this. It would be great if he is successful and this does not have to go to trial. At trial, there is always the possibility that I could get an unfavorable ruling and a conviction would have a serious impact on my business licence, my ability to travel and my PAL. This guy is supposed to be a good lawyer so we will see what he can get accomplished prior to setting foot in a court room. I sent him a bunch of screen shots of the death threats etc from Facebook and he advises he thinks he can get a change of venue to Terrace if this goes to trial.
My complaint against the police for failing to keep the Ealue Lake Road open is moving thru the system. I got a letter from the Inspector of Terrace Detachment advising me my public complaint has been assigned to a Sgt. In Terrace Detachment and I should be hearing from him shortly. The goal will be to get assurances that the Police will do their job and keep the road clear for resident resource users next year .
Mick McKee

03-21-2017, 09:46 AM
Good to hear Mick, keep fighting the good fight!

03-21-2017, 09:46 AM
Mick, without getting ahead of ourselves, this news is encouraging.

Once again, thanks for being the point man in this matter. There's always a lot of chatter and boastful talk but you are actually putting yourself out there for the good of all of us.

geo guy
03-21-2017, 03:35 PM
Hope this all works out well for you and you dont need to set foot in the court. Also great work on pushing the issue with the police as well about keeping the road open, we need more people like you who are willing to stand up for everyone.

Surrey Boy
03-21-2017, 04:04 PM
Hope this all works out well for you and you dont need to set foot in the court. Also great work on pushing the issue with the police as well about keeping the road open, we need more people like you who are willing to stand up for everyone.

When we do have someone willing to take a hit for the team, he gets denied and disavowed by most of the movement. Western civilization is in trouble.

Ride Red
03-21-2017, 04:32 PM
Hope this all works out well for you and you dont need to set foot in the court. Also great work on pushing the issue with the police as well about keeping the road open, we need more people like you who are willing to stand up for everyone.

Yes and hopefully everyone reaches into their pockets to help Mick with his legal fees. Even small donations of $10.00 will add up extremely fast (that's only $0.33 per day). Help yourselves and the hunting community by supporting Mick. Hd09hogrider@gmail.com

03-21-2017, 04:40 PM
^^^What he said, this is an important issue that can effect all of us, time to buck up and show your support! K

03-21-2017, 04:45 PM
Thank you everyone....

03-21-2017, 04:53 PM
I just sent some funds and a PM

Thanks bud

Good luck

03-21-2017, 07:55 PM
Thanks good2becanadian for the contribution . I have raised $3470.00 to date for my defense. Thank you all for contributing!!!
Mick McKee

03-22-2017, 09:24 AM
Thank you Charlie_horse for the contribution!
Mick McKee

03-22-2017, 09:56 AM
Thanks Stuart Brown for the contribution, appreciate it.
Mick McKee

03-22-2017, 12:36 PM
Saw this video before. Looks like they are trying to make you a scapegoat

03-22-2017, 06:43 PM
Appears to me that the dude was trying to assault your truck:shock:

03-23-2017, 11:13 AM
Thank you Dutch for the contribution. I appreciate it.

Mick McKee

03-23-2017, 11:15 AM
Gwes2003-I agree they are trying to make me the scape goat but with a good lawyer we will see if they are successful or not.

03-31-2017, 08:25 PM
Heard from my lawyer today. No trial date has been set as he is still in discussions with Crown .

b.c hunter 88
04-12-2017, 10:36 PM
I dont see how you did anything wrong. that road block should of never been there load of crap. wish you the best of luck. I'm following to see the out come. There nothing id done different being put into that situation. Its b.c land for all of us to use, this just ercs me. ill do my best to see if i can help yea. i hope everyone of them native as well as the rcmp get charged, worked up north for a wile and can say the native need to stop poaching so much we had a issue hear a few years ago wear our deer numbers are at a all time low, and we found out there was one guy on the reserve killed 144 deer one year everything fawns does bucks everything there has yet to be anything done about it. the co will not deal with it because its natives. i worked lower down that hwy for a few months logging with natives and the amount of poaching they do is stupid. I am sick of hearing them say there owed all this stuff.They wipe out the resources and turn around and blame everyone else. wish you the best of luck

04-13-2017, 04:37 AM
link to the vid?

04-13-2017, 08:58 AM
The link to the video is on the bottom of the first page.
Mick McKee

Ride Red
04-18-2017, 06:12 PM
Hey Mick, how's everything going? Any news on a court date yet?

04-20-2017, 06:49 PM
I just learned today that the assault with a weapon charge has been dropped.!!! Now we just have the uttering threats charge to deal with.

Mick McKee

04-20-2017, 06:57 PM
Hey man good on you getting it dropped. My buddy has uttering threats and all he has is community service and counselling. But I hope you get off Scott free. You should not be charged for anything total bs

04-20-2017, 07:10 PM
If you want a good kick read the comments of the Facebook Video hahaha, good on you Mick. I believe you handled it very well and fully support you. Keep us posted on your court dates! I find it hilarious that they play victim in this situation when setting up illegal roadblocks and post this video as to make you out as a bad guy. I wish you the best

04-21-2017, 09:27 AM
Not guilty is the only thing acceptable...this is precedent setting and I really hope for the good of all that this goes through rather than just getting dismissed, but first and foremost is you don't have any headaches moving forward in life, second is these stupid illegal blockades need to stop

Iron Sighted
04-21-2017, 09:48 AM
I find it offensive that you have to pay out of pocket to defend yourself from these ridiculous charges laid by the Crown and then, when they either drop the charges or you are found innocent, you get no financial compensation even though you were never in the wrong. Punishment by process........

04-21-2017, 10:02 AM
I just learned today that the assault with a weapon charge has been dropped.!!! Now we just have the uttering threats charge to deal with.

Mick McKee

Thats great news :-) I would tell them if they are going to charge you with uttering threats, then they should charge everyone of the thugs threatening you on face book, not to mention the hate and racism.

The Hermit
04-21-2017, 10:04 AM
Mick - I'm also REALLY interested in how things are going with the formal complaint against the RCMP - to me that is just as important as not guilty charges against you. Great news that they dropped the assault charge! As soon as all charges are dropped or dismissed I sure hope you/we can get full coverage of the story on National and Provincial TV news! Everyone needs to know and understand just how messed up things continue to be with FN roadblocks.

04-21-2017, 12:25 PM
I would tell them if they are going to charge you with uttering threats, then they should charge everyone of the thugs threatening you on face book, not to mention the hate and racism.

A thousand times this.

04-22-2017, 02:19 AM
I just learned today that the assault with a weapon charge has been dropped.!!! Now we just have the uttering threats charge to deal with.

Mick McKee

Good to hear. I want to know when members of the mob holding the illegal blockade will be charged with anything...

04-24-2017, 08:57 AM
The RCMP were supposed to get back to me about a month ago . My complaint against them is that they failed to do their job by not keeping the road open and they didn't charge those who committed criminal acts by forcibly confining those lawful hunters from travelling down the road. So something must be happening. They have the video of Mr . Dennis blocking the road and committing criminal acts so I plan on getting an answer why they charged me but not him .
My lawyer found a case out of Quebec that showed that blocking the road is forcible confinement of a person from moving from one point to another and as such we can use reasonable force to stop the person.

04-24-2017, 08:59 AM
Hey Iron sighted- Many resident hunters have contributed to my defense and have covered the costs of my lawyer so far.! Thanks to all

04-24-2017, 09:14 AM
one needs to plow into the road block not with intent to go through it but simply to get into an accident. Im sure they are not posting adequate signage and thus could be liable for damages and charged with engangerment of life or something like that!

04-24-2017, 12:32 PM
This is good news. Very happy ,I have been waiting to read this

04-24-2017, 09:32 PM
Yes very good news....

04-29-2017, 10:28 PM
Sue them in civil court for damages...

I would never let anyone piss in my cornflakes like that after trying to humbly resolve the situation.

I'd ask for more donations and professionally take them to task. If you don't take this to the moon and back and demand respect we'll all be talking about it again next year !!!

04-29-2017, 11:09 PM
Sue them in civil court for damages...

I would never let anyone piss in my cornflakes like that after trying to humbly resolve the situation.

I'd ask for more donations and professionally take them to task. If you don't take this to the moon and back and demand respect we'll all be talking about it again next year !!!
Sue who? The Band, the individuals or the RCMP ?

The Hermit
04-30-2017, 12:06 AM
Sue who? The Band, the individuals or the RCMP ?

Yes! Sue them, sue them all!

05-02-2017, 02:48 PM
I talked to my lawyer about sueing (sp?) the RCMP for failing to do their job and putting me at risk when I went thru the roadblock and he felt even if I had them found to be at fault that I would not get any damages. He also said the cost of conducting a civil suit would be cost prohibitive and if I lost that I would have to cover the other parties legal costs .

05-02-2017, 02:50 PM
I'm waiting to hear what the RCMP come up with on my complaint . That's going to be interesting !!

05-02-2017, 03:03 PM
Great job hogzotic...... We should all be grateful to you and the stand you took, and gave taken on this issue.

Politicians, police, game officials ,judges , need to to wake up to the many FN that get away with so much BS and paint a bad picture for the FN that do have good reputations. It should be all about respect the same laws for everyone. Period.

05-02-2017, 04:04 PM
Great job hogzotic...... We should all be grateful to you and the stand you took, and gave taken on this issue.

Politicians, police, game officials ,judges , need to to wake up to the many FN that get away with so much BS and paint a bad picture for the FN that do have good reputations. It should be all about respect the same laws for everyone. Period.
And the same rights hunting fishing etc nobody is more special then anyone else.

05-02-2017, 09:13 PM
Great job hogzotic...... We should all be grateful to you and the stand you took, and gave taken on this issue.

Politicians, police, game officials ,judges , need to to wake up to the many FN that get away with so much BS and paint a bad picture for the FN that do have good reputations. It should be all about respect the same laws for everyone. Period.
X2....keep up the great work Hogzotic...

05-04-2017, 07:15 PM
Sue who? The Band, the individuals or the RCMP ?

Individuals...hit'em independently

Create a shit storm like they do...

Ride Red
05-26-2017, 03:13 PM
Hey Mick,

Any news from the RCMP yet?

05-26-2017, 04:12 PM
This is right up there with the natives pointing gun at Hunter's thread. People need to wake up and see what is going on in the province. There is a huge disconnect between what happens down south and what goes on up north. These illegal road blocks are all over and yes they try their intimidation techniques and then are the first to run to the cops citing racism or whatever.

This is CANADA, one country and supposed to be onesetof rules. We have had guys trying to force us off our claims during reclamation, "get out or pay" for eff sakes get a real job and quit living off the backs of the system paid by hard working folks.

I am very serious when I say this is happening all over

05-26-2017, 04:30 PM
Hornets nests all over ready to be opened up, buzzzzzzz, buzzzzzz, buzzzzzz.
Hornets all around our heads -- buzzzzz --
Jel -- people are opening up a lot of bee's nests around the country -- who made who?

05-26-2017, 04:38 PM
Why dint you just say, hey i'll turn around and go to another spot I like for now and avoid making a big deal out of this, I can come back next week and see?
This is what a prosecutor will ask you.
Then he will bait you into giving your self up. Like for example, he will ask some questions to show the judge how you dint do the right thing such as
-- If you could go back and do it over Mr. ----- wood you do it different? then he stops and waits for you to shoot yerself in the foot.
-- if you say no I wood do the same thing again, or
-- yes I wood have just turned around and come back again the next day
-- or How wood I know I'm not a mind reader
see how anyone of those wood pretty well put you into real bad territory.
You better have a real good defense lawyer or the prosecutor will work em over real bad.
Jel -- Hey if you could go back, wood you still try to run over the Indian?
Note: if you have talked to cops yourself without a lawyer present your in trouble already
When cop asks you to come in to talk,don't go, get lawyer to come with first
The reason he phoned you, not enuff to arrest you yet. Once you sqwak to him or her, charged.
They record you and use all your ranting and raving and talk against you in court.
Jelly Ironsides -- Book em danno -- I'd say you gotta 40 - 60 chance -- doesn't look good 4 u

05-26-2017, 04:52 PM
Why dint you just say, hey i'll turn around and go to another spot I like for now and avoid making a big deal out of this, I can come back next week and see?
This is what a prosecutor will ask you.
Then he will bait you into giving your self up. Like for example, he will ask some questions to show the judge how you dint do the right thing such as
-- If you could go back and do it over Mr. ----- wood you do it different? then he stops and waits for you to shoot yerself in the foot.
-- if you say no I wood do the same thing again, or
-- yes I wood have just turned around and come back again the next day
-- or How wood I know I'm not a mind reader
see how anyone of those wood pretty well put you into real bad territory.
You better have a real good defense lawyer or the prosecutor will work em over real bad.
Jel -- Hey if you could go back, wood you still try to run over the Indian?
Note: if you have talked to cops yourself without a lawyer present your in trouble already
When cop asks you to come in to talk,don't go, get lawyer to come with first
They record you and use all your ranting and raving and talk against you in court.

I would! There is NO way I will be held back at an Illegal road block.
Jell maybe you should read the thread and catch up. ;-)

05-26-2017, 04:55 PM
I dint read all 100 pages so yah did mr mg gee get convicted or not?
Clue us in
Jelz Bellz -- ask yourself iz this driving over somebody worth all the trouble? Can't turn around?
It's your Pride inside that will overtake you someday and POW!
-- Pride comes b4 a fall

05-26-2017, 04:56 PM
I dint read all 100 pages so yah did mr mg gee get convicted or not?
Clue us in
Jelz Bellz
Read the thread backwards ;-)

05-26-2017, 04:57 PM
Yes he got locked up and they threw away the key ;/)

05-26-2017, 05:01 PM
Spy don't flip out ok holy, I just asked.
Turn the table
If that were an Indian drivng and ran over you and yer buddy's, wood it be different for you?
Jel -- tell us how different it wood be in your mind --

05-26-2017, 05:06 PM
Spy don't flip out ok holy, I just asked.
Turn the table
If that were an Indian drivng and ran over you and yer buddy's, wood it be different for you?
Jel -- tell us how different it wood be in your mind --
Firstly you missed all the smileys I put in ;-) Second if I was illegally blocking the road too the liquor store I would expect to be run over & have the crap kicked out of me by all Canadians ;-)

05-26-2017, 05:09 PM
Spy I understand it is very frustrating and weary to see all these mixed laws and regulations and rights and wrongs and all the interactions going south fast.
Jel -- I see your point too Spy it's a two way street but hard to drive on together.

05-26-2017, 05:11 PM
Spy I understand it is very frustrating and weary to see all these mixed laws and regulations and rights and wrongs and all the interactions going south fast.
Jel -- I see your point too Spy it's a two way street but hard to drive on together.
No Jell it just takes respect and one side is seriously lacking.

05-26-2017, 05:13 PM
Anyway kick in a couple bucks as we are trying to support Micks family while he sits in jail. ;-)

05-26-2017, 06:35 PM
Jel, I respect the fact you are compassionate and a man of faith, but..........

Every person in this country is guaranteed the right to move freely within this nations borders.
No individual, organization, religion, culture or race has the right to deny this basic right.....IT IS ILLEGAL Jel

To simply accept this as "let's just try and get along and turn the other cheek" is, well, ridiculous.
There is a clear FN objective to keep testing the waters and pushing the boundaries of tolerance of breaking white man laws.
Where is the ceiling Jel?
I guarantee you one thing the ceiling is getting higher as we speak

If any group of people are allowed to deny every Canadian's right to move freely within our borders....
are allowed to intimidate and threaten Canadians with the ILLEGAL AND CRIMINAL USE OF FIREARMS
are allowed to shoot wildlife on private land with no regard for public safety
are allowed to set up blockades
the list goes on

Jel. I find your kind spirit to be supporting the FN objective of pushing the envelope to see what they can get away with in regards TO BREAKING THE LAWS THAT GOVERN THIS COUNTRY.

05-26-2017, 07:51 PM
Yes he got locked up and they threw away the key ;/)
Was Hogzotic seriously convicted and jailed?? God I hope not....

05-26-2017, 07:59 PM
Was Hogzotic seriously convicted and jailed?? God I hope not....
Can't believe you guys missed all the drama, like I said to Jelly read the thread backwards ;-)

05-26-2017, 08:00 PM
Ourea is right, and they need to stop breaking the law, and thinking they're above the law, and they need to be reprimanded for it, starting with us making it more public, IMO...

05-26-2017, 08:02 PM
Can't believe you guys missed all the drama, like I said to Jelly read the thread backwards ;-)
Pretty sure I read it all, I must have missed it somewhere, I'm busy with my 4 year old consistently and don't have a lot of time to read through, so please fill us in...

Bear Chaser
05-26-2017, 08:20 PM
Sarcasm Harry, sarcasm.
Sometimes Spys wit is lost on everyone but himself.

Bear Chaser
05-26-2017, 08:20 PM
The same for old Jellybean.

05-26-2017, 09:09 PM
It's ridiculous the Indians want their traditional rights. They should have to hunt with traditional equipment then. Horses with bow and arrow. Instead of a bunch of rowdy's shooting everything that moves out of the box of a pickup truck

05-26-2017, 09:10 PM
Or simply they should have to abide by the same rules we do , seeming how they want to be equals

05-26-2017, 09:10 PM
Sarcasm Harry, sarcasm.
Sometimes Spys wit is lost on everyone but himself.
Give me some credit ??? I got rid of Jelly, NO?

The Hermit
05-26-2017, 09:16 PM
Or simply they should have to abide by the same rules we do , seeming how they want to be equals

They want to be equal in all matters but with some special rights and no obligations.

05-26-2017, 09:28 PM
Youse guys are makin jelly jokes haha, well here's Roddy the Body to say something he's here helping me get in shape, this guy is in some kinda shape. Hey Roddy?
Hi members it's roddy and don't get worked up over Jel being a little down the middle on this here situation, he ain't on one side or the other, he wants to see some common ground for the two sides here. Jel's in good shape too don't let him fool you.
Ok Roddy thanks bro.
As you see it's a tricky situation with so many legal battles and many involved now.
According to APTN this is only the beginning and is gaining major support by the Women's Warrior's. These women are in Kamloops too and are well edja mick kated. Women actually are the strong ones in the Indian social structure. They are truly commited to better their family conditions like any other good mother does.
-- Hunter/ Warriors -- warriors 366 daze of the leap year and hunters about 3 months of the year.
-- so yah have it, look up movement on APTN under Pearl Heart. It will show you exactly whaat to expect in BC from now on. BC is the front runner in the operational aspect and the new procedures.
I can't or you can't do to much to change this but we can learn how to handle a situation if it occurs.
By reading these threads and learning who did things right and who did things wrong and what not to repeat.
Jelly ( Cage ) MMA Specialist -- Mike Tyson walked away, John Clod walked, Oconner walked away, the list goes on.

05-26-2017, 10:01 PM
They want to be equal in all matters but with some special rights and no obligations.
This is exactly how it is it seems...

Ride Red
05-27-2017, 06:52 AM
Why dint you just say, hey i'll turn around and go to another spot I like for now and avoid making a big deal out of this, I can come back next week and see?
This is what a prosecutor will ask you.
Then he will bait you into giving your self up. Like for example, he will ask some questions to show the judge how you dint do the right thing such as
-- If you could go back and do it over Mr. ----- wood you do it different? then he stops and waits for you to shoot yerself in the foot.
-- if you say no I wood do the same thing again, or
-- yes I wood have just turned around and come back again the next day
-- or How wood I know I'm not a mind reader
see how anyone of those wood pretty well put you into real bad territory.
You better have a real good defense lawyer or the prosecutor will work em over real bad.
Jel -- Hey if you could go back, wood you still try to run over the Indian?
Note: if you have talked to cops yourself without a lawyer present your in trouble already
When cop asks you to come in to talk,don't go, get lawyer to come with first
The reason he phoned you, not enuff to arrest you yet. Once you sqwak to him or her, charged.
They record you and use all your ranting and raving and talk against you in court.
Jelly Ironsides -- Book em danno -- I'd say you gotta 40 - 60 chance -- doesn't look good 4 u

This country belongs to all citizens, not just a select few.

05-27-2017, 08:27 AM
Ride then how will that happen, no one person can change it, it's so deep and entrenched already.
Besides saying the politicians are at fault what do you see needs to be done on a pragmatic realistic way that won't take forever and a day?
Jel -- we need facts and solutions not just blowing off steam and not actually coming up with a working solution. Feelings nothing more than feelings.
----- I personally don't see this going away and will have a plan when I come across a road block.

05-27-2017, 09:18 AM
For the scholars ...... dig into the Delgamuukw case/decision ...... the overview/shortened version will give you an understanding of the Tsilhqot'in/Williams decision.
The latter case virtually creates a 'country within a country' ......
The laws of British Columbia pertaining to FN/land issues are a grey area at present. The sad part is that those who are elected/appointed/contracted to uphold the existing laws are not doing their part to keep citizens safe.
On side note: ...... FN land claims/territories combined with the everlasting effects of the Dunsmuir/E&N Land Grant fiasco is effectively closing off the bush to the non-FN citizens of this province. This is happening fast .....

06-02-2017, 10:30 PM
No news from the RCMP yet

06-02-2017, 10:44 PM
For those who have not followed this thread, the charge of assault with a weapon has been dropped by the crown. The charge of uttering threats to burn is still active. However my lawyer is working on it. I may have to jump thru a few hoops to get rid of this charge, but I am also confident that this will be dealt with also. Have to keep it kinda close to the chest while this is happening but I hope to have news within about a month .
Thanks again to all who supported me.
Mick McKee

06-03-2017, 08:21 AM
Ride then how will that happen, no one person can change it, it's so deep and entrenched already.
Besides saying the politicians are at fault what do you see needs to be done on a pragmatic realistic way that won't take forever and a day?
Jel -- we need facts and solutions not just blowing off steam and not actually coming up with a working solution. Feelings nothing more than feelings.
----- I personally don't see this going away and will have a plan when I come across a road block.

What's your plan when you come across that roadblock Jel? I know it's only a matter of time before I run into one as well

06-03-2017, 10:15 AM
What's your plan when you come across that roadblock Jel? I know it's only a matter of time before I run into one as well

Don't feed the trolls

06-04-2017, 05:45 PM
Contact BCWF

06-04-2017, 05:52 PM

06-13-2017, 03:03 PM
Well..i can now report that all charges against me have been dropped!!! The second charge of uttering threats to burn was a little bit tricky. I did not knowingly utter a threat. I was trying to explain to the camera man the levels of force I could use to go thru this illegal road block. My lawyer, however, could not guarantee that I would be acquitted if it went to trial. He recommended I go by "alternative" measures. He had worked hard to convince crown to do this.
I have too much to lose to risk a conviction. If convicted it could affect my Private Investigators license, my bailiff license, my P.A.L and my ability to cross the US border. (I love riding my harley in the southern States)
I spoke to some close confidants who said it's a no brainer, too much to risk, take the "alternative measures" route. So I did. I met with a probation officer and we worked out a plan that I would do 5 hours of community service and the charge would be dropped. That's right...5 fricken hours!!! So I walked dogs at the animal shelter.
Charges are now gone!!! What a ****ing joke the system has become.
Now I will go on the offensive with my complaint against the RCMP and work to have the Native charged who blocked my truck.
Thanks to all who supported me and for the financial contributions that paid all of my lawyer bills to date.
Mick McKee

Stone Sheep Steve
06-13-2017, 03:11 PM
That's awesome news!!
Hjge congrats and good luck with the second half against the RCMP and the other guy.

06-13-2017, 03:31 PM
WOW! Somebody upstairs likes you brother, you can thank that lawyer --
I'm really glad for you and your win, makes me believe you did all things right.
Jel -- thanks for the great news Mick. -- :D -- one for the gipper!

06-13-2017, 03:31 PM
good news! congratulations.

06-13-2017, 03:36 PM
That's great news Mick, good luck on your next step! K

The Hermit
06-13-2017, 03:50 PM
AWESOME!!! Now GO GET THE GUYS THAT BLOCKED THE ROAD and get the RCMP working for all of us again! PROUD OF YOU MICK!! YOU ROCK!!

Ride Red
06-13-2017, 04:16 PM
Well..i can now report that all charges against me have been dropped!!! The second charge of uttering threats to burn was a little bit tricky. I did not knowingly utter a threat. I was trying to explain to the camera man the levels of force I could use to go thru this illegal road block. My lawyer, however, could not guarantee that I would be acquitted if it went to trial. He recommended I go by "alternative" measures. He had worked hard to convince crown to do this.
I have too much to lose to risk a conviction. If convicted it could affect my Private Investigators license, my bailiff license, my P.A.L and my ability to cross the US border. (I love riding my harley in the southern States)
I spoke to some close confidants who said it's a no brainer, too much to risk, take the "alternative measures" route. So I did. I met with a probation officer and we worked out a plan that I would do 5 hours of community service and the charge would be dropped. That's right...5 fricken hours!!! So I walked dogs at the animal shelter.
Charges are now gone!!! What a ****ing joke the system has become.
Now I will go on the offensive with my complaint against the RCMP and work to have the Native charged who blocked my truck.
Thanks to all who supported me and for the financial contributions that paid all of my lawyer bills to date.
Mick McKee

Awesome news Mick. Now for retribution!!!

06-13-2017, 05:19 PM
AWESOME!!! Now GO GET THE GUYS THAT BLOCKED THE ROAD and get the RCMP working for all of us again! PROUD OF YOU MICK!! YOU ROCK!!

This^^^... Go see your doctor, you've got PTSD...��


06-13-2017, 05:23 PM
AWESOME!!! Now GO GET THE GUYS THAT BLOCKED THE ROAD and get the RCMP working for all of us again! PROUD OF YOU MICK!! YOU ROCK!!

This^^^^.. Go see your docter, you've got PTSD;-)


06-13-2017, 08:22 PM
A trickle of faith in humanity has been restored. :-o

06-13-2017, 08:38 PM
Great for you...too bad the crown saved face and didn't have to take this issue to trial though. We need a win and getting a judge to call these blockades illegal would be a win for resident hunters.

06-13-2017, 09:03 PM
Good for you, and good luck getting the POS's (both types!) to answer for their actions and inactions, respectively.

06-13-2017, 09:22 PM
That's great news, you rock Mick! Thanks for standing up for all resident hunters..

06-14-2017, 11:53 AM
in case you didn't know, a conditional discharge, if that is what you got, (with community service or probation or just simply keeping the peace) will still be considered as pleading guilty to the US immigration....if they consider/catagorize the charge as a crime of moral turpitude they can bar you from entering the US even with a conditional discharge...I have not heard of the "alternative" measures you mentioned....can you forgo (skip) a guilty plea to have them applied?

06-14-2017, 12:02 PM
On a Conditional Discharge you still have a criminal record, even if you meet the conditions and complete it. You can apply for a pardon but even then it's on your record. " Your known to the cops."
-- going across border into the U.S could screw your chances of getting back out of the U.S.
-- Now you will be wondering every time you cross an international border, especially involving guns and violence.
Jel -- that's the reality of getting a conviction on your RCMP files -- they "KNOW you" Now!!

06-14-2017, 12:07 PM
Given his background in enforcement, I am pretty certain he would understand the point being made here:

in case you didn't know, a conditional discharge, if that is what you got, (with community service or probation or just simply keeping the peace) will still be considered as pleading guilty to the US immigration....if they consider/catagorize the charge as a crime of moral turpitude they can bar you from entering the US even with a conditional discharge...While I obviously cannot speak to the intrinsics of this particular case:
I have not heard of the "alternative" measures you mentioned....can you forgo (skip) a guilty plea to have them applied?

I can, from personal experience, suggest that entering into such an alternative arrangement can indeed be accomplished without having a guilty plea applied to your record. I ain't about to get into the specifics, but have had that exact experience in the past. Betting this is the case in this matter as well.

BTW - Way to go!! Did indeed bring a little faith back! :grin:
And Best of Luck in the next pursuit!


06-14-2017, 12:21 PM
It's called plea bargaining, the Prosecutor wants the worst and the clients lawyer wants him off scott frr. It won't happen, so they bargoon. Compromise and give a little to take a little then.
-- we drop this you plead to this bla bla bla. til the end here, as you see it's bargained away.
now -- the law ain't going to back down and be embarrassed because of a deal, that happens on every case. Indictable offences are serious and summary is less serious.
The court needs to move cases along for time, they out the most important first and bump the time slot for a weaker charge,
-- It's court time that's the priority -- so they make deals to get them done and gone,
Brooks and Done!
Jel -- Court time is valuable to the Feds and they kick yer ass along to get rid of you --

06-14-2017, 12:49 PM
I had a conditional discharge when I was 18 and only pleaded guilty as my lawyer told me it was best not to fight it even though I was uninvolved....after 27 years of crossing the border truthfully answering all their questions about it I was suddenly told I could no longer cross about 5 years ago....I can get a waiver for about 1000US for the first year and 600US every 5 years after that....I refuse to pay so obviously I have not been back to the Excited States of America since

06-14-2017, 12:59 PM
I had a conditional discharge when I was 18 and only pleaded guilty as my lawyer told me it was best not to fight it even though I was uninvolved....after 27 years of crossing the border truthfully answering all their questions about it I was suddenly told I could no longer cross about 5 years ago....I can get a waiver for about 1000US for the first year and 600US every 5 years after that....I refuse to pay so obviously I have not been back to the Excited States of America since

And they call it the justice system

06-14-2017, 01:14 PM
I had a conditional discharge when I was 18 and only pleaded guilty as my lawyer told me it was best not to fight it even though I was uninvolved....after 27 years of crossing the border truthfully answering all their questions about it I was suddenly told I could no longer cross about 5 years ago....I can get a waiver for about 1000US for the first year and 600US every 5 years after that....I refuse to pay so obviously I have not been back to the Excited States of America since

Hey WOT your not missing much, I live right on our southern border and loath going across, when I do it is never a better feeling to come back.

06-14-2017, 01:25 PM
Yes I pled not guilty. It was not a conditional discharge. The charge was stayed. Dropped...and shows that on the police computers.

06-14-2017, 08:23 PM
A stay means they don't go further with the charge. Can be part of a plea bargoon also.
-- Say you got a Indictable charge for a gun offence including a victim but no one hurt.
-- Uttering threats for what you said
-- then another charge along with it like ( common assault, cuz you pushed the victim also.
The lawyers for and against have so much court time to handle cases and they got lots piled up.
-- so they get together in the hall way and say look, let's get this out of the way the Judge is looking over his glasses.
So the prosecuter says, we drop the Indictable offence which carry's federal time over two years and you plead guilty to lesser charge of common assault. Or we go all the way.
-- Accused lawyer talks to client and says, this is the best deal your going to get, do you want to take it? I suggest you do donut ok! Ok.
Then back in court and do deal-- done!
Saves court time, lawyer time and moves the system along faster.
Jel -- Lawyers are important when going to court, no Judge wants an accused as his own lawyer.
He's got a fool for a client if he or she does.

06-14-2017, 08:37 PM
glad to hear hog.....i was with my wife and young child at the time and when i asked the young fellow why i was allowed to cross for 27 years fully explaining how i was picked up in a car full of guys with a couple cases of stolen booze in the trunk at 18, he looked around to see that no one was in earshot and said quietly..."you must have been dealing with customs officers"....puffed his chest out and exclaimed " i'm Immigration"...i was floored...and being more of a boy scout than a criminal i recoiled in pure shock of being labeled as having committed a "crime of moral terpitude.....as others have said, i dont miss it...my passpport lets me travel anywhere else in the world i want......a cop friend once told me to get it pardoned off my record but i said "no biggy it was discharged"..."i have no convictions".....not sure if it would have helped or not but if anyone else is in the same boat i would get it off your record if you can...cheers

06-14-2017, 09:11 PM
When you have a record or are known by the RCMP the cops in charge of files, puts your face on a card like photo with no smile, not allowed to smile on Federal anything photograffed.
-- your mug on file
-- some information on your past and what the cops have on you since whenever.
-- now
The RCMP's file record division can share information with other countries.
They work togedder to fight crime. Ahhhhhh. Then your name comes up by mistake or another person with the exact same name? What, on file three people with exact first, middle and last name.
-- now- finger prints are needed right and so on and so on
Your in the mix now, and secret, information about you is being shared with udderz.
Jel -- Inspector Cah Looo Sooo -- known to the under world of secret sharing ----------

06-15-2017, 07:25 AM
Very happy for you to hear it was stayed, but unfortunatly on the big scale, this means the court made no desicion at all ie no new precedent, and next year will be the same story for someone else.

06-15-2017, 04:47 PM
Well...i met with the RCMP today and discussed my complaint that the RCMP failed to do their job in keeping the road open and failing to charge the Native who blocked my truck. We will see how this complaint play out.

06-15-2017, 04:52 PM
To Wideopenthrottle-it was not a discharge!! I pled NOT GUILTY!!. The charges were dropped. There is no conviction. -no record of conviction. Crown laid the charges then pulled them. I am innocent!!

06-15-2017, 05:39 PM
Thank you for all you have done and stood up for ........ All resident hunters should be grateful to you.

thumbs up man!

06-15-2017, 05:48 PM
Good to hear you got off in this slanted system...my dollars are here for the defense of anyone else in a similar situation..

06-15-2017, 05:48 PM
I mentioned to the RCMP today that other hunters were turned away at the roadblock. One person contacted me and said he got turned away and then he went and complained to DEASE Lake RCMP who told him he was on his own if he went thru the blockade. I can't find the message. The RCMP want to talk to this person . If this message gets to that person can you contact me?
The Staff Sgt. Handling my complaint will be discussingthis matter with the District Officer in charge of the whole North, tomorrow.
I am asking for a commitment from the RCMP that they will keep the road open

06-15-2017, 05:49 PM
Thanks ElectricDyck

06-15-2017, 06:00 PM
Thanks Mick!

Keep up the good work!

06-16-2017, 10:18 PM
good to hear...best possible outcome for you ...for your record anyway..

06-16-2017, 10:39 PM
I mentioned to the RCMP today that other hunters were turned away at the roadblock. One person contacted me and said he got turned away and then he went and complained to DEASE Lake RCMP who told him he was on his own if he went thru the blockade. I can't find the message. The RCMP want to talk to this person . If this message gets to that person can you contact me?
The Staff Sgt. Handling my complaint will be discussingthis matter with the District Officer in charge of the whole North, tomorrow.
I am asking for a commitment from the RCMP that they will keep the road open

YEA ! Good LUCK with that idea ! :frown: RJ

Kid Hunter
06-26-2017, 07:04 PM
Any updates as to the RCMP complaint? Just read through this from yesterday evening and today after work. What a gongshow you've been through. I admire your persistence and desire to do the right thing, not only for yourself but for all resident hunters of BC.

06-27-2017, 11:49 AM
No updates from the RCMP yet. Called the S/Sgt yesterday and asked for an update as I'm looking for a commitment for them to keep the road open prior to September.

06-27-2017, 06:10 PM
What are the blockade coordinates? Approximate is fine.

06-30-2017, 06:41 PM
Don't know the coordinates but it is close to the Tatooga lodge on the Ealue lake road.

06-30-2017, 07:51 PM
No updates from the RCMP yet. Called the S/Sgt yesterday and asked for an update as I'm looking for a commitment for them to keep the road open prior to September.

You'll probably have to go to the media if you want to get results fast....get it on TV, they don't like that kind of advertising.

07-03-2017, 07:40 PM
No updates from the RCMP yet. Called the S/Sgt yesterday and asked for an update as I'm looking for a commitment for them to keep the road open prior to September.

Wouldnt worry about needing the RCMP io keep the road open this fall......because mother nature has closed it. Washed out very severally. Not passable by vehicle and even will be sketchy with a quad.

07-04-2017, 05:11 PM
A little late but props for standing up for yourself. I read through some of the Facebook comments on the video, what the f**k. I am very impressed you kept your cool, I would've been absolutely livid if someone did that to me. Did you get any hate messages? Besides the ones on Facebook? It amazes me how people with absolutely no idea what they are talking about will rant and b*tch about someone's lawful decision. Someone in the comments said 'they come to hunt our traditional food just for the trophy, and leave the rest' .... it amazes me. Some people are so thick. Good for you, I am sure everyone on the forum backs you 100%. If it was on there reservation, different story, however hunting on crown land with everything legal is exactly that.

limit time
07-04-2017, 05:35 PM
Wouldnt worry about needing the RCMP io keep the road open this fall......because mother nature has closed it. Washed out very severally. Not passable by vehicle and even will be sketchy with a quad.

Do you have pics to prove this ?

07-05-2017, 02:30 PM
Do you have pics to prove this ?

I have personally seen and walked it, as well as flownover it with a helicopter. The other guy I was with does have pictures. It is at 29km.

07-05-2017, 03:02 PM
Well when it washed out before the bridge in 2008 one would think it was impassable with a quad. But we saw guys make it through.

07-05-2017, 04:46 PM
Are people allowed to go around a blockade, or is that impossible/illegal?

"No Choke"Lord Walsingham
07-05-2017, 07:21 PM
When you have a record or are known by the RCMP the cops in charge of files, puts your face on a card like photo with no smile, not allowed to smile on Federal anything photograffed.
-- your mug on file
-- some information on your past and what the cops have on you since whenever.
-- now
The RCMP's file record division can share information with other countries.
They work togedder to fight crime. Ahhhhhh. Then your name comes up by mistake or another person with the exact same name? What, on file three people with exact first, middle and last name.
-- now- finger prints are needed right and so on and so on
Your in the mix now, and secret, information about you is being shared with udderz.
Jel -- Inspector Cah Looo Sooo -- known to the under world of secret sharing ----------

Everyone with a PAL is in this same boat, this is what a PAL is and does to you. This here is a socialist police state and there is no justice or freedom.

Good luck and sorry 'bout your damn luck there, I know how annoying it is to be wrongfully accused of nonsense and dragged through a process-is-the-punishment gestapo-esque injustice system. RC - Leave us alone! We want freedom and to be allowed to go and live (and Hunt) with true balls and spirit, harassment free!

Repeal C-68, repeal the Indian Act!

"No Choke"Lord Walsingham
07-05-2017, 07:24 PM
To Wideopenthrottle-it was not a discharge!! I pled NOT GUILTY!!. The charges were dropped. There is no conviction. -no record of conviction. Crown laid the charges then pulled them. I am innocent!!

Here, here! Unfortunately for those of us who have had a stay issued in the past, the proceeding may now be considered Legally to have never been commenced. This is so 6 months after the date of the alleged offense if Crown Council proceeded Summarily or one year after the issuance of a stay of proceeding if the alleged offense was indictable. If the latter and you have time - Launch your civil suit now for wrongful prosecution if and when you still can!

"No Choke"Lord Walsingham
07-05-2017, 07:32 PM
Are people allowed to go around a blockade, or is that impossible/illegal?

No, if the closure is legal. Yes if it is an illegal blockade as encountered by Hogzotic.

07-15-2017, 12:45 PM
Is the Ealue lake road washed out? I have a buddy who will be heading up there prior to hunting season to check it out .

07-15-2017, 12:47 PM
As far as I'm concerned I will use whatever force is REASONABLY NECESSARY to proceed thru an illegal roadblock!!

07-15-2017, 04:20 PM
As far as I'm concerned I will use whatever force is REASONABLY NECESSARY to proceed thru an illegal roadblock!!

Admirable i plan to do the same if the need arises cheers to you Hogzotic

07-15-2017, 04:41 PM
As far as I'm concerned I will use whatever force is REASONABLY NECESSARY to proceed thru an illegal roadblock!!

At a Boy don't back down from those phuckers ! ;-) RJ

07-16-2017, 03:55 AM
The governments at all levels have proven to be politically correct cowards.
Rather than enforce the law fairly and impartially they will appease the FN.
It's a situation of give an inch and wind up surrendering a mile.
It's got to stop.
The sooner the better.

07-16-2017, 03:58 AM
Sounds like bullshit charges. If it was assault with a weapon I think you'd be looking for bail money instead.

Hopefully you can come out ahead.

I think the 'weapon' referred to was the truck.
That's definitely a stretch.

07-16-2017, 10:11 AM
I think the 'weapon' referred to was the truck.
That's definitely a stretch.

Not necessarily!
Assault with a weapon charge can apply to anyone that willfully runs or tries to run over someone using a vehicle.

Example-charged with two counts of assault with a weapon...


07-16-2017, 10:13 AM
No, if the closure is legal. Yes if it is an illegal blockade as encountered by Hogzotic.

Unless there are a whole bunch of peeved off Indians there instead of one.
And you know what side the government and cops are going to back.
Just like Caledonia, Ontario.

07-16-2017, 11:10 AM
The older Indians might be respectful of the resource but I've seen young Indians standing in the backs of pickups and shooting everything that moves more than once...they're the reason the moose populations have dropped. This is a free country and everyone should be able to access it...throw those illegally blockading criminals in jail!

07-16-2017, 02:02 PM
The older Indians might be respectful of the resource but I've seen young Indians standing in the backs of pickups and shooting everything that moves more than once...they're the reason the moose populations have dropped. This is a free country and everyone should be able to access it...throw those illegally blockading criminals in jail!

That would take politicians, governments & LEAs with a lot more backbone & b*ll$ than what we have now.
The indians are just laughing at us.
The politicians will shamelessly go right down on their hands and knees to appease the indians.
I was at Caledonia and it was truly shameful what went down there.
The rule of law abandoned because of 'political correctness' which is just slang for cowardice.

07-16-2017, 11:36 PM
With the NDP now, they work closer with Indians then any other party, the greens are second and they love First Nations too.
With the Libs you could consult and deal and wheel with all the users, butnow?
We, all Indians and non Indians will see the NDP work on all issues including Indians.
The NDP respect Indians as First Nations and will honor the agreements made from now on, including the ones already being followed.
Some how the NDP snuck in thru the back door and now are taken the floor.
Jel -- this change in leaders of BC and party's will change the way wild life and unions are looked at.

07-17-2017, 07:32 AM
Hunters vote also!!! With respect to the charge of assault with a weapon charge, it was my truck that crown was saying was the weapon. When I asked my lawyer how the RCMP got charge approval for that, I was told by my lawyer that there was a very junior crown that gave charge approval. When challenged by my lawyer, that charge was quickly dropped!!
I think hunters need to coordinate with each other when they know they may run into an illegal roadblock. Travel together so you have the necessary manpower to deal with it. Take the time to call the RCMP to see if they will do their job and if they don't then just go thru. I'm not promoting the use of violence, I'm suggesting not putting up with native bullshit.

07-17-2017, 07:50 AM
With the NDP now, they work closer with Indians then any other party, the greens are second and they love First Nations too.
With the Libs you could consult and deal and wheel with all the users, butnow?
We, all Indians and non Indians will see the NDP work on all issues including Indians.
The NDP respect Indians as First Nations and will honor the agreements made from now on, including the ones already being followed.
Some how the NDP snuck in thru the back door and now are taken the floor.
Jel -- this change in leaders of BC and party's will change the way wild life and unions are looked at.
Jelly cut back on your med's ..........

07-17-2017, 08:18 AM
=-/--> Sorry 358, I lost it for a moment, you could be right lol, I just can't see me driving around a corner of a narrow part of the back road and there it is, Whoomp thar it iz.
-- A road blocked by local Indians, a truck and a tree across the narrow road no way around even for a snake.
- So I'm supposed to phone the RCMP and tell them so they can hurry up there to get these guys and gals off the road block so I can catch the evening hunt?
-- Then if the Cops don't show up after I tell them too then ok, it's all up to me now?
So then what get out of my truck and start arguing? I'd have to be wanting an altercation then.
These guys and gals have Cell phones too maybe?
-- All I'm trying to say is think a bit, is it worth it for you or I and a buddy to mix it up with local Indians in the back roads? What would we get out of that? Who and when is the shit going to hit the fan, cuz it will just like this thread has shown the potential results of contentious back road blockades.
Jel -- I'm not afraid to mix it up in a street fight in town with some wanna be tuff guy but I ain't going to prove how tuff I am at a wilderness roadblock. You can do as you want and will but my choice would be to act friendly to them, talk a bit, share a coffee or drink, listen to their concern, who knows they might say hey man we don't usually do this, but your going thru redneck.

07-17-2017, 09:02 AM
Jelvis-i did all that...i chatted...negotiated and even tried to barter. All with no success.

07-17-2017, 03:21 PM
Mick next time you are going to go through a road block i would be very happy to come with you and bring many other concerned citizens with me (real tax paying people not free loaders that only take and contibute nothing). Its about time we all get our balls back and make ourselfs heard and end this BULL SHIT !!!!!!!!!!

07-17-2017, 04:31 PM
Good luck with that ball regrowing initiative.
Don't hold your breath.

07-17-2017, 04:35 PM
Jelly cut back on your med's ..........

And/or cork the 26er.

09-22-2017, 12:32 PM
I'm up at Tatooga lodge heading to the Yukon Border and I am advised that the natives are not blocking the road due to the washout at 28 kl. Hunters here say they talked to a CO who says the washout is passable with a quad!!

10-11-2017, 09:16 AM
what happened to this matter,,,,,if any?

05-18-2018, 08:09 PM
How goes it Mick?

Hope all is well.....

05-18-2018, 08:20 PM
what happened to this matter,,,,,if any?

Yea Mick whats going on ? RJ

05-19-2018, 03:42 PM
All of the charges were dropped ( post 338 )

05-21-2018, 01:34 AM
Great news...thanx about info Mick.....that gives as hope about beliving right things has still some room.;)

05-21-2018, 09:42 AM
So, there is an new blockade apparently...

This from Kelly on FB:

First Nations have a road block on the Leo Creek rd in Ft St James. I have called, band office, have been directed to 7 different phone numbers. Called all, either they know nothing of who is and isn't being allowed through or know nothing. I contacted their RCMP-Constable said "We are aware of the blockade but are not currently getting involved and expect you to follow the direction given at the blockade. I am pissed off because nobody has a clear understanding as to who they are blockading. And I need access. Anyone on here from the area and aware of what is going on and have any info with this blockade?

05-22-2018, 03:38 PM
Follow direction from whom??

05-22-2018, 05:16 PM
I wish I was retired, could get a bunch of buddies together to set up a blockade of our own, unfortunately I have to go to work,don’t think the boss would give me time off to live in the woods

05-22-2018, 05:36 PM
So, there is an new blockade apparently...

This from Kelly on FB:

First Nations have a road block on the Leo Creek rd in Ft St James. I have called, band office, have been directed to 7 different phone numbers. Called all, either they know nothing of who is and isn't being allowed through or know nothing. I contacted their RCMP-Constable said "We are aware of the blockade but are not currently getting involved and expect you to follow the direction given at the blockade. I am pissed off because nobody has a clear understanding as to who they are blockading. And I need access. Anyone on here from the area and aware of what is going on and have any info with this blockade?

If a dime of tax payer money is spent to build or maintain this road, these people should enjoy a mouthful of tear gas, and some cuffs bring slapped on their arrogant asses.

Wild one
05-22-2018, 06:42 PM
If a dime of tax payer money is spent to build or maintain this road, these people should enjoy a mouthful of tear gas, and some cuffs bring slapped on their arrogant asses.

Yes but this is BC instead they will be brought Timmies coffee and donuts. Well the RCMP tells everyone to turn around and respect the blockade

05-22-2018, 07:52 PM
Has anyone actually gotten an answer as to why we have to obey the blockade? I have emailed and called a few times asking what part of Canadian legal code allows them to block a public road, often while armed, and have never revieved a reply.

05-22-2018, 07:55 PM
From the RCMP ! I contacted their RCMP-Constable said "We are aware of the blockade but are not currently getting involved and expect you to follow the direction given at the blockade.

The RCMP again ! passing the Buck because of Political Indian pressure ! :twisted: RJ

05-22-2018, 08:48 PM
Has anyone actually gotten an answer as to why we have to obey the blockade? I have emailed and called a few times asking what part of Canadian legal code allows them to block a public road, often while armed, and have never revieved a reply.
Absolutely disgusting......how can they just look the other way on this....how can we exploit them on social media??? Lots of people should be made aware that they are getting away with an illegal blockade..

05-22-2018, 08:51 PM
From the RCMP ! I contacted their RCMP-Constable said "We are aware of the blockade but are not currently getting involved and expect you to follow the direction given at the blockade.

The RCMP again ! passing the Buck because of Political Indian pressure ! :twisted: RJ
Well that's just balllless isn't it.....

05-22-2018, 09:03 PM
Forget saving up for an older Samurai to go hunting.

I'm going to get me a D9...

05-22-2018, 09:37 PM
Forget saving up for an older Samurai to go hunting.

I'm going to get me a D9...

05-22-2018, 09:46 PM
Anyone have a running list of roads that are FN blockaded that might not be common knowledge? Are there many or do some roads get hit periodically/on a rotating basis?

05-23-2018, 09:48 AM

Armored bulldozer = D9

05-24-2018, 08:30 PM

To PLOW any Illegal Native roadblocks out of the Way ! 8) RJ

05-24-2018, 08:44 PM
Hmm RCMP..open arms welcoming illegal imigrants accross a break in a fence between USA and Canada instead of protecting kur boarder..and now directing taxpayers to listen to indians illegally blocking a road..disgusting.

05-24-2018, 08:58 PM
Well, I am sure we have some elected officials that will issue a grand apology on the matter and write a check using your tax dollars. Sure it will fix everything

05-27-2018, 08:27 PM
I’ll weigh in here. The law on blockades is complicated. In essence there is no law for the RCMP to enforce. Rather someone has to go to court to prove they are being inconvenienced. If it’s legit they can get an injunction. The injunction requires the blockades to let you through. If they don’t then you have to get an enforcement order. If there is an enforcement order the RCMP will (often reluctantly) enforce it.

In these situations it’s usually a company who can’t get past a blockade who gets an injunction.

Blockades come and go every year. Eventually they come down.

06-05-2018, 12:06 PM
Not sure if eveyone noticed but the Klappan is now totally LEH for moose. Looks like some got their way.

06-05-2018, 01:17 PM
Equal law for everyone if it's everyone and all thngs, such as? Just one thing for an example, I can give you many more if you need them.
1. wearing a motor cycle helmet
2. wearing a pedal bike helmet
What happened here?
Jel -- not a west Indian ok put it that way -- so did you refuse to wear a helmet then when it happened? Do you wear a helmet now if your non East Indian?
-----------See how your thinking? Or no? Can you even imagine how this is kinda similar?
---Cops go by a legal complaint first, a signed one by you, b4 doing anything, they need the name of the person your complaining against, how woody they know if you dint tell them? That's why lawyers get involved, you and these Indians. Feds against Province, criminal code must be determined as to proper charge first. What' happened did they shove you etc? Did they threaten you? Then, they turn the focus, did you threaten them? Did you touch then in any way? etc
- Long court case and really expensive for the Feds and Province for just one signed complaint. That's why the cops are hoping you take a hint and try to get along.
--A federal prosecutor tells these cops stuff you and I won't here.

06-05-2018, 02:18 PM
a) Native roadblock on a public road.
b) Hells Angels roadblock on a public road.

a) Negotiate, placate ....
b) ?

06-05-2018, 02:47 PM
Equal law for everyone if it's everyone and all thngs, such as? Just one thing for an example, I can give you many more if you need them.
1. wearing a motor cycle helmet
2. wearing a pedal bike helmet
What happened here?
Jel -- not a west Indian ok put it that way -- so did you refuse to wear a helmet then when it happened? Do you wear a helmet now if your non East Indian?
-----------See how your thinking? Or no? Can you even imagine how this is kinda similar?
---Cops go by a legal complaint first, a signed one by you, b4 doing anything, they need the name of the person your complaining against, how woody they know if you dint tell them? That's why lawyers get involved, you and these Indians. Feds against Province, criminal code must be determined as to proper charge first. What' happened did they shove you etc? Did they threaten you? Then, they turn the focus, did you threaten them? Did you touch then in any way? etc
- Long court case and really expensive for the Feds and Province for just one signed complaint. That's why the cops are hoping you take a hint and try to get along.
--A federal prosecutor tells these cops stuff you and I won't here.

Disparity in helmet laws have nothing to do with ethnicity, its religion. The disparity in the laws and particularly selective enforcement in BC and Canada are all about race, and that is racism.

06-05-2018, 03:53 PM
I’ll weigh in here. The law on blockades is complicated. In essence there is no law for the RCMP to enforce. Rather someone has to go to court to prove they are being inconvenienced. If it’s legit they can get an injunction. The injunction requires the blockades to let you through. If they don’t then you have to get an enforcement order. If there is an enforcement order the RCMP will (often reluctantly) enforce it.

In these situations it’s usually a company who can’t get past a blockade who gets an injunction.

Blockades come and go every year. Eventually they come down.

This made me laugh out loud.
Round up a group of 20 of your white buddies and go make a roadblock on a main fsr.
Watch how fast the RCMP show up to enforce the non existing laws you speak of.

06-05-2018, 04:40 PM
=-//--------------------------------> - Crown land or private ? - makes a difference! Crown land is owned by Canada not BC! - <----------------------------------//-=
You don't know that and that is a basic well known fact and law.
There's lots of things you have no idea about what makes the federal prosecutor do what they choose to do not you or me.
--- The Feds told the prosecutor in Kamloops not to charge a Status Indian for anything to do with hunting against the BC Hunting regs. Only firearms infractions against the Feds Firearms laws against them.
Jel -- you can disagree with the Crown many do but won't change nuttin -- I talked to the guy myself so I know what he told me.

06-05-2018, 04:54 PM
Try giving a Jewish inmate a pork chop in a Federal prison and see what happens? They have to give an alternative to the inmate because he or she is different?
-- Can you imagine?
Whoa and we're all the same! If your not a Jew, you just eat the porky chop or stfu.
Jel -- Clear enuff or you just refuse to understand or accept the thought that somethings can't be equal, never will --

06-05-2018, 06:25 PM
Interfering with a legal hunt is the law that is being broke.

06-05-2018, 06:58 PM
So people blocking the Trans Mountain in Burnaby should be all fined and charged then? Why isn't it most are non Indians?
Ever thunk of dat? Or not quite?
Jel -- sometimes interfering is done, all up and down, and all across BC, by all people, and all groups, so your isolating one out of all the others and that's what you can't or refuse to accept/ or just don't care? Or all of thee above! Plus this is a criminal case also. Includes a crime.

06-05-2018, 08:00 PM
So people blocking the Trans Mountain in Burnaby should be all fined and charged then? Why isn't it most are non Indians?
Ever thunk of dat? Or not quite?
Jel -- sometimes interfering is done, all up and down and all across BC, by all people, and groups, so your isolating and that's what you can't or refuse to accept/ or just don't care?

What's your point ?

06-05-2018, 08:14 PM
My point! If it's going to be done equally against the Indians by charging them, the same as everyone else, for all things. Then charge all the white guys too and also as well.
Can't uphold laws if you don't enforce them, the majority of voters are non Indians in BC, most voters are whites or Asian etc.
-- So the whites are given promises for the next election by the polly tish inns.
Polly tish shins don't want to appear biased or showing favor to a group openly on tv so give back room talks n stuff.
Jel --

06-05-2018, 08:25 PM
The reality remains that Mr. Mckee was only looking to access a hunting area that he was legally allowed to. When he proceeded to enter this area, he was subjected to intimidation and harassment by people that had no legal right to do so.

The fact that he was subsequently charged, while the actions of others involved in this event were either ignored or dismissed, is abhorrent and beyond discraceful.

What a messed up world we are entering...

Wild one
06-05-2018, 08:34 PM
So people blocking the Trans Mountain in Burnaby should be all fined and charged then? Why isn't it most are non Indians?
Ever thunk of dat? Or not quite?
Jel -- sometimes interfering is done, all up and down, and all across BC, by all people, and all groups, so your isolating one out of all the others and that's what you can't or refuse to accept/ or just don't care? Or all of thee above! Plus this is a criminal case also. Includes a crime.

All for them being charged and fined. A lot of people share my views as well

Personally race is not the issue it’s ones actions that are

06-05-2018, 08:55 PM
If you owned the Timber Company that built that road and had to consult with those members from that particular band for timber rights and road building and cutting permission with the Feds on Crown Land now, would you back this guy against the Indians in his court case?
This is thee pre dicky mint their in and any Non Statty Puss against this band and all it's members, not just two.
Jello Hello -- If your a local and are not Status I wouldn't get too involved - give it time -- Sometimes avoiding a sit you Mick kation can be the right thing to do

06-05-2018, 09:07 PM
I will back, and stand beside, the Mick Mckee's of the world every and any damn day of the week.

06-05-2018, 09:12 PM
scout1tl you wood butt you don't live there or work there, or own the Timber Co and your not a Cop or a Game Warden either or you'd be fired!
Easy to say butt totally harder to uphold, unless your there and want a criminal record?
Jel -- Donny says,? Your fired!

06-05-2018, 09:13 PM
The reality remains that Mr. Mckee was only looking to access a hunting area that he was legally allowed to. When he proceeded to enter this area, he was subjected to intimidation and harassment by people that had no legal right to do so.

The fact that he was subsequently charged, while the actions of others involved in this event were either ignored or dismissed, is abhorrent and beyond disgraceful.

Jelvis ...... scoutlt1 has stated the basis of this illegal act on the Klappan Rd.
Asking you now .... what should have Mr. McKee have done to fulfill his wish to lawfully travel on a tax-payer funded public road ?
Please ..... no gobbledy-gook.
Thank you.

06-05-2018, 09:18 PM
Who built the road? Logging Co or BC Government first of all?
Jel --

06-05-2018, 10:30 PM
^^^^Irrelevant......public land is public land.

06-05-2018, 11:05 PM
^^^^^exactly.....Jel, your always wanting to back First Nations, which is fine, except when they're wrong, wake up man, they should not be exempt from the law, no one should..race or ethnic background should not deter people from abiding by the law...do you have another agenda??

06-06-2018, 07:46 AM
A few lyrics to think about Jel....you like lyrics. No mention of road blocks, injunctions, litigation....maybe time for a rewrite.

Travellers - 1955
This land is your land, This land is my land,
From Bonavista, to Vancouver Island
From the Arctic Circle to the Great Lakes waters,
This land was made for you and me.

As I went walking that ribbon of highway,
I saw above me that endless skyway;
I saw below me that golden valley
This land was made for you and me.

I roamed and I rambled and I followed my footsteps,
To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts;
While all around me a voice was sounding,
Saying this land was made for you and me.

The sun came shining, and I was strolling,
And the wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling;
As the fog was lifting, a voice was chanting,
This land was made for you and me.

This land is your land, this land is my land,
From Bonavista to Vancouver Island;
From the Arctic Circle to the Great Lakes waters,
This land was made for you and me.

06-06-2018, 08:43 AM
Exactly fellas I understand where your coming from, deep inside I feel the pride and self respect. Nothing wrong with standing up for a right if you do it with out hurting someone else or thyself. Enough people being hurt in the Middle east and don't need it here.
Think of it in your imagination for a moment, if your son and daughter were out hunting and came across a complete road block, what wood you tell them to do?
Also in Kamloops up the west side of the North Thompson a road was blocked completely and no one can get by Jay My Son Creek. Was open for fifty years, loggers built it and then blocked completely, so hunters go around a different way, that's all.
Can't charge the blocker it was a landslide haha, go around anudder vay ok
Jel -- where there's a will there is a vayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

06-06-2018, 09:25 AM
Jelvis ..... you didn't answer my direct question to you ..... post #443.

Will ask again: "what should have Mr. McKee have done to fulfill his wish to travel on a tax-payer funded public road ?"

06-06-2018, 10:15 AM
Jelvis ..... you didn't answer my direct question to you ..... post #443.

Will ask again: "what should have Mr. McKee have done to fulfill his wish to travel on a tax-payer funded public road ?"
There is no sense in engaging him because, there is no sense. I believe he's has obtained his "show me the money" status card so he is tickled and more so when you give him the time of day.

06-06-2018, 10:25 AM
Personally I was not there so don't know what happened exactly to get up to this point.
--- If I had to figure it out --------------- What should McKee have done to fulfill his wish to travel? I guess something different then he tried.
He tried but couldn't make it, so not much else to do, unless you got lots of mental, emotional and physical energy to burn on a road and don't care what happens.
-- He could have tried to be real nice when he got there, maybe they would have let em thru, who knows, yah gotta be there to be square.
Jelly ( Smelly ) Belly No hoe ho rock nooooo dis iz rock n eye c whadz happenin no noooooooo hold it

06-06-2018, 11:11 AM
My name is Mick McKee and on September 24, 2016, I was on my way to go moose hunting at the Klappan River, near Dease lake in Northern B.C., when I ran into an illegal road block on the Ealue lake road, manned by natives of the Tahltan Nation. I tried to negotiate my way thru the road block with no success. I then began dismantling the road block and used my chain saw to buck up the logs blocking the road. I then tried to drive around the road block , towing my 20' trailer and one of the natives moved in front of my truck, trying further to stop me. I continued to drive very slowly giving him time to move out of the way, and then I was able to continue on my way to the Klappan River. On October 4, 2016, the honourable Mr. Justice Macintosh issued an injunction and ordered the Police to remove the road block, citing the persons manning the road block were committing acts of Mischief and intimidation. No one manning the illegal road block has been charged with any offenses.

I have since been charged with "assault with a weapon " and "uttering threats to burn". I have to appear in Terrace Provincial court on March 7, 2017 to fix a date for trial. I expect the trial to go ahead in August 2017. I believe this case can have far reaching effects on resident B.C. hunters in the future and I am asking for help to fund my defense against what I view is a politically motivated prosecution.

I initially tried to set up a "go fund me" account, however it was shut down shortly after it went operational as "Gofundme" cannot be involved in raising money associated to criminal activities.
If you can donate to my defense, please forward an e=transfer to my email, hd09hogrider@gmail.com. I also have a web page at kermodeinvestigations.ca

Mick McKee

Here is a link of the video showing the confrontation. https://www.facebook.com/klabonakeepers/videos/1301072163244836/

I suggest Jelvis reads this before he gives anymore dumb answers! K

06-06-2018, 11:20 AM
-- I can't help yah I'm broke too so udder den dat your on your own and you do whad you want and hopefully we're all safe and healthy.
Jel -- Bye for now --

06-06-2018, 01:11 PM
He could have tried to be real nice when he got there, maybe they would have let em thru, who knows, yah gotta be there to be square.

Nobody should appease some racist assholes who have no right to impede your travel on the off chance they'll graciously allow you passage. Respect is earned not given, a lesson lot of people missed apparently.
One day they're gonna block the wrong person and tempers will flare, someone will feel their life is actually in danger (not just clinging to the hood of an idling truck) and its going to end badly, its inevitable.

EDIT: Not encouraging violence but I feel that if stuff like this continues it will eventually happen somewhere.

06-06-2018, 07:58 PM
Don't know why you guys even try to converse with him.....he has never made any sense, best thing to do is block him

Maybe he should have been the Riddler in a Batman movie......makes as much sense....



06-06-2018, 08:31 PM
Nobody should appease some racist assholes who have no right to impede your travel on the off chance they'll graciously allow you passage. Respect is earned not given, a lesson lot of people missed apparently.

One day they're gonna block the wrong person and tempers will flare, someone will feel their life is actually in danger (not just clinging to the hood of an idling truck) and its going to end badly, its inevitable.

I tend to agree with you!

digger dogger
06-07-2018, 07:15 AM
Don't know why you guys even try to converse with him.....he has never made any sense, best thing to do is block him

Maybe he should have been the Riddler in a Batman movie......makes as much sense....



Yup, George plays both sides, (and is a shit disturber)but I think we've figured out where his true self resides.
He hasn't had his feelings hurt lately, he's still here.

06-07-2018, 07:24 AM
I suggest Jelvis reads this before he gives anymore dumb answers! K

Come on Kenny YOU know that's never gonna happen ! :shock: :razz: lol RJ

06-12-2018, 05:01 PM
"common sense "

That's a rare commodity and will soon disappear.